
Submarines Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"Jump forward two decades from that point, and the most common US nuclear attack submarine was still an improved version of the Los Angeles, while a strong majority of China's attack submarines were now much more modern designs."
"Few ships are as intriguing or mysterious as the submarine."
"It brought to the admiralty's mind for the first thing that the submarine was a real threat."
"It's difficult to overestimate the part that U.S submarines played in the Pacific War, they practically annihilated the Japanese tanker fleet."
"The new nuclear submarines took their undisputed place in the covert military fencing which for four decades would be the indelible stamp of the tension that was the Cold War."
"The battle for the Falklands reinforced the potency of the submarine in a real war."
"Submarines exist capable of destroying not cruisers but continents."
"The Seawolf class of submarines are the most advanced in the US inventory and arguably the world."
"Nuclear-powered missile submarines became a key part of western and Soviet deterrence."
"I think the submarines are some of the most destabilizing weapons out there."
"The operations of submarines are nearly always kept secret from the public, leading to their adoption of the designation... the silent service."
"It may even be that if you could tally up all of the exploratory vehicles of all civilizations in the observable universe, you might find that submarines outnumber spacecraft."
"Submarines really don't like getting attacked by aircraft."
"Submarines have become some of the most vital ships of a modern Fleet."
"The legacy of Type 21: Advancing the capabilities of submarines."
"The straps could snap; the submarines could collide."
"The whole point of being a submarine is to stay underwater."
"No other world war II weapon system was as deadly as the submarine."
"The u.s navy's latest los angeles class design is the free world's most lethal attack submarine."
"Ballistic missile submarines are virtually undetectable at sea."
"Each submarine carries 20 Trident II submarine-launched ballistic missiles."
"US submarines are all nuclear, making them much more robust and able to operate for longer."
"Despite a staggering price tag for the new submarines, the country will have to wait 30 years for the full fleet to be built."
"The reputation of submarines was so poor that in the US, sailors called it the coffin service."
"First, I flew to Groton, Connecticut, which is known as the submarine capital of the world."
"Nuclear submarines like the USS Oregon are an important part of our nation's defense capabilities, but they wouldn't be effective without these incredible humans onboard."
"This is remarkable. It was by far the largest submarine ever built and remained that way until 1965."
"We're going to get American nuclear attack class submarines that can stay on station. And you know what? We'll hunt your submarines down in the shallow waters of your continental plate."
"We're moving quickly from the harsh military aesthetic of a submarine to something that was previously only imaginable in science fiction."
"Getting first-hand stories from veterans who lived on these submarines was a nice added value to the walk around tour."
"For all the issues with its surface Fleet, Russia's current Fleet of 58 submarines have been long considered among the most powerful in the world."
"The submarines that left the American bases were superb Fighting Machines, manned by fit expert and fiercely loyal Crews, confident that everything had been done to maximize their success in battle."
"But despite losses in every force, World War II gave the submarines an unchallengeable place in naval strategy."
"In 1914 the storm clouds of war broke engulfing Nation upon nation in a Titanic dynastic struggle, the infant submarines received a baptism of Fire."
"At the present time, submarines exist capable of destroying not cruisers but continents."
"Nuclear submarines are very stealthy. Modern ones, and because they don't have to surface at all for months on end, they are much more stealthy generally."
"I think you will see lithium-based batteries in submarines."
"At any given time, man, they can shoot off missiles and blow up almost any sub in the sea, dawg."
"One of the most successful submarines of the Second World War."
"As of November 2022, the Lost 52 project and others like it have located 14 out of the 52 lost submarines."
"The last and most important part of America's nuclear Triad are its nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines. The US Navy operates a fleet of 14 Ohio-class ballistic missile submarines."
"Thailand comes in with a request for information with the intent to purchase four Scorpion submarines."
"The submarines, we've been saying this for a long time, those nuclear submarines are pretty woke, pretty woke. Don't let the shape of them fool you."
"His work in hydrodynamics has brought greater speed and diving ability to the nuclear submarine."
"In March 1941, the escorts strike back against the U-boats. Between March and October, they sink seventeen. It is the end of the happy time, the end of the aces."
"The world's first practical submarine was built almost 400 years ago in England."
"It's by far the largest submarine built in the last 40 years or so, second only to the Typhoon class."
"Let's go on a submarine. You know what, why stop there? Let's get into a submersible."
"U.S submarine Skippers during World War II, at least the good ones, were by Nature gamblers Pirates adventurers revolutionaries of the Tactical kind and Daredevils."
"...the only confirmed underwater versus underwater submarine kill took place right at the end of the Second World War."
"Submarines man just seemed so dope so cool."
"I'm very impressed with the operational tempo, status, capabilities, and accomplishments these diesel boats did."
"This is a Cold War warrior class submarine and it has my greatest respect."
"Puts India in a handful of countries having the capability to design and construct and operate their own SSBNs."
"China's strength lies in its conventional submarines, which are on the whole very capable and stealthy."
"The PLA Navy operates the largest number of AIP-capable submarines in the world."
"China is modernizing its submarine force, focusing on improving the quality of its submarines rather than the number."
"Oberon submarines undertook the most hazardous tasks of their navies."
"No matter what they put on the submarine it's going to be quiet because they have a special manufacturing technique that absorbs sound before it ever gets to the water."
"We're making significant progress to deliver nuclear powered submarines for the UK and Australia."
"It's a real nest of submarines," whispered Andy at last.
"She is the first ever ship to be commissioned while underwater."
"Submarines can go places you can't even walk."
"Crush depth for submarines is something of a calculation."
"Modern submarines are designed to be incredibly quiet, making them difficult to detect."
"This is very significant, and it's the first AIP equipped submarine in the world to have a ballistic missile capability and cruise missiles in vertical launch tubes."
"The advent of the first widespread use of military submarines during the Great War changed the face of naval warfare."
"The strength of the submarine lies in its ability to submerge and the great power of its torpedoes."
"Couldn't be happier for Australia; you guys are going to get a great sub."
"The silent, mobile, and elusive fleet ballistic missile submarines are the most survivable element in our nation's strategic forces."
"The US Navy's submarine force is known as the Silent Service - quiet, deadly, and utterly secretive."
"Submarines were far too useful a weapon."
"Submarine warfare was a powerful tool in Germany's arsenal."
"Submarines are astounding inventions, albeit primarily designed for war, they deserve admiration for their technological advancements."
"The evolution of submarine development is really tied to the technology available at the time."
"The concept of a missile launched from a submarine became a reality shortly after World War Two."
"A key capability for the United States was submarines... they were so effective against Chinese shipping."
"A well-built submarine can stay in service for decades."
"You can't talk about World War II without talking about submarines, and this is the best place."
"Imagine Dick O'Kane... he's fired the six bow tubes and now he's run back here to line up his attack on the aft tubes."
"China may be using sea to hide submarines."
"The alpha class is undoubtedly one of the most interesting and, in a popular sense, one of the coolest submarines."
"Around 9:00 AM, the man who was in charge of this entire operation... authorized one of the submarines to shoot two of their dummy torpedoes at a target."
"Submarines... are amazing pieces of machinery."
"That is the closest thing to magic, there you go, submarines were another thing I was going to say."
"The Triton, like all nuclear submarines, represents one of man's great strides forward in harnessing the fantastic force of atomic power."
"This is a forgotten chapter of underwater history, the birth of a weapon that changed the world."
"It's now over a 100 years since the Hollands became the Royal Navy's first underwater vessels but still today submarines play a vital role in the country's defense."
"The periscope... it's become the most iconic piece of a submarine's equipment."
"Whoever could build the best submarines would potentially win a huge advantage in the next major war."
"I joined the navy to go into submarines. Wanted to do it since I was a 17-year-old. I wanted to be a submarine captain."
"By the end of World War II, it had nevertheless become clear that the submarine used in sufficient numbers could drastically affect the outcome of any future war."
"Silent and hidden from most forms of detection, these behemoths patrol under the waves, awaiting the order to launch Armageddon."
"These submarines were referred to as U-boats, and the reason that Germany started using these U-boats in the first place was in response to something that the British did to Germany not long after World War One broke out."
"Captain Sonar is a game in which we're going to be piloting two submarines."