
Values Alignment Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Making sure our values are aligned...whether that be spiritual, financial values, whatever those things are, let's make sure we're on the same page about it."
"It's essential to have our values aligned and our work ethic aligned and to communicate about expectations."
"If you allow a crisis to direct you and shape you and refine you towards meaning and purpose and towards a life that is in alignment with your values, then a crisis can be something that is woven into the tapestry of your life so that it makes your life both better and more."
"Am I living my values? If you align your behavior to your values... that is the best way that you can be on a good path to leading a fulfilling life."
"Happiness comes from alignment if my values and principles are matched with the way I'm living on a daily basis."
"Should we only ever financially support businesses or corporations that completely align with our values?"
"Love is not enough. Love is an emotion; it's powerful. However, without a deep respect for another individual, without an understanding of yourself, their values, yours, how those align, I don't think it's enough to last."
"I'm proud of my short-term actions aligned with my long-term values."
"When our actions line up with our values, we tend to feel peace instead of turmoil, connection instead of discord, and greater joy in our lives."
"The truth is your decisions matter, the truth is that your values matter, and the truth is until you begin to line those two things up, I don't think we're going to be making our world a much better place."
"The most powerful love can only grow into an authentic love if there's alignment in values."
"Happiness is about living in a way that's aligned with your highest values."
"Stop supporting companies that don't align with your values."
"Advertisers should align with the values of content creators."
"People are messy, you're never going to find somebody who perfectly aligns with every one of your beliefs and values."
"Surround yourself with content that reflects your dreams... What you follow online reflects what you value."
"If your value systems line up then you can figure almost anything out. You may need help, a pastor, a counselor, a really trusted friend that you can, you know, share stuff with that's constructive."
"Peace is found when my actions are in alignment with my values and my heart."
"Values don't have to match but can live in harmony."
"The goal is not to do business with anybody, but with everybody who believes what you believe."
"By lining our actions up with our values, we can create a fulfilling life, we can feel good about ourselves and have a life full of purpose, meaning, and joy."
"You need to discuss it, and if you're not falling on the aligned sense of values, then where do you go from there?"
"We expect something more of ourselves and now I look at this as us trying to live up to the values we've espoused as Canadians."
"I agree with everything you say on life, marriage, and gender."
"Embrace spontaneous opportunities that align with your values."
"Examine your motives and values, choose the path that brings harmony."
"Your journey has purpose already you're in alignment with your deepest values and your deepest beliefs and everything else will in one way or another shape or form of another take care of itself."
"You have to align with integrity and dignity."
"Respect yourself; do not surround yourself with people who you do not have the same values as."
"Happiness as a byproduct of pursuing meaningful action congruent with our values."
"Living a life that you are proud of is living aligned to your values, just living up to your own standards."
"You're using your money as a weapon of war. Only do business with businesses that share your values."
"If you're looking for new friends that share your values or simply a cup of coffee at a cafe that hasn't gone woke you'll love the Public Square platform."
"As long as it's compatible with your values, deconstructing is okay."
"The importance of hanging out with the right kinds of people who have similar values to us."
"This is a really great time for social connection, especially social connection that is deeply aligned with your values and deeply aligned with your truth."
"The most difficult thing of this time is to be contributing to something that you don't really stand behind."
"Understand your progress in service of goals that are congruent with your values."
"If people don't align with your values, you're going to say something."
"Look for someone who shares your values, look for someone who is respectful..."
"Trusting yourself to make decisions that align with your values is like anything— the more you practice it, the easier it gets."
"Spiritual attraction is about beliefs and values."
"US decisions must be timely and connected to our interests, values, and ground truth."
"Align your actions with your values and principles."
"You can only really be proud of your actions, and pride comes when you behave in alignment with your values."
"The right stuff is all about getting into the right dating pool with people who share the same values and beliefs as you."
"If I find the person attractive and we have common values then I don't care what your skin color is."
"Hopefully, I'll call myself out, but I'm trying to connect with people who share my values and principles."
"When your actions and choices align with your core values and principles it's a sign that your higher self is guiding you towards a more authentic and purposeful life."
"Ethical investing: supporting only those companies that align with your own values."
"Don't marry and don't date crazy... find someone who shares your core values... be your one woman pit crew."
"Either you set goals that match the highest values or you change the values to match the goals."
"Most people are subordinating to other people, trying to live other people's lives instead of living authentically according to their highest values."
"We have to start being more discerning in terms of the kinds of people that we support."
"Sometimes in life, people's goals and values evolve over time to the point that they are no longer aligned."
"Stop wasting your time with men who do not align with your values. As soon as you meet a man that you are interested in dating, you should be vetting him from the time you give this man your number."
"If you're the kind of person that enjoys watching fun content and bettering your style, and learning how to align your style with your values, then this is the channel for you."
"Recognizing and transcending conditioning is not merely about rejecting the past or the society in which you live, rather it's about consciously choosing which values, beliefs, and practices align with your deepest truths."
"Feel discontent if your short-term actions don't align with your long-term values."
"Is this decision, this purchase, this action aligned with my values and who I want to become?"
"Be at peace as you stand firm, for your deepest values are in sync with your purpose."
"That person who now is connecting their values with their actions has significantly lower levels of burnout and higher levels of well-being."
"Stay in alignment with your morals and your values and your beliefs."
"Getting out of our head and moving forward by moving in line with our values is a great way to practice our faith and to practice good treatment."
"Find schools that you want to apply to based on mission fit, based on their values, based on your values."
"I really think we should be focusing on how that person treats you or if you have life goals and core values that align rather than where they took you for a first date."
"There is somebody who can pay you, who aligns with your values, who's looking for somebody with your skills."
"I try to be very selective about the sponsors that I work with, specifically trying to choose those who have values well aligned to the values expressed on this show, like freedom, education, self-sovereignty, etc."
"I think the most important thing is to know yourself, understand what values you have, what things you want to get out of a career, what kind of a life you want to build in the future, and pick a career that's going to be more suited to any of those values that you hold."
"...what I'm really looking for in that person as a potential mate is more in alignment and values, and you know, person like vibe between us, chemistry, etc., and for that, I'm somewhat colorblind."
"It's about aligning your actions with your values."