
Dictatorship Quotes

There are 284 quotes

"Suppression of truth to please lobbyists for billion-dollar corporations is a device used by dictators, not by virtuous American leaders."
"The downside of dictatorship is it generally means a poorly run country that has no feedback loops for improvement."
"Governments go through cycles. They go from democracy to oligopoly to dictatorships, and they collapse."
"The idea of dictators attaining power and then operating within or flat out ignoring the pre-existing liberal democratic framework is the normal thing that happens."
"Every dictator who ever censored said they were doing it to protect their people."
"Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship."
"Stalin is regarded by many as the bloodiest dictator of the 20th century."
"For a quarter of a century, Russia was ruled by a man remembered as one of the most brutal dictators in history."
"How is it freedom for your people if you want a dictator with ultimate authority over the country?"
"Many of the great dictators were also very charismatic."
"Totalitarian dictatorship... there's this threat of us falling into it seamlessly."
"Cutting off the internet is like a classic move of dictators outside the Imperial Core because they understand that the rest of the world's perception of them is very important."
"That's the problem with being a dictator surrounded by yes-men; nobody is going to tell you the truth."
"We believe that it's a tyrannical dictatorship that really damages the future of the world and the Chinese people."
"The clash between ideologies: democracy versus dictatorship."
"Putin is not acting in their name. He is a dictator, an imperialist, a tyrant. He is much a threat to his own people as he is to all of us."
"Putin is not acting in their name. He is a dictator, he is an imperialist, he is a tyrant."
"Much of Pinochet’s rise to power and control of the country for a period of nearly twenty years must be viewed within the context of the Cold War."
"When dictators do not pay a price for their aggression, they cause more chaos."
"The reason why we don't forgive awful dictators is because we want to preserve the memory of the awful things they did so it doesn't happen again."
"The evil of dictatorship always lies in the evil of the dictator."
"There is nothing like humor to bring a big dictator down."
"The Chinese people are in a great struggle for freedom against a totalitarian dictatorship."
"Taking down the CCP is the unfinished work of the 20th century and it's another dictatorship that's got to be kicked into the desperate of history."
"Star Wars prequels give an important lesson on the rise of a dictator."
"This is a fight against a dictator seeking to impose his will on another country."
"Closing down Parliament in order to force through a No Deal Brexit is not democracy, it's dictatorship."
"Our state is a people's Democratic dictatorship led by the working class."
"It is not an exaggeration to say that we're heading down the path of dictatorship."
"Our Czech friends know better than we British ever will the realities of dictatorship and the bleak, pitiless mentality of conquest and domination that lay behind the tragedy of 1968 and drives Vladimir Putin today."
"Aquino, an increasingly famous global symbol of resistance to one of the world's most notorious dictatorships."
"Why should we have to settle for a benevolent dictator instead of just not having a dictator at all..."
"Dictatorships are excellent at using groupthink against people, using groupthink to control."
"If you live in a place where a dictator is making your money unusable or stealing it from you or making you run for your life, this is a technology that can literally provide an exit and a safe haven for you."
"The only way to fight dictatorship is to keep your eye on it all the time and to condemn it and to call for its ousting."
"Dictators don't allow institutions to flourish."
"If you don't have an opposition, you're converting your democracy into a dictatorship for the duration of that period. That's terrible."
"A dictatorship can never be a good solution. No matter how good the intention, how thoroughly prepared, there will be an absence of a check and balance."
"We are not going to let a genocidal dictatorship dictate what we can say or do."
"The Netherlands warned its citizens not to travel to Russian cities particularly those near the Ukraine border."
"James Stavridis, the former NATO Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, opined that Yevgeni Pregojin could be an absolute dictator."
"No individual in a free society has anywhere near the power of a dictator."
"Saddam Hussein was unquestionably one of the most brutal dictators of the twentieth century."
"Saddam initiated a reign of terror in the early 1980s which continued for over two decades, with widespread monitoring of society for political dissidents."
"If you don't have free choice anymore, then you're living in a dictatorship."
"Saddam Hussein's reign was quite similar to other personality cults, littered with massive monuments to honor the dictator."
"We live under a classic dictatorship of a particular ruling class—those with the most money, property, and capital control practically every facet of our lives."
"Amin would hold power for eight years in one of Africa’s most brutal dictatorships."
"Between 1971 and 1979 an increasingly unhinged dictator and his followers were responsible for killing hundreds of thousands of Ugandans."
"This would perhaps explain some of his more bizarre behavior and the accusations of cannibalism which attached themselves to him towards the latter end of his dictatorship."
"Few if any humans really had a choice... dictated to by a dictator."
"Adolf Hitler is rightly known as the world's greatest villain, a sick twisted dictator that almost turned our planet into his kingdom. And he did it because he lived without fear."
"Even dictatorships have legitimate interests."
"Money makes the world go round even if you're a dictator."
"The president cannot just govern by executive fiat if he does this makes him a dictator."
"Dictators do not pay a price for their aggression; instead, they cause more chaos."
"Far Cry 6 is set in a make-believe Latin American socialist country run by a dictator."
"Adolf Hitler was absolutely obsessed with taking power legally, legally. That's right. And when he did, it took six months to completely snuff out democracy, and he did it with a high watermark of 37 percent of the vote."
"It's a leader of a country that won't let American corporations dictate their policy. That's what a dictator is."
"A case study on how the nationals run a small town, i.e., secret dictatorship."
"Rural Australia has become a secret dictatorship, there's no democracy here anymore."
"But Braille’s system wouldn’t be adapted in his lifetime, so he went to his grave not knowing the profound affect he would have on generations of the blind."
"Every government shown in both the last airbender and cora is a dictatorship; they're just different types of dictatorships."
"Dictators and despots... there is a striking resemblance." - Speaker
"The first years of his time as the dictator of the country were dominated by a catastrophic famine."
"Second Trump Administration would mean a full-on dictatorship."
"With so much internal opposition and so many ethnic tensions, it is very tempting to go back to the good old dictatorship."
"Saddam Hussein was a bad guy. He became president of Iraq in 1979 and stayed in power as a brutal dictator until the US overthrew him in 2003."
"Or was he a ruthless tyrant and dictator who violated his own laws?"
"MBS owes his dictatorship to the Trump family."
"We've seen time after time that dictatorships are emboldened when the world turns a blind eye."
"Every single dictator rose to power during a crisis - when everyone is suffering, people fall back onto those old tribal instincts."
"In just 10 years Hitler and the Nazis had moved from a marginal fascist party with a small following into a military dictatorship, ready to wage full-scale war."
"He was like the most horrific imagination of this terrifying dictator."
"I think it's neat that you get to see all the posters together and you get to see all these different groups that are gonna have to unite to rebel against this huge you know overbearing dictatorship." - Mark Ellis
"He believed he was Germany's great destined savior and he went full megalomaniac establishing a dictatorship with himself at its center Europe had fascist dictator number two."
"We're seeing the creation of a digital dictatorship."
"Papa Doc: from bumbling country doctor to ruthless dictator."
"All dictatorial regimes in the history of world politics have ultimately collapsed one by one."
"Having a good relationship with dictator means you're helping them to maintain the dictatorship."
"He wanted to be a dictator. He wanted to be an autocrat."
"Dictators and tyrants never willingly relinquish power because they don't see themselves as dictators."
"If a government doesn't make room for dissidents and people who don't agree with its policies, it's a dictatorship. Very simple, very, very simple."
"The hate of men will pass and dictators die."
"I basically see this as a dictatorship. I call it digital dictatorship."
"There's only one way the appeasement of dictators ends by holding them accountable."
"Humans can change... maybe for centuries we were under a dictatorship, we can now try something else."
"Silence is complicity. This is not communism, it's dictatorship, tyranny."
"You cannot make peace with a dictator, you cannot make peace with someone who always wants to destroy you."
"The era of dictatorship in Russia is coming to an end."
"Rhodes becomes a dictator, using threats of murder and intimidation tactics to get what he wants."
"The only authentic alternative to dictatorship is a society where people are autonomous individuals."
"Napoleon ruled as a dictator, keeping some areas of the Revolution he liked while getting rid of others."
"Putin's dictatorship will eventually come to an end."
"You want socialism and it collapses, you better hope there's a benevolent dictator."
"At the time, Uganda was under the bloody rule of Ugandan dictator and president Idi Amin."
"The people were no longer subjected to the brutal regime they had lived through during Trujillo's years in power."
"Social media is the way of doing it... they don't have prisons big enough to imprison the entire population."
"Trump supporters want a dictatorship, that just has nothing to do with reality."
"Chile was home to Augusto Pinochet, one of the world's bloodiest dictators."
"If you think you're liberal or have any idea of what that actually meant at one time, you certainly don't support the murder of somebody underneath these ridiculous dictatorships."
"They want to dominate a new world economy that's really run by their dictatorship, and that's just not going to be acceptable to people that understand democracy and freedom."
"He wanted to use the U.S military... to install a dictatorship."
"There is absolutely no middle way in the face of dictatorial regimes."
"Dictators are not normally the type of people I think of when I think of sexy, but Hope makes being a dictator look surprisingly good."
"We're in a new era of authoritarian aggression led by dictators."
"He definitely wants to become a dictator. That shouldn't be up for debate"
"Lenin espoused the idea of a dictatorship of the proletariat."
"One Piece is not a democracy, it is a one-man manga dictatorship."
"HOAs are the absolute worst thing ever because holy crap give a bunch of people who have never held any power in their lives the tiniest hint of authority and they go full dictator on you."
"Superman had Noble intentions too but he was also trying to protect us. The only difference between you and Superman that I can see Mr. Wayne was that Superman was a far more competent dictator."
"After the Night of the Long Knives and the death of Röhm, we see Hitler make a very bold statement. He became a dictator, he became a tyrant."
"Dictators love the internet. Dictators love iPhones. They love all this stuff because they can track people in ways..."
"Workplaces are essentially communist dictatorships."
"What can save Germany is a dictatorship of national will, a national resoluteness. This raises the question: Is the right personality present? Our task is not to look for that person. He is either delivered from heaven or not delivered at all."
"Evil Morty seems to be well on his way to establishing some sort of authoritarian dictatorship."
"This is a full-on YouTube dictatorship."
"A band has to be a democracy with a dictator."
"The DPRK propaganda machine proclaims of the Kim il-sung gia orchid that Kim il-sung's peerless character is fully reflected in the immortal flower."
"The DPRK is a state designed to keep the ruling elite in power and in luxury regardless of the suffering of the majority of its citizenry."
"However, this does not excuse Degan Zabi for attempting to start a dynasty of Zeon dictators."
"The country needs a dictator. I dictate that you guys are going to start making money like this, legitimately."
"Hitler merged the offices of President and Chancellor together, the army swore an oath to him, and Hitler’s power became absolute."
"...I certainly have no sympathy for General Franco and his people."
"Caesar was declared dictator for life."
"This has all happened in the past 3 days, so apparently if you are dealing with a dictatorship HOA, just leave some dog poop on the HOA president's driveway and the problem will solve itself."
"Democracies and communes crumbled before dictatorship, and one dictator at last was triumphant."
"The world will not finish in a democracy, it will finish up in a dictatorship."
"In a bold move, Ethan uses this opportunity to reveal the truth about Wayward Pines' origins, the real state of the outside world, and David's dictatorial regime."
"A Federation under a military dictatorship is no better than the Dominion, even if it is safer."
"If you don't have that choice, then he's a dictator and he's not a dictator. He gives us free will to make a decision."
"Yes, yes, abuse your authority, be the dictator that you always were meant to be!"
"Putin is a much more efficient dictator. He doesn't have to kill that many people. He creates a climate of terror."
"Putin is not an idealistic or ideological dictator. He's just a criminal. I compare him with Pablo Escobar."
"He'd played on the fear that all dictators created in their underlings."
"If dictator wants or if he decides that it’s good for his – maintaining his regime, I do think they are capable of literally everything."
"Dictators who seem to have absolute power wake up one morning and find themselves ousted."
"Terror is always an expression of insecurity from a dictator... it's a confession of lack of legitimacy and insecurity."
"To cement his hold on the nation, Hitler decided to purge the country of what he considered to be enemies of the state."
"...freedom is a threat to dictatorships everywhere."
"He was one of the most brutal dictators in history, and his rise to power reflects the horror that would become his reign."
"And what you strive for is anarchy, the fall of every nation, and the institution of a single dictatorship that rules by fear."
"Enlightened dictatorship isn't stable due to internal and external pressures."
"His power emulates many historical dictators."
"The Antichrist will rule for a brief period, but for about three and a half years, he'll be the most brutal dictator our world has ever known."
"If we don't have this system of liberty, we can't have modern democracy. It will ultimately become a dictatorship."
"North Korea is kind of a nightmarish place."
"Living in Russia under Putin, it's not a democracy out there, it's a dictatorship."
"It’s a tale as old as time, and stories like these widely contribute to the extreme paranoia of dictators."
"Regime change isn’t just a threat to Kim Jong Un’s lifestyle - it’s a threat to his very life itself."
"Mengistu's regime created a kind of killing fields of Africa, igniting a civil war that raged for over a decade."
"Peace is not the result of an oppressive dictator who rules by fear and cruelty. It might look like peace, but it's oppression."
"Under Doom's rule, his country Latveria prospered; its people loved their new dictator, though the rest of the world had a different opinion."
"Real freedom was something they've never known, as Gaddafi had been in power since before they were born."
"If you have a benevolent dictator, you can have a pretty good system."
"Our quarrel is not with Colonel Nasser but with dictators who always have to pay a higher price later on for their appetite grows with feeding."
"It's like we don't have any evidence of this five-year period in French history, they must have gotten rid of the government and installed a dictatorship."
"Anytime a dictator takes over, it's one of the first things they do is shut down markets."
"Darth plagas proclaimed himself as the emperor, not of the Republic but a Galactic Empire under only his rule."
"Preventive law is a concept that belongs in a dictatorship."
"The accumulation of non-objective laws is one step on the road to dictatorship."
"The despots and the dictators have dominated because the opposition in many African countries is hopeless."
"No dictatorship can exist with suffrage, freedom of speech and press."
"Truth talk of truth is the enemy of politics, why? Because when someone says I know the truth, they are behaving like a monarch, they are behaving like a tyrant, they are behaving like a dictator."
"We try to give up our freedom and that's one of the reasons why dictators arise."
"Dictators, we've got Jimmy Lees, there's clearly a split."
"The dictatorship never leads to something good."
"Nazi Germany was a totalitarian state, ruled by the Nazi party, ruled by the dictator Adolf Hitler."
"Young people have to die for somebody's ideas, a dictator's ideas. This isn't about politics anymore; this is about life and death."
"There's been a very strong degree of civility at that level and so it telegraphs some very dark intentions on his part. It's what dictators do."
"Stalin builds a far more centralized, far more controlling regime than any Tsar had been able to build."
"This war is the war of the Civilized World against dictatorship."
"He became the very essence of tyranny itself."
"...he was responsible for the deaths of more than 20 million of his own people."
"Stalin was the premier of the Soviet Union and was responsible for the deaths of more than 20 million 20 million of his own people double that if you count World War II he ruled for 30 years and ruled with an iron fist."
"Ma sadang during 1966 to 1976 turned China into a House of Fear by eradicating 65 million people in his attempt for a socialist China he killed anyone that got in his way kind of like Stalin through execution and mass starvation."
"Speaking truth to power is something that powerful dictatorships are terrified by."
"Both dictators surrounded themselves also with True Believers, men who'd long since surrendered any independence of judgment and just acted as a kind of echo chamber for their leaders' views."
"Voldemort established a totalitarian police state."
"With his political opponents in prison and the SA intimidating others, Hitler's law passed just two months after becoming chancellor."
"Every single country that tried a dictatorship has failed."
"The title of my speech today is how I found Putin's Achilles heel, and it's not just Putin, it's every dictator's Achilles heel."
"It would be suicidal to allow the forcible triumph of a demagogic and dictatorial regime."
"Central to fascism is not only the question of having a popular base and a movement but also the cost of establishing a fascist dictatorship."
"Even dictators don't want to commit suicide."
"He rose to power as this dictator in general who changed war."
"Putin's dictatorship was based on unlimited financial resources."
"Julius Caesar was assassinated shortly after he was declared dictator for life another unprecedented phenomenon technically not the first emperor but his great nephew an adopted son he adopted in as well Octavian go on to be the first emperor Augustus."
"If it's not a democracy, if it's a dictatorship, therefore, people's opinions do not matter in a way they matter in a democracy, so why even bother?"
"Dictators do not survive this kind of military defeats."
"Putin has turned Russia ever more authoritarian, effectively making the country a dictatorship."
"Stay the hell away from dictatorships. They'd never work out properly."
"Nimrod... was the first world dictator."
"It's the masses that give dictators their power."
"It's biologically impossible to have a benevolent dictator because unfettered power will unbalance any brain."
"When dictatorship comes, it will sound attractive."
"It's true, this is not a dictatorship. No one wants to live in a dictatorship."
"It's a rare military dictatorship that was headed not by a member of the military but by a damn nerd, by a college professor."
"We make the assumption that all dictators and dictatorships are the same, and yet we know that that's not the case."
"For an AI, there would be no death; they would live forever, and then you'd have an immortal dictator from which we can never escape."