
Professional Help Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"Spirituality can improve your mental health but it's not a replacement for professional help."
"Getting professional help isn't weird or weak, it's smart."
"It's very important to talk about your problems with a professional."
"Hey, if you guys are sad and suspect yourself to be clinically depressed, don't hesitate to see a professional. They can help you."
"You don't have to live in this mindset...there are trained professionals whose job it is to help you through that stuff."
"If you have mental health issues, you should really reach out to someone who's like a professional."
"There's nothing wrong with seeking professional help if you're going through stuff."
"Talking to my friends is so different than talking to a licensed therapist who has the expertise and knowledge."
"When you're involved in anything it's always helpful if you have a lawyer trust your lawyer if you don't trust your lawyer have another lawyer there's plenty of us to go around."
"Balance mental health with professional help and share progress."
"Be patient, don't rush, and seek professional help if needed."
"He actually took time to go up to his office. He gave me like a 10 page listing and I actually got the job."
"There's nothing weak about seeking professional help."
"If you guys ever need help don't be ashamed to actually seek professional help seriously."
"We just really want to encourage you to seek out professional medical help from a doctor or a psychiatrist."
"Behavioral strategies have a very good success rate."
"Most important thing, involve a professional and outsider."
"Some people need rehab, professional help is crucial."
"Anyone that we can get who's a consultant for that, that is fantastic."
"Professional help is a great way to go. It can really help give you insights to these beliefs that we often have that really have nothing to do with us."
"I decode what different mental health professionals do, and which ones are right for you."
"Go talk to a professional counselor about this."
"Facing those obstacles isn't easy and you don't win a prize for doing it alone, so getting professional help isn't weird or weak, it's smart."
"She needs professional help, especially if she's self-harming and has constant suicidal thoughts."
"If you're anxious or depressed, there's no reason to not speak with somebody, a professional that can help you."
"Taking care of ourselves mentally and emotionally is so important and sometimes having an experienced professional help to guide us and show us things in a different way can be really really helpful."
"Leverage the expertise of a good professional financial adviser."
"I think it's time I get some professional help to finally fix myself."
"Sometimes the best thing that we can do...is to lead them to a medical professional who can really help them."
"This might require professional help. This sounds crazy."
"You're actually working with genuine designers and stylists who can make you look better."
"Seriously consider looking into professional help because nothing helped me until I actually looked into psychologists and psychiatrists." - Fruit
"In order to be a Healer you must come from a healed place... seek out professional help."
"BetterHelp will assess your needs and match you with a professional licensed therapist."
"Remember if you're struggling to reach out to an actual mental health professional, don't just go to someone on youtube."
"Love yourself enough to get the professional help that you need."
"The only way I saved myself was through professional help."
"Everyone can benefit from therapy... sometimes you need a professional to help you with that."
"Having professional help has been such a life-changing move."
"I've been taking time away to learn, to reflect, to talk to professionals, and most importantly, to try to help better the situation that happened recently."
"Do you have any tips on how to deal with the midlife crisis? Just keep on trucking and find somebody professional to talk to, that's what helped me."
"Taking stock of this and instead of continuing to exercise, we reach out to a therapist, possibly one who specializes in eating disorders if we think it's connected to that."
"It's a much more rigorous process that you need a professional to help you do."
"... it's essential to do your research and seek professional help when dealing with the Paranormal."
"So for sure, seek a professional for this. It's totally worth it. Medications can also help with this OCD. But either way, one of the biggest things I want people to stop doing are the compulsions."
"Seeing a professional is super super helpful."
"Sometimes it can be so helpful to speak to somebody who is professional and trained and unbiased to help navigate a difficult situation that you might be in or problem solve or even just to bounce ideas off of."
"We can find connection in lots of places and help in lots of places, and professional help can definitely play a role in that."
"Keep fighting, keep going forward, and never let pride prevent you from seeking professional help. It was the best thing I ever did."
"Take care of yourself... exploring these terms... seek out a mental health professional."
"We took our son to therapy as well and we realize quickly a trained professional can ask the questions that you would never even think of asking."
"Please follow professional advice. There's a lot of help online, especially for gambling addiction."
"Getting help from a professional can really make a difference."
"I'm glad I surrendered my ego and some savings and asked for the professional help in the scenario. It was worth the investment and lesson in my opinion."
"Often we need a therapist that knows what they're doing to help us with that."
"When you realize that there's something keeping you from your happiness or something keeping you from reaching your goals, that is when working with a professional licensed can really, I mean, there's so many other situations where it can be beneficial."
"Taking it is not somebody's job to take care of somebody who's living with suicidal ideation that is something that you need a trained professional for"
"I didn't think I needed a wedding planner, but it was awesome to have a professional like Angelique to bounce ideas off of. I'm glad someone was keeping your ideas in check."
"You're not qualified to fix you, nobody is."
"please go see your aesthetician or dermatologist"
"Your wife sounds filled with regret and remorse, a precursor to depression. So, you'd do well to help her get professional help."
"If you think you're struggling with depression, please go seek professional help. Please go see your doctor."
"But traumatic death, it's much more likely you're going to need professional help."
"Please don't try to diagnose yourself, now try to treat yourself."
"You need, you know, I would refer a lot of people to mental health practitioners, psychologists, that sort of thing because they need professional help."
"Psychologically, I had talked to not only a professional but also a human being that had gone through it."
"You don't have to go to a professional to confirm gender dysphoria, but doing at-home remedies won't work."
"Make sure you read through all the documentation that etoto supplies with the unit and get help from a professional install tech if you are unfamiliar with how to do a job like this yourself."
"The real key to my recovery has been the outside help of receipt from professionals in the field."
"If you have an issue with the way you eat and it is harming your health, if you're on that ladder above me, stop watching this and talk to an expert."
"Getting professional help sooner was really important and that could have helped out ultimately."
"For anybody struggling with an eating disorder, specifically from my experience, it is so vital for you to reach out and get help from some professionals."
"Why not get professionals involved? There are resources available."
"Speak to a professional as well. Speak to a qualified clinician."
"Certain things here need a qualified professional to guide you through it."
"If you're really feeling depressed, consider the possibility of professional help."
"BetterHelp: Visit betterhelp.com/congrats and join the over 500,000 people taking charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional."
"Everything you share is confidential, it's convenient, it's professional, best of all, BetterHelp is affordable."
"BetterHelp is not a crisis line, it's professional counseling done securely online."
"Join the three million people who have matched with professionally licensed and vetted therapists."
"Having a professional, um sort of in your court whether it be a therapist or a coach or somebody like that to be able to bounce all of this around with I think can also be really helpful."
"I'm nuts in a funny way, but kind of in a serious way. I have benefited from having a place where I can go talk to a professional, talk about what's going on with me, my mental health, the things that I'm going through. And that's why I'm so excited to be working with Cerebral."
"So if you're interested you can do that but it will also give you some perspective if you're seeking out a professional to help you repair something like this."
"For people with more serious issues, obviously a licensed mental health counselor or therapist would be more effective therapeutically."
"Hire professional help; you'll save so much money by doing so."
"If you're looking for professional guidance and helping you produce the music you're passionate about creating, then I would encourage you to visit beatacademy.com."
"I wish I would have thought to get professional help from the get-go."
"The sooner we reach out to a mental professional, actually the better."
"You can still run out of money even if you use a bucketing strategy, so triple check all of this with some professionals."
"It's been better because I've had law enforcement agencies... who've reached out to me in a professional capacity to ask for my help."
"If you went through some sort of traumatic event and feel the need to talk to a professional about it, that's completely fine."
"It's going to take professionally trained counselors to do the things necessary to get us where we're going."
"Don't be scared to ask for letters and support from professionals for this as well."
"It's okay if you need to go somewhere and unpack trauma with a professional."
"Talking to a professional is really, really helpful because I've been through it myself."
"Being able to speak to a professional therapist who is trained to listen to you and give you helpful, unbiased advice has been the best thing I could do for myself."
"If the burden is too great to bear, consider seeking help from a professional."
"You don't have to know everything exactly when you reach out; it actually might be better to have an idea, have some thoughts, but to be open to suggestions and professional input."
"Get an accountant. An accountant is the professional in your life that will make you the most amount of money relative to what you pay for them."
"If you're not sure if your guitar is well set up, you might as well bring it into a professional guitar store to set it up for you."
"All you creative people out there, get an open mind and go find you a suit; it's going to help out your business."
"If we don't allow people with these desires to come forward and get professional help, then we're going to see these people cause more harm to children."
"I'm so grateful for my psychology background because it pushed me to seek professional help."
"It is okay to ask for help and to seek the help of professionals."
"If you understand more what's happening with your anatomy and more what's happening with your nervous system, you can ask the right professional to help you."
"You really need to get professional help to help you manage these feelings so that they don't overwhelm you."
"It's so important to have both though, because you can have friends and family who are there for you, but you want an actual professional who's going to help you down."
"It's really important that you get a migration agent or a migration lawyer to actually help you lodge this application."
"Don't torture yourself and talk to someone professionally."
"If you're struggling with pain, discomfort, and you just can't seem to get it right, it might be worth going to a professional bike fitter."
"If at any point during your installation you feel unsafe, stop and seek the necessary professional help."
"Never diagnose yourself from the internet. Always see a professional medical or mental health practitioner."
"Stop diagnosing yourself through TikTok and go to a licensed professional to help you."
"I strongly recommend that you have a professional come and do this for you."
"Anxiety and depression... sometimes you actually need to see a physician."
"If you do have any serious questions that you need professional guidance on, definitely reach out to a registered licensed immigration consultant."
"Working with a professional can help you learn how to teach your golden to be comfortable with being home alone."
"If you feel like someone isn't best suited to help you, you can quickly be paired with another mental health professional."
"Best way to do taxes as a trader? Hire a CPA who is familiar with it."
"If you're not comfortable doing this on your own, please pay somebody to do it; it can be dangerous, so be careful."
"People really need to be seeing a professional, a therapist, a medical doctor, whatever it is that's going to deal with the problem that they're having."
"Take even more control and healthy control, and talk to a professional."
"Don't self-treat, don't self-diagnose, go speak to someone."
"Professional help is very important for survivors in situations like this."
"Take care of your mental health, talk to professionals."
"Asking for professional help and maybe even getting medication, that's an okay route and it's definitely encouraged."
"It's good even if you are not going through some type of terrible depression, it's always good to feel that you can open up to a professional level of help."
"Do you want to speak to a professional about that?"
"This is just my story and I highly encourage those of you who have challenges to overcome, speak to a professional."
"Don't recommend self-diagnosing yourself; honestly, you gotta seek a professional."
"I would definitely recommend going to a professional if that is an option."