
China Quotes

There are 2728 quotes

"China's military modernization has been rapid, wide-ranging, and strategically significant."
"You used to hear about how China is about imitation, now it's about innovation."
"Putin explains, 'The cooperation with China keeps increasing. The pace at which China's cooperation with Europe is growing is higher and greater than that of the growth of Chinese-Russian cooperation.'"
"China's contribution to global economic growth is greater than the combined contributions of the Americas, Europe, and Japan, making it a leading engine for economic growth."
"China is pumping credit, has been doing that for already three months under the radar."
"For the first time in over three decades, the economy of the USA is growing faster than the economy of China."
"The National Bureau of Statistics of China officially announced on January 17th that the GDP grew by 5.22% in 2023."
"After strict COVID-19 controls, China's economic recovery has been more difficult than expected."
"The political and social risks in China are too great; this has caused companies that were previously willing to take risks to begin to reduce their investment in China and turn to markets elsewhere."
"China's not going to just vanish into the ether; it's going to be an incredibly powerful country for decades and decades to come."
"China's real estate market was critical to its rise as an economic powerhouse."
"With uncertain debt structures both at home and abroad, a Chinese financial crisis seems inevitable."
"Over the last several years, the U.S. let Latin America slip through its fingers and into the wide-open arms of China."
"In Brazil, the country with the largest economy in the region, China ramped up bilateral trade from 2 billion dollars in the year 2000 to 100 billion dollars by 2021."
"By pouring cash into developing and growing economies, China was seen as an ally that could bring wealth to certain countries in Latin America."
"The more China invested in Latin America, the easier it was for them to drive policies and economic decisions in its favor."
"As one of the world leaders in renewable energy, China already had the experience to provide contracts that would benefit both them and Latin American countries."
"China has positioned itself as an investor and ally for nations that are not as economically advanced as some Western countries."
"Our long-term adversary, China, is watching to see if we're really serious when we talk about respect for sovereignty, international law, and human rights."
"China’s current policy seems focused on claiming parts of territories it has historically owned, including but not limited to Taiwan, parts of India in the Himalayas, and swaths of the South China Sea."
"China has come a long way with its adventures in space, including its lunar program missions."
"Our priority is not to get access for Goldman Sachs in China; our priority is to make sure that we are dealing with China's trade abuses."
"China manufactured electric cars and bicycles have been prone to spontaneous combustion due to battery hazards, despite official efforts to conceal such incidents."
"Mexico has replaced China as the United States' largest trading partner, but to truly understand what's going on, we need to go beyond the headlines."
"The interesting thing about containing China is that it always leads to further innovation."
"Mexico realized the opportunity they had in front of them and it's why they have welcomed with open arms over 1,300 Chinese companies to come and invest and build their futures in Mexico."
"Every time we do a war game involving a conflict with China over Taiwan, we lose."
"As the relationship between China and the U.S. grows more adversarial, the question on how Europe should position itself has become hotly debated."
"EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen called for 'de-risking' instead of decoupling from China."
"Under Xi Jinping, China has built up a massive surveillance state unprecedented, that gives the government control and the ability to monitor the entire population."
"Under Xi, China has waged a campaign of repression against the Uyghurs, the ethnic minority in the western province of Xinjiang."
"China is clear in its exercise of soft power and sharp power."
"China eradicates extreme poverty. 98.9 million Chinese in rural areas helped out of poverty from 2012 to 2020."
"China is a country that wishes to see a centralized Chinese dominated government sphere."
"China is a real geopolitical rival to the United States."
"China is in fact a threat, and pretending that China is not a threat is a mistake."
"Trump should not be shy about telling the American people the threat of China and explaining the threat of China because China is in fact a threat."
"China is an imperturbable foe. They are a foe with a long vision, playing a long game."
"China's the greatest enemy we've ever had. The largest economy, the most sophisticated."
"China's potential is enormous; it is the biggest economy in the world today in terms of purchasing power parity."
"The youth unemployment rate in China remains high."
"The Chinese market will continue to grow and is expected to become the largest and most vibrant in the world."
"China is now in a period of actually just shutting down to the outside world."
"Internet addiction is a huge issue in China."
"China's ESG rating could become a concern for investors as the country's high carbon emissions, lack of transparency, and human rights concerns raised red flags."
"China didn't fulfill our hopes... We clung to this assumption that China, having been welcomed into the international order, would play by the rules and as it prospered would liberalize its economy and liberalize its form of government. And of course, that didn't happen."
"The people of Taiwan do not want to be dominated and over time, that sentiment has only increased. People identify increasingly as Taiwanese first, Chinese second."
"There's two types of companies left in the United States: companies that have been hacked by China, and companies that don't know they've been hacked by China yet."
"The People's Republic of China, over the past two decades, has demonstrated imposing military and economic growth, paired with a shift from quiet development to aggressive political action and a slew of ambitious new agendas."
"Since then, China's five-year plans have consistently aimed to modernize China from a developing nation to a leading power in technology, economics, and military strength."
"Indeed, four decades ago, China was as poor as Malawi of Africa in terms of per capita GDP. Now, China's the largest economy in terms of purchasing power parity."
"It's perfectly natural to see the return of China and India."
"China’s Gini coefficient went from 0.3, which is very equal, to 0.47, matching America's inequality, but that's a success story because it comes from development."
"The rise of China is a story of capitalism, a certain version of capitalism. It's a story about how capitalism can morph and change depending on what effects we want businesses to play in our society."
"Extreme defensive action against China’s economic ascent has been a firmly bipartisan affair."
"If you want to see China's past, go to Beijing. If you want to see the present, go to Shanghai. But if you want to see the future, go to Shenzhen."
"The Party has been working for over 70 years to make 'red' synonymous with 'China'."
"And that’s especially important for 2024, the year of the dragon, because many people see the dragon as a symbol of China. It is a dragon, but it doesn’t have to be a red dragon."
"Experts believe that for such a vast country as China, tourism's role in driving economic growth is limited."
"China has overseen the most incredible economic growth in human history, going from one of the poorest countries on the planet to lifting more than 800 million people out of poverty."
"China's Economic Development has no parallel in human history."
"China today represents nearly one-third of global manufacturing production."
"China does not want to close itself off to the rest of the world...China is still very much interested in international trade."
"Around 90% of people in China own the houses that they live in, and this is one of the highest rates in the world."
"Europe is by and large turn their back on the Chinese government."
"At that time, China could have gotten massive control over Europe and honestly, they could have done something very, very scary with that power."
"China has the fastest and largest high-speed rail network in the world."
"If we chill out, if we just calm down and realize that we're actually really safe and secure, I think it'll allow a lot more flexible posture with China."
"A good chunk of gross domestic product is tied to real estate, it's also a very key investment category for households in China, with roughly 70% of household wealth being tied to the category."
"China is doing everything right to become the new global superpower."
"Major powers continue to leverage their influence over global hegemony, but China's military is preparing for the conditions of a multi-polar world."
"The gigantic size of China, the world's largest automotive market, allows Chinese brands to scale up production and reduce costs quickly."
"China has a problem: its groceries are too cheap."
"Its bridges are too sturdy, its high-speed trains, too fast, and its airports, far too clean."
"The HQ-9 is a potential nightmare for the U.S. military – even more so because of a chain of artificial islands China is building in the South China Sea."
"The Chinese Communist Party is our foremost threat in the world today."
"The CCP does not mean the Chinese people...We don't want China to fail; we want the CCP to fail in its designs."
"China represents...a third way of global governance...but that friendship only goes so far."
"Xi Jinping has changed China. The China of 2014 is vastly different from the China of 2022."
"Unfortunately for the global economy, what's going on in China isn't going to be contained to the Chinese economy."
"There are precedents in China where individuals who've been running companies who've been found guilty of fraud have actually been executed."
"This guy has morals, which a lot of people that get involved in the whole China sphere don't, because they realize that all of their fame and all of their fortune hinges on the fact that they can never criticize China or the Chinese government specifically."
"Stereotypes don't paint the entire picture but this is just giving you a little bit of insight into how vast and crazily different China can actually be."
"China has announced its first homegrown DDR4 RAM stick."
"If we were in China, that would actually be pretty plausible because they have an established, almost policy-driven desire to force companies to bend to their will."
"You can't be a hero in China. I kind of don't really believe that. I think you can be a hero anywhere."
"The complete reunification of China is the trend of the times and an inevitability of history."
"What may seem narrow to a trillion-dollar behemoth is a never-ending nightmare of ethnic persecution of the Uighur minority living in the Xinjiang region in northwest China."
"In our lifetimes, the dominant story of economic explosion has been that of China."
"What this social credit system has done is create a complete ecosystem of paranoia and self-censorship."
"The entire social and even political climate in China encourages marriage and childbearing."
"After leaving South Africa, I was incredibly shocked when moving to China to see just how blatantly open racism was."
"After three decades of misplaced predictions about China, it's time now to think outside the box."
"The Chinese model of government, however described, has delivered extremely impressive economic growth, lifting many millions out of poverty."
"Everywhere in the world, the need for change is imminent. Rather than waiting for popular unrest to force change, China's leaders should now be actively planning for an orderly relaxation of its iron grip on political power."
"It's enough to make anybody weep to think that it has now been forgotten that in 1989 at Tiananmen, there were hundreds of thousands of people... shouting out for democracy."
"China will become the largest economy in the world... All the more important that what happens within China, how its people are treated, how those in power govern."
"This wouldn't be an issue if China had just kept its promise."
"Chinese agents...entered the Epoch Times in Hong Kong...and torched the printing press."
"Freedom loving protesters...fighting for free speech and resisting the Communist Party of China."
"Organ harvesting concentration camps take the cake."
"Two-and-a-half thousand years ago, a man was born whose ideas would shape the lives of billions and the thinking of a nation. The country is China, and his name is Kongzi, known in the West as Confucius."
"But soon, China will no longer top the population list. It's about to be overtaken by India, one of the fastest growing countries in the world."
"There are more Christians in China now than there are in America."
"The most reprehensible thing going on in China right now is the concentration camps for the Uighur ethnic minority."
"The biggest thing we can do to bring pressure on the Chinese is to make it clear to them that if they abuse human rights, there will be consequences."
"China was building chip manufacturing plants at a rate of 100 production lines per year."
"Ray Dalio believes that there's going to be a shift in superpowers and he believes that China is going to be the next global superpower."
"Many in China have a chip on their shoulder from that, especially towards the countries that bullied them and treated them as inferior."
"The primary motivations for China undertaking this initiative are not economic. They are actually strategic and political."
"China is the only country in history that's had recurring periods of greatness."
"The Chinese government has said we want to be the world EV dominator, whatever it takes."
"Warren Buffett invested in BYD, the automotive manufacturer of China, the biggest one, back in 2008 and Warren Buffett has made 30x on his investment."
"Hainan Island, located at the southernmost tip of China, is promoted by the CCP as China's Maldives."
"BYD is so much ahead of Tesla in China. It's almost ridiculous."
"China's economic boom has proven that population numbers give a country an economic advantage."
"A lot of nuance... is needed to understand the conversation... just because of how much China has changed."
"People in China don't want war; they want peace."
"The deepest wounds are inflicted on those who believe in the future and the destiny of China."
"The boldest move the Chinese government can make is to convert to a free market and democratic rule of law."
"There are now 700 million CCTVs in China under the rule of the Communist Party, the most complete state apparatus of surveillance yet imagined."
"The risk for a Chinese person to speak out like we do is much greater."
"Why is it that you don't see a lot of vocal outspoken Chinese people? It's because they can't."
"You're dealing with a terrible system that will shut you down if you try to do that."
"Living happily in China...you could probably continue to be pretty unaffected by what's going on."
"One of the things that many foreigners probably don't know about China is how ethnically diverse it is... China's more like a continent than a country."
"Squid Game has the potential to change how people try to sneak messages into China in the future. Kind of a message in a bottle."
"From personal experience having lived in China... I 100% can tell you that what's going on in Xinjiang... it's been reported, is going on."
"We hope to see some more pro-human rights movies about China come out in Hollywood."
"Trudeau accuses China of extremely troubling harassment of Canadian jets."
"The northern and northeastern regions of China recently experienced devastating floods."
"This situation is becoming increasingly intolerable for the wider Chinese public."
"It's my responsibility to let the world know China's tradition and past, and to give the splendor of China a new expression."
"Beauty filters are insane in China... it will turn you into the most beautiful woman you've ever seen."
"The CCP used to organize middle school students, including Han students, with no pay to pick cotton in Xinjiang. That's forced labor plus child labor."
"One of the most important developments in modern history is the economic rise of China. It has already had a massive impact on our world today, and in the 21st century, it is only going to have an even greater impact."
"China's economy today, when you measure its GDP at purchasing power parity, is around 19% of the entire global economy, that is larger than the U.S. economy, which is only around 15%."
"China has been so successful at developing its industry that China is now today the world's leading manufacturer on Earth."
"With the development of urbanization in China, the subway has become one of the best solutions for major cities to address traffic congestion."
"China has revealed an unexpected discovery on the moon that nobody was meant to see."
"Everything that has spelled Chinese success since 1980 has now come violently unwound."
"As of the end of 2020, China's high-speed rail operating mileage reached 37,900 kilometers, accounting for two-thirds of the world's total mileage, far ahead of other countries."
"The CCP has always counted high-speed rail as one of its great achievements and it also regards high-speed rail technology as its golden business card."
"We see the Chinese Communist Party as an adversary because it intends to dismantle democratic values by totalitarianism."
"We have to give China the benefit of time and let China mature."
"When Xi Jinping talks about win-win situation, it means that China wins twice."
"Apple does the same and we can complain about it, but if you use an iPhone in China, your data goes to a government server."
"Once you're in, you're effectively out of China."
"China poses a very serious threat to the United States in terms of economic espionage as well as classical espionage."
"In the land of the Red Dragon, the role of the state as guarantor of minimum social protection is a recent development and does not resemble either European or East Asian systems."
"Xi Jinping declares extreme poverty has been wiped out in China: President says 850 million people have been lifted out of destitution in an unprecedented accomplishment."
"China's problem, like Russia's before 1991, is the one-party problem."
"China reminds me of those ents in the Lord of the Rings... They think long term."
"For most of human history, it hasn't been; India and China becoming the world's largest economies would really just be a return to the status quo."
"Between 1996 and 2016, China has built 2.6 million miles of roads, including 70,000 miles of highways, connecting 95% of the country's villages and overtaking the US as the country with the most extensive highway system by almost 50%."
"Since the reforms in China ushered in in the late 1970s, somewhere between 400 million and half a billion people have moved out of poverty."
"A top U.S. investigation firm raided in China; due diligence company Mintz Group found itself raided and its staff seized by Chinese officials."
"Pacific Air Force Commander Kenneth Wilsbach says China has some tough lessons to learn from Russia's war in Ukraine."
"China doesn't want the real story to be told."
"China is rising as a global power... and they will certainly be the dominant regional power in this part of the Pacific."
"SGS is a large testing agent in China, probably the biggest, definitely not the cheapest, but they're very reputable."
"For a long time, it was naivete; it was just, 'You can make money. We can all make money. We can get rich together. China will change.' Clearly, the opposite has happened. China is not only not changing, but they are changing us."
"This will change how the world looks at China for years to come, and for sure we have lessons to learn."
"China had eight new cases yesterday...after this massive locking down, social distancing, contact tracing."
"The China that you actually experience is very different than what's presented in our Western media."
"We will remain focused on the most serious long-term challenge to the international order and that's posed by the People's Republic of China. We will not be intimidated, and we will not stand down."
"As the GDP per capita in China grows... people will switch from demanding food and shelter to... we want to be able to say whatever we want now."
"Beijing launches a new stock exchange. Experts say it could present a new way for the Chinese regime to strengthen its financial control and avoid foreign market rules."
"Kungu panda in 2008 was so successful in China that it caused a national debate on why the West has made a better film about Chinese culture than the Chinese themselves."
"This kind of transformation... in Europe took centuries; in the United States, took many decades. The achievement of China... they have done it in record short amount of time."
"I love China. I came here originally doing a trading business and I just really liked it here. I like the speed of life."
"Things are happening here, and the people are great."
"We are experiencing a geopolitical revolution... the rise of China is the first big shift... the West has dominated the world."
"We continue to urge China to take a broader, longer view here of the challenges that are presented by North Korea's burgeoning program."
"It may well be a good time for China to further strengthen the domestic capital market."
"The Chinese public's hatred of the rich has risen, driven by the Chinese official media. Capital and capitalists have become derogatory terms in China."
"The Olympics is more than a sporting event for the Chinese Communist Party; it is a power play."
"China has the most controlled internet in the world. If they do not want an opinion out there, you can't have that opinion."
"The single most important political development of this century will be the emergence of China as the other superpower."
"China, friend, foe, fact of life to deal with fairly."
"Taiwan seeks international support after Chinese incursions. Taiwan will ensure regional peace and stability and seek to work with other like-minded democracies."
"Anyone who's witnessed the new Chinese lockdown must be terrified."
"As long as we see China as a cautionary tale rather than a model that ought to be replicated, then I still see that there's a way out of this for us."
"For many outside China, it was expected that as the country's economy became more capitalist, its politics would become more democratic."
"Taiwan's geostrategic significance: Taiwan is an important element, not a pawn, in the game of competition with China."
"China would not stop after swallowing Taiwan. Instead, Beijing would keep going, pressing forward to try to become master of Asia and, from that position, the world's dominant power."
"A China that dominates Asia, the world's largest market area, will mean grave harm to American self-interest, their livelihoods, freedoms, and security."
"China is the other great civilization, and don't ever be in any doubt about that. It's an extraordinary civilization."
"We can't take on China because everyone's making too much money from China."
"Soon you won't be able to criticize China at all without being basically strung up and cancelled by the cancel culture out there."
"China's world dominance is not inevitable. We're the authors of our fate. Free societies have always been more attractive."
"Over half of the toys in the global market originate from China."
"Rising costs of toy raw materials and logistics, coupled with the increasing labor cost in China, have collectively contributed to a noticeable increase in production and operating cost for some foreign companies."
"China is gearing up for a fight to attempt to replace the US as the premier world leader, both economically and geopolitically."
"Let's start with two sets of astounding numbers. First, there are currently 250,000 Chinese working in Silicon Valley, with over 20,000 of them being graduates from China's top Uni, Tsinghua University."
"It is widely believed in Beijing that the United States wants to contain a rising China, which has become more assertive globally as its economy has grown."
"A Chinese spy... was caught stealing nuclear secrets. This is very serious nuclear secrets."
"The greatest threat to America comes from an ascendant China."
"The rise of China now maybe gives us an opportunity to build some level of independence in global affairs."
"China imports oil to make fertilizer. They can't defend those supply lines or maintain order in the Persian Gulf. They will have a famine when the U.S. stops guaranteeing security for global trade."