
Parental Influence Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"I never imagined myself to look exactly how I do now because the way my mother always made me feel like I was handsome and really smart, no matter what."
"Our way of loving ourselves is the way our parents love. Or let go."
"Moral of the story is, nothing is going to change until the parents change."
"If your parents didn't know how to hold you, you develop the mind you hold yourself with."
"Your energy will have the impact on priming your children for a better life."
"My parents were Christian but they were not sectarian and they gave me the greatest gift that a parent can give to his child. They allowed me to think."
"As a child, the one person who is supposed to protect you is your parent. And if that parent is the source of fear and pain, then your brain just gives up almost."
"Knowing that your parent has got their mind on you is the most comforting thing that we can do to help children achieve some sort of certainty about the world."
"Kids never fail to listen to their parents, but they never fail to emulate them."
"The values, discipline, and respect football taught me about, my mother reinforced."
"As parents, we're highly influential... believe it or not, young people want to hear from us."
"My mom telling me that Barbie is going to give me body image issues actually gave me body image issues."
"But the kid wants to do this, the kid's like, 'Oh hey, I love my dad.'"
"The words of a parent has the power to determine a child's future."
"Lead by example; your children are absorbing it all."
"Be the change for your child that you wanted when you were a child."
"I was raised like a lot of people. My mother particularly was a great example of how to listen well."
"I'm surrounded by good people, and also my mom always gave me the freedom to pursue what I like... she always had faith in me."
"My dad is my everything. He has taught us the good and the bad."
"My mom was a very loving mom. My dad was in and out of jail... but my mom always instilled love."
"The father lives vicariously through the son... The identities of the father and son are merged."
"Life is all about building memories, and it's about, and with your kids...she will remember the things she did with her mom and dad."
"What an influence a parent has; to a great extent, you mold your children’s lives."
"I grew up in a wonderful home with two dedicated and loving parents."
"You're my son. You're going to do it the right way. That's how it started for me."
"I want her to look back as an adult and say we stood up on the right side of this."
"I'm sorry, man, I actually will blame the parents on this one."
"Parental influence is much greater than a lot of people give it credit for."
"I want my kids to know they have moral authority, they have the ability to shape the future."
"For Andrew and Nina, their parents represent the mediocrity they fear and will come to despise."
"My kid is royally screwed up thanks to me but I am using this moment these challenging moments to really look in the mirror."
"Obama once said that a kid raised without a father is five times more likely to be poor and commit crime, nine times more likely to drop out of school and 20 times more likely to end up in prison."
"My father's a Black Panther, my mother was arrested... to fight for us to have the right to vote."
"The problems of the mental health industry taking over American childhood is a problem parents have the power to fix."
"If you feel like you're going to allow left-leaning transitioning surgery doctors and scholars to convince your child, that's what's on the ballot here."
"American parents are not going to accept indoctrination in our schools, cancel culture in our work, or the repression of traditional faith culture and values in the public square."
"It's up to the community, the family, the parents to try to push their son in the right direction."
"Opening kids up to try to teach them a certain way around the world that parents probably disagree with and I would say is not good to teach a kid under nine years old."
"Every newborn child is born upon the way of Islam but it is his parents that make him into a Jew, Christian, or a magian."
"You got to take it back to the father... all that lie at the feet of the father."
"Parents should have a say over what our children are exposed to."
"Your parents' expectations do not define who you are. Always remember that."
"Creating those kinds of experiences because my parents did that with me is something that I've tried to then do with the kids and you know, create the memories."
"My parents were just big on making sure that I was proud, that I was giving my all to whatever it is."
"It's crazy...if I had daughters you bet your ass I'd let them watch the Disney movies with the princess and all that and wear pinks and purples and be girls."
"My mom actually had a history with eating... she had introduced me to it because she thought it would help me play younger roles for acting."
"Paul sees that Leto makes mistakes, and he realizes that his dad won’t be around forever."
"Stop steering him... He's grown. Let him make his own decisions on how to be a dad."
"Spread awareness and maybe even open the eyes of some parents who may be watching."
"You draw strength from your daddy but you draw the wisdom to navigate the world from your mama."
"The article tries to paint the father as a bad person and that being with the father is bad for the kids."
"It's parental fears not technology that's putting our children's future careers at risk."
"Go for someone's children, and you will have a slave."
"You're right Tim I was raised by a single father I definitely do better in discipline area but have way less social skills than my single mom friends."
"Parents are the best source of stimulation for babies... babies are really responsive."
"You've got to see other parents... because you can't be what you can't see."
"Here's your friendly reminder that gender is a human. So, once mom decides you're a girl, you're a girl. That's it. You don't even have to talk and mommy's going to decide for it and that... yeah, exactly."
"In anything, you shouldn't just stop with the copy. So, in raising three of my own now, I'm sitting here thinking, 'What do I want them to copy of me, and what do I want them to cast out?'"
"Malia's gratitude for her mother's protective instincts is evident as she acknowledges the challenges Michelle faced during those transformative years."
"Can parents pass on environmental responses to their offspring?"
"It's those little things that a man does in his life that have a huge effect, a positive effect, on that young child or on that person."
"Don't force your daughters into a marriage they're not happy with don't say on their behalf no no she's happy we know we know her you don't know her she's not happy."
"Someone is always looking to win over their hearts and minds. It is our job to be that person, to disciple our kids with truth and love." - Parents play a crucial role in shaping their children's understanding and identity.
"Let your kids make their own decisions about their parents. Don't force something onto your kids."
"It's amazing, he doesn't know it, he's too young but he pushes me to be great. You know I never give up no matter what the outcome, no matter what the obstacle is I never give up."
"Raising your hand out there if you were encouraged to have negative beliefs about men or women or a race or a culture based upon your toxic parents' beliefs."
"My dad taught me so much about life but never how to live without it."
"What separated my rich dad and my poor dad was just two pieces of paper."
"I think it's amazing that people are responding positively right I really I I really did show this because I wanted my son to see that it's okay to show emotion."
"I hope my kids... get the drive to believe you can do what you want for a job."
"The child gradually dies because his external separate existence is not recognized via the parental gaze."
"This whatever you want to call it contagion movement, whatever you're comfortable with, it has run around the parent, it swoops up the child, it manipulates."
"All of this can be your heritage, your gift to your children when you exert to them a consistent godly influence."
"I'm excited to explore who I am for real because I feel like I am who my parents raised me to be but, and they raised me right, you know, they raised me well."
"Nobody taught me any of this. My parents gave me the blueprint of what I was supposed to do, they didn't teach me how to do it."
"Catriona Gray was just 13 years old when her mom had a dream that she would become Miss Universe walking along the stage in a red dress."
"My daughters and son have a different swag because of who their daddy is."
"Having children be in the public school space by comparison does not preclude parents from sharing their own worldview."
"I think this is, a, a partial parental revolt sparked by the pandemic of the last two and a half years, and I also think it's part of a little cultural war."
"My twelve year old boy looks at me like a superhero."
"I don't think I'd be the man who I am today if he pacified and let my situation be a crutch or an excuse."
"Look what can happen if your child goes to the dark side."
"Values and principles, my dad taught the right values and principles."
"Jim Bob's mother pointed him to Christ, even when his father wasn't."
"No fear when we are following our father's voice."
"I never give up, that's what mama always teach me."
"Parents borrow a lot of self-esteem from their kids."
"My mom's goal is to rule the world and become the leader of the free world, to give her two kids the opportunities she didn't have growing up."
"Will you pass those skills on to your son? Of being courageous, of being a servant, of being a protector, a provider, of being prepared?"
"My family, even though we were in a bad area and stuff like that, my parents did the best they can do."
"So kids combine they're like oh my God I love this place because I like that I am now becoming the dad I wish I had."
"The revenge puppet that his father had made him did not define who he was."
"My parents taught me that everything you do matters."
"If we run away, our kids will grow up to be the kind of people who run away from things like this."
"Parents hold a significant role in educational outcomes."
"Every superhero has an origin story, what origin story are you giving to your kids?"
"We have to control what our kids are being taught."
"95% of this job has to be done through demonstration not lecturing and as a boy grows older he might forget almost everything his dad ever told him but he won't forget the example that was set for better or worse."
"Kids don't do what you say, they do what you do."
"Your parents will never encourage you to go into fist fighting."
"My Thomas Jefferson comes in the form of two people, and those two people are my parents."
"Everyone needs something extra to push them to achieve their dreams, and I was really pushed by my parents more than anybody else."
"If you get the goldfish crackers out of the house and put a bowl of apples in its place, if your kid opens the pantry and says there's nothing to eat they're not hungry."
"You're going to believe what your parents say to you, and if they say to you, 'You're lovable because you're just lovable,' you get a chance to have self-love as an adult."
"It's really valuable to have that proper formal training... my parents did it with me."
"You're not condemned to a life ordained by what your parents did."
"It was an emotion I felt like my dad was sitting right on my shoulder the whole time I was writing and I think he's still there."
"I'm actually happier now than I've ever been in my life."
"This hard work that I've done, I know I'm so much better than I was 19 years ago when my daughter was born."
"Parents have a huge amount of power here to help push back."
"I just want to teach her to be compassionate and smart like I named her ocean for many reasons and I just that name holds so much meaning so I always want to encourage people to do their research."
"Do what you want to do, never ever let anyone else dictate your life. If you have parents want you to go down a certain direction and you don't want to go there don't do it, don't do it girl."
"Realizing that your parents don't have it all figured out; seek knowledge and guidance elsewhere."
"Show your love and appreciation for all that your parents who regardless of whether it's chess or otherwise because none of us would be where we are without them."
"Kids are scared to talk to their parents because they're afraid they're going to be in trouble."
"Sometimes it's the parents themselves that are putting their child in danger."
"Ultimately, you look at your parents and you say, 'Are they happy? Are they fulfilled?'"
"Children are born good... it's the job of the parent not to [mess] that up."
"Being a disrupter is allowing your kids to be disrupters."
"Our parents only congratulated us when we did something bad."
"He's a true example of what happens when a Parent's Love Takes Over and the will of being shines through."
"Blame it on your mom: Epigenetics tags the baby's genes."
"You know, your father's a god, right? He can heal himself on command."
"According to Rusty at this time, his father made him kill a man with a house key when he was 10."
"Lord Zedd's appearance was toned down due to parental concerns."
"Education freedom means to me that as our children's very first teachers, parents have the power and choice to set them up for a lifetime of success."
"My mom's like, 'Yeah, and obviously my dad didn't really care much so I was able to do a lot.'"
"If you knew the dad I knew, you'd know he raised me well."
"Dear mum, you always told me to reach for the stars... how you lived, how you loved, and how you are missed."
"Olivia Jade is reportedly really angry her parents ruined everything for her by making her go to college."
"I think any sort of like negativity that you might get from your parents is just going to be like a small blip on like the rest of your guys's lives together."
"I want to be just like my dad, except I'm not going to get pushed around."
"Kids don't start thinking about who's to blame until after the parents separate."
"I think if you haven't had that, or even if you have, that you still fear it because of the way your parents judged."
"Every father should remember that one day his son will follow his example, not his advice."
"We need to love people so much that we keep telling them when they're messing up just like our parents did."
"Tiana's parents did an excellent job imparting their passions on their daughter."
"These are the type of parents who have kids to feed their own egos and narcissism. They aren't thinking about their kids; they are only thinking about how their kids add to or subtract from the image of success they are trying to project."
"You can't control those things, but you can't control who the parents are of the people you're competing against, in other words, you can't control their genetics and their DNA."
"I had a strong father that would take me home and in different ways teach me that's not acceptable."
"Your fatherlessness was me protecting you, I did not want you to be around that."
"That's the biggest deal here because the children feel that."
"Good dads keep daughters off stripper poles, sons out of jail."
"The greatest thing I can do for my children is to genuinely be passionate about Christ."
"It was a beautiful ending and coming from the dad was totally appropriate."
"Their child would be born with a level of chakra control we've never seen before."
"Jaden turned out to be pretty normal considering who his parents are."
"It's their body, their choice. If their parents or anyone is pressuring them, let them live with that and take it up with them later. It's none of our business how others choose to live their lives."
"I want my influence to make sure that I cause my children to have a clear path to Eternity and life and life everlasting through Jesus Christ."
"The very best environment for a child to grow up in is a two-parent household."
"My dad spoke blessings into my heart and into my head."
"Kids are not making these decisions autonomously."
"My daddy made me believe that I was invincible in all my imperfections."
"My father always said that he saw me becoming an engineer."
"My parents never spoiled me with possessions. They taught me values and morals early on."
"When you have a parent who's manipulative, it's very much about manipulating emotion."
"Your kids go off of what you do more so than what you say."
"Kids will mirror who you are and become who you are."
"Rockefeller didn't spoil his kids. He was devoutly religious and gave a lot to charity."
"Every single thing we say and do creates a memory for our young."
"The more time that I spent with their parents... that's how I deciphered how to be their dad."
"The reason I am the way I am is my mom has always taught me, you know treat people how you want to be treated."
"The thing that I love and appreciate the most about my dad is how he communicated the gospel to me."
"The truth is not always what people want, but that's what my mother gave them."
"Draco is mortified. Wait till his father hears about this."
"When you're a great person, odds are your kids, if you give them all the things that they want in life, it doesn't always work out the way you thought."
"When I stopped trying to be God in my son's life, he found God."
"My dad was the hardest working person I know. I remember being five years old and seeing my dad work at the steel mill."
"If you put love into them, we'll get love back. If you put trash in the children, guess what you'll get back?"
"Your kids can outperform based on the standard you set."
"All those hours my dad spent doing the thing he loved always gave me this bar for how bad do I want something."
"I'll always preach like yo follow your [ __ ], don't ever listen to your parents if they're doubting you, like really go get this [ __ ]!"
"There's no solution that is simple and easy it's simple you be Muslim you be a role model for your for your son and daughter then that's all they need."
"To this day I stand in infinite debt to my father."
"Your parents are not just random people. So we're gonna have way different standards."
"My late father... one of the things he was best at was telling me how proud he was of me."
"I find it quite fascinating... the relationship between fathers and sons and their reaction to how you play."
"That's why they say parents and ages to you and night makes you go crazy"
"My Dad at 13 14 taught me that my word was bond, that was the game, that was the way we did it in the old school."
"You reflect on your mom on this album 'til you basically say what she would say to you if she was here."
"What an impressive kid this is, this is an adult and his parents did a great job raising him well."
"They're spending many hours putting a camera on their children and sharing them with the world."
"I feel like my dad sets an example that it is possible to change."
"I was never around a mom who was super insecure... I feel like I really something I want to impress upon my kids is that you know not to complain about myself."
"The choices Sakamo made when he was alive, and he is proud to be his son."
"I think parents are going to come out in droves to come and vote and fight for their children and just the future of this country."
"When you send forth a parent you spend the rest of your life on earth trying to live up to it trying to be their extension trying to trying to be great sometimes for them even when you can't be great for yourself."
"The family... are the primary educator for their child."
"The thing that made me change my life was my kids."
"My entire life, my dad has pushed me and encouraged me to get an education, and my mom has taught me how to use it."
"Creativity is something that's really important to me and something I want to bring down to my kids."
"Diana's strong maternal instinct made her determined that both princes would be treated equally."
"Madonna's greatest legacy are her children because they have turned out to be remarkably well-adjusted young men and they've turned out to be very much like their mother."
"I grew up with a single mother, we didn't have much food in the cupboard, so she's like 'I'm making an invention.'"
"Parents were all over teachers for setting forth expectations; now teachers are taking away kids' innocence."
"It's important for your kids to see you disagree... as long as they also see you make up or find resolution."
"Mother father or just father statistically both of those have a low chance of going to the penitentiary."
"If my son wants me to like a girl he's gonna have to do the soft intro. She can't come up in my DMs or it's not gonna be good for her."
"Mother knows best, and if that mother's Chichi, best to do what she says."
"Growing up my dad called me a maverick. Going like how everybody else went just wasn't my thing."