
Self-authenticity Quotes

There are 167 quotes

"You don't have to change who you are... It's about what are you doing that is useful and effective to having the most abundance internally and abundance externally."
"Keep your head up and stay true to yourself, and you will come out on top."
"Be yourself, and if people's first impression is negative and you're being yourself, then everybody's won."
"Respect everybody's choices; my choice is to stay true to myself and my religion."
"To thine own self be true...Listen to yourself, find the essence of who you are."
"Keep growing, keep learning on your journey friend, and always remember to stay true to you!"
"Be true to yourself, persevere, keep going, and be true to the vision that you are working for."
"You don’t need to listen to expectations of who you ought to be."
"You just gotta stay true to yourself... if you have integrity, you do good work."
"Success to me is finding happiness, doing what you want to do, staying true to yourself."
"You just gotta go be yourself, you don't have to be nothing but yourself."
"The worst thing that you could ever do to yourself is not be true to yourself."
"If someone truly loves you, they would accept and embrace all aspects of your being. So you should truly be able to be yourself."
"The universe is guiding you and directing you and having Uranus in your sign is all about living your authentic self now being true to who you are becoming now leaving the past behind if it doesn't hold value for you."
"All you owe yourself is to be you in a way that makes you actually feel happy and worth being alive for."
"No matter how much hate you get, you got to be real with yourself."
"Rebel, be a part of the Revolution and honor your own truth."
"The one thing that I am absolutely making sure that I stick to is being true to myself."
"At the end of the day, be you, be yourself. And if you do that, watch God take your challenge to another level. You will wake up one day like, 'Wow.'"
"You stay true to you Virgo and you know what, wow wow."
"What's the worst that can happen? Let's just go be myself."
"Stay calm and as we discussed internally, debate everything but be true to yourself."
"Standing in your truth will clear out a lot of energy. Something about setting the standards and getting things to move."
"The only purpose of life is to be totally who you are."
"You've made a commitment to live true to yourself."
"You ain't like nobody else I noticed that right away you being true to who you are you're gonna attract."
"Moving forward, you're not going to settle for anything that feels inauthentic."
"I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not."
"We must stay true to ourselves, avoid negativity, and stay positive."
"It's all about being true to yourself and being true with yourself."
"True freedom is giving people the permission to misunderstand you."
"You need to understand that for once, I can't stress this enough to stay true to yourself."
"Stay true to yourself, enforce boundaries, and let go of the need for validation from others."
"Be true to yourself and your universe will reward you."
"Stand solid in your truth, having healthy boundaries, speaking your truth."
"Never go back to someone who requires you to be someone you're not."
"Stay true to yourself because if you blink you will go back."
"Learn to remain true to yourself amidst unsettling circumstances."
"I'd much rather be a first-rate version of myself..."
"Stay who you are and go where that truth leads you."
"Stay open, stay true to yourself. There will be a challenge that you will have this month, an important part of the challenge is that you stay true to yourself."
"Stay true to yourself, connect to the divine within yourself, and the universe will give you what you want."
"You can't make everyone happy; focus on being true to yourself."
"You are clearing other people's energy by committing to your own truth. It's like others see you as this breath of fresh air because of how authentic you are choosing to live your life..."
"Stay true to yourself, even when facing overwhelming odds."
"If you think that listening to me and Andrew are helping you in your life then stay true to yourself."
"Be your inner child, be your innocent and pure self."
"Sometimes one is best, and sometimes the other. My advice for what it's worth is to thine own self be true."
"I don't think we need to compete to be honest. I think we need to be who we are."
"Stay strong, stay positive, and stay true to yourself."
"Living authentically to myself makes me a lot happier than just trying to please people."
"If everybody likes me, I'm doing something too wrong."
"You are manifesting a higher vibration of yourself in a partner, the highest vibration, not the perfect. It's just you being true to yourself to the core."
"Why should we have to change because you're offended? No, that's not good enough."
"Don't trade who you are for who you think the world needs."
"Stay true to yourself, you good person. You're working really hard just like I did."
"I feel like it's been a net positive just being true to myself and my feelings."
"Embrace what makes you feel most like yourself."
"The clash between attachment and authenticity is ground zero for trauma."
"Be true to you, which you already are, but keep it going, keep that light shining super bright."
"Staying true to yourself is one of the most important things that you can do."
"If my fear of being seen as who I am truly is such that it prevents me from being who I am, then you never actually live."
"Release anything that keeps you from your path of authenticity."
"I think that my one piece of advice is to be true to yourself."
"Truth and being who you really are, and not letting anyone make you feel bad about that."
"It's all about going forward and staying true to yourself."
"There is times in your life when you must make a choice and that should always be who you are."
"If you try to be all things to all people you're gonna end up being not much to a whole lot of people"
"We need to stop pushing our struggles to make other people comfortable."
"It's more important than ever to stay true to yourself, stay true to yourself like, oh my lord, and that in itself is just gonna kind of confirm things to you and it's going to be your guiding light."
"I never want to compromise who you are for who you want to be."
"Be yourself and be honest, eventually things will change."
"As long as we stick up for what we believe in and stay true to ourselves everything will be all right."
"Staying true to yourself is crucial even if it means not always seeing eye to eye with a potential romance."
"Even if it means not always seeing eye to eye with a potential romance, staying true to yourself is crucial."
"You just have to be yourself, honor yourself, be authentic, and take care of yourself."
"Being myself is the greatest power that I can possess."
"Don't allow whatever everybody's saying to take you away from the core of who you are."
"Anything else is just something I was told to be, something someone else wanted."
"Please always make sure you continue to be yourself, don't be anybody else, be you."
"I just got to be true to myself and follow my dreams."
"I don't know anybody an explanation for who you are or how you feel. You don't owe anybody a debate."
"To thine own heart be true, you know, like, at all costs, no matter what it says, even if it's crazy."
"Being true to yourself is the basis of all well-being."
"Embrace the authentic energy of yourself, manifest what you want, and align with the forces of the universe."
"Never lose the core of who you are for somebody else."
"Pride is important for those people too, because they need to see people living their life as their authentic self and not scared of anything."
"It's about staying true to yourself, making important decisions, and enjoying life while dealing with past restraints and launching new projects."
"You attract the best energy when you are giving yourself that authentic energy."
"Embracing independence and being true to yourself."
"Be who you are, do your thing the way you do it."
"All Sora needs to do is be himself and follow wherever it is that his heart takes him. It is the best and the only way."
"Be true to who you really are and your life will change in the most amazing ways."
"We're all going through it. To be all of ourselves is the most courageous thing."
"Lie to everyone else but be true to yourself... Be true to yourself."
"Being authentic is all about owning who you are, loving who you are, not compromising who you are for anybody."
"Don't worry about losing other people, worry about losing yourself while trying to please other people."
"Please make sure you live your truth and never allow others to define who you are and who you will become."
"What a woman really wants is for you to do whatever the hell you want to do."
"Embrace what is and adapt accordingly while still living in my truth."
"Being what you really are helps me see things clearly."
"You stood your ground and you didn't succumb to okay I'll do whatever the masses are demanding of me."
"Justice is finding happiness, overcoming past hurdles, and being true to yourself."
"You're prioritizing relationships that make you feel really good and relationships that you feel like you can be yourself in."
"You're going to be able to offer something that they can't offer and just you being yourself and trying to be true to yourself is going to add value and add something to this like overall conversation happening in the art community."
"Be true to yourself... the only love that's really worth it is someone who loves you for yourself."
"To know and trust yourself also means that you're not going to shrink, dilute, or change yourself in any situation."
"You should never temper who you are for another person."
"He refused to sell his soul... and to compromise what he believes is his truth."
"What worked was just like being yourself and just like sticking to your guns."
"You represent what's possible when you follow your heart and be yourself, inspiring others to do the same."
"Then don't bro you ain't got to fake it bro so don't pretend just be yourself."
"Massive new beginning and all about you being authentically you."
"We are not here to be molding ourselves around what somebody else wants either you fit together and you have the same beliefs and the same goals or you don't."
"Stay true to who you really are, true to the vortex version of you, and trust that Law of Attraction is bringing those to you who are ready for you."
"Be true to yourself and the rest will follow."
"She helped us realize that you just need to be true to who you are."
"Keep being yourself, keep hustling, everything will work out."
"What's real is also authentic, a more authentic version of you."
"Rebel against anything that is not true to yourself."
"Good things will happen if you stay true to yourself, even in tough times."
"Always remember at the end of the day to stay true to who you are."
"There's gonna be highs and lows... stay true to yourself."
"It feels really good to stand in your interest and stand in your truth."
"When you tap into your authenticity a hundred percent, it works wonders."
"Authenticity has been a huge strength for me."
"Being on fire is staying in that truth every day, no matter the circumstances."
"Stay true to self, stay consistent, and have a positive channel."
"You know, always be true to yourself, but also be open to change and growth. That's where the real magic happens."
"It's important to stay true to yourself and your convictions."
"You don't change you for other people to please other people, just be."
"How can I go around relaxing around guys and exploring the connection without being so hyper-focused on the end result, while keeping my boundaries and being true to myself?"
"I always feel good if I know that I've just somehow been true to who I believe I am."
"Stay strong, stay stoic, stay calm, stay centered, above all, stay yourself."
"Stay true to yourself and what you believe is successful."
"Stay true to myself, purchase what I really want to purchase."
"It does feel good to be true to yourself, for yourself, for now and forever."
"You can't please everyone and just as long as you're staying true to yourself, that's all that matters at night."
"It was always important to me to like be myself."
"Stay true to yourself, stay loyal to your loved ones, stay loyal to life."
"I love you, but I'm saying stay true to yourself, and you know, come from a good place, and everything will be okay."
"Going deep within and being authentic and true to yourself, nurturing yourself through building a legacy that you feel passionate about, that is your healing remedy."
"At the end of the day, you have to be true to yourself."
"You have to find a strong and assertive, compassionate yet calm way to always be true to yourself."
"Stay true to yourself, and I'll see you on the next adventure. Peace."
"I'm gonna be the person I really am."
"Never, never, never, never, never dilute yourself for somebody else."
"You could only be true to yourself, not new to yourself."
"Happy Valentine's Day, someone's got a crush on you. Always stay true to yourself."
"Don't be what you think other people want from you; be yourself and be what you want from yourself."
"I'm being true to myself, I'm going after what I want."
"Who I truly am is good indeed, I am authentic in thought, word, or deed."
"The only way you sustain this energy and ride it out is to stay true to who you are."