
Manners Quotes

There are 2211 quotes

"Clock and manners is the best form of Dawa. It's not about the arguments, but how you relate to people over a simple cup of coffee."
"Good manners can change perceptions and soften hearts. That's the power of Islam."
"I'm Japanese. I was raised in a culture where manners matter a lot."
"Be nice to your parents, say please and thank you."
"Manners and finding self-confidence...is just good life advice in general."
"Thank you so much. I appreciate it. Thank you so much."
"It's so important to have good manners, say please and thank you, get good grades, and be lit in real life."
"It's quite hard to find somebody who knows how to behave like a lady and with style."
"If somebody says something mean to you, the proper response is not to call their mother a name. That's the first thing you learn when you're a kid."
"Thank yous are very important. Thank everybody individually."
"You don't see any other wizards walking around waggling wands in people's faces. That's pretty rude no matter where you're from, am I right?"
"If you're at a dinner party and it's over and it's time to clean up... do it. Get up and start doin' the dishes. Always volunteer for the scut work."
"One of my biggest pet peeves is when people don't say please and thank you."
"It's not necessarily pretentious to correct people; it's all in the delivery."
"The best dawah is you in your manners and your interaction with people."
"Proper dinner etiquette will take you a long way."
"Be nice, that's your old mom. Be respectful."
"Make sure to always have good manners in life."
"I've never been a rude person; if someone offers me hospitality, I will be very grateful and sit there and drink the tea and answer the questions with a grin on my face, as a token of thank you for the hospitality."
"I am happy when a man holds the door open for me, and I will happily hold the door open for a man as well. That's just respect to me."
"Have really good manners, say please and thank you."
"I can teach you to walk, talk, sit, stand, eat, dress like a princess."
"I do personally use someone's preferred pronouns... simply from the standpoint of good manners."
"My mother taught me that if you have nothing nice to say, you shouldn't say anything at all."
"There's nothing wrong with carrying oneself with tact."
"The Venetian glass makes a big claim: being mannered and civilized involves being aware of the effect of one's strength on others."
"The aspiration to be well-mannered shouldn't be seen as pretentious or fake."
"The history of manners shows an ongoing search for the best way to be kind."
"Everything matters when it comes to manners."
"Be very mindful of your manners, treat people with kindness and love, be respectful to everyone, it does matter who they are, what job they hold, how old they are."
"The Hellfire is haram for him who has good manners and is good to the people around him."
"Good manners make you into better cats and make everyone you know happy."
"Good manners is the best treasure that you can have that people can appreciate."
"The creation is not beautified by anything better than good manners and long silence."
"Good manners are the weightiest things in the scales on the day of judgment."
"Manners maketh the man. It hasn't anything to do with the clothes."
"Good manners display respect, care, and consideration. So right off the bat, who gives a [ __ ]?"
"Always try hard and always make sure you are nice to other people and that you have good manners."
"We're talking about manners, social etiquette, and how it's always changing, but as Koreans, we grow up with specific table manners instilled in us at a young age."
"It's not about being snobby or showing off but rather to show respect; your host and your dining partners will greatly appreciate your manners."
"Good table manners are proof of your social skills and because of that, they are often part of an interview process."
"Apologies are the bare minimum of manners for the other party whom you have hurt, and it is not something you get to gain any sort of tangible benefit from."
"I apologize for saying things that may have come across mean-spirited."
"Manners are important. It starts with manners, weirdly. So, I am pretty hot on manners and behavior and putting other people ahead of yourself, which I think is very rewarding."
"Don't shove a chocolate gateau in your mouth it's disrespectful bro. Don't be that guy."
"Being persistent isn't rude. Being persistent can be helpful if you do it in the right way and you're respectful."
"Be nice to everyone, say please and thank you all the time."
"The charm is the sweetness, the charm is the respectful things."
"It's not good manners it actually is harmful this is what I came to see as well you you actually are part of the problem it's not a Kind and Generous thing to do it's adding as we've been discussing to Children's distress."
"You don't have to be a dick about it when you ask the question."
"Good manners can open doors that the best education cannot."
"There is no excuse to be rude or unkind, even if you're not into someone."
"Outstanding! And can you stop chewing like that? That's how you treat, I can hear everything in your mouth, I can see everything."
"If you don't teach your boy to be a gentleman, he's gonna grow up and be a little monster."
"Manners are designed to help put other people at ease."
"There's an easy way to do it... there's a polite way to do it..."
"Everybody was on their p's and q's. Look how respectable everybody is presenting themselves. I love it!"
"Politeness goes a long way when asking someone to repeat or speak more slowly."
"It's not arrogant to say thank you to a compliment and to accept it. It's the opposite."
"I would say a mixture of the two because women can definitely bring a new different perspective and it's going to be a lot more focused on how the other girl will feel so impressing her and things like that."
"Nice will get you a long way to getting what you want."
"My mom always said, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all."
"Isn't it nice to have a little guidance about how to be considerate and polite? No, it's creepy."
"If you don't want to sound rude and unappreciative then stop doing it."
"Chewing with your mouth open is definitely a big, no, no."
"You can tell someone's a gentleman from the way they behave, the way they shake your hand, the way they talk to the waiter."
Bonus: "Admit when you're wrong, it's probably one of the most valuable traits in the arsenal of a true gentleman."
"When you come to a stop, you tell the young lady that's in the seat next to you, your girl, your date, 'Stay here, I'll get the door for you.'"
"Always make sure to say sorry if you think you're doing a mean thing, you're in the wrong." - Jumbo Josh
"It doesn't take much to say a good thank you."
"I think being polite, especially to others... shows how you were brought up."
"When a man makes a gesture to take care of you you say thank you."
"That is a bad way to treat a guest, I'm just saying."
"Holding the door is very important. It doesn't matter what your gender is, if you're a woman or a man, make sure that you hold the door for the person that is coming after you."
"The behavior, the manners, the way of the Muslim, that's what it's all about."
"What happened to manners in the United States of America? What happened to politeness and treating each other as human beings?"
"I always tip mama raised me right, always tip."
"Always use soft words even when you don't feel well."
"You're allowed to do things that are considered rude when it's for the good of you."
"It's kind of a d move, at least be a gentleman about it."
"White Creole women had manners which were much more polished than those of the men."
"Pretending manners are a thing while dropping bombs on children."
"Stop putting your filthy hands on other people's mouth holes. It's never okay."
"Politeness does mean something in Britain today."
"Telling another grown adult to shut up unprovoked isn't just politically incorrect, it's just straight up rude."
"You don't have to be nasty, you don't have to be rude or disrespectful. It's all in your approach."
"Politeness is the most important thing in life."
"I politely declined, I said thanks dude I really appreciate it, that's kind of you."
"Being a gentleman doesn't mean he forgave her."
"I'm sorry is used to apologize when you have made a mistake or someone you know has made a mistake."
"Thank you is used to express your appreciation. You can use thank you with everybody."
"Manners are a huge thing in the south, whether you're a little kid or you're an old man. You need to have your manners when you're here."
"You always want to be polite because we all want goodwill."
"I hope you don't mind I took the liberty of letting myself in."
"I genuinely think that it was a classy move."
"If you've got nothing nice to say, don't say nothing at all."
"You learn from other people. You learn manners. You learn language. You learn all things valuable."
"Civilization declines when men stop holding the door and treating women with respect."
"They prey on people being nice, they prey on people with manners."
"Did you say please? Did you use your nice words?"
"Where is your class? Where is your decorum? Who raised y'all?"
"You can always tell a lot by somebody about how they treat their server."
"Say ladies first is we want to see the energy."
"Maybe it's time to think first before being rude to someone for no reason."
"If you don't got anything nice to say, don't say it at all."
"The believer's perfect faith is displayed through the best manners."
"It's always nice to have good manners when you're playing Hearthstone."
"Always be grateful. Always be kind to others. And always say please and thank you."
"He was the epitome of cool, manners maketh the man."
"There's a better way to have a balance at that; you can be well-mannered and be a good leader and be strict when it calls for it."
"Magic words that are nice: please and thank you."
"I'm just ingrained in my brain to be nice to whoever you're talking to."
"Honesty is a virtue, unless you're using it to be very blunt and offensive and mean to people."
"The customer is literally never right. Sometimes. Sometimes they're right, but they don't need to be rude about it."
"Being a well-dressed man with manners is what takes you from a handsome dude to a classy and sexy mofo."
"He was super sweet, he was a consummate gentleman."
"Civility is gone, decorum is gone, people being nice, that's one thing, people having an ounce of class, no man, see that's the thing."
"Rudeness is not the antidote to extreme political correctness."
"When he walks close to you, he taps you on the shoulder: 'Thank you very much, you're off.'"
"You need to learn some manners and how to talk to people."
"True poise comes from good intention. It respects other people's poise."
"Imagine how you would feel if I came along and dumped my luggage by your seats."
"Yes ma'am, no ma'am, excuse me, thank you, please, appreciate it, respect goes a long way."
"Don't freaking cut in line without asking. I think it is so rude when people just proclaim they are going to do it."
"Respect is the key. It's not what you say, it's how you say it."
"Japanese etiquette is embedded with numerous table manners, from saying 'itadakimasu' before a meal to handling chopsticks with care."
"If you don't have something nice to say, don't say it at all."
"You are a gentleman and a scholar, holy crap, I appreciate it."
"All you have to do is uh say thank you, that's it."
"Always say sorry, please, and always say sorry."
"What this simple proverb does is extol the virtues of good manners."
"So with all that being said, what exactly are manners and which ones does a modern man need to know? Find out, gents, in today's video."
"I open doors for everybody. To me, it's just simply a nice thing to hold open the door for a person that you're with."
"Always be gracious, always be cordial, always be apologetic."
"Gratitude, manners, and contentment - character qualities of people who live quality lives."
"That is not how we taught you to treat ladies, Goose. You are better than that."
"If you don't have anything nice to say, just don't say it at all."
"When somebody wants to do something for you, say thank you."
"Be nice until you can't be nice... that's the way we should all behave."
"You have such good manners and are kind unlike some people here."
"Lying is actually a part of our culture, even manners themselves masking your negative emotions to be able to present a positive emotion to people is in essence lying."
"Courteous people are very polite and well-mannered."
"How they treat the waiter... that generally sets the tone for how I treat them for the rest of the meal."
"My mom and pops taught me to say thank you when people give you stuff."
"Let's teach him to say please and thank you, that's probably important."
"Make sure to be nice to your parents, say please and thank you all the time, and your granny and your granddaddy."
"Just please be respectful, that's what we got to do."
"In a world increasingly filled with egotistical and solipsistic discourtesy."
"Just good old-fashioned respectfulness and manners goes a very long way with me."
"People chewing with their mouth open, talking with food in their mouth, people that say something but don't follow through. Oh my gosh, that's so annoying."
"Offering to help is never rude but trying to help when it's unwanted definitely can be."
"If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all."
"Using words such as please, thank you, and you're welcome is the first way that you show others kindness and respect."
"A thank you would be a nice gesture too, or gracias if you prefer authenticity."
"When I'm with a group of people and someone's rude to the waiter, waitress, I just, I don't like it."
"Manners will take you far so make please and thank you a regular part of your vocabulary."
"If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."
"Know how to say please, thank you, and excuse me."
"Manners are important, even after you're dead."
"I don't want to be rude, but I still feel bad for her."
"I never leave people on red because that's rude."
"Hold the door open for the person behind you."
"French people really rude?... Yes, they're rude from a North American perspective."
"Let's all be nice, let's use good manners, don't be rude."
"Always be gracious, even in difficult situations."
"Remember, thank you is almost a forgotten word in the English language."
"My not only wins everything he's also got the best manners in the whole of the Gran Turismo."
"Excuse my rudeness as the ruling Lord, let me formally thank you."
"A nice 'please' and a 'thank you' will get you so far, and I'm amazing at this, so you definitely want me to do it."
"Don't let their bad manners take away from your self-worth, your confidence, your value because it's on them."
"You make them feel chivalrous and appreciated."
"I'm sorry that I did it, but I was literally being a gentleman."
"You always say good morning if someone says good morning, that's just manners!"
"He's so well spoken and polite."
"You're supposed to protect, she sits on the inside, you sit on the outside."
"The prince of darkness apologizes for being so rude."
"Anyone who's rude to service workers or waiters, you have a very special place in... I'm not going to finish that sentence but you know."
"I think you should be a gentleman."
"I think it's important and I think sometimes you can lose good manners."
"Those are some of the memorable things. I'll tell you what: he was absolutely a perfect gentleman."
"You may not agree, but there's no reason to be rude."
"So whatever society you're in, adapt to those manners, and those become your new manners."
"It’s always a pleasure. Thank you so much for having me."
"Elegance is the beautification, sophistication, and refinement of your mannerisms."
"You should not be a dick to your server until after you receive your food."
"Very polite, respectful, good at basketball as well, future in the NBA perhaps."
"Southern Hospitality is different."
"I don't go out on dates with guys who don't open the door for me."
"She was graceful and well-versed in etiquette while maintaining an easy natural cheeriness to her personality."
"The Book of Manners... covers all kinds of manners."
"When you're going into a restaurant, he should definitely be opening the restaurant door for you."
"I'm still new to your culture but when someone saves your life... my people say 'thank you'."
"If you were raised correctly, your parents would have told you that."
"Courtesy and good manners are the lubricating oils of life."
"You are truly a gentleman and a scholar."
"Minnesota nice is that politeness that is bred in from childhood."
"Remove your shoes gracefully upon entering homes, temples or traditional restaurants and museums."
"If you're rude to the waiter, then chances are you're a rude dude."
"Politeness is something that most people try to instill in their children from a very young age."
"If you ask nicely and say please, your friends are more likely to let you use or play with something that belongs to them."
"Excitement is one thing, but rudeness is another."