
Interpersonal Connection Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"I wish I was friends with Luther Vandross, Whitney Houston. I wish I could have just talked to them."
"We don't know we're really a person until we find ourselves recognized by another person."
"You are someone who is very special to this person."
"Curiosity is a precursor to attraction because if you are curious and want to investigate what you see, that opens the door to attraction in a powerful way."
"The most charming person you've ever met in your life... they are just wonderful. You feel like you've met a kindred spirit."
"All it takes is one person to care about you for you to feel like there's hope."
"Irene said she'd never felt such warmth from someone."
"In a world that offers rapidly growing opportunities to create networks of interpersonal connection, this core system of quick assessment and categorization of individuals can be incredibly helpful."
"It's like a hug that happens when you and another person laugh together."
"They're very kind once you can break through that kind of barrier and exterior."
"Everybody wants to know when I enter the room do your eyes light up it's uh you know this whole idea of connection is the reason why I love the WWF's so much."
"Recognizing the other person is me, recognizing that the light that I am seeing in that person is being reflected back at me."
"He dusted himself down, then offered you his hand."
"Play co-op with her, that's the good one. You're really sweet."
"The fact that they were able to be open with each other... is all that matters."
"I'm kind of lowkey obsessed with this person already."
"To be in your presence is a beautiful thing."
"They love this telepathy, this intense eye contact."
"The most important thing is that the love doesn't change."
"They can let each other know we're here, we're okay, and we wish the best for you."
"I get lost in your eyes then find a better version of myself."
"Deep conversations enable individuals to truly get to know each other on a deeper level."
"Let's continue this conversation soon; I've enjoyed our discussion immensely."
"There is communication here in the near future."
"You and I, we're bound by that thread of fate."
"Sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire, oh sometimes you gotta connect, look water and fire look connection."
"Stanley, you're back! You're back! Oh my goodness, I have someone to talk to again!"
"Vulnerability isn't a factor. It was upon you outside and you feel it in me. She liked me. Thank you."
"I love talking to somebody all the way over in Africa. That's awesome."
"There's no substitute for meeting someone face to face. You can see their physicality, feel their vibe."
"You feel like this person is a core part of your sort of um energy you know they really just have helped you a lot."
"The paradox is that authenticity can sometimes be controversial, but it's essential for true connection."
"I've been doing this for over 20 years and I've never met such a hoot like your husband like I wish that I had the privilege to meet him when he was alive."
"This person really wants to get to know you better."
"Thank you for watching my back, thank you for being there, thank you for sending me the messages that I needed to see."
"They really are desiring to reach out to you."
"You always make my day. You guys make mine seriously."
"We share it together and we've always been like that."
"There's just something profoundly healing about telling somebody you love them."
"People buy from you, love you, adore you, will learn from you if they feel understood."
"This is somebody who's very attracted to you, sees you as magical and attractive, drawing them in with your magnetism."
"One of the greatest gifts you can give a man is to have him feel heard."
"It's like the moment you actually see that person, they walk in the room, your eyes meet, and you just know that that is the person for you."
"It's not sometimes the check, it's just the hug, you know, just a big warm hug."
"Yo, Jessica, shout out to you, you're the best."
"Eye contact is huge, it conveys trust me, talk to me, I'm here, I'm connected with you."
"What's shared from the heart reaches the heart."
"I really appreciate the conversation... thank you so much for setting it up."
"This person is coming in to try to communicate with you."
"I make a point of praying for anyone that is going to use my social media today. It's a way of reminding me that I'm dealing with people and not just words and abstractions."
"Even greater than his passion for music is his passion for people." - Narrator
"Life is about daily connection, building that relationship still."
"He's trying to connect with this guy, and you see it because you see him actually thinking."
"So they got pizza together, went to go watch Rocky Horror Picture Show, and they hit it off. Nice!"
"The accuracy of the prophetic utterances... was one thousand percent."
"He saw me as though I was the only person in the world."
"My personality is really about light and I love people and I'm always about high energy of all good things all positive."
"He was the type of person where you knew him for six months and you felt like you knew him your entire lifetime."
"It normalizes odd families and divergent personalities and encourages the notion that we all have the capacity to connect to other people."
"You're exchanging energy with this person 24/7... because by the law of attraction, that which is likened to itself is drawn."
"You make me feel completely heard and understood."
"Automatically, this person likes you for reasons that are even spiritual."
"That hug was as much for me as it was for you."
"Take time to get to know each other, no pressure on you, no pressure on the connection."
"We can really connect, we can use this opportunity to make a difference in each other's lives right now."
"That was one of the things about Jon Schnepp that I loved, he loved other people's creativity."
"Keep it simple is massive because it's about getting to know one another."
"Destiny intervenes to bring you and this person together."
"She was somebody who instantly we met and took us in and welcomed us and wanted to talk with us and be open with us and shared her time and cried with us and explained her life, her story with us."
"The eye is the window to the soul, so eye contact is powerful in connecting with someone on a soul level."
"We need a place for people to hang out. We need people to feel pride and satisfaction from each other."
"Can I give you a hug? That is awesome, holy crap."
"I'm a big fan of that ass play conversation with Danny."
"I hope you and yours are doing all right, you know."
"Your person finds your connection extremely healing, empathic, and compassionate."
"There's very similar energy that moves through people who share a birthday, and that's why you can kind of know them."
"I do see something growing here between the two of you."
"I admire you... You made me feel like you're human."
"It doesn't have to be huge. Sometimes you just need to go smile at somebody to make the day worthwhile for you and them."
"Thank you so much, you are a wonderful person and a blessing for me to sit and talk with."
"Pluto in Aquarius is asking us to become much more mindful of our connections to each other."
"We live in incredible times. You know, man, look, we could FaceTime each other if we need to."
"Someone's attracted to you, there's this Divine spark, there's a connection."
"There's something in the look of your eyes that I instantly know the rest exactly."
"Strangers aren't strangers once you introduce yourself."
"It's a social activity, we're meeting up with two other people."
"They see you as someone they can love openly and authentically."
"That's what's up, man. Appreciate the love, bro." - Unknown speaker
"I think love is a kind of connection with that, you know between people."
"I feel like I wanna give you a hug right now."
"Human to human connection, embracing the messiness."
"Anyone can make this bond with a pseudo dragon."
"Empathy is the one gift in the world that fits every time."
"This person's eyes light up when they talk to you."
"Every single person is playing the most important role everywhere anywhere that could that it could possibly like from from somebody that I've never met that's the most important person in the whole universe."
"It's important that I get to know you better."
"I just love how happy like Mom and Gabriel are to have me around and like I'm just so happy to be around them."
"They've noticed some deep core similarities about the two of you... they see you as similar to them at this really deep level."
"Let love build a bridge to healing and connection."
"I feel like there's always magic when we're together."
"You are what they wish for, and they want to talk to you. Very good outcome here if it's what you want right Taurus."
"It's fate, it's destiny, it's somebody that's going to be put in your path to help you heal."
"I think out of all the people, you have caught my eye."
"Without each other we wouldn't have a relationship."
"Two souls hugging each other, helping each other heal from their battle wounds."
"What did you say? You want to be friends? Alys, I knew it happens."
"Allow your conversations to come into this healing space of holding each other and not just bantering."
"Having that connection to another person is really beautiful."
"It's always the relationship. It's always the future."
"They may be wondering if they come towards you and leave this third party, will your connection be better?"
"What I absolutely adore about you, Daniel, is that..."
"Oh my god, start to get attached to these people who were just like just names."
"A bond between two people, you can sense it, you know it, you feel it, it's beautiful."
"Kristen was described as having a smile that lit up a room and contagious hugs."
"Diving deep into what that other person is passionate about, asking them questions, inquiring about it, going deep with them is so valuable and so important."
"They're like, 'You're incredibly interesting, I want to get to know you better.'"
"Good flirts: I'm enjoying getting to know you and don't want it to stop. Better flirts: I'm trying so hard not to kiss you right now."
"He greeted and shook everyone's hand in that room... regardless of what BS you're involved with, that was cool."
"Share that vulnerability with a good friend or a partner."
"When you meet each other in person, and you just realize, like, there is, like, I mean, honestly, it's one of those things that it's like."
"You reached out, she reached out, hugs, tears, applause, like a superhero."
"The only reason anybody can't really connect with another human being is that they're not connected to themselves."
"This connection is exciting, there's a spark."
"My name actually means a gift from God, so you are my gift."
"When there's beautiful synchronicity between both of you."
"Remember overall that we are all spiritual beings, even those of us that are behaving poorly or that are sort of at their brightest. We're all here to learn, we're all here to teach, and we're all here to receive love and light from one another."
"That cat everyone, it met. It just showered with love."
"That vulnerability allows you to build a deeper bond and deeper connection, and now you're actually engaging with someone in a refreshing way."
"There's just something so special about their dynamic."
"A soul tie is an emotional and mental attachment to a person, place, or thing."
"With this person, you are going to feel a deeper connection."
"The big smile spread across her face when I accepted."
"There's just this underlying level of understanding and trust between women."
"All the magic in life happens when two people find that space."
"You're gonna meet someone this month... Somebody who's gonna make you feel so good inside."
"He's quiet, he listens a lot. And I got him to laugh, and nobody gets Lynn's dad to laugh."
"Let me show you all, take a few minutes of time, I make a smile baby giggle."
"The strongest thing about Aang is his connection to the people around him."
"If you could give a little magic, maybe we could get to know each other." - Maggie Rogers
"Recognize your ability to communicate with this person through energy."
"You might be meeting someone who's on their way to you and on the way to something else."
"Real recognize real, you feel me? They could tell by the way I speak."
"A sort of shortcut to building the quality and the high intensity connection is to be vulnerable, to ask for help, to share your problems."
"Your person is in the emotional ocean, they've got feelings for you, absolutely, and these feelings are romantic."
"Immediately I fell in love with these characters and I never fell out of love with them."
"Someone would help me after all. Someone cared."
"We share our insecurities, we share our fears with each other."
"The power of the fragment, the power of friendship."
"Love and affection overcome all, just traveling from person to person."
"You don't come across someone like you every day."
"Put your heart into this, feel authentic. Doing so will allow other people to connect to you."
"Her last desperate thought, hoping that Edward is listening in, would be for them to be nice to Fred."
"Let's practice a little empathy, shall we? Come on, let's go on a heart journey, hold hands."
"But so go show him you know Josh was some love he says anxiety is tough with getting back."
"I think that they want the connection even more than we do."
"I really like that, it's wiping away the walls of communication between you and me."
"There's that energy of a lock, see this person's lonely."
"This is about learning how to connect with people."
"Someone looked at me, not past me, not by me, and not through me. She really saw me."
"I am simply myself. I'm glad to have met you."
"Can we start as friends? I hope you'll get to know more of me then."
"Some people you meet and you just know you're gonna be friends with them for like real real real friends."
"I really think it's living energy when they meet I I really think when certain people you feel really good when you're around a certain person friend or something."
"There's chemistry here, and people are talking about it."
"It's like he brought her peace and listened to her."
"We can strengthen each other when we speak truth to each other, when we're speaking life to each other, when we meet with each other, and hear from each other."
"Someone who is really smart, easy to talk to, inquisitive, and curious. Like they treat every moment as if it's either their first time experiencing it or their last time experiencing it."
"I really want to have those relationships and I think that things can be healed where people want to heal them."
"Having compassion for myself, therefore I can have compassion for others."
"Truth is one of the vehicles for deepening awareness through another human being."
"There is nothing like having someone connect to your energy directly."
"Every day we have the opportunity to say hi to somebody... validate somebody, make somebody feel acknowledged."
"What makes home home is freaking battery splashing, the people that are here."
"You need to have a relationship with a person."
"The bravest thing that anyone can do is to be vulnerable to another person."
"...I've been coming to this bar for 10 years now and it never ceases to amaze me that you always seem to say the right thing to just the right person."
"You're going on a journey of understanding yourself through other people."
"And you kind of connect to them and if you meet them socially places there's a frequency there"
"I didn't necessarily feel that we connected a whole lot."
"They feel this profound urge to connect with you, to make you laugh, to have fun with you."
"Tenderness is also about a concern for wholeness."
"Our brains are actually connected to one another, our nervous systems are connected to one another. You and I, as we interact right now, are affecting each other's neurology."
"Connection to us means presence. It means being present with an individual, but mainly being present with ourselves and what is coming up within."
"I had kept my crush a secret for so long, I was excited I could actually talk to Parker about my feelings."
"Communication is a vital part of relationship."
"The most precious thing in the world is not gold or money or longevity. It's other people's desire."
"We have this bond and we want to share this bond with you."
"If you can't communicate, you don't have a relationship."
"You can feel positive energy coming from another person."
"You can't find your purpose till you find your people because in the people is our purpose."
"Putting astrological signs aside, it's about really caring to connect with the other person."
"Life is there to love one another."
"He had this great quality where he could make everybody he talked to feel like they were his best friend."
"In the end, the goal of confrontation is to restore connection."
"I think you did an excellent job of being in the moment with this person and being yourself."
"The whole purpose of email is to talk to somebody else."
"I think the biggest one is communication. Without communication, you don't have a relationship, period."
"The whole is more than the parts, just having that experience with someone."
"I'm going to use the greeting here that says 'knowing you brings joy to my heart,' so I'm going to use that greeting."
"You're meant to develop a deep understanding of your feelings and of those of other people."