
Non-duality Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Be aware of what you are not, and rest in what you are. What you are, you cannot be aware of that; you can't objectify it."
"Brahman alone is real, the world is an appearance, and you are none other than Brahman."
"There is no second entity apart from you, the consciousness. Everything is in consciousness, pervaded by you, the consciousness."
"This entire universe is nothing but consciousness. It's nothing but you."
"All of these things must be ultimately interconnected into a unity, and that's what non-duality tells us."
"To fully appreciate Gödel's discovery, you have to understand non-duality because ultimately Gödel's theorems... were pointing to the fact that there is a truth which is beyond language, beyond logic, beyond your mind."
"When you reach full non-duality, you're gonna have all the full sensitivity of all the emotions but also simultaneously be detached from them all."
"Enlightenment is the truth of no self, meaning that there is no such thing as the entity that you personally think and believe that you are."
"Our true nature is not a limited body... but an unlimited existence which is neither born nor does it die nor does it change or age nor is it different from the entire universe."
"Duality is natural and false; non-duality is not natural but it is true."
"From whom will you protect? This consciousness is non-dual."
"The reality which Advaita Vedanta talks about is not separated from us by space, time, or object."
"Reality is non-dual; that's the absolute truth."
"Advaita is the complete opposite [of duality]; in fact, there is no duality in Advaita because it literally just means oneness."
"The world never really emerged, nor will it undergo dissolution. There’s really no one who’s bound, no one seeking enlightenment, and no one who becomes enlightened. This is the highest truth."
"Duality causes Samsara and non-duality is freedom."
"When the mind becomes no mind, no more duality, non-duality and no more Samsara, Moksha."
"World of duality leads to bondage; non-duality leads to freedom."
"By seeing that the self is eternal and the not self non-eternal... you will realize the self alone is non-dual, Advaita."
"Nothing in the universe is different from Brahman; Brahman is non-dual."
"It's statistically unreasonable to deny it. You may not like it, you may feel that it's a violation of your religion, but as a scientist, a student of non-duality, you have to admit that something like psychic ability is going on."
"Christianity once understood non-duality, although we never used that word. The word in mainline was 'unity of consciousness' but 'non-dual' describes it very well."
"Everything that I'm seeing around me is not physical, it's non-dual."
"Non-duality isn't ideology; it's consciousness. Verify, don't blindly believe."
"Existence consciousness bliss, non-dual Brahman, that's the only reality. There is nothing else apart from it."
"Live your life as if this is the way it is, live in bliss, live in peace, live in non-duality, non-distraction."
"Separation is an illusion. You come from love. You are unity consciousness. There is no such thing as duality."
"There is no difference, there is no division."
"Brahman is not that Brahman exists but it is existence itself."
"The desire for non-dual realization is the greatest grace of God."
"Non-duality is an entire field. It's a very rich and beautiful field to study."
"Values and principles still matter. This is the paradox of non-duality."
"Your purpose is in you already. Move away from duality to non-duality."
"You and your higher self are on this road together... there is no separation."
"Good karma sets the stage for freeing you from samsara."
"Non-duality is understood by the heart, not the intellect of awareness, the heart of awareness."
"Life is not binary, folks. It's not blue or red."
"There is one non-dual reality, and that is Consciousness, and that is you."
"Non-duality is a very difficult idea to comprehend for most people intellectually."
"All things have the characteristic of emptiness; no arising, no ceasing, no purity, no impurity, no deficiency, no completeness."
"You are the ever perfect, ever undisturbed Atman. In either case, choicelessly, so you are."
"Taoism itself is a path of non-duality."
"...everything we take to be real is not actually real, and the only true reality is completely, utterly non-dualistic."
"The self is not one. The self is called non-dual because you see the idea of one as an opposite. The opposite of one is many or none."
"It's not that they are one, it's that they are non-existent in the first place to be one with each other."
"Nobody recognizes non-duality. What's recognized is that there's not two."
"Yoga is skill in action, whatever you have to do, you'll do it more skillfully if you're established in non-duality truly."
"Non-duality is not incompatible with devotion, but actually conducive to it."
"Not limited in the body, this awareness pervades everything that exists."
"Then what is advaita advaita is that all of this is not awareness alone is this is advaita this is strict uncompromising non-duality."
"I think that a lot of times in contemporary nonduality, there's a tendency to become conversant with the terminology, and to perhaps mistake that fluency for the experience to which the terminology actually refers."
"You are eternal, all pervasive, non-dual. The only reality of this universe, that you are. It means also not one thing in this universe is different from you."
"The self, Atman, is not a thing. It's ever the subject, never an object."
"That which borrows existence from you, the ground of appearance, you are not individually. That one reality, you are."
"Ultimately, Advaita will not say that there is this and this, this separation is just for the time being, it's provisional."
"Oneness or non-duality is the central aim of the spiritual teachings of Jesus Christ."
"The differences between religions lie only in the superficial forms, while the underlying truth is non-duality."
"It is bliss itself and it is non-dual."
"Turia is unchanging, it is non-dual amidst all duality."
"True peace and harmony among religions would prevail if we recognize the common truth of non-duality."
"If we accept and truly understand the truth of non-duality, we will have no cause to quarrel or fight with anyone."
"Nonduality is the truth and will remain the truth whether or not anyone chooses to accept it."
"In the state of perfect non-duality, the true glory, wholeness, and fullness of God are revealed."
"The truth of non-duality is the ultimate truth that each and every one of us will eventually come to understand and accept."
"All is not it. It is Brahman alone."
"The same fundamental truth of non-duality has been expressed in the recorded words of sages from diverse cultures throughout the ages."
"Non-duality makes you absolutely free in life."
"The reality is there is only one; it looks like three."
"Being in this space of non-duality allows you to access a higher touch point of universal awareness."
"Non-dualism has no contradiction with anything."
"Choosing to recognize the imprisonment that we ourselves are creating ends up leading to the liberation, to a higher reality of non-duality."
"With effortless being, there's no duality, so there is no attachment or aversion; everything's just arising as it is."
"When the experience falls away, it's recognized it never happened because there never was a gap."
"Awakening is causeless and completely immediate because you're already it."
"Duality is only in thinking; as soon as you are conscious and rooted in your heart, there is no Duality."
"Emptiness shows itself through its own clarity without any need to divide into a subject on one side and an object on the other."
"The reality of non-duality does not contradict the experience of duality."
"It is nothing but the non-dual Brahman, knowing thus be happy."
"Non-duality is the highest level of consciousness."
"To awaken to the absolute view is profound and transformative, and to awaken from all fixed points of view is the birth of true non-duality."
"Non-duality is maybe the absolute, ultimate truth, but duality has its place. It's not something that needs to be obliterated. It has a validity, it has a kind of relative validity."
"The Jivan Mukta, who is only ever aware of himself as 'I am', has transcended all duality."
"There is no duality and no separateness; in fact, there is no misery or suffering outside your own mind because the whole world is nothing but a projection of your own mind."
"All is one in Consciousness; it is impossible to differentiate between people there."
"The direct path is the pathless path, the effortless path from the 'I' of King Lear to the 'I' of John Smith."
"There is no one; this has nothing to do with anyone."
"Once the enlightenment has happened, truly there is no individual doer as an entity."
"Om stands for that one non-dual reality, existence, consciousness, bliss, and you are that."
"The seeing of non-duality is the seeing of life as it actually is."
"Advaita non-duality does not erase the experience of the universe; advaita non-duality makes you limitless in this universe."
"Brahman alone is; the universe itself is not a reality, it's an appearance of Brahman."
"Give up differentiation; all is one only."
"Devotion is the path to non-duality."
"You look with the eyes of the blind; the highest and most profound aspect of mind's eye is non-duality."
"The duty, the responsibility we have to the Dharma, is to bring the truth of non-duality into this chaotic multiplicity."
"Love is the absence of parts or entities, the absence of duality."
"It's really, really, such an amazing method to understand the non-duality."
"There's a third approach in which we start with the one reality, the one being, and we stay there; we don't approach it."
"The Course in Miracles is a pure non-dual teaching."
"If you rest in the non-duality of your being, then meeting duality is the prize, the reward, it's heaven on earth."
"We are non-duality, but we are here to experience duality and to avoid duality is the greatest duality of all."
"Everything is a unity. It's non dual."
"I am not in New York or Calcutta or any place, and Advaita Vedanta will say Calcutta or New York are appearing in me, in me the Consciousness."
"We, the timeless and spaceless we, who are nothing other than absolute non-dual self-conscious being, alone exist."
"Therefore, surrendering our finite self by abiding as our essential non-dual self-conscious being, which is both the thought-free state of supreme happiness and the absolute reality that we call God, is truly abiding in His service."
"All is necessary is to give up this mistaken identity, and that done, the ever shining self will be seen to be the single non-dual reality."
"Nothing exists except the one reality; there is no birth or death, no projection or drawing in, no striving, no aspirant, no release, no bondage, no liberation. The one unity alone exists forever."
"The only means by which we can attain this one non-dual absolute reality is by simply remaining as we truly are, that is, as our own true essential thought-free self-conscious being."
"Brahman is non-dual, the ultimate reality is non-dual, and the world is an appearance."
"Advaita Vedanta in one word means non-duality."
"There's no difference in the space within these various pots of different shape, name, and function; similarly, there is no difference in consciousness."
"The one non-dual reality which you are, you don't become multiple because we imagine a universe within yourself."
"Non-duality or Advaita is part only for someone who wants to end all concepts, all conditioning."
"Brahman is the absolute, one absolute non-dual reality, existence, consciousness, bliss, and the world is an appearance."
"That from which you withdrew, the world and the body and the mind, into the reality which is pure consciousness, excellent. But that from which you withdrew is also that pure consciousness."
"The ultimate reality is a non-dual reality, that there is only one reality without a second."
"I am all that exists. I am the pure non-dual Consciousness."
"It's a point that has no dimension, there's no dimension in time or space."
"The reality is Turiya, not the universe."
"It is the silence of the universe, it is auspicious, it is non-dual."
"Our essential non-dual consciousness of our own being, which we always experience as 'I am', is both infinite and absolute."
"This analysis of Vedanta, establishment of non-duality, coming to this non-dual awareness, this is joy, this is happiness, this is peace."
"God is one, meaning beyond duality."
"Our hearts do not have any borders; they are non-dual."
"The peace that is always here... is not a Christian peace versus a Muslim peace or a Jewish peace; it's not a spiritual peace versus a worldly peace."
"Non-duality includes everything, nothing is excluded."
"Non-duality by saying it's one without a second."
"When there is no duality, there is bliss."
"You have to become your own proof of non-dual absolute; there you will meet no other."
"Guru yoga is really profound; it's such an amazing method to understand the non-duality."
"Once you collapse the subject-object and reach non-duality, there's no more meditator or the meditated."
"The non-duality of open emptiness and appearance is the intrinsic liberation of all phenomena."
"Non-duality means the collapse of the distinction between the subject and the object."
"That is the great discovery of the non-dual understanding."
"The words 'outer' and 'inner' are relative to the body only; in reality, all is one."
"In the realm of non-duality, everything is complete, its own proof, meaning, and purpose."
"Advaita Vedanta cannot dismiss the experience of the multiplicity but what it can negate is the reality of that multiplicity."
"This indeed means the knowledge of the self, the realization of the self as this one non-dual entity."
"I do not exist in beings in reality, nor do these beings exist in me in reality; what exists is I alone, God alone, you alone."
"All beings are in God, it's not that God is in all beings; all beings are in God and then all beings are not; God Alone is."
"There is nothing other than consciousness here."
"It is non-dual, thus is Omkara, the self itself, your real self."
"Consciousness remains one without a second, but appearance, manifestation many."
"The non-dual consciousness, that is what you are."
"To remain free from apprehending the signs of subject and object is the practice of a bodhisattva."
"The taste of the boundless dimensions are basically tastes of non-dual realms that when stable are equivalent to awakening."
"One sees that non-dual awareness."
"Advaita Vedanta regards everything as you yourself."
"Names and forms have no existence apart from Brahman."
"...there's a deep Paradox here in this moment and it's not either this or this it's both this and this and the non-duality is when there's both..."
"Nirvana has no difference whatsoever from samsara and samsara has no difference whatsoever from nirvana."
"The non-duality encompasses both the breakdown of meaning and the transcendence of meaning."
"When we just are, having settled calmly and peacefully in perfect repose as a simple self-conscious being, the light of self will shine forth clearly as our non-dual consciousness of being 'I am I'."
"The only knowledge that we can consider to be absolutely valid and true is a knowledge that is perfectly non-dual."
"Your true nature is non-dual; it is free of desires and duties."
"Advaitha shows you a spiritual path where the existence of the Atman is absolutely certain."
"You are all-pervasive, eternal, non-dual."
"The spirit that exists as the heart or core of each individual soul is essentially the same single undivided non-dual and infinite consciousness of being."
"What then remains and is known in the absence of this spurious and limited consciousness 'I am this body' is our one non-dual real and unlimited consciousness 'I am'."
"What each one of us experiences as our own essential consciousness of being 'I am' is the same non-dual real consciousness that exists in every other living being."
"When we thus experience ourself as being nothing other than our own absolutely non-dual self-consciousness 'I am', our primal imagination that a body is our self will be destroyed."
"There's always the knowing that there is no separation. And yet complete awe at imaginary separation."
"The philosophy of non-dual true knowledge expounded by Sri Ramana is not only a well-reasoned philosophy but also a practical and precise science."
"There is only one non-dual reality, there are no two."
"You are Brahman; you never had samsara."
"The real is the absolute existence, consciousness, bliss, nondual Brahman."
"This limitless awareness is eternal, all-pervading, non-dual."
"It is by the special grace of Ishwara that we have this desire for Advaita, this liking for non-duality."
"You are this non-dual radiance, this awareness."
"This is the only time in your experience you experience the meaning of non-duality because this is the first time there is a oneness of experience."
"That is true enlightenment, that is Advaitic enlightenment."
"Consciousness is one and non-dual but shines as if diversified, like the clean surface of a mirror reflecting variegated colors."
"Consciousness is non-dual, there is nothing other than Consciousness anyway."
"You are limitless, you appear as the universe, and you are not a doer of any action."
"Existence, consciousness, bliss, and non-dual literally means there is no second reality."
"In meditation, your beingness should merge in itself, a non-dual state."
"This message, it's not a rejection of any aspect of life because in the end what we're talking about is non-duality, which means not two, which means wholeness, oneness."
"Underlying this triangle is one reality, that's the non-duality."
"That which has no parts, the soundless, the cessation of all phenomena, all blissful and non-dual, Om."
"The text will teach us about our real self which is the non-dual Brahman."
"Our essential consciousness 'I am' is not only immediately and eternally self-conscious, it is also single, undivided, and non-dual."
"We need to analyze, we need to actualize non-duality."
"Wisdom in Buddhism is not mere intellect. Wisdom is an ability to not fall into duality."
"For a sage, there is no coming and going, no birth and death."
"This makes this, if you understand that, it will fill you with the realization that there is no distinction between the self and the other."
"When attention has completely disentangled from thought, we find ourselves in this world of non-dualistic aliveness."
"That thou art, which is the essence of Advaita Vedanta."
"Brahman is the only reality which is non-dual."
"Orthodox Christianity is a form of non-duality because non-duality just means not two."
"For the welfare of others... while maintaining Brahmadrishti, equal non-dual vision at all moments effortlessly."
"Love is a better way to understand it because love has the notion of ultimate non-duality in the sense that we all participate in the life of the infinite God."
"In the absolute one has no instrument to make any statements; what I am in the absolute sense, it is not possible to convey in any words."
"That stillness is always there, it is ever peaceful, ever still, it is ever Shiva, auspicious, it is ever non-dual."
"...in the state of true self-knowledge we will discover that we are the one non-dual self-consciousness 'I am'."
"Every thought, every perception, every object and reappearance is contained in that and is made of that and is that, and there is no separation."
"There is no duality in life; everything is non-dual, everything is one."
"The pure non-dual state of consciousness devoid of individuality."
"The essence of Advaita Vedanta is negating all names and labels."
"I am the unborn, I am the one, there is no possibility of any second."
"All of Vedanta ultimately refers to one non-dual reality, Brahman, and I am that Brahman."