
Life Exploration Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"We're all just trying to figure it out and see what works for us."
"Turn your life into a scientific investigation, a scientific experiment, and the goal of your experiment is to simply figure out what is reality, what is consciousness, what is life."
"To me, it's the equivalent of a diary book in the form of a TV show, just overall wholesome while exploring everything that life has to offer."
"Viruses are both terrifying and beautiful. Terrifying because they can threaten the fabric of human civilization, both biological and psychological. Beautiful because they give us insights into the nature of life on Earth, and perhaps even extraterrestrial life."
"Eventually, I just said, you know what, screw it, let's try out life. Maybe it'll be different."
"Near-death experiences: close encounters with death."
"Humans could now embark on the happy search for new 'poetries of life' free from religious and other traditional rules."
"I'm so young, I feel like there's so much to life and I should go wherever I'm happy."
"You're telling your own story in this amazing world."
"We deserve to know what life outside of that box is like in our lifetime."
"He was somebody who was very curious about life, a man who was trying to make sense of the world."
"Travel, figure out what impassions you, what gets you fired up."
"There's a whole life out there waiting for you outside of your comfort zone."
"There's so much more in life to go experience and do."
"Through your own exploration, enthusiasm, and optimism you are about to find out the next stage of your life."
"Life rewards the bold, those courageous enough to step outside their front door and not follow but design."
"Life is crazy interesting, the deeper you go, it gets more fascinating."
"What happens after happily ever after? It's senior year, and Paige Hancock is finally living her best life. Emery Lord's award-winning storytelling shines in this heartfelt exploration of life's most important questions."
"I find in the Bible and in ancestral narratives there's a heap of information there designed to prepare people for contact."
"Most people will never know what their true potential is."
"You might as well enjoy, you might as well explore, and you might as well bang against like the freaking glass jars of this aquarium that we're in just bang your head against it repeatedly."
"I like exploring life and just traveling and sharing that with my YouTube channel and Instagram and all of that."
"Approaching life with a curious mindset, what can life offer me or what can I turn my life into?"
"You've got to figure out what you want to do in life. Exploration is a huge task that will definitely give your mind and your body something to chew on."
"It's like look, you got this fighter plane. You might as well take it to its limits. You might as well go and do absolutely everything you want to do in life."
"It's okay to go on an adventure right? I could explore and maybe find out what I want to do in life."
"Every time you want to take an adventure or try a new path, do it because it will lead you to better and bigger things."
"You are finding out who you are, what makes you thrive, what you love, what you don't love. When you find out who you are and bring yourself into that, you bring yourself full circle."
"If there is life in you, we will know soon enough."
"It's like a Choose Your Own Adventure book except it's real life, man. It's so cool and it's wonderful and beautiful."
"We're about to have a whole nother experience with other species of life besides ours."
"Write the waves and see where the tides take you."
"Don't let life tame you. Explore your path like a child. Be curious."
"Stories offer adventures and worlds outside of our own scenarios and life situations that we'd never experience otherwise."
"Life will open up like a series of beautiful boxes."
"Life is so much bigger than your front door. It's more than a yearly review, a commute, a test, a routine. It's the places you've never been, the people you've never met, the dreams you haven't thought of."
"Human life... appeared to him the one thing worth investigating... compared to it, there was nothing else of any value."
"We've always wanted to know what lies beyond... that same curiosity could also be brought to bear on the edge of life."
"It's time for you to have a sense of adventure and to enjoy more of life."
"I'm not seeking. I'm interested, turned on to life, to find out what is life, what is reality, what is God, what is being."
"Imagine life without the fear of taking risks and exploring life."
"Curiosity about life living organisms plants humans and other animals was to underlie almost everything Aristotle ever achieved."
"We are here on earth on this planet for what, I don't know, nobody knows, so why are we not taking advantage of everything that we could do."
"See what else life has to offer you and you'll find yourself as well."
"What is happiness and how do we find it?"
"Who am I to judge other human beings when we just trying to figure out life?"
"Time to quit looking at that wall. There's more out there in life."
"Since I quit trying to go any place, I've been all over the world."
"There's a lot more to life outside of the religion."
"Above all, to know the joy of wandering about life, not having ready-made answers for everything."
"Explore, experience, enjoy your life in pursuit."
"You don't have to be outdoorsy to explore life."
"Life is here to be explored and to have as many adventures as you can."
"Being an actor is the greatest life you can have because we get to be many people in one lifetime, and most people get to be just one person."
"I need another adventure in my life."
"It's not too late to expand your horizons; you're not dead yet, are you?"
"There's just more to life, man. There's more to life. Get out there, take advantage of every field trip you can possibly think of, dream and dream big."
"We all want something that takes us away from life rather than that helps us to explore our lives."
"Dream big, laugh lots, be amazing, live well, explore life, adventure on."
"The simple life, I appreciate all this, but there is so much more to life to see."
"For me, a writer is somebody who lives in their own life, their own investigation of what it's all about."
"When you start to expand your horizons, you get exposed to a world of new options."
"Explore your options. Do something new. It's a good time to make changes."
"Exploring life and seeing the world in a much more beautiful light than you ever have."