
Public Reaction Quotes

There are 1071 quotes

"The reaction has been incredible. The public has been shocked to learn some of the details of how the wealthiest people in this country do and do not pay their taxes."
"This is like the deranged evolution of the Barbara Streisand effect."
"This particular adaptation is notorious for the claim that some people tuning in, not realizing the broadcast was fictitious, were under the impression that there really was an alien invasion in progress."
"Years' worth of horrendous oneliners and mocking his opponents had backfired, much to the delight of many fans and peers."
"Roses are red, I sing with good vocals, police hunt man dressed as 17th-century plague doctor who's been terrifying locals."
"As expected, once this movie was actually released, the mainstream media began to attack it."
"This image has really struck a chord with people."
"The video has been described by law enforcement and attorneys for Nichols' family as absolutely appalling, alarming, and unconscionable."
"Doomsday, despite worldwide hysteria, turned out to be one of history's greatest flukes."
"The response to Baldhead lick was very negative, as it should be."
"Lovers of the sport, as well as animal welfare advocates, will be enraged by this footage, seeing the pitiful way the horses are treated when they're no longer profitable or wanted."
"Everybody hating, obviously the team and people who are fans of the team are going to be upset."
"If China had soldiers showing up after school to American schools...we would all stand up against it. Congress would act. This wouldn't be partisan."
"I think that you should have the ability to say anything you want about anything. That doesn't mean you get the response you want."
"It was worrying for everybody, but it wasn't really the people who are panicking or getting really concerned first, it was really the government doing all of this stuff."
"The government essentially confirms that space aliens exist, and nobody cares."
"The video has generated significant buzz, leading to a wide range of reactions. While some firmly believe in the authenticity of the sighting, others remain skeptical."
"The announcement of the debut caused many netizens to raise an eyebrow due to the ages of these young girls."
"That's going to go viral 'cause of the reaction. They're so sweet."
"The dancing robots at the Super Bowl show that freaked everybody out, but I thought was actually kind of hilarious and creepy."
"It is appalling to me that a post about National Women's Day would be met by such vitriol and hatred."
"This idea that you are automatically shielded from criticism when you do something that is objectively and verifiably offensive is beyond me."
"These corporations should know that when you declare a random culture war for no apparent reason, people will notice and then people won't like it."
"Those are horrendous allegations those people made, unfortunate circumstances, you know, talking about drugging people."
"Fans went ahead and assumed, now that's sweet."
"Hopefully once the current anger surrounding the show has passed people will only have room to laugh and make fun of the series like it rightfully deserves."
"The number one most disliked video in WWE history was the video of the rock coming out there on Friday night."
"How far can I push this before sensible, rational, tolerant people say this has to be a troll?"
"Everybody's cheering the fact that unemployment is technically down to 3.4 percent which is one of the lowest levels it's been. It's an extreme low."
"This is probably one of the biggest gaming controversies in years."
"That's what happens when people start to realize what the hell is really going on. Then they start panicking and doing stuff like that." - Participant in the video
"Bank of America decided to take people's money without their consent." - Participant in the video
"However, with the hate she also received a lot of love and support."
"People were celebrating a guy just dying to OD. It's insane."
"If people really knew what the government was doing if if everything was Declassified they would be pissed people know that and that's why they try to suppress the story as much as they did."
"Hosono was rescued in lifeboat 13 and was attacked by the Japanese public press and government who felt that he had not done enough to save his passengers."
"Guys they just kissed they kissed, oh my God wait okay yeah they they are definitely not just friends dude."
"Kyle Rittenhouse was not guilty on all charges."
"What's insane is that the current occupant of the White House got 81 million votes."
"It's a pretty dramatic sense of whiplash, you know, within 12 months."
"Having a really great wife makes life so much better."
"Honestly, not exaggerating, probably 45,000 of those people were chanting 'F*** you Baker' during the game."
"It's a stunning moment to see these criminal mug shots."
"For a lot of Americans, this was a confrontation with mortality that they've just never... had to confront."
"The most politically United uh of anything there's the most political Unity around the death of Norm Macdonald."
"There was no denying that Pink Sauce provoked a reaction."
"Many people have often complained about his problem with so much content."
"Yesterday women and men Republicans Independence Democrats woke up to a situation in which the Arizona Supreme Court reimposed this 1864 ban... it's insane, it's egregious, it's an affront to our freedom." - Arizona Attorney General
"The media falsely frames things, making money to get the mob all angry."
"Every time a certain Mark is given to people some groups immediately assume it's the mark of the beast."
"Drama can often be even more shocking when it happens out of nowhere."
"If Blair Waldorf wore that, people would collapse on the streets all over the world."
"I don't imagine it is a big deal. I imagine people will be very happy to get a big fat beautiful check with my name on it."
"Powerful people do not like this stuff coming out." - Commentator
"The media wanted to be a part of this and here's what they said: 'Holy moly!'"
"And then video started flooding social media of passengers learning the news about the masking requirement being dropped uh mid flights and erupting with joy."
"Hail storm: 'Size of golf balls, panic ensues.'"
"Just like Beyoncé, Ni'Jah is only responsible for putting out her work, she has very little knowledge or control over how people react to that."
"Seriously though, like a lot of people were mad at me over the 3DS video because they thought I had this immense burning hatred for pirates. I don't. I just really don't like Gateway."
"Britney Spears and Madonna kissed on stage and the world went wild... That image of Britney with the snake around her neck has been one of Britney's most iconic moments."
"Everyone's popping up, everyone's popping, that's justice right there, that's crazy!"
"Britney's explosive statement and her honesty were met with shock and resounding support as that news came out of this courthouse from the U.S to Brazil and Argentina."
"People weren't cheering OJ Simpson per se, but they were cheering that one time it seemed that the system balanced in favor of a black man."
"The thing is, her videos are edgy, funny, and to a lot of people, they make a lot of sense. And that's scary."
"We the jury find the defendant Kyle H. Rittenhouse not guilty."
"Many of these vigilante clown hunts were causing more harm than good, only spreading the panic further."
"What sparked the protest? Police officers shot the teenager, Nahel."
"I definitely agree with that assessment because from the very beginning there was so much fear-mongering there was so much drama there was so much emotional and manipulation that literally people shut down."
"Laugh at him, dismiss him, mock this speech all you want, write him off at your own Peril."
"Beautiful news, wonderful news, lovely news."
"The Internet is just always going to find something to be mad at."
"Congratulations to Mr. Rittenhouse on winning his freedom in a court of law."
"I've heard personal stories we've seen things online people have been talking about Diddy for years Cassie got $30 million in 24 hours based off of the evidence she has against this man."
"The reactions from people and just how much it meant to them and then how much it meant to me."
"They would have absolutely sent people into a frenzy."
"If Tommy were killed in prison, that probably would be riots on the street."
"I've been saying this for years and the fact that this is now happening and you guys are freaking out like I'm over here like [expletive], I told you."
"Jeffrey's death would trigger a wave of outrage and conspiracy theories."
"Give Andy Dalton a chance. Don't go nuts on Twitter after one three-and-out. Don't boo next week against Cincinnati. Give the man a chance. You will see Justin Fields in time."
"But like many things that go viral, Chef Pii's sauce was quickly caught up in a controversy that left a bad taste in many people's mouths."
"All that matters is you see stories like this and people start saying with all of the chaos and violence, do I want Joe Biden?"
"I really hate what EA is trying to do now and I bet you in the coming years you're gonna keep on hearing these like oh it wasn't that bad there was just maybe some little outrage that got out of hand and I swear that's going to end up happening."
"It's about keeping them docile. When Neuralink becomes public, these cultists are going to be lining up screaming and begging for it."
"Efforts to censor popular forms of media have come and gone."
"Plot twists are kind of a hot topic these days, or at least they were several weeks back when Game of Thrones ended its ten-year run, everyone lost their minds, and I decided to start writing this talk."
"Donald Trump coming out making a brief statement saying that this is indeed a very unifying thing... he's appreciative of how the Supreme Court voted on this."
"No one should be offended by Gabby Hannah complimenting her shirt."
"Animal rights activists were mad at him for trying to be swallowed by an anaconda and viewers were mad at him for not actually doing it"
"But why on earth would Canal 5 use a missing person as part of a creepy marketing campaign, if that's even what those videos were?"
"If this was a bunch of white people... that would be a national outrage."
"But it's such a shame that this even happened in the first place."
"People who are cooped up in their homes for four months, the first chance they're given to go out onto the street to go find meaning and purpose in their lives do so in this extremely volatile way."
"I don't think it was an accident no I don't think it was either I think they wanted to see the reaction people would have."
"The monster in this case wasn't just Brandon Andrew Clark, the monsters were also the people that seized upon this moment to try and make it their own."
"Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty not on one not on two but on all charges in relation to his case and the shooting that he was involved in in Kenosha, Wisconsin. It really was a beautiful moment."
"Sorry I knew a lot of people were hyped for that game ah I'm so sorry."
"A captivating image appeared in 1911 causing much commotion and speculation among people."
"You can either just wake up every morning and just like read the news and feel things about everything all the time and anything can happen and they can spin you off into any crazy belief and then we're watching that happen."
"Attention on these bands as possible for better or worse... whether a reaction is positive or negative, it has a positive effect for the band."
"I think getting a reaction is absolutely critical. Most people react to what we do. What we need to happen is to get them to react to our exposure."
"This isn't just some leaked video, ladies and gentlemen."
"Chauvin's reaction to his sentence was stoic, he removed his mask and spoke briefly offering condolences to the Floyd family but did not express remorse for his actions."
"Everybody loves a train wreck. Wow, you guys are horrible!"
"That's what happens when the far-right extremists meet the real world... they get booed, they get a dose of reality."
"I think they've really failed on this cutting the monoclonal antibodies went over like a lead balloon in Florida."
"It was really strange after we broke that story. I mean, Bob had death threats."
"If you change, they're going to crucify you for changing. I'd rather be crucified for changing."
"They've been de-published, and they've been associated with heartbreak and disgrace."
"Support pouring in for Cat Williams from both celebrities and regular folks is just mind-blowing."
"The president of the United States and a candidate was spied on. I really hope it aggravates people."
"Though I can see why people are angry at it, in the context of the story I do think it works."
"America had already been burned by the series finale of 'Lost,' and now, the hope-and-change president was saluting Marines with coffee?"
"The crowd here is pleased with the verdict, it's what they've always wanted."
"Wow, wow, wow, from alienating her entire fan base to inspiring hundreds of authors to come together to condemn her words, J.K. Rowling is truly the biggest villain the fantasy genre has to offer two years in a row."
"There's a massive amount of concern that Greg was okay with this, and was talking to this 14-year-old girl, encouraging a future relationship."
"Finally a guy has won more than two rounds and they're like 'oh this guy beat Floyd, come on man.' But I love it."
"When it was announced that Adolf Eichmann had been captured, the world was absolutely stunned."
"Now, as I've said, I'm not in favor of people losing their jobs for old things they say. But if you're buying a Barbra Streisand album after she says something like that, I gotta say, I'm not sure what's going through your head."
"There's something specifically about this type of writing that is pissing people off."
"I think it caused a shitstorm because everybody's like yo this guy low check out is a [ __ ] hater this and that I want all black people to win if all black people won the balance would be reset."
"We're seeing the highlight reel of people's emotions in quarantine."
"People to forget all of the stupid [__] that came out of Donald's mouth uh in 2015-2016 on his opening in his opening statement where he was announcing his."
"Yes, the very fact that this article offended people means the article was a mistake."
"Remember when we all thought quarantine was gonna be this like two-week thing?"
"Cares you mined them yourself yeah it's not like people would get upset but some people think that he just believes in the greater message and him not using."
"Piece and she posts it and it causes Twitter to go insane and Twitter creates the hashtag Bitcoin chase and they harassed the out of Dorian Nakamoto."
"AMC is green on the day, people are freaking out over a red bar."
"People are treating it as a giant shock because they don't know the first thing about politics."
"I like how Camille crushed Amber Heard today. Sometimes, like we talked about, you don't want to seem like you're objecting too much."
"A man in a dress is a very off-putting thing, especially a man in a dress who really thinks he's a woman."
"It's okay if I leave someone to pull blood but oh dang he said some mean words cancel that guy."
"People getting offended on behalf of people's hypothetical children, I find bizarre."
"The overwhelmingly negative reception to the announcement of this Netflix series reignited some of my faith in humanity."
"Joe Rogan gained millions of subscribers since CNN tried to have him fired a few months ago."
"It's tinged with knowing that the conviction does not stand and that he will be a free man now." - Kate Snow
"Yes, yeah, I did. People were upset at that. I thought he was 100 honest in his opinion, yes."
"That's how a lot of Americans felt last night."
"Comedian Chris Rock: 'Apprehending Trump is going to make him more popular. It's like arresting Tupac; he's just gonna sell more records.'"
"This is how liberty dies to thunderous applause, people are cheering for the system burning."
"Undeserved panic does no one any good but neither does ill-informed complacency."
"Could you imagine what would happen if CNN journalists' emails got leaked where they were mocking Trump supporters or making fun of this kid? It would destroy what little credibility CNN has."
"A very solid wave, especially for someone like me who would read a lot of comics in the '80s, early '90s."
"When asked if he would have done anything differently, he simply said he would have raised the price higher."
"Eight minutes after the hearing wrapped up. Nervous much?"
"This video got over nine million views, 60,000 likes, 45,000 or 50,000 retweets. All of which were people who were very mad at me or very mad at the people in the video for the crimes that they were committing."
"There's a different set of rules today when it comes to politics and outrage."
"Rulings like this are super rare but when they happen we should be happy about it."
"If you tell the truth, it might have a moment where people are up in arms, but it stands the test of time."
"Even most Republicans who saw that hearing were confused and ashamed."
"Instead of being mad at Stephen and Doreen for converting people should be happy that we are teaching something that could save people from hell."
"When there are tremendous acts of evil, then we should at least grant the credibility that the vast majority of human beings in the West are saddened by an act of evil and are not sympathetic to the killer."
"The DeLorean became the butt of jokes, as did Ford for foisting the car upon the public."
"The backlash has been large both administratively and from the student body and the internet at large."
"Steelers fans after losing 29-17 on national TV."
"It was still an embarrassing moment, but amazing meme fuel."
"It's so bad that everyone can't stop talking about it."
"The fact that there's a bit of a freak out over it is actually positive because one of the things that you might expect is that, you know, BB would prefer Trump to be in office."
"I think he's going to expose everything, the government's going to freak out."
"Fear and panic are dangerous, concerns and worries are understandable, but let's calm down and do the right things."
"I feel like it pisses people off more when you just don't post anything."
"People are upset, I saw that, I think it's ridiculous and it makes me sad."
"The best cure for ignorance is knowledge, and the fact that he had to get dragged, he lost all brand deals, Sephora didn't want to carry his products anymore, I think that was something that really, really humbled him."
"Everyone's freaking out in the middle but you know they're not trying to say anything because it's the Oval Office."
"Muhammad Ali never went to jail he didn't know that he was going to get the backlash."
"The backlash has been 10 times bigger than the George Floyd moment... slipping away in this disastrous way."
"A murdering cop is finally found guilty. Now you want empathy? F you." - Don Trump
"The internet Fame Seeker has since apologized for the pranking."
"How much of it do you think they fear that if they were wrong, they worry that a guy like Trump is going to come out and his entire campaign is going to be 'Told You So'?"
"The importance of Law and Order and where we are in this historical moment is really symbolized though in that Trump mug shot and the reaction to the mug shot."
"Most Americans were repulsed by that mug shot, seeing it as a malignant narcissistic sociopathic criminal."
"Can you IMAGINE the media and social media to-do if it had been Chelsea Clinton who had been spat on? We would never hear the end of it."
"Remember this when this happens: when you turn on your TV and every single channel is covering the same thing, it's you. I hope you're going to remember this."
"What these guys basically did was saw what Martin Shkreli did with that children cancer drug and be like we can definitely do that just slightly slower so people don't riot."
"It is weird, like him and all of his fans, they were like 'oh Elon owned NPR so hard that they left' and now it's like..."
"Test the theory. So I wonder how many rapists and murderers were reading these articles in 1985 and getting nervous. Such a good point, like, oh my gosh, they..."
"Unfortunately, the loss of someone's life, but at least now it's getting the reaction that I think it deserves."
"I'm giving my opinion, and a lot of fans out there were saying that."
"It generated a lot of controversy and a lot of discussion, and the scene was horrific."
"I never take L's, I mean 830,000 dislikes is quite the L."
"While star-lord is a more recent big-screen hero, there have been many different versions of Batman over the years and since the very beginning people have been complaining about who studios have chosen to play Bruce Wayne."
"If nearly everyone has a unanimously negative reaction to something, there is likely a problem with that thing."
"The individual is sovereign over the institution of government."
"As it usually works is I say something people get outraged by it and then with time it is proven to be true."
"Munch was delighted with the scandal, as his notoriety ensured he became an overnight sensation."
"Kamaru Usman won it by 67 percent. A landslide. This is absolutely ridic." - Kamaru Usman's dominance in winning Male Fighter of the Year.
"By admitting that you're wrong and admitting that you made a mistake, it comes with everyone hating you online."
"This is an interesting moment because seeing the reactions, I hope that people actually stop and think about what it means."
"We value private property rights and that's okay."
"What are they doing? God, what are they doing?"
"It's insane how much control they have, and so they're trying to justify it through all these different misinformation campaigns."
"German politicians as well as the public... shocked."
"There'll be riots in the streets if there's a prosecution of Donald Trump for mishandling classified information."
"It was jaw-dropping, unbelievable. People had tears in their eyes."
"That night, everyone watches the president announce the start of the experiment."
"The reason why I say he shouldn't apologize is because these people don't actually want his apology."
"Whether you remember the fappening as a harrowing tale of breach privacy and perversion or one of the most entertaining downward spirals in recent internet history, really it doesn't matter."
"Caesar's return to Rome was marked by mixed reactions from the citizens, unsure of his intentions after years of absence and conflict."
"You can't make this stuff up Kenya and so we're we're not surprised now the way this took place we're surprised at this with but the virus and how its spread but we're not surprised what's happened"
"People have a legitimate reason to be upset and the game is being panned."
"It's just kind of crazy to see a game like this fall so hard from grace."