
Cultural Critique Quotes

There are 870 quotes

"Wake up to the lies of the matrix and don't sell your soul to culture's lies."
"God's trying to grow us into authenticity, but we live in a culture of superficiality."
"American Psycho is a warning more than 20 years after its release."
"I think the idea of masculinity and success and fulfillment that's being sold by a lot of people on the right I think leads to the same type of spiritual wasteland that you're trying to pull these young men out of."
"The problem is that culturally we don't want to go after Wall Street. The system that we have built is built to not go after Wall Street."
"To be a black person in 2024 in America is to be in a state of complete perplexed confusion about what is wrong with a country that hates your history."
"Everything is so thoroughly washed in the United States... and so we've become deluded that somehow sterility or cleanliness is some sort of proxy for health."
"How the Grinch Stole Christmas... seems to offer one of the most explicit explorations of whether or not Christmas is nothing but an excuse for us to go into credit card debt buying stuff we don't need for people we don't like, or if it shows us how Christmas is something more."
"Society has morphed into itself where there is no difference really between a genuine enjoyment of something or a cringe enjoyment of something."
"You're literally a white woman from Australia; you live in a bubble and you're pissed that voices that have been silenced forever finally can be heard."
"We're watching the death of artistry unfold right before our eyes."
"Sexual violence and misogyny are such a huge part of our culture worldwide."
"It's not about attacking men; it's about challenging the culture that men are being dragged into."
"Whenever I speak against the culture of DSA, I will be solving a data structures and algorithms problem just so you know that I am still connected to my roots."
"The book I decided to write was a series of questions that our culture doesn't ask, that I think are important for my son's being able to live a truly happy life and truly fulfill himself as a human being."
"Adorno was concerned precisely with its destruction by the mechanisms of capital, concerned with what happens when the profit motive completely overtakes the cultural life of society."
"We need to bring people...in France, Hungary, and Britain who have all had enough of this wokism in their country but they all need to help each other out."
"China's always suffered from a problem of not having cool media. Chinese music isn't cool to the local populace. Chinese movies are not cool to the local populous unless you're a certain demographic."
"I like this one a lot. I think it represents sort of a turn into an anti-capitalist aesthetic that many of these types of posts have started to incorporate."
"Woke-ism is a religion. It's got sacraments and holy days and saints and demons and dogmas."
"Trains are way better for the environment, but this is America and we hate trains for reasons promoting car dependency doesn't help our climate change issues."
"The language and terminology of wolk culture is insular and alienating and sectarian, which is the opposite of universal."
"God is dead. But what is often left unquoted is that we have killed God."
"Jesus wants them to have another boat. Jesus wants him to be rich. That's Orange County ethos."
"Our culture has no language anymore to condemn any kind of perversion, because it's all about consent."
"The woke mind virus... is often anti-meritocratic. You can't question things, even the questioning is bad."
"The sad thing is that none of this is predestined. Orthodox civilization has produced so many brilliant individuals and geniuses."
"Our America, our Internet is not ancient Athens. It’s Rome. And your problem is you think you’re in the forum when you’re really in the circus."
"How wokeness has led to, and continues to lead to, the erasure of women."
"Wokeness is not on the side of women. It is not helping women. It's denying what makes us special and unique and selling us out for retweets on Twitter."
"The downfall of Hollywood and White's Conquest to make everything woke and full of identity politics will lead to an eventual cultural reset."
"Woke Hollywood is dying and ultimately it is not the fault of the consumer or even the pandemic it is the collective tone-deaf approach of the executives, producers, and writers."
"This is an illness of our culture, driven by dissatisfaction and depression."
"I think it's bad, right? I mean, it's... kind of a joke. They are doing it like sports fandom."
"The response, the retribution never matches the crime. It always far exceeds the offense or the crime."
"Defying the woke mob is a sign of character - a sign of intellectual courage."
"Reject modernity and embrace traditional storytelling."
"It's all predicated on conformity. We are seeing our minds rot."
"A common objection to the prime directive, and one we explored more in Smug Aliens, is that taken to an extreme is not very ethical either."
"Disney's ideology is ultimately pretty hollow, and yet its cultural reach is so expansive."
"The white supremacist culture is subjugation of non-white people."
"When you turn on your TV, when you go to a comedy club, when you listen to the media, the cultural message is not one of 'kids are great' and 'let's have more.'"
"Rogan creates a unique intellectual liminal zone."
"We live in an age where men treat art as if it were meant to be a form of autobiography."
"We're at the precipice now. We're living in Brave New World, Fahrenheit 1984."
"American culture is in chaos and collapse because men have surrendered their role as leaders."
"Liberalism is dead, replaced by woke neo-marxism."
"Male gaze is the act of depicting both women and the world at large, in the visual arts from a masculine, heterosexual perspective."
"French president warned against social science theories entirely imported from the United States."
"Until we wrestle with the unconscious and conscious bigotry, hatred, and entitlement that spawns from our culture, the suburban lifestyle will continue to stand in our way of creating environmentally sound and community-focused ways of living."
"It's a very, very sad commentary on the values in our culture when shooting a ball into a basket is more laudable than teasing out some fundamental truth."
"But for me personally, I'm not a consumer of, I guess what you'd call, flex culture type videos."
"We are a danger to ourselves now by taking this idea of exceptionalism in such an anachronistic way when it no longer applies."
"When you have a culture of deception, of disrespect from the truth, of post-truth ways of thinking, then that really has to flow all the way to the top in order to function."
"All must be woke enough, but you can never be woke enough."
"The Simpsons didn't just challenge the status quo, it redefined the status quo."
"The problem is a culture that doesn't align with our nature and a culture that doesn't nourish the best angels of our nature."
"Our culture has problems, but everyone has to be awake and take responsibility to prevent blind authoritarianism."
"Can you imagine what a jacked up place this is where boys forgot what it is to be a boy?"
"This is a good lesson for us; it shows us once again what happens when we empower these cry bullies."
"Everybody's a human being, and how we lost that idea."
"This virus and the reaction to it has revealed this great spiritual void, I think, in our culture, and that's the thing we ought to be homing in on."
"No child should have to fight off... white centeredness their whole life."
"If you do not value those things then you are left with nothing you are left as a person who values nothing and you are left with a culture that values nothing you either value those or you value nothing there are no other options."
"That all that stuff is B.S. imposed by critics and camp followers afterwards."
"This is Sodom and Gomorrah level depravity that we're experiencing in our culture today."
"Let's appeal to the people who don't like that. And here's the nice thing: the woke people are helping us."
"There's a lack of individualism as a culture; we live our lives through celebrities."
"Nobody's stopping them from doing that, it's allowed... stuff like this goes so viral on Tik Tok."
"I am not a Barbie girl living in a Barbie world. I'm not fantastic. I'm not plastic."
"We've become really desensitized to scams as a society and as a culture."
"At the end of the day, this is important to me because it's kind of like remixes."
"Americans think the world revolves around them..."
"Why can just anyone appropriate Womanhood? Why is Womanhood as a caricature acceptable?"
"I think it's like a really interesting dissection on straight culture or just this culture that prioritizes marriage and kids and that family structure."
"The club standards are on the floor. It's Disneyland FC."
"Suicide bomber may be a weak weapon but not against a weak culture."
"Who taught you to hate the color of your skin to such extent that you bleach to get like the white man who taught you to hate the race that you belong to so much so that you don't want to be around each other."
"The popularity of this concept is probably one of those dark reflections of humanity things."
"We are lacking empathy... that's where I think we're losing our soul."
"It's next to impossible to do a truly critical look at CCM and not include evangelical Christianity."
"It's not so much money that's the problem. It's the lack of any other values to put money and finances and anything else in context."
"Ricky Gervais is the hero we need and I'm gonna say it we deserve him we absolutely do."
"China is going to figure this out... while we're fetishizing diversity, inclusion, and equity."
"We want to create a culture where you're looked at askance a little bit if you're making over a million dollars a year."
"There is something deeply ironic about a woman coming to the United States from an impoverished position and talking about the grinding evil of the United States."
"Are we willing to not embrace fear but to move forward with standing for biblical values?"
"There is no rape culture, it's a lie, it's a myth."
"Let us divorce culture's idea that new is better, God we commit to being new wine skins, fresh wine skins."
"This is the chunibyo cringe. I need exorcisms!"
"Woodstock 99 was completely unlike the counter-cultural celebration of peace, love, and music."
"We recognize a spiritual dimension of it. We will not make the same mistake that our whole civilization has made for the last century of underestimating the power of evil."
"I think it starts with the social pressure... I think Korea is the most competitive society I ever saw at all level."
"The yearning for traditional women and pushback against matriarchal culture explain the meteoric rise of social media influencers."
"Do not allow yourself to be a victim of that overly simplistic and unthinking culture. Think for yourself and you will help build and rebuild a culture that actually values evidence, reason, and humility."
"Can we please [ __ ] stop idolizing these terrible human beings and just idolizing influences in general?"
"As for me, you know, I think what our culture lacks most of all is not empathy, it's not feeling, it's not pity or patronizing pats on the head, but truth."
"Trump represents the worst of American culture, but he had some really good policies."
"Our fear of laziness has made us allergic to fun and rest."
"Sometimes we're so in the cultural norms of the way that things have been done that it actually takes a lot of courage to step back and say wait does any of this make sense?"
"We see what it is it's all a game it's basically uh these you know these kinds of people the wokes."
"King of the Hill's writing effortlessly ridiculed so many crazy cultural trends, movements, and issues."
"A good society values art, considers artistic contributions meaningful, and thinks about art it does not like. It encourages freedom, free thinking, introspection, and artistic development."
"Truth is under assault... Merit is under assault... any kind of objectivity or reasoning is under assault."
"Why is this behavior seen as acceptable or even normal at this point?"
"If a culture and a culture if it's okay to hit your [] kids that's a [] culture and that's all there is to it."
"There are cultures that are bad there are bad cultures and i got no problem saying that a culture that hits kids is one of them."
"Our culture has raised us to believe that the more we do, the more valuable we are, and I am still a product of that culture."
"American black women hold this L while they stamp my passport."
"Everything in your culture is designed to stimulate your attention, turn you into a passive consumer, it's trying to hack you, the system's trying to make your mind part of it."
"Be careful what you copy from a culture that has lost its ever-loving mind and is controlled by the Prince of the Power of the Air."
"The strength or weakness of a society depends more on the level of its spiritual life than on its level of industrialization. Neither a market economy nor even general abundance constitutes the crowning achievement of human life."
"Camp is a rebuke to the cultural Mandarin, some people who are trying to spread culture."
"The irony is as delicious as a spicy chicken sandwich with extra pickles and grilled jalapenos the same people who accused liberals of being intolerant cancel culture supporting lunatics are now themselves calling for a boycott of Chick-fil-A."
"The Karen remains such a useful cultural touchstone because she can be adapted to almost any situation where someone's being unreasonably difficult."
"This is deliberate destruction of pop culture."
"American Psycho, an undisputed masterpiece. It's a book with a story so fun and engrossing that people often don't listen to the message. But they should."
"The Joker movie is the most punk-rock movie that I've seen in a very long time."
"The victory of Socratic rationalism was plaguing contemporary art, but that Rickard Wagner could restore the old balance with his impulsive and passionate music."
"Comedy, when it performs this task, is actually playing an important role in society, I think."
"The Western Elites brazenly divide the world into 'civilized countries' and all the rest."
"By examining the manipulation of societal taboos, Carlson invites viewers to reflect on the forces shaping cultural narratives and to question the authenticity of these changes in public sentiment."
"There's nothing funny about that. There's nothing humorous about that."
"In a sea of Christmas movies that beat you over the head with their Christian overtones and messages, it is really nice to watch one from a director who's confident enough to let his view of the world speak for itself."
"Being edgy doesn't mean being compliant when there's a pride flag on every street corner."
"Wokeness is an attempt to recreate the dynamics of Christianity without Christ. It's an attempt to reconstruct a kind of Marxist form of Christianity."
"Imagine if we worshipped anything like we worship guns any random thing like pokemon cards imagine if we worship them to the extent that we worship guns."
"I'll be honest, when it comes to Peter Pan, the dark sides are there. It's the racism, okay?"
"I care much more about England which is a lot more [ __ ] up in the United States in lots of ways."
"Desensitized... People think because something's been done for a certain period of time, it's okay."
"Each large muscle of a bodybuilder represents a language he didn't learn, a poem he didn't read, a fun fact he never memorized."
"The conservative ethos goes against what makes comedy work, namely empathy."
"Twilight is not very good; everybody stop the presses."
"We are robbing kids of their innocence in America." - Reverend John Aminchukwu
"There are no moderators left in our culture."
"Eden is a fantasy, our oldest symbols of nature are unnatural."
"Kubrick is warning us not to get too comfortable as he lets us know we're not really at home here."
"Perhaps it was decades of exaggerated propaganda and books pulp magazines and movies still locked in the vestiges of the pioneer past which characterized indigenous peoples bloodthirsty Savages instead of natives defending their Homeland."
"Once you understand the core ideology of why the left's doing what they're doing... you'll never ask questions like why is it they throw gays off buildings in Iran."
"We have a fundamental problem in Western societies with multiculturalism and mass immigration."
"Wokeness is the modern left liberal culture formulated by social media algorithms it is characterized by cult-like adherence to Liberal social Orthodoxy that's all it is."
"Only by first destroying civilization through the spread of all forms of cultural pessimism and perversity could liberation occur."
"Everyone around me, like, hated the color pink, and like, didn't like anything that was popular. And it's like, you like Hannah Montana? That show's for babies."
"The McCain Institute listed the manosphere as one of the top four Terror threats."
"The alternative to aimless, purposeless, directionless life seems to be going back to restrictive norms for most people."
"It's like a kind of a culty... the politics of it are about like the these sort of like if there's a thing that is being hunted in that song it is like right-wing bible-thumping Trump supporters."
"The problem with woke culture is that it's trained too many young minds to forget about creating and building."
"Don't be distracted by The Matrix, we need to unplug ourselves from the Matrix."
"South Korea is such a fun country cuz it's like [ __ ] corrupt as hell."
"To me, I'm willing to go on this cultural kamikaze mission with you because if we're doing it for the culture the culture that we have right now is worth taking down."
"Let's get off this 'hugging and singing Kumbaya' stuff."
"Persepolis engages with politics, religion, gender, and war without ever feeling preachy."
"I think we're thinking we're only at the very earliest stages of that. I think the left from the days of London has basically died and in its wake has left a great deal of quite destructive cultural intellectual and political baggage."
"Our society's playing with that boundary is ultimately leading to a complete breakdown of healthy relationships."
"Love her motive love how ahead of its time it was the idea of how far people would go for fame on the internet."
"There's a crisis in our culture of people not having finely tuned BS detectors."
"We have to re-examine that attitude that we have that we're number one."
"If all of that is because of consumerism materialism and the choices and personal freedoms that the things we think of this consumerist of materialist give us is all about then Iran is not going to do well in the long run."
"It was a great dunk on NFT bros, it was a great mic drop moment, but it was also really insightful analysis of the issues at hand."
"It's beautiful, it's a golden calf, Jordan. It's idolatry."
"The Elites in the culture constantly contradict themselves and have absolutely no idea what they are talking about."
"Cancel culture is one of the least proactive methods in approaching bigotry."
"My concerns as a Muslim do not blind me to the reality of the sheer hypocrisy of this incessant chatter about human rights and women's rights by a group that cares nothing about humans rights and women's rights."
"The term toxic masculinity, there is definitely a big problem there. I think it was originally a term used to describe prison inmates and quickly was taken from the fringes of academia..."
"It's not like they have real Nazis to fight, they invent Nazis."
"What happened to manners in the United States of America? What happened to politeness and treating each other as human beings?"
"The diversity that I believed in 20 years ago and you believed in 20 years ago, the diversity that you might have heard if you listen to Martin Luther King Jr's speeches, that doesn't seem to be the diversity that Disney is talking about today."
"Are black people ever gonna get tired of the culture that we were given and actually create one that has some value in it because if we don't do that we're doomed it's over it's a wrap."
"Vaporwave is both a self-referential joke no one is meant to take seriously and an attempt to wrestle with some very real modern anxieties."
"Just simply calling something woke is not enough, you can't cry wolf without showing the attacks."
"I am calling for a moratorium on selfies until we figure out what the hell is going on."
"This is cultural degradation, this is moral decay."
"The best part of E3: watching a bunch of boomers who don't understand the first thing about the gaming audience try to look cool and failing spectacularly."
"Satire can help us deal with bad ideas head-on."
"If Sweden does it, it's probably a bad idea."
"At the very least, these schools should have been called Unicornwarts. Am I right?"
"The loss of the future because of capitalist realism."
"The reality is we are now living in an age of hyper-gynocentrism and I think 2020 will be the decade where facts and logic will be dismissed outright if they are offensive in some way."
"The culture is so devoid of civic understanding."
"We sometimes hear in this country, 'You know, always number one.' And I cringe at that."
"I just don't get this hippie dippie movement. We're all moving towards... you know, you shouldn't wash yourself with anything unless you found it on the ground in the woods."
"Our book argues for balancing tradition and progress, challenging both conservative and progressive viewpoints."
"Culture does not exist to serve the genome...you are taking it on faith."
"We have lost humility, we have lost a sense of proportionality."
"Why do we think that it is enjoyable or okay to laugh at the humiliation or the pain or the violence inflicted against black women?"
"China is not creating the world's largest and most capable navy simply as a coast guard."
"The democracies need to respond appropriately if we are to stay democratic."
"Past traditions are not only irrelevant but are distrusted and even demonized."
"Modern culture is stagnant, man. They keep regurgitating the same stuff and injecting whiteness into it. It's garbage."
"Society today mirrors somewhat like The Truman Show."
"It's not about me, it's about what do we do to Hollywood, what do we do to the corrupt blueblood Republicans."
"The West is materialistic, atheistic, individualistic, humanistic, and concerned with technology and making money."
"Humor being treated as harmful is not dangerous. That's annoying."
"Humanity has had a long history of eyeing those on the fringes of civilization as barbarians."
"The only way for us to live up to the promise of America is to give it our all and to give it for all of us."
"All of the funding and all of the inspirational platitudes in the world cannot make up for broken families and bad culture."
"It is the impunity of the rapist... questioning the voyeuristic culture of all of us." - Sunita Krishnan
"White privilege is anything in our culture that benefits the whites who have actually engineered society to benefit them." - A concise explanation of the concept of white privilege.
"If anything in our culture helps to benefit whites, that's part of white supremacy." - A stark observation on systemic biases.
"If you are on board with whatever the dominant cultural narrative of your time is, odds are you would not have been the good guy."