
Public Service Quotes

There are 1800 quotes

"Politicians are the only people we pay to do nothing."
"People should expect us to make government work for them."
"I'm in this because I actually want to give back to a country that has allowed me to succeed in it."
"I don't want private interests fueling how I go about governing a city. I want it to be about the people completely."
"Most people who are capable are not running for office. Most men are frightened of politics today. It is a shame, isn't it?"
"I think it's a very mean life. I would love and I would dedicate my life to this country, but I see it as being a mean life."
"The country doesn't work for you; you as president of the country work for the people."
"We are fighting for you; that's what we're here to do."
"If you want to serve the public, you are stripped of all your access other than doing your job."
"We are the people's channel; we will always stand by the freedom to express yourself."
"What has happened to the old on the side of the New York City Cop car, protect and serve? Seems like a pretty simple, straightforward idea for policing."
"To act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate, and entertain."
"Our people deserve the very best government we can give them."
"Presidents come from the masses...when their term is over they return to the masses."
"Truly, a dedicated and committed public servant who will be leaving behind legacies."
"Denmark is the least corrupt nation in the world... they have full income transparency for public servants."
"Their first duty has to be to the law, but they also answer to the voters."
"At the end of the day, we're really public servants, and we're here to serve the will of the public."
"Leaders and presidents are at their best when they're doing more than just manipulating institutions and power; when they're helping the people imagine a better world."
"I may not be a man of the people, but I do try to be a man for the people."
"The public service of the people that work in each of your areas of responsibility might be more consequential today than it's ever been."
"My job as a member of Congress and hopefully next year as a senator is a very simple one: it's to make sure that every Floridian, every American can be all that he or she can be, unchained by poverty, by poor health, by a lack of education, or by discrimination."
"I entered politics not to be popular, not for personal reasons, because I want to serve and I know I have something to offer."
"I always wanted to be a cop, the first person that got to me was a police officer, he was able to get me on a helicopter into the hospital in time to save my life, so I always wanted to be that person to help somebody out when they needed it."
"To have this inhumane, callous response, this US versus them kind of response when people are in need, it's just disgusting. And that's not what leaders are supposed to do. That's not what public servants are supposed to do."
"No princes or princesses were elected. You have no divine right or entitlement. We are all servants of the public."
"Law enforcement serves us and not the other way around."
"The real you is brilliant, an important public servant."
"Constitutional monarchies have been recalibrating themselves in recent years. They have gone from being rulers to servants."
"I've been inspired by the enormous potential that working in politics and taking part in public life holds: the potential to serve your country, to improve people's lives, and in however big or small a way, to make the world a better place."
"Our duty as public servants is to strengthen, not weaken, that faith."
"There have been requests for military assistance by both Ontario and Quebec, which, of course, we will be answering. Our women and men in uniform will step up with the valor and courage they have always shown."
"The government's job is to look out for the people."
"She inherited this burden with no choice of her own. She said when she was crowned... 'I am willing.' Just those words, the simplicity of those words. She was willing every day of her life, every day of her 70 years."
"Being a representative of your public didn't just mean channeling what your public wants at any given moment; it also meant sometimes standing up to that public and saying that what's best for them is not necessarily what they think it is."
"Restore faith in government, make people believe that it can do good for them."
"Without divulging any detail about the cases that we're doing, I will just make a public service announcement: you should always wear a helmet if you're going to be riding a bike or a scooter."
"There's nothing they can offer me; I want to do the right thing."
"The oath that we take has to mean something. It has to cut to the core of who we are and be the driving force of our service to this nation."
"This is not about a few consultants behaving badly; it's about the systematic replacement of a once fearless public service with voracious private sector operators driven by profit, not public good."
"Public service is about serving the public, not yourself."
"I believe the Postal Service plays a tremendously positive role in the lives of the American public and the life of the nation."
"The American Postal Worker was out there. This organization continued to perform, why we have such high ratings."
"We are emphasizing our commitment to deliver for the American people."
"The U.S. Postal Service has always been a critical lifeline for communities."
"They humorously accused officials of boldly insulting the public's intelligence in the unforgiving light of day."
"Honestly, pay attention to people's livelihood and serve the people sincerely."
"Politicians are not supposed to be worshipped. They are servants. They're supposed to be serving the people."
"We need to expand enrollments dramatically or we need to cut funding. We need to start taxing endowments and my colleagues need to recognize that we are public servants, we are not Chanel."
"Lauren got a job as a school psychologist and was a faithful servant to public schools, working over 55 years."
"But that’s what we do at NutritionFacts.org. We comb through tens of thousands of studies a year so you… don’t have to."
"Together we are determined to defend and preserve government of the people, by the people, and for the people."
"He has a heart for the people. He's always worked on behalf of the people. He's been a public servant and he has the grit and resilience of a true Pennsylvanian."
"We are here to protect our community and maintain their health life safety."
"We need a clean start. We're facing problems abroad and at home. It's time for change. I'm ready to serve. I'm ready to lead." - Tom Tugendhat
"Public servants promise to defend our constitution, uphold our laws, and work on behalf of the American people."
"Go make your money whatever way you can, set the money aside for yourself, set the money aside for your husband, your wife, your kids, and then figure out a way to give back to public service, whether it's going to be through charity or politics."
"We need the police, and there's a reason we honor good police, right? Because it is a difficult job, it is dangerous, and we do want them to be there."
"We have been in touch with the Bush family today after hearing about President George H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush being admitted to the hospital. They have not only dedicated their lives to this country, they have been a constant source of friendship and support and good counsel for Michelle and me over the years."
"Our values are clear. We are here to protect people."
"Incentives are everything. So why not create incentives that drive the smartest people to want to actually work [in public service]?"
"This is not a party issue; this is not a left-right issue. The question is, who should government serve, and it should serve the people."
"The president always talks about this: Reaching across the aisle, you can actually deliver for the American people."
"It is us watching the end of this type of news format that never served us very well."
"I am honored to have this chance to help restore the people's faith, to deliver for them and make them proud."
"Dr. Fauci is a renowned public servant...He's overseen management of multiple global health crises."
"This is a public service announcement, and I say that because I'm hoping to help you to avoid being scammed in this energy crisis or energy price crisis."
"I want to thank all of you for testifying today. You have truly performed an incredibly important public service."
"The whole thing about having a royal family is that they pay their dues; they work for their living."
"This is exactly why people hate politics. It is people grandstanding on the taxpayer's dime when what we need for them to do is govern and get people what they need."
"What the monarchy needs to do is serve the people, and I think that's what they're doing well."
"What's most important as a public servant is treating the public with respect and gaining and earning their trust."
"My own personal experience of public service has been not financially rewarding but immensely spiritually rewarding."
"I do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well and truly serve the King in the office of constable with fairness, integrity, diligence, and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people."
"We need a president who respects our laws and the privilege of public service. Who reflects our values and cares about our people. We need a president who will restore the soul of America. We need Joe Biden."
"If you're scared of the community you're supposed to protect, what is wrong with you?"
"That's okay, I'm just gonna do my job, and I'm gonna be saving lives, and they're gonna be lying."
"I've sat here every day for 44 years asking New Yorkers to remember that this is not about me. It's about we."
"When the president asked me to serve in this role, we talked about the importance of bringing truth and transparency back to the briefing room."
"This podium, this room, this building belongs to the American people. We work for them."
"By getting money out of politics, we can improve our government's responsiveness to the actual people it's meant to serve."
"The fire department... it's not necessarily a right, it's a public service."
"We need servant leaders; we don't need rock stars in the Congress."
"It's just parity and equality with every other public employee. There's nothing punitive to police."
"Politics is about the difference we make every day to the lives of people up and down this country. They are our reason for being here, and we should never forget it." - Prime Minister
"At its heart, politics isn't about exchanges across these dispatch boxes, nor about eloquent speeches or media headlines. Politics is about real-life, what people suffer in their ordinary lives." - Prime Minister
"I'm proud of all the policies that we have introduced that have been improving people's lives." - Prime Minister
"If their income continues to fall short of expectations and fails to cover normal living expenses, will they remain willing to serve the CCP?"
"The credit belongs to those who dare greatly no matter what answer the call to enter the arena the call doesn't care if you fight for one or twenty thousand and one."
"We have to risk and sacrifice the real things of ourselves, not pretend things. And I think that that's what a public servant has to do."
"You need people in that office who run for office who feel something is more important than their victory. It's the country. It's the team." - George Bush Senior
"I think that Diana wants to continue in her role as Princess of Wales. She wants to serve the queen, she wants to serve the nation, doing her charity work, which has earned her a place internationally as an esteemed."
"It's long overdue and our committee is going to lead the way in this effort."
"The NHS represents the absolute best of us, so this Christmas let's give them all a silent night."
"Her public service, her sense of duty, that is something that people can still latch onto in a world where it often seems that just being a celebrity is the most important thing."
"Your passion and dedication to safeguard the public was evident."
"Because she reigned for so long, we will find the tentacles of her contribution to public life."
"She has done a remarkable, remarkable job as first lady."
"Anybody who goes into political life understands that it does come with an element of risk."
"Every time you talk about being a government official, you are elected by the people to have duties. Certain things do not belong in the public."
"In an allegedly free country, where officials carry the title of public servant, it is at least just as much of their responsibility to show respect to us as it is ours to show respect to them."
"Do you want to sell ads and make algorithms work faster or do you want to save lives and work for your country?"
"You don't have to choose but if you had to go first I'd say go to the CIA first and then pursue your private sector career."
"For those of you who don't know me, in the private sector, I really come to believe that nobody should serve in the public sector unless they first have been in the private sector."
"We will keep working 24/7 to make sure parents have the infant formula they need."
"I really do believe that the guidance that we put out today would be very helpful and very encouraging to Americans."
"I declare before you all that my whole life shall be devoted to your service."
"We've lost sight of the fact we're the boss and they work for us."
"There's no Republican or Democratic way to fill a pothole, just fill the damn pothole."
"If some day they say of me that in my work I have contributed something to the welfare and happiness of my fellow man, I shall be satisfied."
"I'm not going to resign. I work for the people of the state of New York. They elected me and I'm going to serve the people of the state of New York."
"I fully believe that everything that's done there should serve the people to the best of its ability."
"Every quality Public University education should be very affordable."
"My oath is to the Constitution. This isn't a popularity contest."
"Leadership is about taking the power bestowed upon you and giving it back to the people."
"The whole idea... is they're gonna try and help us prevent some of these things."
"Thank you to all the men and women of the Department of Homeland Security who daily accomplish such tremendous results for the American people."
"It was never about what was best, it was always about what was politically useful for them."
"So what I think is really motivating about being in politics in public service is you can actually see the positive changes."
"We serve to show people whom we serve that we can make a real difference in their lives."
"And still they have to do their job don't they wonderful young men and women pray for them and again thank God that you're in America God bless America."
"His entire life was dedicated to American public service."
"Canada Healthcare is a gem famous for its publicly funded and universally accessible nature."
"I will continue to put people above politics."
"For me, it's not even political ambition that brings me into this."
"My administration is working every day to deliver the world-class infrastructure that our people deserve."
"The Department of Justice works for the American people."
"I'm uninterested in people that respond to hard questions with 'you stooge of Vladimir Putin' or 'you traitor' or 'you're lacking in patriotism'. I'm uninterested in that. I'm interested in what serves Americans first."
"Whoever can do justice to the people whoever can really sacrifice his own ambition and personal agendas for the sake of the people that person deserves to be the leader."
"The heroes of this moment cannot stay home. We need you."
"They're reversing their diabetes, they're getting off their medications, they're feeling better than they ever have, and that's called doing a public service."
"An officer resigning is the consummate political act, and it's our obligation to stay out of politics."
"We want to make sure that this is done well and right for the American people."
"The oath I took and the duty I swore was related to the point of being a United States Senator."
"It's the greatest privilege of my life to be able to serve the party I love and give back to the country I owe so much to."
"My job is that I'm a scientist, I'm a physician, and I'm a public health person."
"Authenticity and a sincere desire to serve the public good are so rare in politics."
"Whatever we do, I can promise you this: I will never forget that my first duty and ultimate loyalty is to you, the American people."
"Everyone can do something. Get out there and reduce the chances of their doing so by hastening this work."
"Public servant my foot, she you know there we're talking money we're talking ramp we're talking you know."
"Thank you to the American people for all your efforts."
"Politicians should be public servants, they should not be politicians."
"Four-term serving Northeast Wisconsin in Congress has been the honor of a lifetime and strengthened my conviction that America is the greatest country in the history of the world."
"I think the best thing that I can do is be a good senator and fight for Arizonans, make a difference for them." - Senator Martha McSally
"If we need ships for helping people, Carnival would be absolutely willing to help us."
"Can't we all agree that these people that go to Washington DC that we elect should be serving our interests and not their interests?"
"I would like the United States of America to purchase property for me on Nantucket Island as a reward for all the countless lives I've saved."
"For anybody to give 35 years of their life to protect and serve citizens, that's an honorable thing to do."
"Cities need assistance...all they have to do is call."
"Trump took the highest office in the land and didn't even take a salary."
"Public life must be safe for those we ask to serve in our democracy. That is a responsibility for us all."
"An unpopular one to say is that people will take what is for some of them a financial hit by entering politics."
"I'm here for y'all, I can't tell you guys that I'm for the people and not be for the people."
"Government is so bureaucratic and slow that a lot of help doesn't get where it needs to quickly."
"That's what politics is meant to be about: making people's lives better or less bad."
"My first exposure to public service was working for Congressman John Lewis, a man who dedicated his life to championing civil rights."
"No one hates bad cops or incompetent cops more than the ones that go out every day and try to do the job the right way."
"These are people that were chosen based on the qualities that they have. These are people that, you know, we owe them, they have given up their life, a public service, to make our system work."
"Early voting in the Georgia runoff election... President Biden continues to deliver for the people."
"All our major institutions have somehow lost their sense of public service."
"But let's talk about caring about the American people. The American people have had to sacrifice far too much because of the incompetence of this administration."
"Unfortunately, the human race has been poorly served by the scientific community."
"I'm here to govern on behalf of the American people."
"We must take A New Path. There must be a new vision so that Congress works for the American people."
"Garbage man: making 95k per year, surprisingly high."
"I think the reason for that is because a lot of the encounters that people have with police isn't in the light of protecting and serving."
"I've been actually getting traction having lawmakers realize that when they invest in Public Defense they are investing in a resource that can be massively beneficial to their community."
"Our role is not to be bound by the first amendment but our role is to serve a healthy public conversation."
"What Jeremy has done in the UK, what Sanders has done in the US and others that have sprung up in the last 10 years, it's an invaluable service to working people across the world."
"Donald Trump's numbers suck lit up tonight in blue for the workers of the MTA who keep the buses and rails moving through the mostly stay at home city of New York."
"We're on the job full-time to help you, working with the state, the counties, the nonprofit community, and many others. We're all in this fight together."
"A broadcaster that takes on board the needs and interests of the public, but the BBC has stopped doing that."
"I stand before you today as a civil servant who is heartbroken. Sandra was failed by, manipulated by, and used by the people of authority that she admired and trusted right until her final days." - Chief McNamara
"Never feel like it is too big or too insurmountable that the government is really here to work on your behalf."
"Judicial Watch will continue to do the heavy lifting on behalf of you and the rest of the American people for full accountability."
"Captain Ibrahim TR has emerged as a steadfast Statesman."
"It’s important to remember CDC is the world’s premiere public health agency."
"Proof political appointees put public service first too."
"Don't lose accountability to the citizens, to the taxpayers."
"The public display of police work soon turns into a public display of affection."
"He very eloquently put the case that the royal family are known for their service to the country."
"Politics...is where people stand tall and hello...it is still the arena that sets the heart beating a little faster...it is more often the place for the pursuit of noble causes...Friend or Foe well and that is that."
"The importance of actual competent leadership."
"Our communities demand accountability, that includes YouTube being accountable to the public."
"If you are a government official, you have taken on the responsibility of serving everyone equally."
"The most important message that I have this morning is get your new bivalent booster."
"I want to be a police officer to serve the community to serve the country that I'm living in even though I'm Brazilian I believe the principles that America was following on right Liberty freedom of speech."
"He is fundamentally decent and he is going to fight like hell."
"He is a decent public servant who is trying his best."
"Why would he leave a life of success and put himself in front of incessant attacks if it wasn't for truth and honor?"
"She said yesterday that preventing a no-deal that may threaten the livelihoods of her constituents means a great deal more to her than keeping the Conservative whip."
"They say credit belongs to the man in the arena who spends himself in a worthy cause. The glory is reserved for the few."
"Thank you for putting yourself at risk in the political arena."
"We will uphold our Oaths as public servants."
"Beyond acting, Watson is an advocate for gender equality and served as a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador."
"Pete Buttigieg, the big problem solver, has done nothing about any of this. He has done nothing."
"I pledge to discharge the responsibilities of this job to the very best of my ability. I love the United States and I love the United States Constitution."
"I take that very seriously... it's a duty of upholding our constitution that's part of the first thing you say in your oath of office."
"For me, politics and public life are about transformational change, not just winning elections."
"Thank you for continuing to keep the American public informed about what's going on."