
Abundance Mindset Quotes

There are 270 quotes

"The feeling of wealth produces wealth; focus on the value you can provide and the wealth you already possess."
"When you have an abundance mindset, you're more optimistic, all of your self-doubt fades away."
"If you can receive money well, you get to now enjoy money and feel abundant."
"An abundance mindset refers to the idea that there is plenty in the universe for every single person."
"I am a magnet for money, and prosperity is drawn to me."
"I am willing, ready, and able to receive money."
"The highest level for Singularity University is that in an abundance mindset, you begin to realize that there's nothing truly scarce."
"Knowing that you are abundant, that more is coming, and knowing that you're responsible and you won't go potty and blow it all in 10 minutes."
"There is enough to go around for everybody. Just because someone else is being successful doesn't mean that I won't be."
"I am open and receptive to the divine riches, and they flow to me in avalanches of abundance."
"Embrace abundance, and I would say in all forms."
"The more grateful you are for what you already have, the more you'll be able to receive."
"You want to be in the feeling tone that it has been worked out, that all of my needs are met right now, everything is working together for my good right now."
"Choose abundance, do something with that, give birth to what it is, have some fun."
"You will never get back what you sow; you'll always get back more than what you sow."
"Having abundance mindset, bro, there are dozens and dozens of clients who are sitting around waiting just waiting for you to outreach to them."
"The abundance mindset is not a it's mine or your world it's it's our world there is enough for all of us to grow together."
"When you're not chasing money, money just comes."
"Let's put ourselves in an abundance mindset."
"Wealth and abundance is a mindset. Money is the tool we use."
"Be abundant. You are attractive to somebody."
"What is it that's making you want to keep that door open rather than focus on the abundance that's coming through here?"
"I don't want to live in fear and lack; I want to live in abundance."
"So the one key I'll say here is you want to eat for the average person in a way that fosters abundance and not scarcity. Don't go on a diet, don't have cheat meals, just eat. Just to eat and make food good."
"The body thrives on consistency and if you are consistent, you will see progress."
"Abundance is our natural state... there is more than enough to go around."
"Give the impression of increase, and you'll see blessings overflow."
"A high value man is somebody whose mind is in abundance, who just has the confidence of an abundance."
"If you plant the seed sparingly, you'll reap sparingly; sow abundantly, reap abundantly."
"Open to abundance, believe you deserve, accept plenty and prosperity."
"Think of abundance as something you already have."
"We need to get out of that scarcity mindset and talk about the abundance made possible by these technologies."
"Life is energy, money is energy, and there's plenty of both."
"Money is abundant to the degree of my belief that it is so."
"I feel like you're entering into another cycle of abundance... but don't spend it all on things that you don't need."
"I'm a money magnet. Wealth and prosperity are drawn to me."
"Expand your container of the amount of money you are ready to receive in your life by expanding your financial."
"Stop holding on to things that disappointed you from the past and be open to everything of abundance."
"Your word is very powerful, the way to bring that in is you start feeling like you have enough."
"You need to pursue that passion, and abundance will follow."
"The universe will bring abundance to you, don't care where it comes from."
"I choose to believe that this money manifests with total ease and grace and flow from doing what I love every minute every breath."
"The world is abundant and I know that wonderful things are coming my way."
"Realize that you are abundant, and abundance will flow."
"I am unlearning lack and scarcity, abundance is the frequency I vibe on."
"Why do we have to live in a world of lack? We live in a world of abundance."
"Expansion is free, abundance is meant to be free."
"The empty cup is filled to running over if the cup is held under the faucet of abundance."
"Believe in unlimited wealth and success for all. Act philanthropically, realize the infinite supply available, magnetize ethical heart-centered business associates."
"Abundance lies in the heart that allows share more than expected."
"The secret of supply is to realize unlimited abundance and live in the consciousness of it while working diligently."
"Be grateful for what you have. And you will always, always, always end up with having more."
"I strongly believe in having an abundance mentality."
"We have the power to tune into realities of abundance, of health, of love, of light."
"Keep your foot on the gas with your abundance."
"I believe in abundance and I really think it's gonna help you guys."
"Act as if you are the greatest, act as if you are abundant, act as if and allow your reality to shift."
"I'm living in a world of abundance right now."
"Being abundant, which includes the form of money, understand all money is an exchange of energy."
"All the wealth of the universe is mine, the riches of heaven and earth flow to me, and I am made rich within and without."
"I tell you to do self-improvement so you have an abundance mindset, so you can make yourself a catch to more women."
"There's not a limited amount of success or happiness or joy or fulfillment in the world."
"If you want to get away from poverty, if you wish to demonstrate abundance, prosperity, you must form the habit of mentally living in abundance, live in the ideal of what you want."
"Actions based upon abundance tend to be more non-attached, easygoing, patient, and freedom enhancing which increases attraction and a desire to get closer."
"You're naturally abundant. You don't need to hoard anything."
"Look at the bigger picture. Sagittarius energy. You are definitely positioned for abundance."
"I'll always have enough for what it is that I need and I can always attract enough for what it is that I want."
"Don't operate in fear, don't go into debt, don't become a hoarder - act from abundance and prosperity."
"With gratitude and appreciation and love in your heart, there's no such thing as lack, there's no such thing as limitation, and there's no such thing as disease."
"If everyone leans into their nature as a Creator then saturation ceases to exist."
"You need to reprogram that subconscious mind and know: I am worthy, I am enough, I have ultimate fulfillment, I have abundance, I am aware."
"You will be abundant. There is a lot of opportunity coming your way. Connect to your intuition. It's really important this month."
"We are made for grand things, sublime things, for abundance."
"The rising tide lifts all ships. I mean, obviously, I get jealous, I look at people's stuff, I feel anxious, I'm like, 'Oh my God, why not, why don't I have that?'"
"I think the more I can try to train my brain to just be like, 'Oh, if this person's doing it, then like, I could probably do it too.' And being like, success for other people, it is not like a scarcity mindset, there are so many things to do."
"Prepare yourself for income in abundance, release any mental blocks you may have."
"It's a necessary transition when you get this; you're moving forward and you're moving towards abundance."
"Sync up to the frequency of abundance in the universe and on this planet."
"Your person is focused on increasing their abundance and achieving career success."
"I am one with the universe and abundance is mine to enjoy."
"We can embrace abundance rather than scarcity."
"Your mindset dictates what we see... Believe there's an abundance of possibility."
"I really believe that when you live in abundance mentally spiritually energetically you will attract both spiritual and material things into your life."
"One major secret of increase is Thanksgiving. As we learn to thank God for little, little becomes much more."
"There is always enough for you to co-create what you want in your experience, believe in yourself."
"Once I shifted my mindset to a mindset of abundance, recognizing that it's not this scarce pie that we're all trying to fight for..."
"Life is about abundance... you all you have to learn is a new way to shift your thoughts."
"I am ready, willing, and able to attract millions of dollars into my life."
"Wealth is a mindset of abundance in every area of life."
"There's always more than enough. What's for you is for you."
"I am aligned with the energy of abundance. I constantly attract opportunities that create more money."
"When I give, I get back, and then I have even more reasons to give more. It's a beautiful and peaceful cycle that works with everyone in the world."
"Prosperity and abundance come to me easily and effortlessly. It is easy for me to become prosperous. I am a magnet to prosperity and abundance."
"It's not a question of scarcity, it's about setting the right priorities."
"You're supposed to have the ultimate abundance."
"Keep attending to it, keep working on it patiently, because your abundance is right around the corner for you."
"Get outcome independent; there are plenty more out there."
"You're already rich, you're already wealthy, you're already healthy."
"Coming from abundance is what's going to attract in your life."
"Step into a generous energy, all you're saying is, 'I'm wealthy, I'm abundant.'"
"It's time for the good people to start winning again. You're on the side of abundance."
"Letting go of the outcome actually signals abundance."
"Somebody is really they're an abundant person in an abundant mindset and that gives them the courage to start any endeavor even something they've never done before."
"Being stuck is BS. I am abundant, I am flowing, and I'm going to take the opportunities that bring positive change."
"Clean up your own mess and watch abundance flow."
"Letting go allows more abundance and love into our lives."
"The bottom line is that abundance is your natural state."
"Abundance is to be an overflow of the things that you have."
"Living a life of abundance, where you're just overflowing with amazing things and amazing opportunities."
"Stay centered in gratitude to ensure that your flow of abundance continues."
"Joe Rogan's got this attitude of abundance, man."
"You deserve happiness. You deserve abundance."
"Abundance is easy, safe, right, and good to have."
"Wealth comes from the gut, from the mind, and from knowing that everything you want you already have access to through your frequency."
"Regardless of your external circumstances, you can still decide to live in abundance."
"It's very important that when you're in that stage of like, 'Oh, I miss him so much, he was so great, he really was the only one for me,' there are so many people in this world, you don't know everyone."
"All of this abundance is yours for the taking."
"Abundance on the other hand, is just very open. It's understanding that money is energy and there's always more where that came from."
"Abundance is about living within the system of infinite possibilities."
"The life that you're intended to live is not one of scarcity."
"If you believe that you're lucky, you'll create an abundance mindset."
"The universe is openly abundantly showering wealth or something on you."
"If you want to experience abundance, be abundant and do as abundance does."
"The more you can cultivate that sense of wealth, that sense of abundance in you, the more you can feel that sense of joy."
"The richer you think and feel the more abundant you seem to become."
"Abundance is all there is... your old stories no longer have power over you."
"The bottom line is that abundance is your natural state, unfortunately the editor keeps resisting and pushing away the abundance that's already yours."
"As you focus on gratitude for what you already have, your abundance will grow in leaps and bounds."
"Women are attracted to what abundance, not scarcity, period."
"We're all going towards more abundance, experiencing more joy."
"Everybody just wants to help each other out and it's not the scarcity mindset."
"The money that is out in the world is actually making its way to your bank account."
"The more you lead from your heart, the more abundance will come in."
"It's a mistake to think you can't attract abundant resources doing what you love."
"Gratefulness leads to a lot of manifestation and better life because if you feel your life is bountiful you will create more abundance."
"Clean out things that need to be cleared out, organize, and prepare for abundance."
"Hey, we don't have no scarcity mindset. We love to champion our men and we love to see our men champion us."
"Let us embrace a mindset of abundance, knowing that we serve a God who can do exceedingly and abundantly more than we can ask or imagine."
"It's time to move on, that's the real message. You want to know why you don't believe that your abundance is finally here? Because you still don't think it's time yet..."
"Abundance is not just money, think differently."
"Your spirit is very abundant, your energy, like, you know how they say true abundance is in your energy, you have a very abundant energy."
"If it can't flow through you, it won't flow to you, we believe everybody gonna get it."
"There's an unlimited amount of resources in the universe. There's always a way, there's a will, there's a wife. It's what you really want to do."
"Focus on abundance, not lack. What you focus on is what you'll receive."
"There's nothing more powerful than giving. It's almost like doing a deposit to the universe being like I'm ready for blessings, I'm ready for abundance to come through."
"We live in a world of abundance... a universe of abundance."
"Don't worry about running out, not having enough."
"As a man you gotta operate from a mind of abundance."
"Success is not a fixed pie, there's room for all of us."
"If we move out of the energy of lack and we move into the energy of being abundant, we're going to attract a heck of a lot more."
"Abundance is a natural state of the universe."
"It's like saying once you take the first step towards whatever it is you want, then the abundance is going to start raining down on you."
"Abundance is our natural state and anything else outside of that is really some sort of blockage that you have which needs to be worked through."
"I'm focused on abundance and legacy."
"Being in this abundance mindset and knowing that there's friends out there for me, why am I settling for these people? I love myself better than that."
"If you start aligning yourself with vibration of abundance, you are going to start to see abundance happen in your life."
"Breaking up with the lie of scarcity and accessing the truth of abundance."
"Once you learn the algorithm, it's about to be flowing in."
"They're trying to block you from your own abundance."
"The more you give money, the more money you will make. The more you reject money, the more money you will make."
"Money is a renewable resource, we can always make more money."
"I always felt like, 'Oh, this is all abundance.'"
"There is enough success, beauty, everything to go around."
"Abundance really does work like that when you get into the flow of it."
"It is so important to just be grateful. I thank every dollar that comes in and as I'm spending I'm grateful that I'm able to spend that I have it to spend."
"An abundance mindset is optimistic. It sees the glass as half full."
"And so when you invest in yourself on that level, it lets me know that you're about to be a force to be reckoned with, and people need to learn from that because we struggle with a scarcity mindset, and we hurt ourselves, we break ourselves down."
"You gotta think abundantly, you gotta stretch your mind."
"It's almost like you're in this energy of saying, 'Well, I'm not going to pay for it. I'm going to just go create the abundance.'"
"You are always abundant you are always trusting you're always confident about something."
"Whatever your goals are... there's enough success in the world for everyone."
"When you focus on what someone else has, that you don't have, what you're doing is you're focusing on lack. You're focusing on what you don't have. What happens when you focus on lack? More lack tends to show up in your life."
"Do not focus on the money aspect of your dreams. Abundance will come at the right time."
"You are not kept poor by lack in the supply of riches; it is a fact which I shall demonstrate a little farther on that even the resources of the Formless Supply are at the command of the man or woman who will act and think in a Certain Way."
"If you are afraid to give God glory about the top of the barrel, it's a sign you're becoming a bottom feeder."
"You are an infinite being. Let the character who is so scared to lose money die because you're not just scared to lose money, you're scared to be homeless."
"I deserve whatever I feel like I deserve. It's mine, I already have it. That's the mindset. It's all beneficial to me and those I love."
"Don't stop bottom line. Operate out of abundance."
"This is how you feel about yourself your self-worth how you're approaching projects and opportunities in your life and how that's going to make you happier and bring in more abundance."
"Abundance is coming into your life, your life is already abundant."
"Don't operate from a place of lack."
"When you treat yourself to your favorite lipstick, a latte, or a lunch, you are signaling to the universe 'I am not afraid of money, I do not see this as a loss, I know it will come back'."
"Find abundance or start looking for it."
"Money issues are often a distraction. Focus on your purpose, and money will chase you."
"You're cracking the code about abundance."
"It's time to set boundaries with the people around you and become fixated on the abundance that you want."
"You can have anything on this universe. Nothing's too big, nothing's too expensive."
"Appreciating what there is, like gratitude essentially, gratitude and abundance mindset."
"Abundance in our lives requires thinking abundance."
"Give to yourself until your cup runneth over, and then give to others from your overflow."
"God wants us to understand that opulence and abundance are natural resources for the children of the king."
"I choose to believe that we live in an abundant world."
"You're abundant already, you don't lack anything, you just have to believe it so it starts coming in right."
"Abundance is not selfish, it won't corrupt you."
"The only way to really get the abundant mindset is through actual abundance."
"There's room enough for everyone to be successful."
"Somebody else making money doesn't take away from yours. What God put on this planet for you is yours, and what He put on the planet for them is theirs."
"You have more than you think at your fingertips and if you don't then you go looking and you find stuff and you realize you have more than you think."
"Always think with a win-win mindset. Both parties can benefit, and there's enough for everyone."
"It's not about deprivation at all. It's not about living a life that is lacking anything but the opposite. It's you're striving towards this life of absolute abundance in every possible way."