
Intellectual Honesty Quotes

There are 156 quotes

"Intellectual honesty is going in to evaluate something, isolating the issue, and just being really objective about what you see."
"Intellectual honesty has to be the basis for any progress we make here."
"This discussion was a great display of intellectual honesty."
"If there's a methodology presented that's going to lead me to consistently plausible, reasonable positions, I'm gonna go with that."
"Skepticism is not cynicism. It is simply being intellectually honest and saying I am not convinced until the data compels me to be convinced."
"Every man has a right to his opinion, but no man has a right to be wrong in his facts."
"It's a spirit of intellectual honesty and adventure where we're not trying to just win points."
"When you don't know something, don't make up an unproven explanation so that you don't have to admit that you don't know. Just admit ignorance and then research it from there; that's the basis of intellectual honesty."
"Being intellectually honest is a superpower."
"I don't know is such an intellectually honest answer."
"Intellectual honesty requires, and the history of our conscience tells us that we ought to sincerely apologize to the Libyan people."
"One algorithm I'm running more than most, which is what I would call intellectual honesty. And so, the burden is not to be who you were yesterday, the burden isn't to join some tribe."
"Beyond his likable demeanor, his clear communication style, his taste in pop culture, and his ever-increasing proclivity at YouTube, I'm most impressed with Sean's generosity as an interlocutor and commitment to intellectual honesty."
"The longer the mystery is built upon, the more increasingly disingenuous it starts to feel."
"We have to be bring honesty and a willingness to talk about difficult ideas back to the table."
"I would rather suffer the momentary embarrassment of having been proven wrong even in a public forum than to forever be wrong and never know it."
"Be encouraged every day that goes by the truth is going to become more and more evident."
"Everybody's entitled to their own opinion but you can't have your own facts."
"Be more committed to the truth than your own ego and position."
"What we need is honesty, a return to principles of humanism, of the Enlightenment."
"His belief has come first and he's searched for facts and theories that then fit that belief rather than the other way round."
"There's nothing wrong with saying 'I don't know' because there's so much information out there."
"I value intellectual honesty so much that I will not make exceptions in skepticism and rationality."
"The most intellectually honest thing a person can do is say I don't know."
"The most intellectually honest thing to do is say that is unexplained."
"One thing about it... when someone's changing the dictionary to support their view... they've lost the argument."
"Down at the end of this, I don't care if I'm wrong, I care if I get to the truth."
"Those of us who think that the truth matters have to keep stressing that it matters."
"Show me where I got it wrong, and I will change my position."
"If you're interested in producing truth, you will fix your opponent's arguments for them."
"Intellectually dishonest... trying to take the minority relationships and say all women are not more emotionally mature than men."
"The moment you destroy 'I do not know,' your entire learning and expansion process has come to a cease."
"Saying 'I don't know' is one of the most powerful statements."
"In a day and age where information is so readily available, there is little to no excuse to not fact check your claims."
"Sincere Believers are the only ones who will change their mind when it is appropriate to do so."
"The truth is what the facts are, and if you don't care what the facts are, then you don't care what the truth is."
"When someone changes their mind for good reasons, they should be applauded, not criticized for being a flip-flopper."
"I think it is about as intellectually honest as it can be. Maybe somebody else knows more and they can teach me."
"It should be a virtue that you change your mind. It's so difficult when you're constantly under attack and constantly under siege to say it's far more difficult not only to say I made a mistake but like look I really thought about this."
"He's genuinely in search of objective truth."
"The most important thing is for you to use your own discernment, think critically, be intellectually honest with yourself."
"Acknowledging a weakness in a case doesn't make me fake or uneducated, it's just the reality of the situation."
"If your claims can be disproven by your own sources, then it shows that you're willing to cherry-pick examples and push an agenda."
"A debater who genuinely seeks truth... concedes points and admits when they don't have an answer."
"The most intellectually honest thing a person can do is admit they don't know."
"Our scientists have an honest way of dealing with the unknown we say I don't know."
"My goal is to find the truth and to believe as many true things as few false things as possible."
"Thomas Sowell is that rarest of species, an honest intellectual."
"Perhaps the most crucial thing in exposing historical inaccuracies is knowing when to quit and avoiding bringing even more chaos."
"For anyone who knows a bit about Xinjiang and is a bit intellectually honest, it's frankly an insane thing to believe."
"The full accounting says, 'Here's how I got it this wrong,' is itself a demonstration of updating their model."
"From other people you gotta have your own opinion you can't just steal."
"You can't do that if you refuse to admit that you even could be wrong."
"The only way that you could inoculate yourself to the extent that it is possible to be fully inoculated against that parasite is to have an absolute commitment to truth."
"It's okay not to know things; not knowing is better than unwarranted certainty."
"It is very dangerous to pretend that these are intellectual people, that these are people acting in good faith, or that these are people who give a damn about democracy, because they don't."
"No answer is a much more respectable intellectual position than making up a story."
"I don't consciously hold any beliefs I can't rationally defend."
"What do you believe and why do you believe it? Don't do the tap dance, don't try to make it sound like 'I'm better than those other people,' do not engage in propaganda or dishonesty."
"If my critics were right that would mean that I'm wrong and I don't want to continue to believe things that are wrong like believers do."
"I think that the Rittenhouse thing has become a really good litmus test for how intellectually honest you are."
"Why dedicate your life to being an intellectual if you're not interested in the truth?"
"If you cannot argue your ideological opponents' position, you have no business holding your own."
"Just telling you guys where I'm at with the evidence. I'm okay being wrong."
"If something that you think is true turns out to be false, then you have to find out as soon as possible."
"We don't try to figure out how to pick sides in these conversations, we actually look for the truth."
"Christian apologists are simply not interested in playing by the rules of reason in the first place."
"It's possible to be wrong about things and if you're shown to be wrong then you should change your mind to what is right."
"We need to identify, refute, and correct as best we can those errors that are committed regardless of who commits them."
"It really does matter whether or not what you believe in is true, not just whether or not you're sincere."
"You've been pretending to know things you don't know for an hour in this conversation with me."
"At least be honest, you brothers who are coming out with these arguments. At least William Lane Craig, who is a brilliant orator, a Christian apologist, openly says, 'I took this from Ghazali,' and this is why we would say it was wrong."
"The eating of our own words is the greatest sacrifice which truth ever requires of us."
"That's called intellectual disingenuousness. Why they don't know you? Does she know you? It doesn't matter. When I give lectures, I don't say I found something out if I didn't find it out."
"That takes courage to admit you were wrong about something and to say wait a minute this isn't adding up for me and I'm going to have to reassess this."
"Facts are more important than feels... Wrong and has always been wrong."
"We are wrong. Perhaps there is still something we are missing in our models."
"Science considers that dishonest. Holding that if you can't show it then you don't know it. So don't say it's true unless you can show that it is."
"Even if I pretend to believe without actually believing, I think it would be an insult to God's intelligence."
"You can't rule out a whole area of intellectual endeavor without having investigated it."
"All questions could have been remedied with the tiniest degree of transparency and intellectual honesty."
"One of the things that I think defines experts is when they say 'I don't know.'" - Paul
"There's an honesty in his scholarship... Even the best scholarship is when that's what happens."
"Real research means you spend an equal amount of hours looking at conflicting sides of an argument."
"It's dishonest disingenuous of people to try to argue God as something else."
"Both of them are not sincere enough to admit 'we don’t know.'"
"What's interesting to me is that Anthony Flew in his book says I have always done one thing and what I have always tried to do is follow the evidence where it leads."
"Let's be honest about what we do and don't know."
"I think that even though I am deeply a free-market person, I think that you have to be intellectually honest."
"Their agenda is more simple but intellectually dishonest too."
"What happened on Capitol Hill was grotesque, awful, terrible... But to say that this stuff has not been going on around the country in other places... is just intellectually dishonest."
"I don't want to throw out evidence that is against my position. The more important thing is if I'm wrong, hopefully I will be the one to discover that and correct it."
"Ridicule is not part of the scientific method, and people should not be taught that it is."
"If you're genuinely interested in the discourse, you have to admit when you got something wrong."
"The evidence should be refuted, not the messengers."
"The most intellectually honest thing a person can do is to say I don't know."
"The cultivation of intellectual honesty is something that really isn't taught in school, but it's so important."
"There's so little intellectual honesty with many of the actors who are talking about politics and culture."
"When looking at something outside your circle, be intellectually honest."
"Refusing to believe reality just because it doesn't comport to your mental model of the world is an intellectual failure."
"Just how intellectually honest Aquinas is, that he refutes two very popular Arguments for God's existence when he could have just said nothing on them."
"Earnestness: the core of being intellectually honest."
"It's only intellectually honest to say what exactly the principle is."
"Intellectual honesty is a property of persons. Anyone can engage in intellectual dishonesty, scientists can do it, people of faith can do it."
"I want to be someone that's intellectually honest and honest with the issues."
"...it's important for all of us to be intellectually honest in that regard."
"Ideologies only take and they don't tell the whole truth."
"Being open to changing your mind is one of the most intellectually honest things any person can do."
"I'm going to follow the truth wherever it goes, I'm going to be intellectually honest."
"It's not intellectually honest to suggest that all situations, no matter how different, ought to be treated exactly the same."
"This intellectual honesty moves me slightly away from that position."
"The intellectually honest thing is to reject all of those and say I do not believe any of these until one of them meets good standards of evidence."
"...it is an interpretation, it is a subjective exercise somehow, but there is still the intellectual honesty that can't be overlooked."
"I do not want you to just blindly say the Bible is the word of God. I think that's intellectually dishonest."
"I personally need to be intellectually honest in my life."
"I care about truth because it's intellectually honest."
"It is better when you don't know something to say 'I don't know.' You give yourself permission to explore and to learn."
"There's a real virtue in being intellectually honest and trying to air your opinions out and learn the weaknesses of your views and the strengths of other views."
"You should not be afraid to go where the truth takes you."
"We shouldn't be pretending we know more than we know."
"If you're intellectually honest, I don't think these are very controversial issues."
"Truth claims have to be open to criticism."
"When we get our biases out of the way, when we most fully rely on clear reasoning and honest observation, when intellectual honesty is at its zenith, well then those efforts have no application whatsoever to the most important questions in human life."
"I like to say I don't know; it's a good, intellectually consistent position to take."
"Try to be intellectually honest with yourself."
"People who are intellectually honest try to observe the way things appear to be and try to figure out the way things are."
"Leaving open the possibility is just a matter of intellectual honesty."
"I prefer to view it as being intellectually honest that I'm not going to make more presuppositions than necessary."
"It's okay to update your opinions... that's part of being intellectually honest."
"The key to it is intellectual honesty."
"It's important when you're doing academic discourse to acknowledge what you don't know."
"You have intellectual integrity and you are willing to acknowledge the limits of your own knowledge."
"There's some intellectual honesty in saying you made a mistake or you're changing your view on some subject."
"I really do respect intellectual honesty and someone who's able to change their position after realizing that the position has not so ethical conclusions."
"It is possible to monitor the accuracy of even pretty intellectually slippery characters like political experts."