
Media Skepticism Quotes

There are 592 quotes

"You cannot trust the Legacy Media, we cannot trust the people that want to perpetuate this war."
"People are losing their trust and leaving Legacy Media resources in their droves."
"If you were to go 10 years ago and ask people on the street does the news lie to you, maybe 20% would say yes... but I think it'd probably be around 50/50 now."
"There's more outrage at Mr. Beast for helping to cure blind people than outrage over this train derailment."
"A healthy distrust of the mainstream western narrative shouldn't mean shilling for the Kremlin."
"Most of the time I learn that the way the story is presented by the press is not how it happened."
"We invest so much energy in other people's opinions, i.e., the news. These people are just like you and me, no smarter. They have no more access to information than you or I."
"The greatest check on misinformation is good information."
"The blindness of the media to their own bias is one of the reasons why people don't trust the media."
"Half of Americans now believe that news organizations deliberately mislead them."
"The media's instinctive reaction is going to be tribalist, the government is always right, there's never any problems in the elections, trust everything on its first go, do no fact checking."
"I am never going to write a story about a company based solely on the information the company gives me."
"If you actually do the work of watching the videos and investigating what really happened, you'd learn that's kind of not really the truth."
"When cnn and fox news and all the media agree with each other we are in deep propaganda."
"It's just that this current wave of hype and those headlines promising transformation in every conceivable sphere, well it's something we've seen before and it is [ __ ] remember the good old days of 2022."
"When you start reading into it, it makes you really second guess every reality TV show that you've ever watched in your life. It's pretty dark."
"Locking down schools and making people stupid to believe anything that network television tells you."
"We can't follow the media, it seems a lot is being hidden."
"The one prediction I've gotten more confident in making is that the media is lying to me."
"Why would you necessarily trust us anymore? Why would you trust any alternative any more than necessarily anybody that mystery media, right?"
"YouTube is more honest than mainstream media."
"They're claiming oh we're just reporting the news when they have a very clear angle."
"Never rely on one source for all your information, including The Young Turks."
"It ain't over till it's over, and this is an information war they're pumping this crap at us through this black box in front of us."
"Trust is dying... people are losing trust in their Authority, losing trust in the media, losing trust in Natural Markets."
"The evidence they're talking about is that found in this article, a bunch of fudged numbers and unreliably recounted events concocted together by one freelancer."
"If we don't get better at spotting fake inflammatory content online, it won't matter if it's real or not."
"Red pilling is the belief that that which is presented as fact by the corporate press is in reality a carefully constructed narrative designed to keep some very unpleasant people in power."
"Is there anything that can be redeemed when you see what the New York Times is up to, what CNN is up to? Is it worth redeeming, or do we just need new institutions?"
"I trust the American people far more than the media and the politicians because the American people are more serious about their own lives than they are about the politicians."
"When you ask me what was the reason, yes we need to take ownership but there's nothing you can do when your country has 48 of the people believing in mainstream media which is a leftist propaganda machine."
"The corporate media is not on your side, they're there to lie to you at the behest of the powerful."
"The media originally were rather incurious about all of this."
"Don't believe everything you read on both ends. Hug your families and enjoy the freedoms that you do have. Try to think of things from other people's perspectives which were really bad, myself included."
"If Rachel Maddow said it, it can't be factual as a matter of law."
"The more you trust your media, the more you're doing yourself a disservice because the truth is not what is being shown to you."
"I guarantee you, truth is usually very different from the headlines that we're fed."
"The truth that you're being fed is important today because anything can be faked anything can be manufactured."
"Many Russians refuse to believe them, saying that it's all fake news."
"Stop watching the mainstream media, they are lying to you."
"I dearly hope that he's playing a madman on television... if he's really serious, we're really screwed."
"If you see the letter CGTN, know that it's [ __ ] it absolutely is from the Chinese government."
"Do not fall victim to mainstream media's fake false narrative pushes. Stay the course. Where we go one, we go all."
"People say don't do your own research, the media comes out don't do your own research, it's like what? That's crazy."
"Maybe what we're seeing now is regular people waking up, realizing the lies from the mainstream media are just that: lies."
"You can no longer believe what you see online."
"When major media outlets won't [investigate], they drive people to conspiracy theory, and that's dangerous for all of us."
"If CNN is fake news and Fox is fake news, then who the hell's flying the narrative?"
"The only people in the country who think they're being fairly covered are boomers, and even they think only somewhat."
"These people don't read, they just believe whatever TV says."
"Always verify for yourself whatever you possibly can because the cycle of media deception is a never-ending game of telephone but most of the children sadly enough are liars."
"Examine the evidence before you buy into the media narrative."
"You are not a victim to having to get information only from the news or being told what to believe."
"Verification is so important. Verify, don't just believe what you hear on TV."
"Trust in media is so low for reasons like this."
"That whole narrative that Sydney was pushing I did not believe it for one second." - Sean Hannity
"Every single time, the story that we get from the media and these Black Lives Matter police shootings are verifiably false."
"The media telling you who are you going to believe us or your own eyes."
"You've got to fact check the fact checkers that's what I'm saying."
"You gotta show us the evidence, you can't just ask me to believe you because you are a New York Times Reporter."
"Learn our communications - Q has been saying many, many times."
"Always do your own research. Do not just go on YouTube listening to a few sources."
"Don't trust anybody in the media. Don't trust me. Trust yourself."
"But the story is a total fake and all of this or is this one you know we had the same exact questions usually asked by the same people and that took place four years ago."
"It seems like this interview is not as candid as Alec and everyone wants to make you think."
"I remember when I saw the halflife 2 footage... It was just like holy a lot of that was fake scripted [ __ ] like you know you could put a table on a door and the car might want to get in."
"Don't listen to a celebrity and don't listen to a politician; they're not qualified to talk to you about it. Do your own research, use science, and figure it out for yourselves."
"Just don't let the media manipulate you because they're quick to do that at this we live in a time and age where we need to come together."
"Especially as like smartphones have like the news app and instagram and stuff like that and twitter and obviously newspapers are trash."
"Information is everything, folks. Staying informed is the best way to combat what they're trying to do."
"If you're not trusting the farmers with our food supply, I don't think you should be trusting journalists."
"Do you trust the media? Yes I trust everyone, man to a certain extent. That's a terrible idea. Absolutely not, sir. Do not trust the media."
"Stop being brainwashed by the media, start doing your own research."
"It sometimes pays not to believe everything you see on TV or in the newspapers."
"I remember when there was like this whole rumor spreading that that was fake. It was fun and he faked it."
"Even if it's real news. That's it. And Veritas, the ones who expose this, are the ones accused of being the fake news. Isn't it amazing?"
"We report the crimes they've committed against us by ourselves. We will no longer wait for the report of their media."
"The real news is just as weird as anything fake."
"Don't accept everything you see as fact and don't expect people on YouTube to be truthful or unbiased."
"Anytime you listen to the media to create a narrative for you to believe in, chances are it's to serve them and not you."
"Tens of millions of our fellow citizens live in such a constrained informational environment and are so distrusting of any alternative sources of information they operate in what is basically an entirely separate informational sphere."
"Every news cycle, every story, you're finding out is a lie that is being contradicted. Elon Musk... is saying the intelligence community and the media itself is working in collusion to lie to the American people."
"You simply cannot trust the corporate media, you can't trust your corporate leaders."
"The more the media look foolish, the less people are going to believe what the media tell us."
"One of the lessons that I've taken away from the last five years really is that the deeper divide is between people who pay attention to people who don't." - Love it
"I think we're at a point where most people know the media is lying."
"Data, data, data. Make your decisions based on data, don't make your decisions based on what politicians and lying members of the media interpret the data as."
"I want some bodily autonomy and if you want a vaccine you should get a vaccine because it'll protect you."
"We should always be critical from the left of the government and of big Pharma and of the establishment media."
"Regular people who have jobs and real lives know more about this and are more skeptical than Rachel Maddow."
"You don't have to like Trump or Fox News, you just have to recognize they are lying."
"Accuracy and faith in information is so hard to come by. Everyone please take this a lot more seriously than the media is trying to tell you."
"Eventually they are going to not they may not take the industry down they may not take their you know whether it's media or polling but eventually people do begin to just tune them out."
"Most of those influencers are not good people to begin with and most of those media outlets that platform those creators are designed to sell you propaganda and hide the truth."
"The average person's like, 'Yeah, I don't just blindly believe anything I see on TV anymore.'"
"You need to search for truth and not scandal or headlines, but truth."
"The news has been so contradictory and nonsensical."
"People better wake up and do some research on their own instead of buying what comes across on the screen."
"The only place that you get the real news is on YouTube."
"We know the mainstream media has so as we go into breaking and kind of go into the next half hour here I'm curious are we on a path for confirmation or on a path for disclosure because that's the big drawing line."
"Let's trust our own eyes, our own ears, and our own guts rather than the mainstream media."
"But there are certainly people who are not satisfied with these stories take a look at this story from just the other day."
"Don't believe everything that's on TV or in the newspapers... Think for yourself."
"Turn off the madness. The mass media is your enemy. Do not underestimate that."
"There's so much misinformation out in the world right now and not just about vaccines."
"Man, really can't believe anything you read these days can you?"
"Turn off the news, turn off the news." — Hayley Williams
"You cannot grant good faith to the media." - Ben Shapiro
"Not really sure how it can be fake news if it really happened."
"You're just not gonna get the truth about the important stuff and that in your life or that's going on in the world from the TV news or the New York Times or The Washington Post."
"Our goal with this show is to empower you financially, make you global citizens aware of this. How the government rips you off and how media lies to you."
"The media has almost a counter effect when it defends somebody, when the media defends somebody, the American people tend to go 'Well, not sure I actually buy it.'"
"Social media is starting to become worse than mainstream media."
"The cult narrative of the corporate press and their alignment with Democrats is over."
"The media is inherently corrupt. It'll continue to lie."
"That's why people don't trust the media. I know, you're right."
"Who do you trust to lead the response? John Campbell or the BBC?"
"Very powerful individuals believe the election was stolen, despite media narratives."
"Let's go down a different rope. I agree, but if you open your eyes and you don't believe social media, oh yeah, government-controlled social media, the BBC, all that sort of stuff, you can see what's happening in front of you."
"Trailer trailers mean nothing, your best friend means everything."
"I mean, so now you know that you're the ultimate chump if you get your news from the corporate news."
"People don't trust the media anymore, nor should they trust the media."
"They are liars, they are con artists, and they are, in fact, the enemy of the people."
"People are craving the truth and they can't really find it anywhere."
"The fans are more powerful than the club's social media or PR spin."
"People are refusing... to just accept the like mainstream narrative... you go online and you see just the raw footage... and then you look at the news and it's just you know the same propaganda."
"Thanks to Elon and all of the revelations over the past few weeks I'm on high alert when it comes to mainstream media."
"Anytime I see establishment media all singing the same tune, they're lying."
"Don't believe everything you hear especially in the media."
"Be careful focusing on because here's the thing we all know news and media is bought and paid for by someone."
"If you can't trust the sources, then what can you trust?"
"Ask yourself who's benefiting from any sort of line the MSM is spitting out or any proposal that our politicians making."
"The media has lied to me. Now you know how I feel."
"It's so hard because I know this is gameplay footage."
"This is what the red pill is... when you see reality as it is, not as the media is force-feeding it to be."
"Let's keep watching, but let's stand up as a nation. This is what's going on and don't be tricked by the media, by the lies, and the deceit."
"We will not back down. We are standing up for what we believe in and we are done being manipulated by lies in the media and by activist organizations."
"The universe itself in the language of coincidence will tell you a truth that the Legacy Media will never tell you."
"Do we trust the mainstream media after everything I've seen in the past five years? No."
"Public doesn't trust big news organizations anymore because they're so obviously filthy and dishonest."
"If you're somebody who says they're both true you might find out that you're going to believe that the orange man is bad because you just trust every single story that comes out."
"Friends don't let friends watch mainstream media."
"For those of you who have been at least watching 10 minutes of any type of traditional financial news, you will see the world is not doing very well."
"In the history of 60 minutes, I'm not sure we've ever reported a story that for the most part is pure fantasy, but that's how to best sum up QAnon."
"Bitcoin declared dead more than 400 times now."
"Trust yourself instead of trusting the mass media."
"...X Factor's success relied so heavily on audience being gullible..."
"More than ever people don't believe in the media... they're able to see through it."
"It's sad when we live in a country where we can't trust our government, our rulers, or even the media."
"We need to create our own media. If it has appeared in the mainstream media, it's probably not a real thing."
"Assange believes large government institutions use secrecy to suppress the truth and he distrusts the mainstream media for playing along."
"Don't trust the media, whether it's right-wing or left-wing. Most of what they say is untrue." - Big Mike
"Media trust is ridiculously low right now among the American population and probably people all over the world and there's nothing that's gonna fix it."
"Don't recall this channel or any other good outlet out there telling you to go and do something."
"I see through the media [ __ ]. I see where she's on but I'm not mad at her... Get your coins wendy how you doing."
"We need to step back from the leaks and the hype."
"The media doesn't decide what the truth is, you and your own research does because we are the media."
"The reason these media outlets are collapsing is because people no longer trust them."
"Clearly there is a connection and I think at this point that seems to have been conceded by the mainstream media even that we have to admit that there is some connection otherwise it wouldn't be these guys doing it so much."
"Africa is nice, man. Africa nice. Africanized. Don't listen to the media and everything. Come here, come to the continent, man. You'll see it with your own eye. Come to the continent."
"Every time you hear 'debunked,' it isn't a mistake, it's a lie."
"Do not allow the media to normalize this for you... you absolutely have questions that need to be asked."
"Media in general are so bad, so corrupt, they do such a horrible job in misinforming people that we'd be better off without them."
"Do you believe what you read in the media? I'm not talking about Di and Fergie, but about the important stuff, like politics and economics. Has it ever occurred to you it could be a system of propaganda designed to limit how you imagine the world?"
"Now that mainstream is covering any of this people go the opposite way uh but there are some events that can be easily hidden in plain sight because they know that people do not trust mainstream media."
"We reached a whole new segment of people who are just turned off by what's going on and by the narrative that they're getting."
"More and more of them don't bother listening to the mainstream media anymore they go on the internet and they find other sources of information because they've figured out that they're being lied to."
"So, either way, the video is definitely very creepy. But as for whether it's real or fake, as always, you decide."
"We live in the 21st century guys, and we live in the times of, I really am reluctant calling it the artificial intellect, it's not really artificial internet, but you can fake pretty much any kind of video nowadays."
"Science is totally corrupted - I could build a baking soda volcano with stolen ingredients and it would have more integrity than the information that we're being presented by the media."
"It's okay to 100% fact-check people. Just because a quote-unquote ape says something or just because mainstream media says something, that doesn't mean they're right or wrong."
"Quit listening to the devil... turn off the media... it is designed to put fear in you."
"Until those words are uttered by 'Here we go' Fabrizio Romano, it's not a done deal. So don't fall for people who put information out there."
"If you don't read the paper, you're uninformed. If you read the paper, you're misinformed."
"Bill Gates isn't the boss of me, Bill Gates was on Epstein island that went away they're the bosses of information."
"Question everything you just I mean I'm going by."
"Don't look at the fake news and become discouraged about tomorrow. Don't give up hope, don't surrender to fear and depression."
"Attacking mainstream narratives enhances our critical thinking skills."
"There is nothing in this Mason leaving story is there Stephen put it just put that one to bed come on I won't ever rule anyone out from leaving but to Arsenal that's just it's nonsense that's just utter nonsense come on."
"There's nothing the media and its single-digit IQ loves more than new research."
"Real democracy is putting trust actually within the population, and that's what the media actually doesn't have."
"When a story cannot be confirmed by any independent examination, then we have to be careful."
"Nobody in this country can tell what's real and what's [__] anymore."
"They want you to believe that there's a machine somewhere that has objectively decided... what is good speech and what is bad speech."
"I don't know who's right, Tucker, Sydney, whatever. I don't care. You know what I care about? Show me the evidence."
"If the media says anything negative, it's just more fake news churned out by big psych and big Pharma." - "Scientologists process criticism the same way, dismissing it as fake news."
"Whenever you see a fud article, just do not care what the heck they think. That is a sign of manipulation to try to scare anyone from getting into crypto."
"Obviously there's been no collusion even mainstream leftist news outlets like MSNBC have finally been forced and it hurts so you can see this through their face they have to admit the truth."
"Stop believing all of that stuff you see on your phone."
"You see something that you don't like and immediately you're like, 'I don't like that.' That's why I kind of don't take the press seriously."
"There's more truth in this stuff than there is on the news."
"Drop all mainstream news as fast as you can."
"Maybe the truth is there are no good guys, and once you realize when you watch the media and see how often they lie, now question every historical story you've ever read."
"Ghost watch is a fascinating case study into how easily people can be trusting in media and television."
"Just because there's a camera and lights on them doesn't mean they're telling the truth."
"Don't believe everything you're reading in the newspapers."
"Separate the facts and fiction and watch out for the salacious headlines trying to draw you into their worldview."
"One of the local papers in Alaska... thought it was not going to escalate."
"The last two years of activated noggins jogging and outright hysteria from the Democratic side has all been for naught."
"I think 99% of the stuff that's being talked about in the mainstream news and online when regards to Russia and Ukraine is all complete propaganda."