
Sensibility Quotes

There are 283 quotes

"The agenda for any sensible person should be peace."
"We are not above them; we are them, and I would not want to be part of any leftist revolution that precludes their will for our supposed enlightened sensibility."
"I think it would be very damaging to community relations it's not a sensible place to go"
"It's sensibilities, its feelings, its passions will become more and more subject to the spirit."
"He's got that good wholesome kind of sensibility."
"He had a remarkable capacity to take a complex problem and take the most direct and sensible approach to its solution."
"But I think overall the trajectory is you know the people are investing much more sensibly today and it's a combination of the availability of the right instruments and the right programs right."
"If you can put a little bit of money aside for prepping, it is sensible."
"We've got to have common sense and we've got to have compassion."
"As long as people are sensible, and of course the vast majority of people are, we should be able to nip this in the bud."
"Dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations."
"Still, she's a caring friend who's always got Danny's back and is one of the most sensible characters in the series."
"Be sensible, be safe, and trust your family."
"You must join yourself to the whole so that you may bring with you into the super sensible realm not only yourself but also all else that exists in the sensible world."
"Civil immunity without criminal immunity is like a lock without a key, a bat without a ball, a computer without a keyboard. In other words, it's not especially sensible."
"There is no excuse, it's just me being sensible."
"If it doesn't have to be expensive, don't make it expensive."
"But I like what you've done, you've been quite sensible about your build."
"You're a very sensible individual, very professional. I appreciate that."
"If you're really sensible in life, when it becomes apparent that your opinion is wrong, change it."
"There's a difference between being sensitive and sensible."
"Fight with sense, not with anonymity and not with aggressiveness."
"I think that's a far more sensible approach."
"The public isn't having it though... people who acknowledge biology and are kind of sensible are winning in the court of public opinion."
"Be sensible, take a sensible approach to the challenges."
"It's all about individuality, personalization, and people being sensible."
"It makes far more sense than buying a brand new one anyway."
"It's going to require some balance, some sensibility in approach."
"Women are better at organizing and keeping things sensible."
"That's not being wimpy or foolish. That's actually really sensible and really sane."
"Don't force anything to fit if it doesn't make sense."
"Don't be afraid of boosting. If you need to boost, boost it. Just do it sensibly."
"...it's about me. Yes, yes, I know what you might be thinking—what the hell is this guy talking about? Well, let me explain."
"Better to be without sense altogether than to misapply it as you do."
"I found myself on the website of the author of the book series Rick Riordan, and I came across a Q&A... and his reply was really interesting to me: 'Nope. Middle-grade sensibility is where I live, friends.'"
"Training your eyes can help you grow as a designer and achieve a higher level of design sensibility."
"So be smart. Be sensible. Money, you need it. Invest it. Do what you need to do with it. Just be sensitive with money. Don't be stupid."
"Surely, because it's sensible. Let's help people get well."
"I think long term, if you want to do this thing long term, then there's something you have to do with the sensibility side of it."
"It's sensible, it's mature, very pleasing."
"...she also had the good sense not to debut them until the end of World War II and its subsequent period of austerity."
"...we're gonna make sure you're sensible with these 16's stuff like that."
"The error is to think that we should stop doing sensible policies because it could lead to policies that aren't sensible."
"Magic is not meant to be fun, see? It's sensible magic."
"It's all about making sensible decisions and not taking any crazy risks really."
"Just an orchestra did fight enough but not too much uh that was quite sensible."
"It ain't the strongest survives, it's the flexible, and there ain't nothing wrong being sensible."
"Perfect for Ascot! And what if I wanted something just a little more sensible?"
"Sensibility, intuition, and protection of loved ones."
"It's really good this, and it's the sensible thing to stay on."
"Don't be dopey. Don't be silly. Don't be simple. Be sensible."
"Good sense has never had anything to do with love."
"Persecution doesn't make people say sensible things very often."
"Use your summer job money to treat yourself, but be sensible."
"Haven't you ever seen a beekeeper in his underpants before? Calm, safe, and sensible."
"It's not a wow house it's a bit Bland maybe a bit too sensible for me there's just something about it that I don't really feel 100 comfortable with."
"...a sluggard is wiser in his own eyes than seven men who can answer sensibly."
"Love of family, home, art, and beauty, a sensible approach."
"Resist pride; remain sensible; regard others - the roadmap to effective service."
"Let us grant it, and by sensible you mean having good sense, yes, and having good sense means having good judgment in acting unjustly."
"I have always felt, my dear, that in the course of a long life, I have never met a woman of such exquisite sensibility as yours."
"You're somebody very responsible with money, reliable, stable. You have good common sense, and you just really have a good head on your shoulders."
"You've had enough, Tim," said George. "Be sensible now."
"I mean who would want to just go touch a guy's recorder and play with the little light on the top? I mean that doesn't make any sense for any of campers to do."
"Design wasn't about spending money and using nice materials; it was about sensibility."
"I think if we expand this... what I was really interested in was the question that Carl Andre raised in his piece 'Equivalent 8'... is it the material that makes it art? Is it the sensibility around it? Is it the arrangement of it?"
"What is it that makes one architecture and one not architecture? I think it is the sensibility."
"Sensibility, I think, is everything in some ways."
"That's really nice and not slow but it's sensible isn't it."
"John Bingham, now the 7th Earl of Lucan, was anything but sensible when it came to finances."
"I'm just trying to be sensible, so I'm not just going crazy and buying everything that I can ever think of."
"If you're sensible while you're stupid, you have to know when not to be stupid."
"Just be sensible. It's more about your choices, you know."
"Forget the sensibility and just admire the charisma."
"Is that a sensible way of dieting? No, it's ridiculous, it's not healthy, it's not productive, and it's certainly not to be recommended."
"Everything about the way that you handled this was both moral and sensible."
"If you're looking for something that's just gonna expand those horizons, that's super, super sensible."
"Yeah, that's right. That's very sensible."
"It's very sensible to think like that."
"We need both Sense and Sensibility to be sensible."
"Just being prepared makes the most amount of sense."
"Just because you can do something doesn't mean it's sensible in any way."
"Following that path makes a lot of sense."
"This is the home of Common Sense, the things that matter in your everyday life."
"For most people, it makes sense to get the subcompact."
"...we need to use a little Common Sense here."
"When you're in the poor mom consciousness, you assume that the rich just choose the most expensive thing. But that's not the case. They choose the thing that's most sensible to what they desire, not the most expensive thing."
"Reason with common sense and God's truth."
"Canada, I mean, this has been a long time coming. It is obviously sensible and it's just, it seemed that we are applauding a completely sensible and reasonable move."
"He sat back on the beach and studied the problem again since he had to use his sense, that's all it took to solve problems, just sense."
"A sensible person makes good decisions and does the right thing."
"What's comfortable for you is what makes sense."
"Stay hydrated in between your drinks if you want to be sensible."
"We have forgotten how space and music can convey sensibility in architecture."
"Sometimes you just have to use a little bit of common sense."
"Common sense must prevail in all these situations."
"It's a more sensible way of living."
"They haven't been silly, they've played common sense test match rugby."
"We need less chaos in Washington DC and more common sense."
"Build up sensibly regardless of what level you've been at before."
"It's laid out in a way that makes sense from the collector's point."
"There is a sensible place for certain types of functionality."
"It's things like that that I absolutely love because they're windows into a time with a very different sensibility."
"I fashion myself as being a learner and a sensible person."
"The tragic pathos is born when the perfectly average sensibility momentarily takes unto itself a privileged nobility that keeps others at a distance."
"The law is supposed to be common sense."
"The Starting Strength Method is nothing more than the simple application of common sense."
"In our view, diplomacy is the most sensible path."
"It's not a matter of cowardice, Senator, it's just plain common sense."
"Use your common sense because your common sense is going to help you a lot."
"That makes a heck of a lot of sense in the long term."
"It seems to me, given the fact that I happen to view women and men as equal human beings, that it's sensible."
"You need to accept life the way it is and react to its challenges sensibly."
"It just makes sense to pay attention to natural rhythms."
"You've got to do your time, but it's sensible that you do your time preparing for a slightly more sensible way of life when you get out."
"This is right, this is sensible, this is sanity."
"As far as I'm aware, that seems like the most sensible way of doing it."
"It was just so sensible. Why wouldn't we do it? It just seems so natural."
"This is just common sense, people."
"Welcome to the home of Common Sense."
"Victorians considered themselves to be sensible people, but they lived in very strange times."
"We want to find pragmatic, sensible solutions."
"He's a very sensible and driven dude who doesn't just tell stories, but also enlightens people."
"I'm a sensitive, sensible, loving person."
"There are some good gardening practices that just make a lot of sense both for experienced gardeners and for new ones."
"I hope you'll be sensible now, Thomas."
"Mike is a sensible person who makes sensible decisions."
"A lot of things just seem to make logical sense here, maybe it's that British sensibility."
"It would be sensible to respond to the individual, not attack the group."
"Being very intelligent and educated doesn't make you more sensible."
"My favorite artists are those that don't have a style, they have a sensibility."
"For every problem you are presented with, offer a sensible remedial solution."
"We just had such a similar sensibility that we had developed privately for years."
"A master sensibility that started out fully formed and has continued to grow."
"If you must wish, wish for something sensible."
"My mind was absolutely blown, it appealed to all my sensibilities."
"It's like everything he does makes sense."
"It's all about respect, honesty, and common sense."
"Fear is good; it keeps you grounded and sensible."
"This is a very sensible and quiet little girl, you would have said to yourself."
"You are being sensible, you are putting down and asserting your boundaries."
"These changes are actually sensible within themselves."
"I don't oppose speed limits as long as they're imposed sensibly and for the right reasons."
"It's just basic common sense, basic common decency."
"Life is full of all kinds of mysteries, all very sensible."
"You got to go with what makes sense."
"The overarching sensibility of slow cinema is that of stillness."
"We do what works for us, for our own reasons, and with common sense."
"The principle that is active in him is not the one that makes him sensible, but the one that gives him life."
"We think we are sensible when we urge that you stop this waste and give your worthwhile man a chance."
"I shouldn't have cared if Edwin and Freya were having an affair. I should have been sensible; maybe I should have wished to be a better person."
"Investing in a broad index is 100% a sensible thing to do."
"Get stuff to work better. I'm not even sure that's moderate. I think that's just common sense."
"Eleanor was 19 and very sensible."
"We are not responsible for other people's reactions, but this does not ever relieve us of our responsibility to be careful or to use our good sense."
"It's just listening to your body, being sensible."
"The staycation is definitely probably the most sensible holiday choice, especially for this year because who knows what the regulations and everything that's going on."
"The keener the sensibilities, the more acute the judgment, the more delicate the taste."
"While God is being sovereign, make sure you're being sensible."
"Use your common sense, use your common knowledge."
"One must remain logical, sensible, realistic, and grounded."
"The thing is to be sensible and to take advantage of all the good low-calorie things to liven up your diet menu."
"I don't want to go hard against anyone. I just want people to be sensible; that's all I've asked."
"Finally, we have leaders that have common sense and have the interest of the continent and their country at heart."
"This car just makes a lot of sense."
"If you're sensible, your decisions are carefully thought through; you use reason and logic in your decision making."
"Amid all of this craziness, Susie is a helpfully sensible character, never taking frustratingly stupid decisions to advance the plot."
"In short, Jerry is very sensible; he's a realist to Tom's idealist, the voice of reason."
"Glorious went with what I consider a sensible decision."
"It just makes a ton of sense; it's definitely worth a look."
"Keep company around you that makes sense for you."
"A balanced approach makes a lot of sense."
"You have sense, it is a fool's errand to try to make an impression on those in good society who have not a single original thought."
"Just be a human being with common sense."
"A fusion of classic hard-edged genre archetypes with what he calls his feminine European sensibility."
"He's seen the light at the end of the tunnel, he's a sensible guy."
"He began a long exploration of the cultural channel in the West that was to open up for him his own sensibility."
"It's just common sense sometimes; it's not all about putting religion into it."
"For all of its continuity and sensibility, it's not formulaic."
"If I want predictable power generation, solar is looking pretty sensible."
"Good luck is very careful who she travels with, and mostly chooses those who are kind and sensible."
"It's practical, it's usable, it's tough, and it's sensible."
"Always act with logic, always act with some sensibility."
"Genuine metaphysics is hyper-rational, it's hyper-logical, it is hypersensible."
"Words were thus created; these primitive elements of language became little by little the gestures of sensibility."
"Try and be calm, try and be sensible, try and be pragmatic about what you can and can't do."
"We are very fortunate, aren't we? Our daughters are so sensible."
"Go out there and dream and achieve and build and take risks, but be sensible about it."
"I suggest that we leave the matter there and find a way of settling your disputes in a sensible fashion."
"That is not sensible, Elric. Consider your responsibilities," Ariak's smooth face showed a tinge of anger.
"Of course it does, because I'm a sensible fella; there's not many of us left."
"I don't care about the small stuff, what I care about is the stuff that makes sense, that's what matters to me."
"Drop the stigma that you're going to have a problem; it's very rare and just use common sense."
"It's time to be sensible again with the balance."
"When you're hurt, you do a sensible thing; you just sit down and come back for another day."
"You are very sensible. And worthy of the care I've provided these past years."
"Do what makes sense for you and your life; if right now you're not a great driver, then don't go and buy yourself a new car that you're gonna scratch and dent just so that you can flex."
"Please never buy bags beyond your means or luxury things beyond your means; be sensible."
"Use some common sense and be a little wary as a consumer."
"It's the only way to go right now, it's what makes the most sense."