
Global Influence Quotes

There are 1234 quotes

"What was previously overwhelmingly a land-based power has increasingly evolved into one capable of projecting power and influence in its region and globally."
"I'm unconflicted about the good within our country and the irreplaceable role we play as the leader of the Free World."
"China's potential is enormous; it is the biggest economy in the world today in terms of purchasing power parity."
"We've done so much for the world that the world doesn't even know about."
"English is top dog when it comes to clout on the world stage."
"Our culture is what works; it's working for the world. That's our greatest resource."
"Despite making up only six percent of the world population, the U.S. accounted for one-third of the world's total production."
"The United States is indeed a superpower, especially when it comes to its military might, which is unsurpassable in its strength, technological superiority, operational capabilities, and power projection across the globe."
"What becomes popular in the United States quickly becomes popular everywhere else."
"India is changing. India's stand on the global stage has been rejuvenated with new energy, fueled by Jan Shakti."
"The Dalai Lama is the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism and he's known for traveling around the world, speaking to audiences of tens of thousands."
"Who controls America? An elite group of people who function in a stratosphere globally and beyond the Constitution, beyond the reach of government."
"They have a third of the world population under their control as well as the highest GDP by some margin."
"The greatest strategic advantage for America has always been the fact that our country has stood for values shared by humanity."
"The success of the Bangtan Boys is worldwide."
"The sad truth, however, is that a stealthily transformed communist ideology has instead taken hold and entrenched itself around the world."
"Once we stop apologizing for the successes of the modern West, for the successes of modern America, we can have a model that the rest of the world can follow to lift themselves up."
"Sir David is a national treasure... globally respected and adored."
"Godzilla has been an icon around the world for nearly 70 years, a distinctly Japanese creation that grew to become a beloved hero worldwide."
"The horror of Donald Trump is that he set an example not just for America but for the rest of the world."
"The internet has...exported American political ideas into almost every country...you see these trends...of seeing politics through this kind of all-consuming apocalyptic lens being repeated over and over."
"The United States as its forces expanded around the world has in fact brought with it a lot of capitalism, a lot of increase in living standard, a lot of democracy in places that hadn't foreseen it."
"Islam is over a billion adherents around the world today, and the civilization to which it is attached has changed the world in an irrevocable manner."
"If Taiwan falls, the Communist Party of China could become the leading power in the world and trigger the decline of US global influence."
"America is a beacon to the world; everyone wants to have a representative democracy on the model that the Americans modeled at the end of the 18th century."
"Christianity’s rise to becoming a world power religion."
"A future president of the United States might not hesitate to use the country's influence to enforce new global standards, especially if promoted in the guise of world peace and stability after a difficult global event."
"Every single human being who is politically free on the face of the earth is politically free because of something we did."
"Thank you for inspiring people all over the world."
"The shift we've seen around the globe, moving from a unipolar world controlled by the US to a multipolar world with multiple superpowers, gave Russia incredible leverage."
"The Qatar of today is a fabulously wealthy country for its small size, and with that wealth also comes enormous global influence and power."
"We have the moral legitimacy that other countries want to be like us."
"America has been the Atlas holding up the world since World War II."
"Here are six key Hindu ideas influencing our world today: respect for all religions, all paths and peoples; a belief in the presence of God in everyone and everything; the principle of ahimsa, non-violence; a deep reverence for the Earth and its environment; the law of karma; that life's purpose is the realization of the divine and spiritual liberation for all human beings."
"India's worldwide fan base is comprised of roughly 1 billion people, and the Indian subcontinent alone makes up ninety percent of those."
"Whoever becomes the leader in this field will rule the world."
"China is pushing forward with the digital yuan and it is only a matter of time until that currency is reigning supreme on the global stage."
"You better figure out who is going to be running this world, and put yourself on the right side of that if you want to be profitable."
"Even to this day, there will be about 90 players in England, Scotland, Germany all started a career as a Manchester native."
"China has become a global leader in terms of composite national strength and international influence."
"Democracy is not your gift alone to the world."
"Japanese Cinema: transcending its nation appreciation into the top echelon of global cinematic."
"China wants to replace Pax Americana with their own dominance."
"America's determination to preserve democracy here in Taiwan and around the world remains ironclad."
"English is the language of science, English is the language of the global Reserve currency, English is the language of every new professionally produced paper in medicine."
"The life and career of Duras Akos is an answer to the question of how Rome was able to create a global state that lasted over a thousand years."
"When it comes to food, India is one of the most wide-ranging countries in the world."
"Jesus Christ will be served, adored, and glorified; charity will flourish everywhere. The new Kings plural will be the right arm of the holy church."
"China's tremendous economic rise has created massive players in the global defense sector."
"Whoever controls the money controls the world."
"We are divine beings of infinite potential, co-creators of our reality."
"The 21st century is gonna be the Chinese century."
"He's going to rule over every tribe, language, people, nation."
"The world economic forum, Klaus Schwab's humanitarian organization, steps in, makes an agreement with Sri Lanka."
"Governments don't rule the world: Goldman Sachs rules the world."
"What sets Mexico apart from the rest of the world is culture."
"From the sea have come wealth, power, and new ideas from across the globe."
"Nobody, nobody will ever forget the contribution she's made to our country and to our Constitution and indeed her contribution to the world."
"America must reassert itself in the new global war of ideas."
"America is still viewed as the beacon of democracy for the world."
"It's worth simply talking about the fact that the Western ideology is constantly wanting to spread itself to other countries."
"The Chinese Communist Party, you know they're kind of the sounding board of global tyranny right now including them working hand in hand with big media big tech and corrupt government around the world."
"A close-knit group of people... at the center... the world economic forum in Davos."
"He introduced BJJ to the whole world at UFC one."
"They've become the largest asset manager in the world, controlling more than 10 trillion dollars globally."
"What happened that night changed martial arts forever on a global scale."
"Google is definitely the biggest kingmaker on this Earth that has ever existed, because it can make kings, and not just in the United States, but pretty much in every country in the world."
"In an era when our destiny is shared, power is no longer a zero-sum game."
"A robust vibrant Hong Kong is necessary for the world."
"Thank you to all of you for helping make League of Legends a global sport."
"Music has always had that but now more than ever and ironically this culture of sort of in a sense of persecuted minority in the United States becoming a global lingua franca says a lot about some of the positives of the modern world."
"I just hope whatever it is, that it's a net positive on the world and it impacts billions of people in a positive way that makes lasting change."
"Blackpink has already taken the world by storm for their impressive live-singing capabilities."
"The outside world is knocking--the question now is how Socotra will answer."
"The ideals and the values of the United States inspired the entire world."
"You can't compare the wave that is taking over music worldwide to what they're doing in Korea right now."
"The purpose of all this is not to fight and quibble, but that all the world may know that you're the Lord."
"How do you control the world? Control the one thing everyone's worried about: money."
"Hyper polarization isn't just a US phenomenon and it may be that whatever this psychosis is that's emerging in the US and in many other countries maybe it's coming from the US is ripping apart more than one country."
"India is booming. It's joining the elite club of global superpowers."
"For all its imperfections, America is still the beacon to the world, an ideal to be realized, promised to be kept. There's nothing more important, nothing more Destiny."
"Here comes China, Russia, India, Brazil of course, the UK, France are going to still be there."
"This is the biggest global power grab that we've seen in our lifetimes."
"The United States has to be a world leader. If there's any lesson we learned from World War II, it is that the United States is a world leader."
"Philippines, definitely becoming a key power player in the world stage."
"What happens over the next week or two could shape our world for the coming decade."
"The internet to me, is doing to America and the rest of the world, what America did to other countries."
"It’s a nation that’s consistently been at the center of global affairs for 150 years."
"I believe that these characters are going to delude the whole world with the thought that we have extraterrestrials coming down from heaven."
"It's making such an impact, locally here around Islington, but also all around the world."
"He is reshaping the world in incredible educational ways."
"China is a complete power... economically and militarily." - Dr. Ross Stewart
"The Premier League is bossing world football at the moment."
"Anybody who thinks that the Arab Spring is only restricted to the Arab communities and that is not possible in happening in Nigeria then such a person is living in political occurs."
"Unlike some other crime bosses, Sam was all over the world."
"It's very exciting to see that wearing a mask thing catch on and go all across the world."
"We need to stand up for our interests and show the West isn't decaying."
"A story that Bob Lazar told 25 years ago has gone around the world many times over."
"Hip-hop is being adopted by all cultures all genres all across the world."
"Bitcoin could become the currency of choice for international trade. Huge."
"I'm from prison, I'm from a street gang, you know, and to see it become this global phenomenon..."
"American companies are the world’s powerhouse for innovation."
"What if I told you that there are much smaller, seemingly insignificant countries that suddenly achieve gigantic influence on a global scale?"
"If you can develop some creativity with a good global vision, virtually any country can become a major power in geopolitical influence."
"The world is not only watching, the world is getting inspired."
"One of the wonderful things about the American system today is how America has stayed true to its republican principles despite being the world's great power for the past 60 years."
"The United States ought to bear in mind that if there is a wider crisis in the Middle East, an uncontrolled war in the Middle East, the Chinese are strongly positioned to take advantage of it."
"Catholic tradition is rising all around the world."
"The potato completely changed the world and enabled a period of sustained population growth."
"The trucker movement in Canada... it just created an energy window for people around the world."
"There was nothing more phenomenal than Diana, an absolute phenomenon that the world hadn't ever seen before."
"There's something about Tom Cruise to where everyone around the world loves him."
"China will likely overtake the US in GDP by exchange rates much sooner than projected."
"China is becoming a more significant shaper of the global economy than the United States."
"Lula is one of the most important political figures in the world."
"Our challenge here is a necessary foundation for restoring and advancing our leadership around the world."
"China apart from being the largest economic state in the world will be the most resourced economic state."
"Civilizations go up and down. The progression of science from Europe to United States may move to China."
"Expect China to continue to consolidate its place as one of the world's biggest superpowers."
"We're exporting to dictators around the world the ability to say fake news and delegitimize the independent media."
"This is nuts, it's gonna have an immense impact on the world."
"The entire world will seek after him as they have no other leader ever before."
"Pope Francis, addressing more than 1.3 billion people who follow his faith, has emerged as one of the most powerful persons in the world."
"Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, regarded by many as the most powerful man in the world, serving as the president of Russia since 2012."
"The UK aims to once again become a globally recognized power."
"India can make foray into the world and gain more influence across the world just like China is doing."
"That makes PewDiePie the 15th largest country in the world, which is cool and crazy."
"The world economic forum is a sorority of the rich and powerful, the one-tenth of one percent, and they want to control the 99 percent."
"Africa has taken a new leadership role that is making Africa a billboard model for the world."
"Indian tech workers are a worldwide phenomenon with 850,000 entering the global workforce every year."
"There's no doubt that had Nasser succeeded in his goals, global politics would have played out in a very different fashion."
"The U.S dollar plays an important role in maintaining U.S economic hegemony."
"China's doing everything in their power to expand their influence to anyone who's willing to listen."
"Whenever you created the vacuum somebody else will show up... today that'll be China probably tomorrow that will still be China."
"It's heartwarming to think that a little Japanese shop gave life to all these characters and that Rankin and Bass influenced so many viewers around the world with the work they put into these specials."
"China and Russia are putting together the new roadmap for the world order. Xi Jinping came out and said unequivocally, 'China stands with Russia to hold up the world order.'"
"We are and must always be a land of hope, of light, and of glory to all the world."
"This is a franchise that I swear is going to completely take over the world if it hasn't already."
"Your good taste in beautiful execution is winning over the world. It is a much-needed example. Thank you very much."
"Bottom line: souls are being saved, believers are being strengthened, the gospel is being preached, and the world is being changed by the power of the Holy Spirit."
"Sport has become one of the most recognized elements of global culture."
"Putin's the number one world leader right now."
"Jesus's followers represent the largest group of people in the entire world... Jesus is the rightful king of all the world."
"He had changed architecture not just in America but around the world."
"Many have noted the appearance of obelisks throughout Egyptian culture and, in fact, around the world."
"Hip-hop is the most powerful culture in the world."
"Tencent's control over Western social media and games aligns with China's plan for global dominance."
"Tencent's influence, along with Huawei's infrastructure, gives the CCP incredible leverage over the entire world."
"India will be the example for the rest of the world."
"They argued that capitalism was going to change China. Now we stand here 23 years later and realize capitalism didn't change China; China changed capitalism."
"China has tightened its grip on the country and it's actually started going around the world trying to export their authoritarian model."
"Money makes the world go round even if you're a dictator."
"K-pop's rise isn't just about music; it's about embracing something new, something different."
"The one who wins the platform wins the world."
"I got fans in Japan, I got fans all around the world."
"The most significant threat to our future prosperity and freedom is the Chinese Communist Party."
"For more than seven decades, Her Majesty dedicated her life to public service with dignity and devotion and inspired so many around the world."
"So, if you're doing you and you're making beautiful music, that will happen. And it's happening all over the world." - Tech N9ne
"A.R. Rahman is one of the world's most renowned musicians."
"China seeks to control both ends of the global industry chain to compete with the West."
"Never before have the lives of so many changed so much so quickly as when the engines came to life for the very first time with a roar that echoed over continents."
"Putin is at war with America, at war with democracy, and he believes the world must accept his conditions."
"You will get the amazing opportunity to impact not just millions but billions of people worldwide."
"Whoever controls the data controls the world."
"China saw that money turned the US into a global superpower and how micromanaging everything destroyed the Soviet Union."
"He's the richest person in the world until he leaves power."
"The reach of Michael Jackson knows no bounds."
"China's rise to power on the global stage is a collective achievement of the Chinese people."
"I want to make an impact. How can I come and be an impact on this team, be an impact in the community, be an impact in the state, be an impact in a nation, being impact internationally."
"Functional democracies are being increasingly transformed into compliant populations by globalist corporations."
"Mastery of skill, presence, global respect, an all-time great of this strange, beautiful, wonderful game."
"You made that flow smoothly and just a model for people to follow around the world."
"Life goes on and medium-sized countries that struggle to exert their influence can operate very very well in today's world."
"Most geniuses do not make the international impact that Elon has."
"The concentration of the semiconductor sector in Taiwan is not a risk but is the key to the reorganization of the global semiconductor industry." - President Tai England
"Wayne Jett is a national treasure... every nation in this world can learn from Mr. Jett."
"You have to know secret societies to understand why there are so many different symbols and emblems in Washington DC and around the world."
"Thanks for continuing to do what you do... you're having an incredibly positive impact all over the world."
"China has proven to the world that there is another way to do this."
"He was like a legend who managed to change not just Russia, but several other countries throughout the world."
"The West may find it has to work harder to sell its vision of freedom after China has made its model seem so attractive."
"Their baby, Sonic the Hedgehog, would become a worldwide icon."
"China's growing international use of the REMB reflects a shift in the global monetary system."
"Places like Karachi in Pakistan and Dubai in the Middle East will become key new hubs for RMB moving forward."
"When you have a strong America, you have a strong world. When you have a weak America, you have a weak world."
"Europe taking over the world has also thrust humanity into an age of peace and prosperity."
"The question remains the same: Should an establishment be allowed to grow so powerful that it can control the entire world?"
"Chinese Super League clubs weren't just signing aging has-beens in their late 30s, they were challenging Europe's Elite for signings." - Narrator
"Let it be that big...the enormous impact on the planet that you're birthing now."
"The sport as a whole in the world is booming big-time. 1FC is massive over in China."
"He basically thought that the West could use its liberal force to nudge countries towards a more liberal outcome that would be a huge mortal good."
"Making puzzles kind of like just difficult enough to be satisfying but not so difficult..."
"The world was very nearly conquered by pirates."
"We're creating the world's greatest economic powerhouse."
"Bilderberg is not a person, it's not an idea, it's an ideal. A very powerful group of people working together from the positions of ultimate and absolute power."
"Australia is always a great place to look at what's coming over to us next."
"The US navy, the largest and best equipped in the world, would be the deciding factor in a global war."
"The BBC is the largest broadcaster in the world."
"If you have a strong America, you have a strong world. If you have a weak America, you have a weak world."
"If we seed leadership, if we're no longer the leader of the Free World, then the world is going to look for different leaders."