
Personal Wishes Quotes

There are 117 quotes

"I wish I was friends with Luther Vandross, Whitney Houston. I wish I could have just talked to them."
"Have you ever wanted to meet one of your favorite cartoon characters in real life? I know I have."
"You could never knock Messi for playing his whole career at Barcelona, but I would love to have seen him play in the Premier League."
"Do you ever have a recurring dream that you really wish would come true?"
"I wish Tom Happ all the best with his game, his future ventures, and the care of his beautiful child."
"I want Deshaun to be happy, I want him to be successful."
"I truly want the best for you. I want you to be good. I want you to be well."
"I wish Carlos Maza the very best. I'm glad he's on YouTube."
"Honestly, there's a part of me that really wishes she did that too. It would have been perfect."
"I think it would be really cool to be able to have parallel versions of your life."
"I would very much like for the person who is responsible for everything would be somebody else."
"I always wanted to enjoy a meal, just one, with my father."
"I feel like there's a wish coming in for you."
"I'm secretly wishing for a happy ending with you."
"I just want to be chosen by a cat, that's it."
"Now I just need an anime of Pride and Prejudice and my life will be complete."
"I want to go out and meet with my friends. I want to watch movies. I want to have some fun for once."
"I want something different, I want something different now."
"Dear Nana, I hope you have the best birthday ever."
"Many of you have just been asking for a break, like you just want life to give you a break."
"Maybe one day someone will definitely appreciate me enough to go all out for me at least once, you know. That's all I want, I want to be."
"If I could teleport somewhere I would go to the Irish countryside."
"I really pray that God blesses you and gives you the opportunity to do the crazy [ __ ] that you want to do too."
"Let me know in the comments what you want for Christmas this year now me personally I just want some socks because you can never go wrong with socks."
"When it's our time to go, I hope I get half of the love that he has."
"Cut the man some slack and wish him the best."
"I hope that you all enjoy your summer things if you're in this hemisphere."
"Dude, I wish I could have cake for breakfast, that would be great."
"Your voice can be heard and things such as signing things for free or donating even a little bit of money that you may or may not have anything helps make the change."
"I certainly wish her well in finding her grandmother."
"Wow, I have the perfect wish! So this is my girlfriend, and she's blind, but we've been together a long time, and I just wish she could see the world. So I wish my girlfriend could see."
"Whether you loved the movie or hated it or something in between like me, I'm wishing you all the best."
"Revenge is a complicated matter, but I guess she would not want me to take revenge out for her sake."
"I want my baby to have a brother or sister... I want to have three kids like home."
"I want her to [ __ ] be okay for the rest of her [ __ ] life."
"2021 is the year for wishes to come true, especially for those born in the year of the ox."
"Honestly, personally for me, I'd love to hug a red panda, me too."
"I wish you would've left a long time ago and just came back when the corn was boiled."
"My power would be teleportation, my weakness is European women."
"I want him to be free. I want him to be him."
"I just wish somehow they would just cancel Christmas this year."
"Breakneck was such an underrated weapon that in today’s game a lot of players would actually like to have it!"
"I just want better football and I want us to be doing well."
"I knew it I am so glad I was hoping that I was a boy because I want to see Haley with the little like cousin that way they have like boy and girl."
"I beg you to be kind but if not then I beg could I die in a very entertaining manner."
"I just want some simple things, Joseph. I just want some simple things."
"It's so brutal. And would you get those shots? Would you get some shots to help it? No, I wish."
"Take care and all the best to you and your beloveds."
"I desire peace in your days and serenity in your nights."
"My wish will still be here. I'm entrusting it to every one of you."
"Edd’s final wish was for his world to keep on spinning."
"Number one always ask God for what you want and number two my favorite prayer in holidays is for those who are not for me."
"I wish the brother nothing but the best but if we're going to be real about it let's deal with reality."
"I just wanted my game and my childhood to be normal like everyone else's."
"You know what, I want flowers, someone give me flowers, thank you, I would appreciate it."
"We can want what someone else has without wishing they lose it."
"I want to be buried in the ground, no coffin, no casket, no embalming. Just put me on the ground."
"She wishes to pass away pieace y because there is nothing for her in this world."
"Happy birthday Wesley amazing happy birthday to you bro."
"Definitely, we see wishes throughout this. Miracles, nine of cups, wishes."
"I just want this drama to end, man, and I just want my family to just come together again, you know?"
"I want a celebration, I don't want the let's all look at an old picture of me in a casket and cry, I'm cool."
"I want my funeral to be a party, not sad as [ __ ]."
"I want everyone to have to eat some of my ashes."
"Ace of Pentacles, the path to marriage. Nine of Cups, wish."
"My wish list for 2020 and for whatever reason, I don't know like the predictions are kind of more... off the cuff."
"With all of that being said, have a great day guys!"
"I just want to be astonished. I don't ask for much."
"Happy birthday Miss Karen, I hope this year is fantastic for you."
"If she deserves anything it's to have her wishes on the matter respected to do otherwise is to deny greater you'd even booked a vacation to avoid this and now you're contemplating letting her walk smack dab into what she's trying to avoid."
"In New York City at night, it just doesn't get any better. I just wish I had a brand new Leica to play with on a night like this."
"Please treasure the normal lives you have, that is what Marie would want."
"Your family is more important than anything. I just want the best for you."
"If you're out there investing in real estate I wish you luck and I hope you win."
"Enjoy the journey, may all your wishes come true."
"Maybe you should ask Santa for a new family."
"I hope that this winter is a very mild and warm winter for Europe and it happened so hopefully my mild is also relative."
"But even just like a regular duck zone that's all I want before this story ends."
"Gertrude Weaver was 116 when she died, and she made a wish that for her 117th birthday, former president Barack Obama would come to visit her..."
"I hope he makes as much money as possible, I hope he fights for the world top, I hope he can buy himself a nice house I hope he lives a great life."
"Yadier Molina is 38 going on 39 this year and he's playing really good baseball."
"I think there's a way to fulfill both your wish and your father's. No way, I'm sure there is. You'll understand when you meet my dad, he's really stubborn and doesn't listen to me at all."
"I want to be a tree or a coral reef."
"What I want for myself, I want for my brother, my sister."
"May I feel happy, may I be peaceful, may I be free."
"I always wanted him to be a teacher anyway."
"The only thing I wanted for Christmas was to be back home with my family."
"If I'm unconscious and my illness is so serious it's life-threatening, how far do I want the emergency services or the doctor to go before I say that's enough?"
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Maria, happy birthday to you."
"Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year, Rebecca and Rosemary."
"I don't want no funeral for me; I want a celebration of life."
"Sometimes I wish that I traveled more, but I must say, I'm very happy."
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Griffey."
"If I had a choice, I'd like to be a ghost for a little while, and then I'd like to go to the good place with all the good people."
"You should take this up because this is someone's prayer for you, this is someone's wish for you."
"If I found a magic lamp and I could have one wish, I would wish that I had a normal face that no one ever noticed at all."
"My mother in her living will... spelled out exactly what her version of quality of life was."
"I wanted to spend Christmas with my family."
"At the same time, I wish everyone could have a happy childhood within a fair society. And that was definitely not my case."
"I'd rather pass peacefully surrounded by people I love, listening to music I like."
"Yihuan, meaning 'joyous fulfillment of one's wish'."
"Quality of life - what matters to you, your wishes, and your goals need to be part of your overall plan."
"Passing with dignity, as well as how you want to be treated in the final months, weeks, days of your life."
"You're such a respective privacy lady, did those wishes, and I think that's really important."
"Your Majesty, I want to find Suoxin a good husband."
"I hope that today, Charlie, your day is filled with Sudoku and chocolate cake with the correct ratio of icing to cake, of course."
"We will respect whatever wishes that you have."
"She most likely just wanted peace and a family who would be safe."
"Oceanelle stated that she wished she could represent District 4 in another way instead of having to fight in these games."