
Chronic Diseases Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Many of these chronic diseases can be stopped or even reversed looking at heart disease, diabetes type 2, or certain cancers."
"The chronic, unresolved inflammation that's behind type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, a lot of cases of depression, all kinds of autoimmune diseases, is this sort of chronic unresolved inflammation."
"A lack of physical activity is a well-documented underlying risk factor for multiple chronic diseases, including those associated with severe COVID-19."
"Physical activity is one of the leading determinants of health, and the lack of adequate physical activity is estimated to be responsible for 6 to 10 percent of the global burden of major chronic diseases and 9 percent of premature deaths."
"Obesity is now the greatest source of inflammation in our body and inflammation is the common factor of cancer, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer's disease, and diabetes, and others."
"This misinformation, this misguided information, has been the number one contributor to chronic disease, the number one contributor to pain and suffering."
"Chronic low-grade inflammation is associated with cardiovascular disease, cancer, dementia, and the list goes on and on."
"Historical evidence supports that the introduction of grains into human diets has been linked to an increase in chronic degenerative diseases."
"I truly believe that circadian rhythm has untapped potential to prevent, manage, and cure many of the chronic diseases that affect billions of people."
"Antimicrobials have saved lives...but in doing so, we may have created a bigger issue with chronic inflammatory diseases."
"The World Health Organization...is really pushing the envelope here in letting us know that chronic diseases are what threatened the health of the planet most."
"You would have to come up with a better story than I've told you as to why we have an epidemic of every chronic disease known on the planet simultaneously."
"Most chronic diseases we're facing in our country today are almost totally preventable... you have the ability to drastically decrease your chances of developing chronic diseases."
"You can't use drugs for a dietary disease and hope to do well."
"Berries are essential for healing neurological diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure."
"If you catch it early, you can stop it before it progresses to these diseases."
"There's a huge burden here. We're hemorrhaging money into our healthcare system to manage these diseases and that could bankrupt us."
"95 percent of chronic diseases are food-related."
"We have causation for diabetes, heart disease, fatty liver disease, and tooth decay."
"Detoxification can save the big picture and bring chronic diseases down."
"We can reverse chronic diseases and climate change."
"Treatment of chronic diseases with diet and lifestyle medicine cannot possibly fail."
"Humans obviously are carnivores, but more specifically, the so-called chronic diseases that we treat today as doctors are not diseases at all."
"Insulin resistance contributes to so many chronic diseases or what I like to refer to as the plagues of prosperity."
"Insulin resistance leads to every single chronic disease out there."
"Chronic diseases are on the rise. What are the root causes of these trends? Could there be a few things that are causing inflammation in the Western world?"
"The reason so many of us suffer with chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune disease is because of our diet and lifestyle choices."
"It's insane. One of every two Americans at extreme risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and death."
"People who eat a lot of added sugar are way more likely to get or already have fatty liver, high cholesterol, insulin resistance, high uric acid, gout, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes."
"We're suffering an epidemic of common chronic diseases."
"Real food treats the eight subcellular pathologies that underlie all of the chronic metabolic diseases we currently know about."
"Insulin resistant individuals have an elevated risk not just of type 2 diabetes but also heart disease, stroke, cancer, and many other chronic conditions."
"The Human Genome Project has opened new ideas and new thoughts about the pathogenesis of chronic inflammatory diseases."
"Where most people are dying today is of chronic diseases and where most people are suffering today is from an erosion of Health span."
"In functional medicine, we talk a lot about how inflammation is the foundation for so many chronic diseases."
"Chronic diseases are fundamentally lifestyle diseases."
"With this diet you could prevent, slow down, or even reverse some of the chronic diseases."
"Aging is the dominant cause of virtually all chronic diseases."
"And that's been, I think, the focus of a lot of our research when it comes to chronic diseases like cancer and I, I really am quite optimistic that that'll be also the key to unlocking some of the differences that we see in how people respond to COVID."
"This is a very, very important topic in terms of understanding how ketogenic diets can be used to markedly improve some chronic diseases."
"86% of healthcare costs are for treating chronic diseases that can be prevented or reversed by lifestyle changes."
"Exercise is going to reduce the toll of mortality across all chronic diseases."
"Chronic inflammation contributes to diseases such as cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes."
"Chronic diseases do not fix themselves and are never completely cured."
"More people died from heart disease, stroke, or diabetes than all infectious diseases combined."
"Chronic inflammation is associated with heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, and bowel diseases like Crohn's disease and colitis."
"The media chooses to look at these feared outbreaks on other continents when really we should be screaming from the rooftop that hey, chronic diseases are on the rise and yet we have the ability to change that."
"The secret killer: inflammation, the surprising link between inflammation and heart attacks, cancer, Alzheimer's, and other diseases of aging."
"Aging is the single biggest risk factor for many chronic degenerative diseases."
"Exercise as medicine and talk about exercise as therapy for 26 different chronic diseases."
"Sleep deficiency is also linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, kidney disease, and systemic inflammation."
"We change the environment way too fast for us to adapt as a species, and the price that we pay here as a consequence is this epidemics of chronic inflammatory diseases."
"It wasn't until I came back from 20 years surgical practice in Africa that I was helped largely by others to appreciate that most of the common chronic diseases...are there unknown in the third world."
"It's no secret that there are the foods that people and populations have been eating for thousands of years without being plagued by the chronic diseases that are running rampant in the modern world."
"Ultra-processed foods are problematic for obesity, for diabetes, for heart disease, for high blood pressure, for dementia."
"In the last hundred years, what has happened to the rates of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, cerebrovascular accidents? All of those are at their root cause chronic systemic inflammatory disorders."
"Exercise can either prevent and/or treat 26 of the most common chronic diseases."
"Exercise can be effective in the primary prevention of at least 35 chronic diseases."