
Education Philosophy Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"If you just taught kids, and in a way that made them love learning, to love challenges, know how to stick to them, feel the thrill of improvement, then the test score would come as a byproduct of that."
"Education should be based on questions, not on answers."
"Since we can't know what knowledge will be most needed in the future, it's senseless to try and teach it in advance. Instead, we should try to turn out people who love learning so much and learn so well that they will be able to learn whatever needs to be learned."
"Children should be taught how to think, not what to think."
"Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel."
"Our goal should be not to require they study or are interested in one thing or another, but that they're exposed to the joys and the sufferings of whatever it is they might choose to do."
"This is what we have to get away from. We have to bring it back to that learning is a joy, a joyful experience."
"Children are capable of far more than you've ever imagined."
"Problem-posing education trains students in the art of how to see the world not as a static reality, but as a reality in process and transformation."
"Can we all agree that learning should always be fun?"
"Those things you learn without joy you will forget easily."
"Free thinkers would rather teach kids how to think rather than what to think."
"Some things are taught, other things are caught. I believe in both."
"We want to teach kids how to think, not what to think."
"If they stop learning, they should probably stop teaching because it's a lifelong process."
"Schools should teach us to question, they should teach us how to think, not what to think."
"Teaching is full of preconceived ideas about pretentiousness. So, I just remove the word 'teaching' and put the word 'share'."
"I think learning is always done best when it's fun, and that's kind of the point behind play."
"Learning is a lifelong pursuit. We don't have a school year. Learning won't stop, it just continues."
"Education is not simply working your way through Wikipedia. Education is about understanding what you're trying to accomplish and getting the knowledge that you need in order to bend reality to your will."
"Learning is not about memorization of facts."
"The prime purpose of education is to free students from narrow perspectives, limited thinking, and partisanship."
"Learn from the world's best how to think, not what to think."
"I have never let schooling interfere with education." - Mark Twain
"Learning is not important, but how to learn is important."
"Learning is something one experiences with one's whole body, not just through words or books."
"Public schooling has never been solely about the transmission of academic content."
"Education means to bring what is inside to the outside."
"Learning is a philosophy of how you go about approaching problems."
"I respect that immensely. I think that uh the classic saying is that teachers are there to teach you how to think not what to think."
"The key thing is to understand. Screw memorization."
"I don't want to indoctrinate. I want people to think for themselves, to think critically, to think skeptically."
"Teach them how to think... not what to think."
"The training and the education of the attention would be an education par Excellence." - William James
"Education should train you to analyze, reach your own conclusions, but defend other people's rights to reach their conclusions."
"Education is not putting stuff in but pulling stuff out of your brain."
"To learn is the same as to teach, unless you are not teaching what you are learning."
"How do you teach people how to think? Well, I believe that we are storytelling animals."
"Education is not done when you graduate school."
"No education is complete without self-education."
"College is not about learning the what, it's about the how."
"Understanding will always trump memorization."
"We need to instruct our children in the widest sense so they can use the knowledge we pass on."
"Have fun with it. Learning is a dance, not just a task to complete."
"Teaching people how to think, not what to think."
"Education isn't just about technical skills; it's more broadly about learning how to live."
"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education."
"Roots and wings, you've got to give your students."
"Students should be given an opportunity to assert themselves, to be actively involved, and to invest themselves in the learning experience."
"It is possible to educate people in clear thinking, in first principles thinking, in not responding to appeals to authority or appeals to emotion."
"Teaching should be about the kids learning. It shouldn't be about them taking this test because realistically..."
"Life doesn't end after school, nor should your education."
"Math is everywhere let's be teaching math that reveals itself as everywhere especially for the youngest ages and then allow people to track into you know what kind you think feeling entrepreneurial or you think you're you know feeling engineer."
"Hopefully, the demand is such that coalesces into making the default more something that teaches kids not what to think but how to think."
"Everything I teach is how to ask a question. Life's about questions, not the answers."
"Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think."
"Education should set free, not produce obedient slaves."
"Education is the process, not the institution."
"Teach children how to think, not what to think."
"It is law that you must teach your children that there's not one correct way of doing something."
"The main objective is fun greater than test greater than learn."
"GPA is not everything... what's important is gaining the skills to achieve your goals."
"Don't just learn to code, code to learn, create, and solve problems."
"Life never stopped teaching, so never stop learning."
"Universities used to be a place that taught students how to think, sadly they are becoming a place which teaches students what to think."
"The mere imparting of information is not education. Above all things, the effort must result in making a man think and do for himself."
"Learning can't be forced, you know what I'm saying? The minute learning becomes forced, it's not fun anymore. Because learning should be fun if you ask me."
"Education isn't so much a matter of filling a pail with facts, but lighting or kindling a fire."
"Why spend the child's time inside a school giving him answers that already exist outside? It's a good question."
"A liberal philosophy exercises a point of view about education in which you try to sift the facts and take a look at what exists."
"Learning through doing" is our motto here at Project Data Science.
"True education is freedom, creativity, and expansion."
"We never give zeros if a student's code doesn't compile; this is an intro class, and we aren't jerks."
"I don't want learning to feel like a chore or a task."
"Waldorf's main mantra, if you will, is education of the hands, the heart, and the head."
"Before you educate the head, try to educate the heart."
"The most important thing any teacher has to learn, not to be learned in any school of education I ever heard of, can be expressed in seven words: Learning is not the product of teaching. Learning is the product of the activity of learners."
"What if instead of focusing on trying to cram our kids full of information, we were just as concerned with connecting with their hearts, living life together, and discipleship?"
"Well, there's a lot of nonsense talked about children today. The secret is not to patronize them; treat them with respect and they'll respect you."
"We want to teach students not what to think but how to think."
"Remember, the mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be lighted."
"We want to teach understanding before performance."
"If you believe that teaching is learner-centered, then everything follows."
"Teach kids how to think, not what to think."
"It's so amazing when you stop focusing on grades and achievement and all this stuff, it is so awesome to use the mind."
"You don't know how to raise children, you teach your kids how to think, not what to think."
"The big idea here is quite simply that questioning should cause thinking."
"At Data Quest, it's all about learning by doing."
"Learning without thought is labour lost; thought without learning is perilous."
"Ultimately all discussions about what education is and what its aims are, are fundamentally philosophical ones."
"It's not really important or relevant to make students memorize facts; it's more important for them to know how to find the information and to evaluate that information to see if it's important, if it's reliable."
"If we want our kids to truly learn, not just memorize, then we have to give them connections."
"You do not limit your ways of learning, you want to keep yourself open for the overall."
"The great aim of education is not knowledge but action." - Herbert Spencer