
Military Power Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"What was previously overwhelmingly a land-based power has increasingly evolved into one capable of projecting power and influence in its region and globally."
"France remains a major military power. Capable of independent expeditionary operations around the world and possessing its own sovereign nuclear deterrent."
"Our economy [is] stronger than ever relative to the rest of the world. Our military stronger than ever relative to the rest of the world... Culturally, we're stronger than ever relative to the rest of the world."
"Strength is more than military power; it's our power of inspiration."
"The power of an Emperor Titan is so vast that rounds from something like a Plasma Annihilator landing in the wrong place could potentially trigger any number of geological events."
"An army built on nothing but sell swords seems to be pretty powerful, expensive but powerful."
"Russia can field enough artillery that if it all fired at once, you'd feel the explosions on the other side of the world."
"Look at that dude, and look at that! Is that full power? Full power artillery!"
"What Austin calls America's edge over China is more like a chasm. The United States has nearly 20 times the number of nuclear warheads as China."
"If you realize that you stand at the peak of the world’s military power, and recognize that you should act of your own volition for the sake of world peace, then that means you’ve grown a lot as a human being."
"We've got a nuke in our back pocket, ready to blow this whole sick operation to kingdom come if we wanted to."
"We will maintain America's unrivaled military might and protect patients with pre-existing conditions."
"A Russian victory in Ukraine would result in Russia having the largest and most experienced land army in Europe."
"God fights on the side with the best artillery."
"Resolve is what matters, because nobody is scared of America's nuclear arsenal if they don't fear its use."
"We could see European Union that verifiably grows into a military and a security power."
"If you want to fight against the country, you need an F-15."
"The biggest army in the world is owned by Revolutionary Portugal."
"The American Military could not prevent the People's Republic of China from enslaving 23 million free people on Taiwan."
"The UNC Infinity is currently the deadliest active non-Forerunner ship in the Galaxy."
"America's military is more powerful today relative to the rest of the world than at any time since the second world war."
"The US navy, the largest and best equipped in the world, would be the deciding factor in a global war."
"The Iowas absolutely scared the pants off of the Soviet Union."
"Russia is basically a gas station with nukes."
"Yamato remains the largest and most powerful battleship in history."
"One machine gunner has the firepower of 40 riflemen."
"With such forces at their disposal, apart from North Korea, these are undoubtedly the powers that will shape the planet's future."
"No one else in the world has an aircraft carrier battle group."
"Great powers, in order to remain great powers, had a task that was simple to understand but difficult to execute, which is to balance wealth and their economic base with their military power and strategic commitments."
"The combined power of China and Russia surpasses that of the former Soviet Union."
"We've become very accustomed to bullying people, either by the use of the financial system or with the use of American military power."
"The U.S. Navy is the world's second-largest air power."
"Even at their weakest point, these Huns were capable of trouncing the armies of a settled empire."
"There's certainly something pretty imposing about having a tank or three absolutely bristling with loads of anti-tank firepower."
"The firepower difference between Imperial-class Star Destroyer and Republic ships is quite damning."
"We have the most powerful military in the world. How come we just lost three wars in a row?"
"The United States of America undisputedly has the mightiest military in the world."
"We have a new front runner that is more powerful than a W76 nuclear warhead."
"Larger than the largest buildings and with greater firepower than the strongest armies."
"The Soviets peaked in some ways they reached parity with the United States military in the 70s."
"Russia is creating the best fighting force ever seen."
"A standing military force with an overgrown executive branch will not long be safe companions to liberty." - James Madison
"Your United States Navy's battleships are so absolutely ridiculous."
"If you make one more move toward throwing us out of the dunbars or these other areas, just know that I can take out your entire country and turn it all into Wasteland."
"We've got some hardcore mercenary hitting power of our own, beautiful."
"A one Megaton bomb is a medium-sized Warhead by today's standards. It's about 80 times as powerful as the one that destroyed Hiroshima."
"How do you know omniscience is not some are born omniscient so I'm achieve it and some have it thrust fun the hairy creatures are the fifth largest army in the world and they've already got our airports."
"Everywhere the might of Roman arms was respected and feared."
"A long line of death: plenty of killing power."
"If a country can invade you, you don't have sovereignty."
"The Polish Army will be the strongest land force in Europe."
"With a nuclear arsenal estimated to comprise more than 4,500 weapons, Russia is one of the world’s most formidable nuclear powers."
"What happens to a society if its economic power is declining, if it's political power is declining, if it's cultural and moral role in the world is declining but it still has the most powerful military."
"The Russian army is losing almost all of its power in the occupied territories."
"An army which carries the ark before it is invincible. The irony is that it was carried by Jews first."
"We are militarily China, Russia, and the rest of the world knows we have the most powerful military in history of the world."
"Their naval force was so powerful that no one could dream to challenge it."
"Russia's got the biggest nuclear arsenal in the world. It's not like building a coalition against Saddam or Yemen. Russia could induce a nuclear winter."
"With its Army, nuclear weapons, and defiance, will be a challenge for the West for years to come."
"It really does matter that the United States could have obliterated countries basically in the blink of an eye."
"The tank is an unstoppable machine, better than any airplane or helicopter."
"America is by far the most powerful military on the face of the Earth."
"A force that no tyrant in history has ever survived: the righteous and unending Fury of an army of free men."
"An eight-strong force of these submarines is a capability of such significance it alone will make Australia one of the 21st Century's major Naval powers."
"Soft power cannot be a substitute for hard power. You must talk at the hard power level of military, of money, economics, finance. All of that you have to talk."
"I'm not bragging but we have the most powerful military."
"Whatever happens next, one last war. You and me with your lovely, beautiful fleet."
"The United States Navy possesses the largest and most powerful fleet of ocean-going vessels on the planet."
"The sheer amount of energy involved in a battleship shell impact is immense."
"This New Kingdom Empire of Ramesses II was one of the most formidable empires of ancient times."
"The strange thing is, Iran is very powerful militarily, and if Iran went into a full-scale war, there would be Mass Bloodshed in Israel and throughout the Middle East."
"The Not So subtle message that China sent is that while the U.S is the preeminent military power in the Gulf, China is a powerful and a rising diplomatic presence."
"Russia in fact is standing very tall right now and this is frightening and scaring the neocons."
"This is a manifestation of Palpatine's ultimate goal the force which was initially created as an army or at least Justified as an army is now being used as a police force to keep people in line."
"The US Navy is the most powerful sea-based fighting force in history."
"The Chinese Navy has officially become the world's largest navy."
"China's growing naval might is worrying not just the United States but many of the world's nations."
"Poland will become the strongest military power on land in Central and Eastern Europe."
"It doesn't matter if we give 60 billion... It's not going to make any difference because the fundamentals—the go-to build combat power at the national level—are decisively and irrevocably on the Russian side."
"The United States could command three oceans, including the Western Pacific, and be the predominant military power in Asia."
"The United States still has an extraordinary military, an extraordinary ability to destroy any country in the world."
"With the advent of the Korean War, the United States realized it was going to have to maintain significant military power on a permanent basis to protect its interests globally."
"He's probably not going to be easily driven by people with a long-standing foreign policy agenda. And he's not going to be as anxious to exert military power when it costs a lot of money because that's not what he ran and won on."
"To have a hive upon one's estate was more than an honor and a source of military power."
"America's drone power: 11,000 unmanned aircraft systems. Messing with the US armed forces is not a good idea."
"It is absurd to think that Portugal, one of the poorest countries in Europe, could support such an army."
"Crassus used his personal wealth to raise seven legions in Syria."
"Japan rapidly adopted Western technology and became a major military power."
"Part of me also says maybe she learned from you know I mean she's had a couple different advisors she's been through a couple different situations with like you know battles and such."
"I mean at the same time though some people may argue that Danny has three dragons and a [ __ ] Army she you some people would argue yeah some people may argue that Danny could probably go in with her three dragons and her Army and wipe out King's Landing and take over."
"The United States military could destroy cartels in like two seconds."
"This howitzer is a force to be reckoned with."
"The main danger is pacifism, that the West may become so inferior in power that one Russian threat after another will force it to go into a direction which it doesn't want."
"The Pyotr Veliky, or the Peter the Great, still represents a frightening arsenal of firepower, and one that cannot be ignored by any NATO strategist."
"The Dutch East India Company... these guys had no chill."
"The most formidable sea warrior on earth with more firepower than any other ship afloat."
"Japan is a world power and her Army and Navy will doubtless be up to date as to training and material."
"We've got the world's biggest, largest standing military on the planet, and we've got the worst healthcare."
"The power of the Air Force has changed history and the face of modern warfare."
"The Tsar Bomba, the biggest thermonuclear weapon ever detonated, was 3,000 times more powerful than the atomic weapon dropped on Hiroshima."
"They have shown us what the history books can only tell us: that this was a cosmopolitan society connected to the world and a military superpower unrivaled in its age."
"They've got gunboats, they've got cannon ships, and there's no technology or army they can stop that."
"The weight of a warship lifting vertically into the air, it was just breathtaking."
"Byzantium went from three provinces or four provinces or whatever all the way up to the number one great power in just 52 years."
"The best way I know to avoid a fight is to show up with a Howitzer."
"No nation on Earth, nor any combination of nations, has the firepower and logistical support needed to carry out such an invasion."
"The admirals are the greatest power that the marines have."
"The Resurgent class battle cruiser... highly effective and not just tools of fear."
"They're surrounded by their traditional enemies; they're a third world country with a First Rate military."
"The ultimate threat of a nuclear submarine, however, lies in its ability to deploy nuclear missiles."
"Greene was given extraordinary power by Congress, so much so that he essentially becomes a second commander-in-chief."
"The combined arms operation is what gives these military instruments their power."
"Our money is really valuable not because it's backed by gold or silver but it's backed by the largest fleet of naval vessels the world has ever seen, the biggest air force, lots of nuclear missiles, hugely advanced technology, and a pretty damn vibrant economy."
"The Arleigh Burke-class military vessels are the most powerful ships of the U.S. fleet, ready to defend the carrier strikes group against any possible threat."
"China has become the world's second most powerful military giant."
"If this doesn't make the B-52 a weapon to fear, then we simply don't know what does."
"The United States of America is an incredibly new country, from its culture and the scale of its military and economic might, the US has been influential since its inception."
"Ancient Indian kings declared that an army without elephants is as meaningless as a forest without a lion, a kingdom without a king, and valor without arms."