
Drama Avoidance Quotes

There are 189 quotes

"Avoid drama like the plague. Drama is a waste of time, a waste of energy."
"Avoid drama. Drama is a social conflict...the one through line that connects all possible drama sources at the table is that the reasons behind it are always social in nature."
"You can't change others; they're stuck, but you can grow, learn life skills, and become free of the drama."
"This person likes relationships that aren't complicated, that don't provoke a lot of drama, that don't attract a lot of unwanted attention, and that won't cause a lot of gossip."
"I've never issued a statement because I feel like if I stoop to the level of talking about drama, then I'm no better than the drama itself."
"One of my favorite sayings is 'I love drama with my clothes, not in my life.'"
"I try to stay away from drama. That stuff ain't for me."
"If you want to have a drama-free life, you simply don't tolerate people that behave in a toxic manner."
"You can do without drama, conflict, backbiting, complaining. You can do without a lot of [expletive]."
"I don't enjoy drama. I hope you all realize that I hope you can not just listen to what I'm saying now, but watch my behavior over the last 11 years."
"I don't like drama I don't like negativity bad vibes out good vibes in."
"A non-offensive bot is good for revenue and avoids drama."
"Dion being gay wasn't a huge coming out moment or a point of drama, it was just a fact about him."
"Stay away from the drama and focus on what brings you joy."
"If she's not chasing drama or constantly on her phone, that's a good thing."
"I don't need drama to stand out. I don't need to start something with anyone to get my name out there. It's not me."
"Take some time away from the drama and just really make your own personal connection with source creator."
"Withdraw from the drama of others, have patience with yourself and those around you. Remaining optimistic about what else can happen in your life."
"I think that feminine women we naturally just don't really get caught up in drama."
"They're avoiding any drama possibly, or they're just trying to avoid gossip or rumors."
"Honestly, this is someone that just wants peace right now. They feel like entertaining this is just gonna cause drama..."
"Love does not have to be that difficult and dramatic."
"This video is not intended at all to cause any YouTuber drama or anything like that."
"You're just not wasting your time on people filled with drama here."
"Being able to just be a Philadelphia Eagle probably means something to him where he might just not cause any drama."
"I hate drama like this, I don't think it's worth it."
"Avoid people who bring drama into your life. Honestly, this is turning into a money reading more than a love reading."
"Everything doesn't have to be drama. Just have some healthy communication."
"I have extremely low tolerance for drama and nonsense."
"They like that you hold your head high and above drama, and you're just on another plane which of existence is really nice to them."
"This situation was nothing but Drama. So your best bet is to not play into it."
"There's a massive lack of drama, and I really love that about the Japanese virtual YouTuber community."
"Life is too short to have any kind of drama. Save the drama for your mama."
"Let's respond with Solutions not getting caught up in the drama."
"I usually don't like to make videos that could be construed as being drama-centric. That's not the point of this channel, that's not what I'm here for."
"Some of you, they're tired of drama, so they refuse to play into any more of your drama."
"Drama as a content creator: if it's about you, you always avoid it."
"Let's kill the conversation, let's kill the fake drama."
"I said, 'This is nothing personal, I'm not gonna talk.' They want like drama, they want conspiracies and I was just like, 'You [] [] dude.'"
"Stay away from drama, just be kind to one another."
"Someone's moving forward though, regaining something here when they get away from the drama."
"Reflect and avoid drama. It's really hard to work on your well-being when drama surrounds you."
"I would never cause drama with indie developers, how dare you?"
"I don't deal with drama in my life and I'm not going to compromise that and my inner peace just for someone who doesn't respect me."
"Men don't like confrontation; we don't like drama. We can deal with confident, real men can deal with confrontation, but we don't want drama."
"Relationships should not be dramatic. Relationships should always be fireworks and relationships should not make you feel unsettled. There's something to be said for comfort, companionship, and kindness."
"I really felt this kind of nervousness and tension kind of building... I'm glad it doesn't go to the obvious drama points it could do."
"You're freeing yourself from whatever drama or chaos."
"We can't keep dealing with this drama, we can't keep dealing with the negativity." - Nikki Haley
"A minimal threshold for drama in December; easily walking away from situations that don't make you feel comfy."
"I don't witch hunt, I don't just start drama, and I don't just cover stuff for the sake of it."
"Let's not be too dramatic, there's no need for any violence."
"Now I do want to say if you guys know the drama and you guys know what's up like don't feed it like let's stop feeding it let's celebrate people that are actually doing good in the community."
"I just need to protect my peace and I want to remove the drama."
"Mentally tough women do not dramatize circumstances."
"I pinky promise as from today, I will no longer be in drama."
"Walk away from drama; it won't serve you any good. Surround yourself with positivity."
"I just want all this drama [ __ ] to go by real quick, you feel me? I don't want to sit here and entertain it no more."
"You need to really get more information and continue to be observant around the people and places and things that you associate yourself with so you don't get caught up in no drama."
"Be so confidently focused on the self that the drama just can't touch you."
"Stay away from drama, seek peace, and tranquility in relationships."
"Just don't always look for the drama look for some knowledge too and something you can gain because that time that you sat there and even just watched that [expletive] or somebody get into it you could have spent learning something as well."
"They want to make things right, they don't want the drama."
"Your peace is actually within you, away from all the drama."
"Your light shines brighter when you avoid drama."
"Smaller channels don't really get caught up in drama."
"Cut the drama and choose to be the warrior, not the victim."
"Cut all the drama off. Positive vibes, man. Good energy, family."
"It might be a very busy, communicative time for you but it can also be a bit drama-filled, so you want to make sure you're not texting out of impulse."
"I have the power and the authority to create the life that I want and I'm going to create it without you and your drama."
"You move away from drama, it's a massive reset for yourself."
"When I come home, I want to be anchored by someone. I don't get off on drama or fighting."
"You have to learn the self-discipline to not get tangled up in that drama."
"When it comes to high school and like even Middle School drama... don't engage in it as well don't feed more information to that person or to other people."
"I made it a point to get involved in FBLA, Future Business Leaders of America, I was trying to keep myself busy so that I wouldn't fall into like the trap of high school drama."
"Don't deal with unnecessary drama. Your life is better without it."
"I don't deal with drama anymore, like there's no [__] in my life, I don't get involved, I don't jump into other people's [__]."
"Guys, I'm not with the drama, I'm not with the bullcrap. I'm not with it. I'm trying to better myself as a woman, as a mom, and just overall as a person."
"I'm not gonna name names you guys know I like to stay drama free here but I wanted to share some info and give you some inspiration for your reselling business."
"Listen to your inner voice, follow your intuition, get away from the drama."
"I'm going to help you avoid the drama, I'm going to help you leave the majority and join the minority."
"Drama never helps. Have ground rules for disagreements."
"I try to stay far, far away from any of the drama."
"...hopefully you stay drama-free love you bye."
"Life is too short to be involved in drama."
"Agree with your adversary quickly, because these people thrive in drama, and when you fail to give drama oxygen, it fails to live."
"I wish you many more success and stay out of all that drama."
"We're not gonna create unnecessary drama in our life."
"I want simplicity in my life, I don't want any more drama."
"Focus on yourself, live your life, not get too caught up in the drama."
"I choose peace over drama any day."
"I have zero tolerance for drama, period."
"You avoid unnecessary emotional outbursts and drama online."
"I put a D in dividends, not the D in drama."
"I don't need that kind of stress and drama in my life."
"I'm really trying to be positive, you know, not get taking any bait for drama."
"Optimal friendships... with minimal drama, minimal jealousy."
"I'm a very private person and I don't do drama."
"I don't want bad blood with anyone; I don't like drama."
"Do what matters, avoid creating unnecessary drama, do what's you, do you."
"I'm all about the positivity and not the drama."
"I try very hard not to indulge in YouTube drama between creators."
"The further you stay away from drama, the more productive I can be."
"People thrive off drama-free entertainment."
"Negative people need drama; kill them with happiness."
"Stay away from the drama as much as possible because some drama is unnecessary."
"The only drama in my life is in my sleeves, and I intend to keep it that way."
"I don't want to deal with anger and rage and drama anymore."
"I don't care for the drama, I don't care for pretending to be outraged at someone because they're in the wrong tribe."
"I'm not here for the drama, I'm not here for the politics, I'm here for the music."
"The constant engagement in drama causes people to make extreme statements which make them politically unviable."
"There was no drama because, surprisingly, I kept my mouth shut."
"I consider myself very unproblematic when it comes to certain situations, mainly drama, because I'm good at something that not a lot of people do. It's called minding your own business."
"When you get older, you don't have time for people's drama."
"The texts come off like a mature attempt to proactively avoid drama."
"My peace and your peace is your most valuable asset; don't spend your peace on somebody else's drama."
"I'm tired of looking over my shoulder and tired of drama. I wanted a fresh start."
"He's not the type of man to get involved in drama... that's a sign of high integrity."
"We never want to make money off of drama, especially internal drama, because we value our friendship way too much."
"We don't like drama, we don't want drama."
"I'm not a drama person, and I don't put myself into other people's situations."
"Live in your talent, not in your drama."
"I do not like drama. I like a peaceful life."
"We're going to move into that direction of no longer having drama with each other because it will be completely irrelevant to engage in that."
"Stay positive, and don't get caught up in the drama and all the negativity."
"I'm proud of Rihanna because she has stayed pretty much out of the dramas."
"I'm really trying not to focus on drama, especially during Ramadan."
"Good people usually don't want drama."
"Stay safe, take it easy, and stay away from drama."
"You're living a drama-free lifestyle at the moment."
"I didn't want to spend my days gossiping and being surrounded by drama."
"They don't want to get involved in the drama but don't mind being a mediator to get peace between everyone."
"Question everything others assume is a given and do not collude with the drama around you."
"He never let issues linger in your head, he never created drama in divisions."
"It is about turning away from drama and feeling the freedom of seeing through new eyes of your higher self."
"Stay out of drama... Save yourself the drama because it's so unnecessary and so stupid."
"I made it my philosophy to stay out of drama."
"My channel is not going to be drama; my channel is not going to promote drama."
"I don't go out and seek drama, I'm not a confrontational person."
"We're gonna keep this drama-free, stress-free."
"Recognizing when something is done and not continuing to live in the drama."
"I'm not here to promote violence, and I'm definitely not here to promote drama."
"Minimize the drama, don't take it personally, act with integrity."
"Ignore this drama and keep moving forward, don't get distracted."
"You should try to stay out of drama if you can."
"I am stepping into my sovereignty. I am walking away from drama."
"Detach from drama and dramatic people."
"Withdrawal from drama from others, just have patience with yourself and those around you."
"Unbothered, laughing it off, no [__] to give, disregarding drama."
"Ignore gossip. Minimize drama and take personal responsibility to act with integrity."
"Just observe and analyze and make sure that you do what you have to do to keep drama and stupidity out of your own life."
"The older I get, the less I get wrapped up in drama. It's not worth the time or energy."
"I deliberately don't want to be caught up in somebody else's drama, no matter who it is, because I got my own blessings coming my way."
"You're rising above all the drama, you're rising above everything that's going on there."
"Be that loving, caring person that you naturally are and don't give into the drama."
"They're being very transparent; they don't want to escalate drama with you."
"The more respectful you become, the less you want to draw drama."
"You don't want no drama with your karma."
"Detach from drama and maintain balance."