
Medical Practice Quotes

There are 216 quotes

"Nutrition is essential for medical doctors to include in the practice in the treatment of patients because with nutrition we are able to influence chronic diseases in a very positive way."
"To tackle that, we need to really change the way we practice medicine."
"Margot actually went on to open her own medical practice in the area... she was incredibly successful."
"I learned basically everything from my patients."
"It was kind of like this out-of-body experience where I realized like I was treating all these diseases of inflammation... but I didn't really know what was causing the inflammation."
"In medicine, things change all the time...A good doctor is a good skeptic of themselves."
"It's a cornerstone of medical practice that treatments are voluntary."
"The physical exam has many advantages over routine echocardiograms for every patient with the most mild of cardiopulmonary symptoms, which seems to have become relatively routine in the current era of diminished physician-patient contact and skyrocketing healthcare costs."
"Even if I've never seen a case of this particular disease before, I know what to do because I'm not treating the disease, I'm treating the body, I'm treating the system, I'm creating health."
"Only evidence should guide the practice of medicine."
"I get very bothered with my peers treat things when they don't know what they're treating."
"Conservative physicians were more likely to prescribe Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine."
"Being a good doctor means I have to work within the bounds of our current knowledge, and many times our current knowledge is incomplete."
"I've been practicing medicine for 28 years. The first 28 years were practice for this very thing that's coming. We've been treating influenza and viral illnesses pretty much the same way for over 25 years."
"Evidence-based medicine is the empirical evidence base Expert Medical opinion and patient preferences we need to get back to that I think."
"The feel of the skin, how sweaty it is, what temperature it is, you just know something as simple as that you can just get so much clinical information."
"Most doctors look at one number to throw a pill at. I look at blood work to tell a story."
"Doctors can't be scared to question the narrative."
"Doctors need to spend more time understanding patients' symptoms and lifestyles to address root causes."
"The truth should win out, in the University system and in medicine."
"It's the most important thing is to go get treated, go get help as soon as possible."
"You need to learn to say I don't know. As a doctor, I often say I don't know because I know what I know and I know what I don't know, and when I don't know, I don't make things up."
"Adjust your tone for the scenario, address the patient's concerns, and that is that."
"Americans should rejoice that we got the FDA to get out of the practice of medicine."
"Most doctors who are oncologists don't look at stool tests... I mean wait if you're a breast cancer why should look at your poop."
"Listen to the patient, the clues are always gonna be there."
"Ibrahim was changing his gloves, trying again and again."
"Each place, each patient you see come in is like a little jigsaw piece of what life is like in this new place."
"Every interaction between a patient and a doctor should be therapeutic."
"Being a doctor is about the person as a whole, but also about their family as well."
"A good doctor, practicing good medicine, is going to help you ask those right questions."
"Nothing can replace being in a room with the patient, talking about things that are roadblocks in their life."
"The physical exam is fundamental in medicine, both for diagnosis and for building a connection with patients."
"I think the future of medicine will be practitioners who are a lot more thoughtful."
"Help me do this and the way you can help me do that is changing my practice."
"The patient will tell you the story. If you listen, you spend the three minutes, four minutes, five minutes listening to them."
"My only interest is really the patient in front of me."
"I realized as a urologist I could do the perfect surgery but if my patient didn't understand the consequences of that surgery then I failed as their doctor."
"Sometimes things may seem logical but this is the reason we press for evidence-based medicine even though something may seem logical or it may seem like it makes sense."
"For every intervention you do as a doctor, you've got to ask yourself two questions: How much difference does it make, and how do I know this?"
"Good doctors make mistakes too, that's why they buy insurance."
"When presented with a deadly force incident, we have to sometimes make that difficult decision and use deadly force."
"Being overly nice, smiley, happy, genuine, kind, etc., when beginning a patient history goes such a long way."
"Doing these videos have actually made me a better physician."
"Doctors should still perform a proper analysis; your weight isn't the only indicator."
"The reason the dentist shields your body while leaving your head unprotected is because the brain and other tissues in the head are significantly less sensitive to radiation."
"We are more interested in treating populations rather than treating individual patients."
"After almost 30 years of vigorously testing nutritional status on all my patients, I'm beyond shocked at the level of nutritional deficiencies."
"If I can fix metabolic health, most of the things that people come see me for will reverse."
"That's right, I'm curious to know, like, what are some of the things, like, when you switch to focusing on metabolic health, what are some things that you saw different in your practice or maybe with your patients?"
"Oh I can actually eat animal base and not kill my patients."
"Doctors at that clinic said we are building the plane while we are flying it."
"We've got to make space to connect with our patients."
"Maybe a world where we didn't have routine infant circumcision would be a better world."
"The best doctors in the world make mistakes. They get things wrong. They misdiagnose. They make errors of judgment."
"The medical profession now sees itself as, 'What pill should I give you or what surgery should I give you?' as opposed to, 'What treatment including diets are going to make you healthier and how can I help you?'"
"Preventing infection is crucial in the operating theater."
"He was acquitted because there was no evidence that he had actually made a medical diagnosis of his patients."
"There's always potentially crucially valuable information in getting to know a patient as the unique human being each one is."
"You should know both sides of it... because I think that the experience will round out the prescriptions that you give."
"From my experience in the operating room, it's often that level of presence and connection that will outdo any medication."
"Maybe this will push doctors to push nutritional interventions or exercise, unfortunately, the whole thing got very corrupted."
"So if I'm a doctor or a nurse practicing potentially slightly sketchy elective medicine, it's reasonably safe for me to put B12 into the hangover cure that I offer because even if it doesn't do anything, at least it won't do anything bad."
"Medicine's also based on facts, like facts and then intuition."
"You're a breath of fresh air when it comes to medicine."
"Making sure we're out at the end of the day at a reasonable time so we can go home, we can study, we can live our lives... It's all just an important part of being a good physician."
"You treat the patient not the lab value, makes sense, makes sense."
"I think a very common-sense, logical, very elementary beginning approach to diagnostics is really, I think, helped me a lot."
"She shouldn't be doing such things as even when performed by doctors this is very dangerous."
"You're a doctor, you're not a machine; think, use your brain."
"Normalize doctors saying 'I don't know'."
"Most doctors try to adhere to which is don't order a test unless there's a chance the test will change your management."
"Taking a comprehensive history is key."
"And yet they tell you—and this is where it really does begin to resemble electional astrology—they will also tell you that a surgeon holds a flint knife to cut out infections or other things that should not be in your body."
"The average doctor is blind to that, and I want it so bad to jump into the scene of that interview and say, 'I would challenge you for the next month, doctor, will you check a fasting insulin on every one of your patients?'"
"You can take risks with your patients and not have to feel like you're suddenly going to find yourself in court."
"My mother is an OB gin she did a manual huhar exam for a woman and the husband asked her with an angry tone of voice if there was any other way of doing the exam besides her using her fingers because he didn't like her putting fingers in his wife."
"We've been prescribing for 10 months now."
"Remember we talked about abandonment? The doctor being able to be sued for abandonment, right?"
"The idea being that we tend to not use opioids for chronic neuropathic pain."
"We do a bit of everything. We're like the Swiss army knife of medicine."
"A good clinician is really good at recognizing patterns of diseases, but an effective physician is good at recognizing patterns of people."
"Above all, do no harm. Thank you and have a wonderful afternoon."
"It's completely ethical to isolate a patient based on suspicion alone."
"I won't allow that because I think that we need to start having this discussion because people are losing trust in medical practice and in medical professionals because of just such foolishness as this."
"We are coming from a position of ethical evidence-based medical practice."
"Never say the patient's name and date of birth for them. Let them state it."
"The time period between three and four weeks of having this kind of persistent cough I find to be the most confounding for new and experienced clinicians alike honestly."
"The correct way to document is in milliliters or CC."
"Dr. Townsend forced me to perform a procedure that is unsafe and outdated."
"...a goal for your fellowship year is to read and interpret 100 lumbar MRIs because it is with this practice that you're going to gain a greater sense of confidence in being able to understand what is wrong with the patient."
"The idea that you should wash your hands before doing anything medically involved has saved more lives than any other medical decision ever made ever in all of human history."
"Ketamine is legal for anesthesia, and if a person who can give a drug for anesthesia says, 'I'm going to give this for mood instead,' it's totally legal for them to do that."
"Things have even changed to the point where coroners don't even label SIDS anymore."
"The controversy about hormone therapy is about much more than this. It's also about how science is translated, how it can be mistranslated in medical practice, and how hard it is to change our minds once a fear sets in."
"The idea is that we should always be actively challenging patients."
"I think it's good to have more than one tool in your toolbox and certainly I think we have to keep in mind what patients are are you know asking for because it's a competitive market too."
"I remember my attendings just saying, 'Well, a lot of times with hypertension, it might take two or three hypertension meds just for hypertension alone to manage the situation.'"
"So the main point here is apply it to the correct patient and you should get in the habit that when you admit a patient with an NSTEMI that you're calculating one of these risk scores for the patient."
"What does different differ a little bit is what we call the locality rule and though Kelly rule usually has to do with hospital equipment."
"Larger is better... so much so that's why some critical care doctors... are starting to put in from the get-go tunnel dialysis lines."
"Once you learn how to apply the formula, you can basically use it for 99% of the medication dosage practice throughout your career."
"Every encounter is going to be specific to their practice... pre-printed cpt codes are going to have to do with... diagnosis codes pre-printed on it."
"Most psychiatrists never look at the organ they treat."
"First do no harm, using least toxic, most effective treatment."
"Remember to compare both affected and unaffected sites when observing your patient."
"When the technology lets us down in any circumstance, we have to fall back on old-fashioned, well-worn, well-proven basic medical techniques."
"Medicine is both a science and art learned through countless hours of practice."
"The practice of medicine, the peer-reviewed literature, society declarations, that's how the standard of care is defined, not by what the FDA allows them to write in an instructions for use."
"The ACMG recommends that referring physicians provide detailed phenotypic information to assist the laboratory in analyzing and interpreting the results of testing."
"I should be aware of how things are to be done in the practice of medicine."
"Five states passed new anatomy laws which both increased the penalty for body snatching but also made it easier for medical schools to obtain unclaimed bodies of people who had died in the care of the state."
"In medicine, it's often best to go with tried and true methods."
"Informed consent is an absolute fundamental axiom; we do nothing without the patient's consent."
"The major changes that have occurred in practice in the last few years is this important idea of risk stratifying our patients according to their cardiovascular or renal risk."
"Once I settled into it and started talking with the volunteer patient, the questions just sort of came naturally and it just flowed."
"These opening comments and questions are the most important; they can be our tickets and our guides, ways to establish the connections that allow us to actually care for the person in front of us."
"The great majority, 80% of practices in your area, prescribed fewer antibiotics per head than yours."
"The linking of medicine with pathology, a physical examination with post-mortem autopsies."
"I wanted to be able to take it to the next level and just be able to help the patient from start to finish."
"The concept has completely changed, so it's now not NPO, but you have to arouse the gut to see that the patient does not get bad complications."
"I'm so uncool because I use laryngoscopes all the time. I like to see what I'm doing."
"For me, what actually sounds way better is being a medic, seeing patients every single day, changing their lives, being sociable with people every single day."
"We should all be learning from each other to provide better outcomes for our patients."
"In an era that we are putting 50 blocks for atypical ductal hyperplasia of the breast, I think it's fully justified to do extensive sampling of these biliary gallbladder lesions really for the sake of the patient."
"Patient-centered doctors experience higher quality of care than doctors who are solely doctor-centered."
"If our baby is not agreeing with what we're doing, then all the changes and all the fancy ventilation modes in all the world won't make any difference."
"When you graduate as a veterinarian, you are a surgeon, you're a dentist, you're a GP, an anesthetist, obstetrician, radiologist, you're everything."
"Listen, listen, listen, listen as a patient gives you lots of information."
"I love going to the hospital, seeing people physically, working as part of a team."
"This has been the main form that all of the doctors and the entire conventional medical system uses in Japan."
"Standard precautions are the minimum infection prevention practices that apply to all patient care."
"We try to manage expectations the best we can because obviously surgeons aren't perfect, medicine isn't perfect."
"The most important thing for any doctor is getting a good history; if you don't have a good history, you don't have anything."
"Clinical prediction rules should be viewed and used as guides more so than as strict rules that must be followed dogmatically."
"Anytime I'm auscultating sounds on a patient, I cannot do it over clothing. You need your stethoscope to touch bare skin."
"It wasn't until I came back from 20 years surgical practice in Africa that I was helped largely by others to appreciate that most of the common chronic diseases...are there unknown in the third world."
"Following the best of aseptic techniques is very important."
"In real life, the diagnosis is much easier because I’m going to pick up the phone and ask where are the lesions, how is the patient presenting?"
"There are going to be times in my career when I do cause people pain, but if I can minimize that in any way, shape, or form, then obviously the better."
"You'd actually be surprised at how DOs and DO students incorporate OMT in areas where you think they wouldn't be incorporated."
"Optimal team practice is a concept that AAPA adopted in 2019."
"It's important to consider the use of ultrasonography because it changes the management of patients with thyroid nodules."
"The body is mapped out in a meaningful way and every point on the body is both mapped out in a meaningful way and responds to touch."
"You're going to get more referrals for your use of ultrasound and you're going to have much higher patient satisfaction."
"It's important to listen to the patient. I know that's a new idea, but you know, we don't know what causes it."
"I expect you as a professional, and I commend you for your dedication to medical practice."
"In today's video, I'm going to talk about a nifty little device that I use in my practice."
"Just having doctors voice their names to each other before a surgery reduces death and complications by 35%."
"It's up to you to formulate your own opinion based on your patient population and who you're treating."
"We like to think you have to go to the ophthalmologist for your eyes and the gynecologist for your period, but it turns out they're all connected."
"Above all, enjoy your interaction with patients. Good luck."
"It's the connections that actually build with those patients that make it so interesting."
"A storefront operation where people go to get prescription drugs, a prescription for controlled substances."
"You can change gloves easily to eliminate potential for cross-contamination."
"As a doctor when you're treating a patient, you do have to think about the anatomy, the pathophysiology, the physiology, the pharmacology of the patient's presenting complaint."
"Always ask yourself, what would a medical student do? What would a GP do in this situation?"
"Reflection and improvement is really critical in medicine because it allows clinicians to constantly be thinking about ways in which they can continue to develop their skills, their communication."
"What's actually making me and every other provider a better doctor are the patients that we treat and the teaching that they give us."
"In a lifetime of any provider, he or she will see thousands and thousands of patients in their career."
"We've got to diagnose it to treat the harm."
"I wish I had a dollar for every time a patient came to see me who had a liver biopsy due to elevated liver function tests before anybody checked their CK."
"We treat patients, we don't treat labs."
"The book lives on... Cope's original diagnostic skill of talking to the patient and examining the patient at the bedside."
"Do a systematic and careful examination and you're going to be a better doctor."
"Throughout the course, you are not treating the ventilator, you are going to treat the patient."
"There is no difference in the scope of practice between an MD and a DO."
"The most important thing now is that the practitioners really want to optimize the safety of their treatments."
"...the idea that bringing artificial intelligence is a way to get back to more humanity in medicine."
"Female doctors may communicate more effectively and help alleviate embarrassment during sensitive exams."
"The transfer of the material substance could be removed by washing hands."
"It's about history taking, it's about making a diagnosis, and it's about providing clinical information in terms that patients can understand."
"I try to lean into evidence-based practice here."
"A doctor grows by learning from mistakes."
"We should not practice evidence-based medicine; we should practice evidence-informed medicine."
"EQ as a physician is just as, if not more important than IQ."
"You need to protect your license, you need to protect your practice, and you most importantly need to protect your patients."
"Our whole motto here is to get you to spend more time with your patients and less time with your charting."
"It's not about the device or the adjunct; it's about the hands that use it and the team that supports those hands."
"Minimal incision is the best for our patients."
"A reduction in administrative burden."
"Food first, because if food is medicine, then how do we practice without nutrition?"
"It's essential for maintaining the integrity of our profession."
"We have to maintain a sterile environment; everything has to be done with tweezers."
"I try to store those experiences that leave a lasting impact and I tap into those for my future treatment; it helps shape my practice."
"Ensuring that we prescribe antibiotics correctly."
"Time is what is the AI gift to us, so that we can get back to real medicine."
"He was not casual about his practice like so many country doctors; he was a combination doctor, priest, psychiatrist to his town."
"I will not be ashamed to say 'I know not,' nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient's recovery."
"Performing hand hygiene at key moments is an important healthcare intervention."
"It's incredibly empowering for them and as a doctor, it's most satisfying."