
Spiritual Concept Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"That awareness is ever there, in fact, one of the names given to it in Vedanta is Chidakasha, the sky of consciousness."
"Dominion is not an impartation; dominion is the resultant effect of your comprehending the mysteries of the kingdom."
"Brahman is the unlimited, consciousness without limits."
"Trust divine timing. Time in itself doesn't really exist."
"The Holy Instant is everything, it's basically everything there is."
"Nirvana is the sigh of relief, the expiration or desperation, in other words, the giving up of the attempt to clutch at life."
"There is light within a person of light and it illuminates the entire cosmos."
"A small percentage of star seeds are going to develop all kinds of amazing abilities."
"Your thoughts mold your reality—it's heaven. So they gave it the name of heaven. What else would you call this?"
"So much freedom in the fifth dimension frequency."
"Grace is not a get out of jail free card, it is a function and a measure that God pours into our lives."
"They are happy to be of service, they may be a star seed."
"Nirvana: transcending the senses for ultimate liberation."
"I think souls are like pieces of quantum energy."
"Now the wheels are interesting in Hebrew the word is ophanim."
"Accelerated healing is bringing God's yesterday into your today."
"Their angels were surfing on the river of life."
"The universe executes a precise order of Justice, karmic debt is being reconciled at this moment."
"Every moment is a sacred moment, everyone has been designated as an anchor of energy or vibration in a particular place at that time that is necessary for the continuous awakening, transformation, and ascension of Earth."
"The line is this energetic frequency that we all hold within us."
"This universe is an entropy reduction trainer for souls."
"There is a dimension of acceleration, Supernatural acceleration that God wants to release you into."
"Fundamental to Mahayana Buddhism is the idea of what is called the Bodhisattva."
"The term false twin flame... potentially even a bit negatively triggering for us."
"Deliverance is a simple term, to be delivered means to be set free."
"The divine feminine is the womb of creation."
"Holiness has no date, no founder, no beginning, and no ending."
"What if you are the download? What if you are the unconditional love?"
"Aura is the manifestation of one soul, it runs through every living creature and Remnant."
"God has no circumference... the center is right where you're sitting."
"Being a dot is bringing yourself back to zero point field. Being a dot is operating from the zero point field."
"Grace is this incredible technology that exercises the superegoic serpentine injunction."
"What I'm about to share with you is one of the most important things you will ever learn in your life. It's a concept that's Eastern in its origin. It's not Western in its origin, and it is the power of the blood Covenant."
"All true gifts come by grace. If you earn what you receive in any way, it isn't really a gift."
"The greatest power in the universe... is the power of forgiveness."
"The whole Cosmic realm is inside you."
"We are unlimited Consciousness, being, Consciousness, Bliss, existence, Consciousness, Bliss."
"Fiat means now, yes, it's the immediacy of God's work."
"Love is not an emotional thing; love is a divine flow."
"With God, a thousand years is like a day."
"Prashanti is peace that passeth understanding."
"Permanent removal of suffering condition is Ananda."
"We exist simultaneously on three dimensions: coarse, subtle, and very subtle."
"Mercy cometh because of the atonement."
"God perceives the end from the beginning."
"The heavens of heavens cannot contain Him."
"We're talking about Bulldog faith."
"Ascension is where you are right now in the scheme of this planet."
"Faith is a belief in things that you cannot see."
"The Eastern view: Theosis, salvation as deification."
"There is an essence that pervades the entire universe."
"The Gateway to the kingdom of heaven is the present moment, that now is the closest approximation to eternity, this holy instant, this moment."
"On the other side of truth is Grace."
"If you insert something that's conflicting to the opposing power of the hollow into the soul, then that will cease the soul suicide process."