
Spiritual Renewal Quotes

There are 600 quotes

"Therefore, if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature: the old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. Amen."
"Restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me with a willing spirit."
"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me."
"I will give you a new heart and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh."
"The old self is gone and behold, because of Jesus, all things become new."
"I pray that the Holy Spirit would work to renew our minds so that we may have the mind of Christ."
"The greatest miracle of all is that of creation and the new creation of what you can do in each of our hearts."
"The truth about the finished work of Christ is the reality of your sins being forgiven, forgotten, and removed so that you can live from a fresh, brand-new conscience."
"Create in them tonight a pure heart, O God, give them again the joy that comes from your salvation."
"You have a major spiritual resurrection in every confession."
"If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come."
"America is due for an awakening... Awakenings happen when people get into very heavy apostasy."
"Therefore, lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls."
"The Bible says, this is why we never give up. Our spirits are being renewed every day."
"Restore the families, restore the vision, restore their first love when they first met Jesus."
"God is resetting the body of Christ right now."
"How many Ramadans have we promised Allah that we would change? How many Ramadans have we said this Ramadan will be different, insha'Allah?"
"He won't just make you better. He will make you new."
"Heavenly Father, forgive all of my sins. Jesus, save me. Make me brand new. Fill me with your Spirit so I can do your will, so I can show your love, so I can make you known. Thank you for new life. I give you all of mine. In Jesus name I pray."
"Lord, turn our sadness into gladness, restore joy in our hearts, and fill our lives with laughter that echoes the depth of your love and the richness of your blessings."
"Jesus can make you clean again, he can make you a new person."
"Accepting Christ's undying love and limitless grace, I desire Jesus to cleanse my heart from any known sin."
"A spiritual gift is on its way to you, signifying the ending of a period of suffering and the opening up to a time of new opportunity."
"When I had lost all hope, I turned my thoughts once more to the Lord."
"This is my new beginning. I am a child of God."
"We're kind of about to reshare some kind of spiritual awakening."
"Your spirit and your sense of hope is definitely going to be restored."
"When God intervenes, there is no great reset. It's the Great Awakening."
"Put off your old self and put on the new self created after the likeness of God."
"Forget what's happened in the past. Tell Jesus be my Lord."
"I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh... I'll write it on the tables of your heart."
"There's going to be supernatural praying going on, but we have to get back to the place of Prayer."
"You can tonight literally be born again, have a fresh start. Every transgression, every sin, every drug you ever did, every person you ever abused, all of that is in the past."
"There's no room for Jesus in the heart of a lukewarm church. He stands at the door and knocks, seeking entrance."
"As history repeats itself, we are called to break the cycle of sin and despair by embodying The Hope, love, and transformation found in Jesus Christ."
"I want to be a new creature. I don't need that fake, I'm going to love the way God made me."
"The baptism of the Holy Spirit is the key to overthrowing what's happening in America today."
"Christ did not come to make bad men good; but to give dead men life!"
"The old things, the previous moral and spiritual condition, have passed away; behold, new things have come because Spiritual Awakening brings a new life."
"Through the Grace of God, all of us can experience new life in Christ."
"He'll forgive every sin you've ever committed, he's gonna open up heaven and show you his love, and you'll be completely new."
"He becomes a brand new person inside. A new life has begun."
"You have to die to be reborn. Saint Paul said, 'I die daily.' It's all right there. Let go of yourself that is projecting yourself onto life."
"After a SP I really just kind of rededicated myself to God... everything's just been smooth sailing for a while."
"If you repent of your sins and believe in Jesus Christ you will be forgiven and you will have life."
"My redeemer is faithful and true... Every morning his mercies are new."
"I'm ready to see that hollow place come to holiness."
"You're never too far gone to get into the middle of God's best."
"It's not too late because God can reset you and get you on a fast track."
"Unclog some things because God wants to bring you flow."
"But then, like a flash of lightning, my soul returned to me. I was free."
"This awakening is coming, nothing can stop it. You're healing our land, you're going to save millions, you're going to deliver millions, you're going to transform people and nations."
"Many things have died for you, your dreams and the people in your life, but God is raising them all from the dead."
"If the church is going to survive this hour, not just survive but thrive in this hour, we need the baptism with the Holy Spirit and fire. It's the only chance that we have of really coming against these strategies of the enemy that are for today."
"Do it again, God, do it again, do it again, do it again."
"India shall rise only through a renewal and restoration of that highest spiritual consciousness that has made her at all times the cradle of nations."
"Jesus is the ultimate embracer of chaos. He looked at the messy and broken pieces and said, 'Behold, I am making all things new.'"
"That's right. Come on back to the Bible and repent."
"The rebirth is amazing... they felt they have to rebuild that significance of peace."
"Peter's preaching repentance, turn to God, turn from your wicked ways, and receive the power of the Holy Spirit."
"That's going to come principally by the laypeople during prayer sufferings and it works for the priests so the primary way that they're gonna help the church climb out of this mess is becoming whole themselves."
"Commit your mind to be renewed by the Spirit."
"We need a spiritual revival in this country. We need to get back to the basics."
"Don't be weary in well-doing... if you wait on the Lord, He renews our strength."
"A reset is never any fun in anything except for the kingdom."
"When God brings you back, that is a beautiful place."
"God wants to give you a new start, a new name, and make you part of His family."
"God wants to restore truth and righteousness in the Spirit of God through repentance and surrender."
"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength."
"There is a second round of sanitization coming... God wants His body, the church, sanitized, purged, and dealt with."
"The Holy Spirit is being unleashed like never before."
"May your Holy Spirit fill us afresh and empower us to be witnesses of your love and grace."
"Change me, renew me, transform me. I'm yours from this day forward."
"Renewed in the image of him who created him."
"Your love, Lord, is so immeasurable, so infinite. O God, I pray that the love of God would be shed abroad in a new way in the hearts of your men."
"We're going to dream again believe again pray again hope again."
"The real me, the born-again me, doesn't even want to do that, so flesh just shut up because you're not going to get your way."
"Revival is life flowing back into the hearts of individuals."
"A boldness would rise up...a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit."
"God wants to bring a Revival to America again."
"The seven trumpets serve as a stark reminder of the fragility of human existence and the need for repentance and spiritual renewal."
"A spiritual rebirth in our social fabric and diets."
"Even revive people need to be revived again."
"Revival is just a new beginning of obedience to God and then it's long obedience in the same direction."
"A big wave is coming: a big wave of glory, of miracles, of revival, of transformation."
"Let revival start with each of us. It is time."
"God invites us to become whole humans once again, people who can walk upright with God and with each other."
"God is going to start a fresh new thing in your life."
"If your heart has truly been regenerated, the more you learn about God, the more your affections will be drawn to obedience."
"He's bought you back... to completely turn yourself over to holy fire."
"They choose not to soil their garments again, again, never again. That's the message, that's the experience."
"That's what divine forgiveness does for us. It's not simply a removal of God's wrath or emotional anger with us; far more, it is a divine pardon that absolves our guilt and reconstitutes us as new creatures or persons in God's sight."
"There can only be one answer: We must turn back to God."
"Though our outward man perish, the inward man is renewed day by day."
"God is ending every damn cycle in your life. A new era of liberty, plenty, prosperity, success, and power is about to begin."
"Thank you for the blood of Jesus Christ that cleanses our guilty consciences that saves our Our Lives That Forgives us of sins that creates in us a Clean Heart."
"Your past is forgiven and you become new today."
"God is always doing new things always bringing life where there is none."
"A karmic cycle is ending and there is a new beginning here."
"Remember where you fell from, repent, and return to your first love."
"Return to your first love tonight. Go back to where you fell from."
"This Ramadan's been absolutely incredible. Alhamdulillah, really, really, really have enjoyed this one. It's been a good reminder, good Iman booster."
"He's coming back to give you a brand new chance - press restart to reset your life."
"People are getting saved, and people's lives are changing."
"Christianity then will spread throughout the world."
"Whole nations will come back to the church, and the face of the earth will be renewed."
"Grace is coming like a wave... there's a Grace after this."
"For the builders will arise and shine. For your light is coming. Your light is coming. Hallelujah."
"I depend on the Lord and we need to get back to that place."
"Some of us are still carrying the residue of the mess of this past season, but God is declaring victory."
"The message of the kingdom is about spiritual renewal it's about psychological liberation it's about realignment."
"Fear and hopelessness turns to peace, rejoicing, and love."
"There's something Beyond this, there is redemption here we can be redeemed."
"Be filled with the Holy Ghost, with living water, in Jesus' name!"
"You've been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable."
"It's a new beginning and God says he's going to make all things new."
"The human heart knows what's good, it simply has to throw away the idols and find those things that are good again."
"If you want God to erase your history and give you a clean sheet to rewrite your life, you have to ask God to forgive you. You must go to God through Christ and be cleansed."
"I believe he died that I would be forgiven and rose again to give me life. I receive this new life. This is my new beginning."
"I will take away the stony heart... and give you a new heart."
"Repent, change your inner self, your old way of thinking, regret past sins, and return to God."
"The old things have passed away and all things have become new."
"Let the fears fall off, let the disappointment fall away today, let the Holy Spirit replace it with a great expectation, with a faith that can't be rattled."
"Thank you for what you've done for my life. You really changed my life, man."
"As the foundations are being destroyed, we need a fresh vision of God."
"From today, we are born again. Send your Holy Spirit to lead us, to guard us, to empower us to overcome the devil in Jesus' name."
"Anyone who calls on that name, the name of Jesus, would be forgiven and made new."
"I need that grace. I need his forgiveness today. I turn from my sin. I turn toward him."
"Heavenly Father, forgive all my sins. Make me new. Jesus, save me. Fill me with your spirit so I could follow you."
"We haven't seen a spirit like this in a long time."
"Revival means that something once lived and needs to live again."
"I am a new creation, I have recommitted myself as a disciple of Jesus Christ."
"A return to righteousness returning to the land."
"Your spirit becomes new but your body didn't get the memo."
"But whatever former things there were, I consider those things as garbage today, that I may know Him and be found in Him."
"His mercy is new every day, and we cast our cares upon Him in joy."
"We need to repent, ask for a fresh cleansing, and say with our whole heart, 'I'm going to seek you.'"
"If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation."
"Anybody here wanna get themselves right with God and be baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ, stand on your feet."
"Here we go into a new life in Jesus' name. Amen."
"Protect me from me, because if I'm not careful I can do some things in my own head."
"He's about to do something new, can you not see it?"
"If you're willing to change your mind, God will renew everything."
"If anyone is in Christ, he's a new creation."
"Dear Lord Jesus, come into my life, wash away my sins and make me new."
"Woe is me for I am undone, for I am a man of unclean lips."
"I am saved, I'm healed, I'm delivered, I'm set free, I'm born again."
"We're just so glad for all of these who've come forward for salvation."
"I couldn't explain it but the old man had passed away and all things had become new."
"When you call on His name, He forgives every sin. He makes you brand new."
"The joy of the Lord, the justice of Yahweh, is now coming into the Earth. It is an appointed time for it."
"But we serve a God who makes all things new, praise God."
"I call it holy, I call it restoration, I don't call it going backwards, I call it being in a cocoon."
"No woman should be taking out the trash if a man in the house."
"Tonight's the night. Put Jesus in your heart."
"What counts is that I'm here right now for you."
"Returning to unconditional love with a new beginning."
"God has never been about reinvention; he's always been about rebirth."
"We need to give this world back to God, and that happens with prayer and faith and understanding."
"Time of divine understanding... renewing peace and hope."
"The ordinary means of going from being in the state of mortal sin to being in the state of grace is the sacrament of confession."
"In a time of darkness and godlessness... thousands back to Christ."
"Now is the time for revival, now is the time for awakening."
"We've got to get back to being spiritual human beings again."
"Because of Jesus, we too can be raised to new life."
"Create in me a pure heart, oh God, renew a steadfast spirit within me." - Psalms 51:10.
"God will reclaim your device, restore your device, and make it better than new."
"Renewal and rebirth... with the new moon... and the coming Equinox."
"If you prayed that prayer, you were born again."
"There's a healing move coming to the United States and to the world."
"This is the season laid before you to come out from that captivity, to grab hold of Deliverance set before you."
"The minute Christians stand in authority and move forward aggressively in a law-abiding and peaceful way but with spiritual authority, the enemy runs."
"The only hope for America folks is a spiritual awakening."
"This is true revival, love is all they need, everlasting love. Rise up and go and show them."
"Pentecost happened 2000 years ago, but we can still experience it."
"Begin putting off the old ways and being renewed every day."
"Mass Revival is coming back to Pensacola and it's a different level that's happening."
"Communion with the Flesh of the Risen Christ preserves, increases, and renews the life of Grace received at baptism."
"Each morning with God is an opportunity to reset and recharge filled with hope and anticipation."
"If anyone belongs to Christ, they are a new creation."
"Let me cross the line and submit now. I come back to you, Lord, in simple faith."
"Everything got to be sorry about they're wrong and if you want to give your life to Christ the right way you've got to go down in the water."
"We're gonna pray that God would fill you with the Holy Spirit afresh, stir up within you what gift of the Holy Spirit you have as a believer."
"My past is gone...I can't relate...my past is hidden and gone in Christ."
"Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, who judge yourself now, see, are you a new creature?"
"Peterson... teaching the Bible... gaining traction... with young non-religious... found particularly interesting... recovery of something like a spiritual vision."
"The Lord is preparing us to hold the new wine, cleansing and purging the church for what's coming."
"The resurrection of Jesus Christ offers you a new body in a renewed perfect world."
"Hanukkah is a good time to reconnect to the light of God and come back to the human beings."
"God is about to give you a second chance and a new beginning."
"Be healed, set free, delivered, renewed, restored by the power of the name of Jesus."
"I am asking you, Jesus, to change me, renew me."
"So we praise the LORD for that too because we're seeing that happen and we're seeing this new breed arise in this time."
"How do you get the momentum back? I believe the Holy Spirit wants to cause that which does not float to float again."
"When a church abandons Christianity, a church will arise that reclaims Christianity because God's church is not going to go away. It's going to be here till the end of time."
"We want to start a fire. We want to start a eucharistic revival."
"The Spirit of God is doing a new thing in your life."
"The resurrecting power can reach past your excuses."
"The Lord doesn't just want to rebuild what we had before. He wants to take us to a new place with new priorities and a new perspective."
"Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me."