
Trust Issues Quotes

There are 669 quotes

"You cannot trust the Legacy Media, we cannot trust the people that want to perpetuate this war."
"Father issues tend to go hand in hand with trust issues. When you grow up with a dad who is constantly letting you down, it's really, really hard to trust anyone else again."
"If you keep up that behavior of 'I can't trust anybody, everybody's bad,' then guess what, you'll manifest just that."
"You can’t trust what they have to say because they’re currently holding a hot potato, and as much as they insist that they just really, really enjoy the feeling of a burning hot potato in their hands, do they?"
"The trust has been broken in our relationship to the federal government."
"The real issue here, however, is that someone I trusted and considered a friend not only recorded me in secret but also that these recordings were held without my knowledge for almost an entire year."
"Fundamentally, you're taught to not trust yourself at all from a very young age. Not trust your emotions, your feelings, your natural inclinations, your fears. Like all of that is considered sin."
"If you're at the point where you're checking your partner's phone, you should just exit out of the relationship."
"You can't fix somebody who doesn't trust you; they have to work on their own issues."
"If pictures are being manipulated and so things don't look quite right...then there is a major issue of trust."
"How can you trust somebody who is telling you it's only going out a mile when you live 3.3 miles away, and I walk outside the morning of, and my lungs burnt. They felt like they were on fire."
"He was just as much of a 'this indicated' a complete [__] and an unreliable prick."
"Transparency and trust have never been so questioned. We need full data transparency for the world's academic community to analyze."
"So, I can't be trusted. The problem is, I'm not sure the people of Earth can't be either."
"You can never trust propagandists working for the Chinese government."
"It's not on you to make things right with people who severely broke your trust and ruined your life. It's on them."
"It's not good to be suspicious of people all the time."
"Communication and trust are key in healthy relationships, but many struggle with it."
"Trust is dying... people are losing trust in their Authority, losing trust in the media, losing trust in Natural Markets."
"If trust breaks down, bad behaviors crop up."
"People will try to scam you so trust no one."
"When trust is shattered and promises broken, Daisy Keach emerged as a beacon of truth."
"If you really have to convince people to trust your business strategy, you should just get out of it."
"Trust is lost in buckets and gained in drops."
"The lack of trust for white people comes from popular culture."
"People are losing trust with each other so communities and networking is falling apart."
"I just don't think that a prenup is necessarily like something that shows that you can't trust the other person in the relationship."
"I'm sorry that you trusted us and we let you down. I would say don't hold it against all Americans because this administration has called the shots and put this strategy into play."
"The issue here is whether or not you can trust him, which you've answered yourself above."
"I have never sent a nude. Oh, for my own protection, because I don't trust men."
"When someone tells you to trust them without proof that they're trustable, that should raise all kinds of red flags."
"I can't trust anyone now, I can't trust anything."
"I'm gonna lose money, I'm gonna lose business, I'm gonna lose support, I'm gonna lose trust."
"If you lie about one thing, it's gonna make me skeptical about the rest of it."
"Stay as far away from him as you possibly can. Don't trust him."
"Guys, this isn't going to work. If you think your girlfriend is cheating on you, do this. If you think your girlfriend is cheating on you, leave her."
"Maybe I'm just honest and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly, it's the honest ones you want to watch out for because you can never predict they're gonna do something incredibly stupid."
"We need to show people that these are not the individuals that we need to be trusting."
"I mean the u.s. is saying China is engaging in nuclear testing. China is denying it and it's hard to know who to trust."
"The issue of trust is coming to the fore. How can we negotiate anything? What can we agree upon? Is it possible to come to terms with anyone? And where are the guarantees?" - Putin
"Real friends don't exist in this, trust me, I've tried really hard to solve and fix these things for a long, long time, but no one cares." - Tico
"GoFundMe lost your trust a long time ago, as far as I'm concerned. I can't believe anyone would have used them at this point."
"If you're not telling us the truth on one hand, how can we start to believe you on the other?"
"Trust in media is so low for reasons like this."
"They leverage that trust, that good faith, that reliance the film fan community has invested in them, and then what do they do with it? They screw them with it."
"This is just BS, absolute BS. Rotten Tomatoes, the respect I had for them as a company, as an operation, and their place in the film fan community, my respect for them has taken a huge hit."
"Eli Lilly just released statements about patient trust but failed to address the elephant in the room."
"It's always worse for a company when the information about your breach doesn't come from you the company."
"Fear is not the core of the response to trauma... the critical element is not fear, it's the violation of trust, it's a betrayal."
"I think the biggest issue for us a lot of times is mistrust, yeah, because I got to see you."
"The critical element is not fear, it's the violation of trust. It's betrayal."
"Why should they believe what you're saying, Mr. Chairman? Why should they believe you?"
"Our failure to deliver Brexit would be a catastrophic and unforgivable breach of trust in our democracy." - Nigel Farage
"An unforgivable breach of trust in our democracy."
"Trusting multi-billion dollar companies is hilarious."
"Honestly, I've been taken advantage of by so many people in my life."
"It used to be people grew up together, there's deep communication, trust, and affection. By comparison, people on dating sites are justifiably wary."
"I can't imagine how stressful it would be not to just have your pets taken but to have somebody that you trust with your pets harmed like that."
"I mean, why would you lie to your own lawyers if you really feel like you don’t have anything to hide?"
"People are generally afraid that Trump is going to throw them under the bus because he’s done it so much in the past."
"Some of you are in love with a Judas, male or female, which is not a good thing."
"Imagine going into combat knowing that there are other people there who are more interested in pointing their rifle at you rather than the enemies. Just absolutely shocking."
"It's the type of movie that has you questioning reality as well as who can be trusted and who can't."
"If she's willing to factually lie, cover up, and hide things, how can you trust anything else she says as being representative of the truth?"
"You've got somebody that doesn't involve... She's a very loyal. She doesn't value honesty, she doesn't value communication, she doesn't value commitment."
"I wouldn't trust this chick as far as you can throw her."
"When somebody tells me they don't like pizza, I don't trust them."
"Do you trust the media? Yes I trust everyone, man to a certain extent. That's a terrible idea. Absolutely not, sir. Do not trust the media."
"Americans should be asking themselves, 'What else are they lying about?'"
"Expect to be cheated on if he has no moral compass, no spiritual guidance, no core values."
"It's entirely fair that you could feel lied to."
"If you find it hard to trust in a new relationship, it means you haven't healed from your last one."
"Whether in your work or social life, always be careful where you put your trust."
"I don't trust anyone. This is going to make you think that maybe I should get some therapy, but trust is such a bizarre word." - Angelina Jolie
"Betrayal never comes from your enemies, it comes from your friends."
"Lack of trust, which Raya and the Last Dragon equates to moral corruption, is very much rooted in the past generation."
"If you can't trust this guy, who can you trust?"
"You simply cannot trust the corporate media, you can't trust your corporate leaders."
"CNN is MSNBC masquerading as the most trusted name in news."
"We cannot trust a result that didn't go through a process."
"Fraud is wrong, and it's eroding the last vestiges of trust in our election systems."
"There are millions of people who are going to vote for Donald Trump but would never lend him money, would never let him babysit their kids, would never let him walk their dogs."
"People have to prove themselves in order for me to trust them."
"You will never be able to trust if you don't heal first."
"The person most likely to screw you over is the person you least suspect."
"Trust can be lost in a moment, takes decades to reaccumulate."
"It's hard to know what's true and it's hard to know who to trust."
"You need to take responsibility for the fact that your girlfriend feels betrayed."
"If you're at the point where you want to check your partner's phone, you should just break up because it's over."
"If you are confused about somebody's intentions, they probably don't have good intentions."
"Just because you have the certification doesn't mean people are gonna trust you."
"Trust is kind of hard to find in this world right now."
"You know, if you lie about the small stuff, why should we believe you on the big stuff?"
"In this dark chapter of our history, trust is shattered and doubt seeps into the hearts of the American people."
"Trust issues: either trust no one or give over trust to those who haven't earned it."
"Trust is broken down in every aspect of society."
"Anyone who tells kids 'don't tell your parents' is the bad guy."
"Cheating is always unhealthy. It's a trust-breaking betrayal."
"We can't rely on how friendly or how trustworthy or how genuine someone seems. It hinges a hundred percent on the evidence."
"He had a hypnotic ability...just to trust him, believe him, and he just took everything they had."
"Are you willing to trust miles Sanders over David Montgomery this week?"
"Cheating is a majorly destructive act that can ruin any relationship and unnecessarily hurt the person that you're with."
"There could be talks of marriage down the line, despite trust issues."
"You cannot grant good faith to the media." - Ben Shapiro
"You never know who you can trust that's the worst part."
"You flew to Atlanta to stay at my house while I go party with my homeboys. Now when I got a really nice house, Jess, I'm sure. But I'm saying when I go to the strip club, as a woman, her mind's going to start doing this, right?"
"If there's anything to be learned from the history of the Warring States, it's that the kings of Qin are not to be trusted."
"If he's gotta test you to know if you're the one, he's not the one."
"You're only real to your first flaw. Trust takes years to gain and just seconds to lose."
"If I can't google your company, I don't trust you."
"Him deleting text messages from her right in front of you is really suspicious."
"Betrayal is when someone you trust stabs you in a place where you're vulnerable."
"Cheating is wrong in a committed relationship. It kills the relationship. You lose trust. So do not do it."
"When killers strike those they know, they shatter the bonds of confidence and trust."
"I hope that's good enough. You're pretty. The Atom will take my maybe. Atom can recommend too. We'll find out what to do. You are forgiven, but I will never believe another word that comes out of your mouth. Please don't."
"There were not many signs of trust around that table today."
"I don't trust nobody's say unless I see it with my own two eyes."
"That's why people don't trust the media. I know, you're right."
"Once you break that trust with the viewer it's really hard to get it back."
"If either one of us is actively having to keep a secret and actively avoid a subject or avoid talking about something with the other, then that's probably a good indication for there being something wrong."
"If Vince could do this to him, he could do it to anyone."
"It's called ballot harvesting but it would make it terrible to be able to trust any election in the future."
"According to W vines... it is to shake something to a point that it affects the security that people feel when they have trusted in that thing."
"When a guy knows that his wife is his girlfriend or whoever significant other if he knows that she doesn't put up with anything gives a little crack and oh I can get away with this."
"Men who run their lives based on emotion and violence are not to be trusted."
"You don't want to believe... the only person that you think is there for you... will sell you out for some money."
"Secrets either ruin relationships or keep them from starting in the first place."
"Please be careful who you give your money to."
"When it comes to someone that you deeply care about and you invest so much time and energy and trust in them and then they kind of flip on you it just completely changes you."
"I don't care what the players want. They should have no say in it at all. They've lost all elements of trust this season."
"You cannot let everybody just put whatever they want to for you and believe and trust in them because at the end of the day, brand is you, what you have built."
"You know, when you lose the press that you can respect and believe in, it's a terrible thing for a free country. The press has broken bad."
"You opened up to you and look what you've done, you're the true one miss Wiltshire."
"If you can't trust the sources, then what can you trust?"
"I think it's pretty messed up to destroy statues of any group because that is history."
"This is what I do so every single week I have money leaving my account going into a few different ETFs."
"People you trust and defend will ultimately betray you. This is a game of suspicion."
"He does not talk to any other women in front of you."
"You don't owe someone your commitment, especially if they violated your trust and their commitment to you."
"He disappointed me man I loved you when you let me down I trusted you and let me down what the [ __ ] dude."
"I don't trust him anymore, I don't trust him, and equally, just because I don't think the club can improve massively while these owners are here, it doesn't mean we should keep a manager that I think is losing the dressing room."
"What if your life is going out of control because what you put your trust in is bigger?"
"Stigma and blame undermine trust and capacity to respond effectively."
"There's not a whole lot of faith in anything related to China right now."
"When trust and respect are lost in a relationship, then the relationship ceases to exist."
"Who are you trusting? I think there should be parameters around trusting that with age, you know, price. I get all that but it can't be, 'I like him and I don't like J.' Do you know the reason?"
"The damage that these people have done to the trust that people have in their health professionals and the health agencies is irreparable."
"I cannot trust those people again. They tried to destroy our football club and they're still in charge of it."
"Media trust is ridiculously low right now among the American population and probably people all over the world and there's nothing that's gonna fix it."
"I find out that it's my freedom caucus colleagues and my supposed friends that went and did that."
"You can't trust nobody, who you trust? You trust yourself."
"Just be careful in general when you're working this kind of field, never trust anyone, right?"
"This issue of trust or lack of trust is destroying you."
"I think it sucks that a lot of people lost a lot of money... it sucks that I thought I could trust it because it was a Canadian service based in Vancouver."
"If they do it for you, they'll do it to you."
"The reason these media outlets are collapsing is because people no longer trust them."
"A relationship is a commitment, and he's broken the commitment."
"The Two of Cups suggests someone realizing the importance of a connection, despite fears of betrayal."
"Narcissists never seem to develop trust in the love of others."
"You think something's up unless you're doing something or you feel confident in the relationship."
"We saw what happened with Liv's trust when she was pulling a different direction from banking, with obviously eventually she got booted out and this time it might be a general election." - Co-director of Positive Money Fran Boait
"It causes people to be very suspect about the experience they're getting online."
"It's a lot of pressure to make a relationship work when you have trust issues."
"If someone starts to give you a bunch of reasons why you shouldn't date them, you should probably believe them."
"One of the biggest downsides of having money is that you will forever question the motives of those around you."
"Either way, I know that a lot of people are confused right now about which experts to listen to and which solutions to trust."
"Even on a mega money, if you split it up twelve ways, there's gonna be a snitch somewhere."
"I understand that people want to trust cops but they're getting worse."
"Mainstream media lied too much, and it killed them."
"Boris Johnson is a known liar, and who's already fooled the DUP and then betrayed them several times."
"Because we have this thing called privacy, and if you really think that you have nothing to hide, please make sure that's the first thing you tell me, because then I know that I should not trust you with any secrets."
"You can't use the answers that they give you because a lot of them will be dishonest about it."
"You're bringing balance to the situation, you feel betrayed by this person that you felt as though you can trust at the time."
"Guys cheat, all of us girls want to know because it's like is there any good men out there?"
"He was likely lying, hoping that the news would make it back to Winterfell and create distrust among the northerners there."
"Why do child actors become broken adults? Trust for former kid actors is just really hard."
"But if we can't trust the FDA, who can we trust?"
"If I cut one of these halfway through, would you take the whole bundle without looking at it and go climb with them? Probably not."
"In the past 10 years, you've never trusted her with your child."
"I don't trust people who are in leadership positions but don't take responsibility for their role as leaders."
"There's one someone's telling on you oh definitely they're going to tell on you sooner or later."
"If you're going to keep lying to me, that's not going to keep me."
"The season of mercy runs out. So it is what it is, pay attention to your circle before they hurt you. We out."
"It's gonna come from the person that you trust the most."
"I caught him in a lie, when you lie to me and I catch you in a lie, I'm done."
"I feel like it links up so perfectly with Survivor because this story is all about people not really knowing who to trust, they're shaky alliances but at the end of the day people are suspicious of each other."
"Always be wary of what leaders you put your faith in and always remember you can totally trust me your friendly neighborhood anime Pope."
"It erodes trust between the devs and the players."
"It takes a lifetime to build trust between a person, but a second to break it."
"If you catch someone cheating, anything they say after the fact becomes totally irrelevant."
"He's suddenly changing his story, they don't even know if they should trust this version of events."
"You can't trust a drug dealer who doesn't use his own product."
"When a person lies to me, it just made me never trust you again."
"His inherent trust in the goodness of others had blinded him to the malevolent schemes brewing in his own household."
"I'd rather be cut by a friend than kissed by an enemy."
"Trust is a hard thing I know it is, but you gotta love people through that stuff."
"We felt that Montgomery did not trust the information Bletchley Park was providing him with."
"Fear often cloud our judgment it fear is of the mind and it really prevents us from trusting in our heart trusting in that intuition."
"We have lost the respect and trust of some very close and very important allies."
"Legacy wound... difficult to trust... toxic, abusive relational system."