
Subconscious Influence Quotes

There are 137 quotes

"Positive affirmations and visualization can significantly influence the subconscious mind, aligning it with your desires and goals."
"Whatever your conscious mind assumes and believes to be true, your subconscious mind will accept and bring to pass."
"Your life is a printout of your subconscious programming."
"They are effectively propaganda and they're supposed to be baked into the subconscious to get you to think one way or another."
"Your subconscious mind does not respond to coercion; it responds to your faith or conscious mind acceptance."
"People are controlled by paradigms there's a program in their subconscious mind and it controls what they do and if that paradigm doesn't shift their results don't change well that's that's what I was teaching them."
"A pentagram on a piece of paper is powerful this symbol of lone messes with your subconscious not just by looking this I don't if you take a picture donk it literally bounces out."
"The subconscious or spiritual forces impart knowledge and wisdom."
"Unconscious circuitry is also guiding us when we're out shopping; it tells us what we should buy and what we're willing to pay for it."
"Your imagination gives you the ability to build a brand new idea, create a new mindset, and you can impress that new mindset upon the subconscious mind."
"Knowledge is power... what you're doing even subconsciously now you're thinking about that."
"Your life comes from your subconscious programs."
"Imagination has the ability to impress the subconscious mind."
"Everything we learn is subconsciously coming from the stories that we are watching."
"Just keep impressing your subconscious mind with love and you're going to be okay."
"Your life is not coming from your wishes and desires when you're thinking, it's coming from the existing programs."
"Your love life is being affected right now by your subconscious mind."
"Proactivity is the space that we want to operate from, reactivity is opportunity that is being presented in the outer world to change the programming within our subconscious mind."
"A belief system is a set of beliefs that your subconscious mind has accepted as true."
"A belief system is like an invisible autopilot guiding your life."
"Belief systems are like invisible autopilots guiding our lives."
"Belief systems are like invisible autopilots."
"That message... it's going to become the part of your mind, part of your dreams."
"If the film stirs the emotions and penetrates the subconscious of the viewer, if it stimulates, however inchoately, his mythological and religious yearnings and impulses, then it has succeeded."
"Change the code of somebody's subconscious mind, and they have no choice but to think, feel, act, and consequently get different results."
"You don't need to be there for everyone and that is okay."
"We go under this impression that we think we're making decisions but we don't understand that subconsciously we are being forced."
"Was it a free choice or was it manipulated in a certain way subconsciously that you think you made the choice but you actually didn't?"
"The subconscious mind works on focus. Whatever you focus on, the content of your focus is what you move towards."
"Film music acts as basically this invisible hand that is guiding you subconsciously."
"Psychological rebirth, clearing karmic energy, and a release from subconscious burdens."
"Man may become the master of himself and of his environment because he has the power to influence his own subconscious mind and through it gain the cooperation of infinite intelligence."
"Be nice to yourself even if you don't believe it. Tell yourself nice things because subconsciously your brain is going to absorb and believe whatever you tell it."
"The subconscious mind is the source of all desires, plans, inspirations, and 'aha' moments."
"We can gently teach it how we would like it to respond in accordance with what we were determined to design for the self."
"We are projecting thoughts out into our auric field, unaware yet impactful."
"Every interaction I have seeps down into my subconscious mind, so I better make sure that it's a good one."
"Your life is really a reflection of your subconscious programming."
"If you're obsessing over this person and you're coming across as very needy, even if you're not doing that to their face, they can feel that vibrational energy even subconsciously."
"The mind assumes that it's normal, you're bypassing the conscious mind and you're going directly to the subconscious mind and reprogramming that for more success."
"Your subconscious mind runs the show unconsciously."
"It's like these fever dreams of things that you've been thinking about earlier in the day."
"Imprint on your subconscious mind the following programming: I now possess a million dollars or more."
"It's really just like whatever it is I'm listening to or subconsciously thinking about."
"Well, it seems that his little girl was suffering from very severe warts... So I placed a photograph of my daughter between the input plates of my wishing machine."
"The power of your subconscious mind is going to take over you will know exactly which steps to make."
"Subliminals are uniquely powerful at assisting you in manifesting because the affirmations contained within them are designed to bypass the conscious filter of your mind."
"Whatever we plan in our subconscious mind and nurse with repetition in motion will one day become a reality."
"You can control what enters your subconscious mind."
"Dreams bypass all walls of defense to evangelize."
"I had to refill my subconscious because I just stacked so much negativity."
"You're saying hey, and subconsciously you're teaching them how to be."
"This framework is coming from a deep archetypal subconscious part of ourselves that is aware of this structure, and it is the journey that you're going on now. You are the hero of this world."
"The unconscious, however, has taken note of them and such subliminal sense perceptions play a significant part in our everyday lives without our realizing it."
"Affirmations have a big effect on your subconscious mind and help you bring about the life you want."
"Reprogramming your subconscious mind is the key to successful manifestations."
"Repetition of an idea inserted into the subconscious mind reprograms the subconscious."
"The power of your subconscious mind makes everything happen."
"Your entire life, your bank account, your love-life, your happiness, your success... it all comes from the subconscious mind."
"The repetition of something is the only way that you can reprogram your subconscious mind to be in alignment with what you want."
"The subconscious is responsible for ninety-five percent of your life."
"Your subconscious sees reality as it is, that's how you manifest."
"What you repeatedly do or see gets ingrained in your subconscious mind."
"The startling power of the secret self is that it always makes manifest the image it beholds."
"Remember, your conscious mind is a pen. You can write anything you want in your subconscious mind."
"Whatever is impressed in the subconscious is expressed upon the screen of space."
"There is evidence for what you might want to call a dumber unconscious, that we could, we are influenced by stimuli that we're not even aware have influenced us."
"Preaching in my sleep, learning from the Holy Spirit - God was molding me for His purpose."
"Whatever is placed in the subconscious mind is gonna dictate your world."
"What you repeatedly do or pay attention to gets ingrained in your subconscious mind."
"What you repeatedly do or hear gets ingrained in your subconscious mind. What gets ingrained in your subconscious mind becomes an unconscious activity."
"What gets ingrained in your subconscious mind will become an unconscious activity."
"Repeat things for the subconscious mind to accept them as reality."
"Keeping a dream journal next to your bed is sending a command to your subconscious mind."
"Only those things which impress the subconscious mind are pushed out."
"The subconscious mind does not have the ability to reject anything."
"The Sims creator is releasing an NFT game that plays on your subconscious."
"What a man think if he becomes is actually painting movies in your subconscious brain as well."
"Symbolism has been one of the core ways of communicating to the subconscious mind throughout history."
"Every thought that we control and direct towards the word of God spills into our subconscious mind."
"It also occurred to me that incentives, in fact, have a powerful influence on behavior sometimes unconsciously."
"Your brain will try to brush it away and it will get ingrained in your subconscious beliefs."
"You are like a burst of magic for people on a deep subconscious level."
"Subconscious mind tapes are one of the most effective tools in manifesting. Listen to them at night for best results."
"Remember that your mind, especially your subconscious, does not recognize jokes. You are always listening to you essentially, and your energy is affected by the words that you speak about yourself."
"Your subconscious mind is constantly running everything. Whatever your subconscious mind knows is what you attract."
"Emotional awareness is key; becoming more aware of deep-seated feelings or subconscious patterns that influence our relationships."
"It's like a subconscious thing, that's hilarious in public."
"Sure they may just seem like snacks to us back then but their ability to enter our subconscious and give us these endless memories this makes them so amazing."
"Ideas are impressed on the subconscious through the medium of feeling."
"Entrepreneurship is a fusion of art and science, stimulated by the subconscious mind's intricate workings."
"When you see all of your goals and all of your intentions for the year every day, even if you're not like consciously looking at it, if you're just seeing it every day, it's subconsciously reminding you of those goals and those energies."
"I could manipulate a person's body and tell them a story that they wouldn't register consciously."
"All these things add up, some of them you don't even notice, but you just... It's funny how the brain picks up on things that we're not consciously aware of, you know, just little... A bunch of little things like that cumulatively add up to a nicer experience."
"...if you stay mentally focused on something your subconscious is gonna make you take the steps to to make that happen you know right as long as you don't lose sight of your goal."
"Mirror work is amazing. Not only are you saying it and your subconscious is taking it in, but you're looking at yourself and you're telling yourself."
"Your subconscious mind runs 95% of your life."
"Your subconscious mind was like a sponge from ages 0 to 7, it took everything that you were told as fact."
"The art frequently betrays things that the artist himself is not aware of."
"Our thoughts, feelings, and memories can unconsciously change our experience with a product."
"It's really fascinating me how things can seep into your head, even though you paid zero attention to them at the time."
"We're constantly being fed information about the world and its characters subconsciously."
"When faith is blended with the vibration of thought, the subconscious mind instantly picks up the vibration."
"Your environment is non-stop influencing you subconsciously, day and night."
"At least 95% of the time our behaviors are driven and directed from the subconscious level of our mind."
"What if I have kids and then subconsciously I tell them something that's truly hurting them but I think it's the best for them?"
"Implicit bias refers to attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding, our actions, and decisions in an unconscious manner."
"The subconscious is a pretty dramatic factor in personality, I believe. It likes to act and sing and paint and express itself."
"The principle of auto-suggestion voluntarily reaches the subconscious mind and influences it with these thoughts."
"It's the halo effect. It's just something in our subconscious that just kicks in."
"95% of everything we do in life is decided by your subconscious, not your conscious."
"The only requirement to manifesting your biggest dreams is to penetrate the image on the subconscious mind."
"Your subconscious mind actually starts to filter out the reality that you don't want and it starts to work to make the decision a reality."
"Soundtracks work to enhance your life, even if you don't realize it's happening."
"You exist in every single one of your drones, an emerging consciousness that directs the swarm as the subconscious thought, a shadow over the minds of the collective."
"As a man thinketh in his heart, in his subconscious mind, so is that man."
"Automaticity matters because situations tap into our automatic associations and activate them and affect our subjective controls, and they do this without our consent, without our awareness."
"To impress the subconscious with a desired state, you must assume the feeling that would be yours had you already realized it."
"You sneak into their dreams... you keep them up at night."