
Black Empowerment Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Black empowerment does not mean everybody has a green light to do some Black exploitation."
"Black empowerment is just not sitting by not saying anything when we see a brother has been compromised."
"Black empowerment does not mean black exploitation."
"We're talking about the importance of black empowerment and black empowerment does not mean black exploitation."
"Black empowerment is also making sure and guaranteeing that no groups can come in and harm you."
"Economic independence and self-sufficiency for black people is essential."
"It's imperative constantly to say it's a matter of urgency that we build black families and build black wealth, health, everything black."
"Despite the economic hurdles Black people have faced, many have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams."
"The platform that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, our religious leader, stands upon is the platform of complete freedom, justice, and equality for the 20 million black people, or so-called Negroes, here in America."
"The Honorable Elijah Muhammad wants freedom, justice, and equality for every one of the 20 million so-called Negroes."
"Black self-reliance is central to our legacy. From inventions we use every single day to Silicon Valley or the Silicon Savannah, black innovation has always made this world a better place."
"Black empowerment is more than just a slogan it's truly becoming a lifestyle... you got to be grassroots aligned and code it up to truly appreciate this lifestyle brand."
"It is a blessing to be black in America...you can be and do anything you want to be in this nation."
"When we have things on our own, black people create and maintain the greatness of it."
"Black lives matter is not an organization that was created by black people."
"Our number one goal is to share the gospel of black economic empowerment."
"We shouldn't be affiliated with either one of them. He said we should establish our own black political party."
"The only thing that's going to save black folks is black folks."
"Imagine every black child was taught that if you ain't doing it for the black community, then you ain't doing nothing."
"Every time we talk about black empowerment it's these just mean Negroes who are just happy with the butter biscuits that they get."
"Seeing grandeur and royalty attached to black bodies that you do not get to see in the media."
"My vision and for the future dr. Muhammad's vision as well is is a true Kingdom for black people."
"We need millions of black people dedicated to investing and rebuilding their communities."
"We've been on the right path and the steady path of talking about black empowerment."
"The real theater, the real stage on which black people will truly be fighting is a stage that has not yet been built. Black people ain't fighting in this generation 'cause y'all ain't even a serious adversary yet."
"I want our little pocket of black people to literally be so powerful, so well informed, so intelligent, so strategic, so capable that when we step in the room, we will dominate any form of white supremacy."
"We've done more to motivate, unify the black people in this country."
"Black empowerment is so important during these times, especially when folks are saying they're feeling so much uncertainty."
"I want everybody to invest because this is an opportunity to create black wealth off the culture that we create." - Isaac Hayes
"Black is beautiful, black is excellence. Let's get it back to that."
"We're developing infrastructure you see this is something we have the talent to do black people are the smartest most well-trained most highly educated group... literally problem-solving bringing people together."
"Black is Back" is about the progression of Black people."
"Teaching yourselves how to be better slaves instead of teaching yourselves to be better black folks."
"Black ownership is a privilege we have in this generation."
"Black people should educate our own children, create our own jobs, and support black businesses."
"Black lives matter it needs to like click this time with everyone we need like actual change if you are a black owned business or if you know of any definitely leave them in the comments below so I can check you guys out"
"I have an obligation to love and protect my brothers and sisters... it's about loving and protecting blackness, it's about upholding blackness."
"BlackStar network is is a real or revolutionary right now support this man black media he makes sure that our stories are told."
"Black freedom and power is something once you see it, once you hear powernomics, you never go back."
"We look at teaching black children well as the purest form of activism."
"Black life has no meaning in this country unless we give it meaning."
"Black economics, black power dynamics must be designed around a model that says that all stakeholders are relevant."
"I believe that we have the ability and we have the know-how at this point in history to do things that black people have never done in America."
"Marcus Garvey changed the thinking of the world. He changed the thinking of black men in the United States. He taught that wherever Africans are is Africa. Marcus Garvey is a success."
"Shout out to all my black women, all my black men out there on the grind, trying to make a living for your family, trying to make that generational wealth happen, trying to break generational traumas. Like just shout out to us, okay? Like, I'm so proud of us."
"We the black people of America are the Lost found members of the Nation of Islam."
"The man that the whole world is looking for is the man that God raised up among the black people in America."
"The power and strength of black America lies in its belief and its ability to believe in an America that didn't believe in it."
"People forget the amount of work that he did and the support he gave other black people."
"I'm looking forward to black men being the Masters of space."
"This is a beautiful thing when you get Black women and Black men who are experts on Black and on this stuff that we need to know."
"There's a common thread of trying to find an identity that is pro-black and pro-African."
"Seeing powerful black figures... this is what your kid needs."
"The strength of Blackness, the strength of the black man and woman lies in the morality of the truth."
"Black love is a protest, it's a rallying cry, it's an example of what's possible for black boys and girls and non-binary babies everywhere."
"It was the beginning of a major new phase in black confidence and self-assertion that captured the imagination and stirred the consciousness of black people all over the world."
"Start offering black people actual tangible things."
"It's my goal to bring black excellence, bring black business back into this area."
"The dominant drive of black movements today is not integration, it is not to be like somebody else, to imitate somebody else, but rather to be the best of himself."