
Self-narrative Quotes

There are 183 quotes

"We have to take control of our narrative, family. We have to control our own narrative."
"Your identity is the story you tell about your actions in the world but it's also your actions in the world."
"I'm just not at the maturity level to give you what you need. It doesn't mean that I don't love you."
"We're autobiographical authors, we have the fun habit of constructing and revising a narrative of our life at every turn."
"Stop telling yourself stories, especially if the stories don't line up with what you want out of life, with what you want to do."
"You never let anybody else define your narrative for your life."
"I think when it comes to this money thing, a lot of times... people tell themselves a story that they feel becoming rich is... unattainable and therefore they tell themselves, 'I don't want it anyway.'"
"The story that you tell yourself about the decisions that you made lasts for far longer than the impact of the decisions."
"Can you beat Scott Pilgrim vs the World of the game without stat boosts?"
"Make sure that you're telling the story about yourself that you actually want to live."
"We're going to create our own narrative. We're going to build up. We're going to follow the sound of the drums and the flute that the universe is playing."
"Make yourself the hero of your own story, take control back over your reality."
"Weaving your own story, and I feel like that's what you're doing here."
"You are retiring an old story of who you used to be in the world and you're birthing a new story of who you are in the world."
"What's dead forever is some old story you used to tell yourself."
"Who tells my story? I put myself back in the narrative."
"Pitch yourself a great story about your life."
"The hot mess is often the narrator of her own story, making us see everything through her eyes."
"Imagine if R. Kelly made his own documentary and said, 'okay y'all accuse me of this and that's cool.'"
"They'll write their own history at the end of the day."
"Our pasts are just stories that we tell ourselves in the present."
"You are the main character of your own story; you're allowed to change your mind."
"This is just a story you're telling yourself, so I invite you to stop now, please."
"Every day is a new day that you can change your testimony and rewrite your own history."
"Amy Sakamoto: the protagonist of her own story."
"You are the hero of your own life, put on a freaking cape and make it happen."
"To rewrite your bad [__] narrative for yourself is to like yourself Inside and Out."
"Ignore the negative stories and tell a better story about what your future life looks like."
"He spent hours writing his memoirs espousing his achievements, recording his greatness, and turning himself and his story into a phenomenal legend."
"Each and every one of us are main characters in our own life."
"I make it my mission to live my own fairy tale and be the heroine of my own story."
"When you join the patreon I want you to feel like you are the main character of your own story because you are."
"Reactivity leads to actions you'll regret. Stay mindful."
"It's a great time for you to start telling the story that you want to hear about yourself."
"You're the main character of your life, you'll be fine."
"We become prisoners of the stories we tell ourselves."
"The narrative I'm telling myself is this..."
"They're the champions of their own story, everybody's the hero of their own story, right?"
"You have the power to create a new story about yourself."
"You can rewrite those narratives as an adult."
"You can decide to build a narrative around your own boldness."
"Rewrite things with me in them. You're the main character in your life again now."
"I'm telling a story of my own self-improvement."
"Someone else's story is not your story. Your story is your story to edit, update, rewrite, and change."
"No one can tell your story better than you."
"Because the story we tell ourselves protects us from pain. It gives us a reason why it's not our fault or it's going to be okay in the future."
"It's not a story about yourself that you have to tell yourself."
"Also you're you're your own story no one else has your story."
"People construct their lives. They create a story, either known to them or not known to them."
"People with narcissism develop a self-narrative that seems coherent but doesn't correspond that well to the reality around them."
"If you don't like the way that people are either rendering you invisible or writing about you, then you have to write your own story."
"The most important thing anybody struggling to have success should know is the narrative that you tell yourself about yourself is the most important thing you have."
"She's the hero in her own history book."
"Nope, that's pretty much my story, and it's a great story."
"Start telling yourself a story of empowerment about yourself."
"Change the stories you tell yourself and you can quite literally rewrite your past."
"We get to decide what are we going to story ourselves and what are we going to speak into the lives of others around us."
"The surrender is always letting go of the negative story you tell yourself about it."
"I'm taking control of my narrative this year. I'm being the father, the best father, the gay version of a father."
"Tell yourself stories that serve you, don't tell yourself stories that don't."
"The road lies plain before me, let me write about my own life, my old story, my oneself."
"I feel like the hero of a story of my story."
"Do you wanna be the hero in your story?"
"We are the stories that we tell ourselves, right? So you can decide whatever story you tell yourself."
"I'm going to make these different moves and tell myself a different story."
"Mob is the protagonist of his own life."
"I'm the protagonist of my own life."
"Maybe it's the writer in me, but I think a lot of the course of our lives is determined by stories, not just the ones we consume, but the ones we tell ourselves."
"If you don't tell your story, someone's going to tell it for you."
"Memory is kind of who we are. It's all the stuff we remember up to very now, the story we tell ourselves about who we are and what we did."
"Everyone is a hero in their own story."
"It's about the stories that we tell ourselves, the narratives that we live by."
"Take control of your own narrative."
"I'm not a statistic. I'm my own person, and I can create my own story."
"It's all about what's up here; what the story that you tell yourself is what determines what you can and you can't accomplish in life."
"We all tell ourselves a story that's either empowering or debilitating, either limiting or empowering."
"You're creating a new story for yourself."
"Everyone's the hero of their own narrative."
"People like to build up a story about themselves, and they are the main character in this story."
"The only thing wrong with your story is that you keep telling it."
"Everybody is the hero in their own story."
"When someone takes their narrative into their own hands, they start to work against the mythologies put against them."
"I want my narrative to be the strongest narrative about me."
"You have to have a good narration of who you are because you have to live with you forever."
"If you don't like the narratives that people are painting of you, create your own platforms to control your own narratives."
"You want to be a character in your story where you're telling the story of your own life."
"It's all about this 6 inch piece of real estate in between your ears, it's the story you tell yourself."
"We're not fitting into somebody else's narrative; we're embracing what we want, who we are, what we desire for ourselves."
"Beliefs and values... it's a story we tell ourselves about what we can do, our place in the world."
"No is a great word. No, that's not going to be my story."
"Stop telling yourself the old story and realize that you are not your past."
"I am Destiny, and this is my possible."
"He's always the hero of his own story."
"You are a new person every single moment that goes by and you can tell yourself a new story."
"You train your mind to be in the present so you can choose the story, you can choose who you are."
"Insecurities don't have to define you, but they can create a story for you."
"I also wanted to know about the stories they told themselves, and I thought that those stories were at least as important as any categories of the understanding through which we grasped our world."
"The empowerment is the story you tell yourself about the pain."
"You can be the main character of your story... It's about the energy you hone into, it's about the way you feel, the way you live your life."
"Never let anyone else tell your story; you be the one to tell your story."
"We understand the world by the stories that we tell about it and about ourselves."
"In the unseen corridors of your mind, a complex narrative unfolds—a story of who you are."
"Everyone wants to be the hero in their own story."
"You're the lead character in the story of your life."
"You need to be the main character in your own story."
"You get to control the narrative of you, which is so powerful."
"We all have this story we constantly tell ourselves about who we are, about our identity."
"It's all about our patterns, it's all about the cycles, and it all comes from the story we tell ourselves and how we think."
"Once you leave that environment, you have the opportunity to create your own story."
"I feel like, you know, sometimes people are heroes of their own narrative."
"Everyone out there is the hero of their own journey."
"If you change the story you're telling yourself about the person you see in the mirror, that is the beginning of forgiving yourself."
"Start telling the story of how you are the conscious creator of your own reality and you are going to make an amazing life for yourself."
"I didn't want to give anybody that power to control the narrative about who I am and why I do what I do."
"The story you tell yourself about the narcissist and the relationship greatly influences all of your emotions and all of your actions today."
"The story of my life, the best story ever told."
"Listen, you own your own story. You have a right to explain what happened in your life."
"Pride is taking back your narrative when the world tries to tell your story for you."
"Just try to picture it as like being the main character in your own story, in your own movie."
"Become the hero of your own story."
"Little things that happen to you in your life... it makes you like your own little legend in your own right."
"I control my life, I am able to define my relationships with people, I am able to be the protagonist in my own life story."
"The worst thing that ever is going to happen to you isn't what actually happens; it's what you tell yourself about what happens."
"The story you tell about yourself is really that space into which you are living your life."
"That's the thing about loneliness, it's about the stories you tell yourself."
"Are we not always the hero of our own story?"
"You are the main character in your story."
"You are the hero in your own road movie."
"These things shape the story that we tell ourselves about ourselves."
"You are a one-off epic story, a walking, talking creative work of art."
"Autobiography is writing about your own life."
"What each of our lives is, is a mental story we tell ourselves."
"The story that you tell yourself really determines who you become."
"We'd like to think we're the main character of our own story, therefore we have plot armor."
"You decide that you're the lead character in the story of your life."
"I'm the protagonist up in my story."
"You are the main character in your story, so why haven't you found your happily ever after?"
"You're the protagonist of your own story."
"You tell yourself stories about these things and you succumb to this fear and anxiety, and then you have to grow from it."
"I'm not surviving, I'm thriving; my narrative is richer."
"She's like the hero of her own narrative."
"We all tell ourselves stories in order to live."
"This is my story, told by me, not through someone else's eyes. This is the truth, take it or leave it."
"Most people live in a state of fear because of the stories they've told themselves."
"Stories are made from our ego to protect ourselves."
"We're all the main characters in our own stories."
"Every one of us is the hero in his or her own story."
"I think everyone should get ahead of the narrative about themselves, even if they may have faults and errors."
"She really is the main character of her own story."
"I say if I'm beautiful, I say if I'm strong. You will not determine my story - I will."
"We gotta own our narration of ourselves."
"We're the heroes of our own story."
"It's critical for you to take control of your life and of your thinking, and it starts with the story that you say about yourself."
"You're the star in your own story."
"The stories that we tell ourselves become true because of confirmation bias."
"You're rewriting your story, you're living your truth."
"Tell yourself a new story about your accomplishments, about what you've been able to achieve."
"It is about the stories we tell ourselves."
"Take your power back and change the story that you're telling yourself."
"You are the narrator of your life, not these other people that are trying to dictate what you think and believe about yourself."
"Your life is not a story of extreme poverty; it doesn't have to be your story."