
Personal Control Quotes

There are 543 quotes

"We have to take control of our narrative, family. We have to control our own narrative."
"Discipline is the willingness to keep your ass in line... it's not hey do I have control over other people, a lot of people have that, but do you have command control over yourself?"
"I can't eliminate the stress in my life, but what I can do is control how I respond to it."
"Self-esteem is about supporting yourself. It’s about taking control of yourself, of your mind, of your body, of your behaviors."
"You want to make sure that your goals are super specific and are within your sphere of control."
"Control, capability, and optimization. That's the key to happiness."
"The definition of success for me is autonomy. How much control do you have over your life?"
"You can never really control the things that happen to you... but you can change how you react to it."
"The future is in your hands, and you control it."
"Michaela's main goal is to help people become resilient and realize how much control they have over their own life."
"Take control of your internet privacy today."
"It either paralyzes you like a deer in the headlights, or it causes you to push forward, persevere, fight, and climb and scratch because you believe you control your own destiny."
"I focus a lot on the things that I can control and try to tie that to my goals as best I can."
"At least your thought and your emotion must happen the way you want."
"Focus on what you can control, not basically what's happening in the total macro global economy."
"80% of our aging biology is within our control."
"You are not doomed by your genes; you are your own genetic engineer."
"The only part that you have control over is how you react."
"I choose instead to start my day with some quiet time so that I can control how my day begins."
"To me, anger is a reaction to what somebody else said to you. It creates an emotion. The dark side turns your anger into controlled rage. Now you're in control."
"Passion is not a person, place, or thing. Passion is the energy that you feel when you're excited, when you're expanded, when you're learning new things."
"First Blood rule: whoever was the first to draw blood, it's their animal."
"You're controlling your life in control of your situation."
"By regaining control of himself Aang has overcome the Avatar state as the antagonist."
"God never intended that circumstances should control his children."
"It's time for Britney to retake control of her life."
"The best part of being a Creator is you have creative control."
"The only thing that you can control is your happiness."
"Learn to control where you work and when you work."
"No matter what circumstances you've gone through, it's all in your control."
"You can't be great in the past or in the future. You can really only have control over who you are in this present moment."
"Control what you can control in your life, open up new doors if you can, and if something isn't reacting, that also in and of itself is communication."
"You have limited control over things of the outer world but you do have control over how you react internally to what happens."
"Focus on what you can control, release what you can't."
"A millionaire is in control of his own mind and doesn't buy into the idea of luck."
"Circumstances are beyond our control, but we have unlimited control over our consciousness."
"That whole thing kind of confused me... I think it's kind of... the fact that she wasn't able to perform for herself and like have control of it but her sister was willing to jump in and just do it."
"You're gonna be on your game, you're gonna be in charge, in control."
"Don't let your situation define you. You are in control of your life."
"You control your choices, your effort, and your attitude in life. Those are the three things that you can control without doubt."
"I just wanted full control of everything I do."
"You are going to have a control over situation, a very important time of strength, courage, energy, determination, action, and confidence."
"No matter what I can be in control of how I choose to react regardless of the circumstance."
"You learn things you take control and sometimes it really works out beautifully."
"Control your environment, or someone else will."
"Life will only get better. Act as if you believe that, for the one thing that you can control right now is your attitude."
"Focus on what you can control if you want to fix this, not what you can't."
"It's a great reminder to use your willpower to make sure it's always there under your control."
"Are you ready to be the boss of your own life? Are you ready to be in control of your own life?"
"No, I don't have to accept this, I can take back control, I dictate how I'm going to live."
"Cash is King... If you can hold it in your hand you have power." - Dr. Pete Windham
"I use Linux because I know that I can modify and control every single aspect of it."
"You can't control who's in office unless you're a lobbyist or part of a super pac but you can control how you invest."
"You are in control of your reality in every now moment."
"Like the strong female rulers who were her ancestors, Anna had found herself in control of her own life."
"Basic rights when you're talking about somebody's ability to control what happens with their body."
"What you can control is if you feed into that negativity and let it live rent-free in your mind."
"At the end of the day, you all just want to be in control of everything, and y'all don't recognize that. Like somebody helping you, it's still yours. It's still your world, girl. You're just getting a little help."
"Prince controlled his own image, his destiny, and the narrative about himself."
"Prince was a boss, and he controlled his narrative."
"The only thing that you can control is right now, this present moment."
"We're comfortably in control of our own destiny."
"I fixed everything. I controlled my life, and that's what I believe. I'm the architect of everything that happens to me."
"If you can control your emotions, you can control your future."
"Politics is about who gets to control your life, you or people in Washington DC who say they can solve all your problems."
"Nobody can hurt me more than I can hurt myself, so what power do you really have over me?"
"I think the preparation is really very important. I want people to have control."
"You are the only person that you yourself control. You are the only person for which you are absolutely absolutely certain at all times of your own reasons for your actions."
"As a man, it is your job to keep improving and keep improving your status. That's the one thing you can control."
"Release what you cannot control and focus on what you can."
"Try to save as much as you can... savings rate is the only variable we can control."
"This was the first time I felt in charge of my life."
"Never again will anybody be able to pull my life from under me like a rug."
"We've got control over what happens to us. I think that's incredibly exciting."
"You need to have a measure of control when it comes to what you're doing online."
"If you can't control people, then control your reaction to them."
"You are in control of your emotions, your mind, your body, of everything. You have complete control over how you allow a situation to affect you."
"It's very customizable as well... it is in your hands."
"I realized that I just love having full control over what I do."
"Stalin's control over the lives of those who worked for him... was so pervasive."
"If no one's in the picture right now it's not an indication that something's wrong... the most important thing is that you feel like you're driving the car and that you're in control."
"You control your life, and if that makes you happy, that's what matters."
"You only control two things in life: your actions and your reactions."
"Attraction is just information, not lust. I control my body, my body doesn't control me."
"Give me a little bit of credit for trying for trying to control what I can control."
"Control what you can control, like your attitude, your effort, and all that stuff."
"Set yourself free of debt which is what controls you and controls everything around you."
"Power is defined by how much control you have over your own life."
"Lust is a very strong and uncontrolled desire for something. It is also known as an excessive desire for something to gratify oneself."
"When you can take the darkest [ __ ] in your life and laugh at it, then you got control of it."
"When you work for yourself you are in control of your time which is your most valuable asset."
"You're making waves there in January. You're in control of your destiny."
"Your biggest control is your calories in, your energy input."
"Recognizing that you are in control of your destiny to a point, fate is also intervening."
"Keep yourself options; the best way to keep travel exciting is to have routine."
"It's my channel and I never want to lose grip of that."
"I need to live my life and embrace what it is I actually am and am in control of."
"You are manifesting the completion of an old phase and the rising of the sun again."
"You are gaining an advantage over your problems and gaining control over them."
"Get your own damn business. It's what you control that will determine your future."
"Focus on making clear what parts of your day are within your control."
"What the universe wants you to do is figure out how to flip your own happiness switch that's what it is."
"Never in his own life, in someone else's control."
"You can't change what you don't see; the more aware you are of what really drives your spending decisions, the more control you'll have over your finances and therefore your life."
"I feel like I'm in control of my business career. I feel like I'm in control of my love life. I'm madly in love, and I am not in control of my weight and how my weight is playing out in my life and the happiness around it."
"Focus on you right now, focus on what you can control, start nurturing that connection with Source."
"You can do anything you want with your life. You are in control. If you don't like your life, change it."
"Snow machining... it's like a roller coaster and you're the operator."
"You can still do you. That's controlling your own destiny."
"Between stimulus in response there is a gap... you choose how to respond in that gap."
"You've worked way too hard to allow anybody else to control you ever again."
"I felt like my life is spiraling around me and therefore I have latched onto something that I could control."
"Don't let the power use you, it needs to be you who uses the power."
"Focus on what we can control: our attitude and our actions."
"Numbers are just numbers. I pay attention to what I can be in control of, and that's my training, my discipline, and the game plan." - Caleb Plant
"You see I sleep good every night because I understand what I control. I control the process not the result."
"Your life happens in five-second windows. In five seconds, you can control what you think, decide what you're going to do, and change absolutely anything."
"You know you have some control over how it happens."
"You are in control of yours. You get to change your reality. What's your story? You get to choose your story. It's true, no matter what."
"All you have control over is not picking up that first time."
"Dreaming that you are sailing represents being in control of your life."
"I may not be able to control every situation nor its outcome, but I can definitely control my attitude."
"You have control over who gets to be your partner."
"The power is actually in your hands this month."
"I still want to be... in control of my own destiny."
"We have a lot of control over how we feel, how we look, how we perform, and ultimately we've got to build some resilience in this life, that's for sure."
"You always have full control over your life, no matter what."
"If you don't get your [ __ ] together someone else is going to control your life for you."
"I want to be in control of the narratives of the things that I act for."
"All you can do is what you can do, and if you feel like you have become a better person through this experience, it's really all you can control."
"You're not like them. You control that. If you can't control it, you're never going to make it out there."
"I am powerful and in control of my own choices every day."
"The days where you have no control will soon be over."
"You are the Emperor, take control of your life."
"Nothing has any power except the power that we give to it."
"Knowledge is about controlling your own life. Never forget that."
"Your life is a book. You dictate how it ends."
"Stress primarily comes from not taking action over something that you can have."
"The only thing you can control is yourself and the way you react to the things around you."
"You cannot control the variables out here in the world, but you can control your reaction to them and you can control how you show up in this space."
"In this state, you are in complete control. You are a parasite."
"That is the one thing we can control, that is where we have agency in uncertainty."
"You are a spiritual master, disciplined, overcoming, in control."
"You have a lot more power in your own head and in your own personal life then most people give themselves credit for."
"The main message of the show is that while generation trauma is suffocating you have control over your own life and the decisions you make."
"There's a difference between having things in your control and not being able to do them."
"Take control of your time and you will control all of it."
"You start the day feeling that you're in charge of your life."
"Control what you can control, and that's it."
"Major changes are coming, and you are in the driving seat of your life."
"You can only control what's inside your hula-hoop. You can't control everything else."
"Security is an illusion; everything is a risk."
"You only have control over your own behaviors and your own thoughts."
"You cannot control the actions of other people, but you can control your reaction to all such circumstances."
"In fact, we want to empower you to have more control over your stuff - including the most important things, your work and your livelihood."
"There is a positive outcome here and you are in control of all the changes that are happening."
"You gotta make today count because that's all you can control and that's all that matters."
"You're still in charge of what goes on in your head and you're still in charge of the relationships with the people you love. That is what you're in charge of."
"Covid has really empowered people to say, 'Hey, I'm going to take control of my life and my lifestyle.'"
"Nothing is better than controlling your own destiny, your own finances, in your own future."
"Focus on your physical fitness. That is one thing that is 100% in your control."
"You control the phrases, you have the keys to your cryptocurrency."
"Your best bet is to just roll with assuming you have free will. That way you feel like you're in control."
"It allows me the flexibility to do whatever the hell I want to my API."
"The more they know you, the more they can control you."
"For the first time in a long time I feel like I am grabbing my life and steering it in the direction that I want."
"Discipline is important, paddles our behavior."
"You control everything except other people and their free will."
"It doesn't matter what matters is you. You are the one that matters, you are the one that can take control and power."
"Stop being lazy, stop just waiting for something to happen one day and start taking back control of my own day."
"It doesn't matter what happens in your life, you can't control the circumstance but you can certainly control how you deal with them."
"You're the one who can... control it. It's all about you. So be happy."
"Nobody can ever make you feel bad about yourself unless you let them."
"Changing you have the control here... you can change what you decide to do about it in the future."
"Being your own boss is sold as a way to take back control of your life."
"Control what you can control rather than beating yourself up over decisions that have already been made."
"People are not satisfied with the amount of control they have over their own lives. We want to give them more control."
"Happiness does have to do with to what extent you have some control over your life."
"Recognizing my mental health issues and seeking help has helped me grow and live my life in a more positive way."
"Bet on yourself. The only thing you can truly control in this life is your action."
"More and more, we're empowering people to take control of their health."
"The power to change your world, the power to change your life is in your hands."
"If you have the power of choice, you actually have a lot more power because you are the CEO of your own life."
"The Matrix's victory in the end isn't merely winning a fight but taking back control of his own destiny."
"With his mind now firmly under control, there was only one thing left to do: be iconic."
"Psychic abilities can be turned on and off, managing energy is key."
"Don't allow your past or your present condition to control you. It's just a process here. Don't allow it to control you."
"Focus on the things that you can control... Focus on doing what you can to make them better."
"You can either choose to continue feeling as though you have no control over your own life, or you can choose to take that control back."
"Happiness is not dependent on what's going on around you, it's dependent on what's going on in you."
"The only person that we have any control over to change is ourselves."
"You can't control who's gonna show up at a show, you can't control how many people are gonna be there, but you can control your own development."
"You have the power to control what you think."
"I can be a stoic man, but the bare minimum I need is the power to keep my sphincter tight and my pants white."
"It's about being the one that can actually take control and not care what his surroundings are."
"What do you do when you can't control what Putin's going to do? You can control what you do."
"Something so small could control you and everything you do."
"We are your reality. You create it, you affirm it."
"You're in control. You're in the driver's seat."
"Your power of your mind is going to be very strong."