
Money Management Quotes

There are 1006 quotes

"More money isn't going to fix every aspect of your life, but if you don't have money it can impact every aspect of your life."
"Create a system that automates your finances, putting your money to work no matter what."
"Learn the rules to the game. The reason why so many people suck with money is because they don't understand the rules to the game."
"Managing money and making money are two completely separate things, but managing money is what can help you get and become wealthy and it can help you stay wealthy."
"More money can only solve your financial problems when you are financially educated. If you're not financially educated, more money will just make your financial problems worse."
"Becoming a millionaire goes way beyond just what degree you got, or what job you work, or how much money you make. It's what you do with the money you make and it's the financial education you have."
"Technically, I have money. I just can't use it without giving away where I am to the bank."
"Money isn't going to solve all of your problems; money is going to solve your money problems."
"What Bill Perkins says is that we all need to make money to survive... and once we've covered our basic needs, then we use that time and money... to essentially buy more meaningful experiences."
"None of us can go through life without a practical working understanding of how money works."
"We should be cheap with our time and generous with our money because you can always make more money, you cannot make more time."
"The most important things that I try to focus on when it comes down to making money and growing your account month after month and every single trade that you take is to manage risks."
"As a culture, we need to focus more on being a good steward of money and understanding how to manage it."
"Build those levels of wealth, those stages of wealth, you build along a healthy journey and a healthy relationship with money."
"Making money and keeping money require two different skills."
"Remove your credit card information from those online sites...to reduce your impulse spending."
"What money you lose will come back. And then the same way, the money you steal will go away."
"If you don't manage what you have, you're not going to grow and get more."
"Learning the basics of personal finance and money management will likely lead to you being financially successful."
"The attraction of stock market investing is that you can make your money into more money."
"Take care of the pennies, and the pounds will take care of themselves."
"The point of investing is for your money to be able to make more money."
"Money can't buy happiness, but money sure can solve the problem of not having money, and that's a good problem to solve."
"Financial literacy is important because we got to learn how to adapt new relationships with money."
"It's not about a money mindset; it's about mastering the game. Money is a game."
"We're told from a young age that money is hard to come by; we should study and work our whole life to earn it. How then can all this money suddenly come from nowhere?"
"You should never put more money in than you can afford to lose."
"Stop looking at money as like a game; it's something that you can use to really build the next whatever you want in your life."
"More money doesn't solve a money problem. If it did, millionaires wouldn't go bankrupt."
"You have to learn how to manage money, 'cause if you can't manage a dime out of a dollar, you're not gonna manage $100,000 or $1 million if you don't first start and learn how to manage with a small amount of money."
"Money isn't going to make you happier, money isn't going to make you a better person, money isn't going to make you a good person. However, if you don't have money and if you don't understand money, that lack of money can impact your mental health."
"More money is just putting fuel on the fire. It gives you the ability to do more of the things that you love to do."
"The key to success is not to work for money but to make money work for you."
"If money doesn't make you happy, you're probably not spending it right."
"You can only work 10, 12, 14, maybe 16 hours a day consistently... But your money doesn't need sleep. Your money can work for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week."
"Don't just work for money, make money work for you."
"Every dollar in your army of dollar bills should have a purpose."
"Every single day, I'm reminded not to be foolish with my money, to invest my money, to save my money."
"Money management is everything. If you can't get your money right, you'll never be successful."
"Being smart with your money is not about the size of your account, but how you manage what you have."
"Money management, trading plan, and psychology are the most important parts of trading."
"You really don't need millions of dollars to make a lot of money."
"The purpose of money is to use it, not to save it in a hole in the ground."
"Be careful out there, be smart with your money, do everything you can to keep as much of it in your pocket and away from somebody else's pocket."
"People shouldn't have to work so hard on money. Money should be working hard for them."
"Budgets get such a bad rap, but they are a roadmap for your money."
"If you're not careful, money can actually make your life worse before it makes your life better."
"Learn money, don't shy away from it. Don't bury your head in the sand. Understanding it is crucial."
"With money, it's exactly what it is. Once you learn how to play the game with money, then it has to do with timing."
"Money sitting in the bank or sitting in your brokerage account is not money that is effectively utilized to make more money."
"It's one thing to make your own money, but it's another thing to figure out how to spend it wisely."
"Once you have all of your spending organized, it becomes just a lot easier to really see where your money is going."
"Credit cards are not free money. If you're gonna get a credit card, be responsible."
"Just because you have money doesn't mean that you're wealthy."
"In order to win the game of money, you have to understand its rules first."
"With just a hundred dollars, you can put plans into place that will make the savings goals you have much easier to reach and make your overall relationship to money much healthier."
"Creating five dedicated bank accounts for five different goals with twenty dollars each is a wildly effective strategy often practiced by people who are really good with money."
"It is never too early to start getting good with money, and there's never too little money to start getting good with."
"Money management is number one. Why is it number one? Because if you can't pay your bills, you're going to be miserable."
"Remember, the best thing money can buy is financial freedom."
"The point of money is not to be flashy or fancy."
"The budget is you telling your money what to do instead of wondering where it went."
"It's not how much money you make, it's how much you save and what you do with that saving."
"Money is like a bar of soap. The more you handle it, the less you're going to have."
"Once I started spending my own money, I realized my mom was right. We do have food at home."
"It's probably not the smartest thing to be walking around with this amount of money."
"Accountants can at least help explain where the money went."
"Develop certain practices with money so you become comfortable with it."
"Sometimes you have to wait on money because it's passing through karmically."
"No matter how much money you have coming in it's important to only spend what you can afford to spend and set money aside for a rainy day."
"Don't be stupid with the money—make it work for you."
"Now what you want to do is you want to make sure you're managing your money the right way that way you can keep adding more money to your investment portfolio each and every month or each and every week."
"Money can trap you if you don't have perspective."
"Teach them to fish and people mistake the idea of making money as a trade-off to helping people when it's really one and the same."
"If you have the right philosophy towards money, then there is a path to living our rich life."
"Don't be embarrassed to talk about money. You're going to be talking about money for the rest of your life."
"Be a good steward of your money, allocate it properly."
"Money isn't the goal, it's the tool that will get you close enough so you can conquer it for yourself."
"You want to basically scam yourself from your own money before your money gets scammed."
"Money becomes a fulcrum instrument for change."
"There's definitely a financial ripple effect here, financial awareness where your money comes in, where it's going out."
"Be aware of games that try to milk you for your money."
"We have to change our relationship with money at different stages in life."
"Money isn't real... what you're capturing and what you're tending to and what you're administrating isn't money, it's the energy that's attached to the money."
"Money is just money, how you view it matters."
"A good credit score equals good money management."
"It's a huge red flag if one partner does not trust the other around money."
"Educate yourself about money management and personal finances."
"Financial education is all about understanding money."
"Money's your money, it's up to you to protect it and control it."
"The point of money is to fund the projects you were put here to do."
"Reconciling power between money and abundance and manifestation."
"Money is a tool. You don't want to be a slave to money; you want the money to be a slave to you."
"You either spend less money or make more money. That's the simple solution."
"The money that you're making is easy and quick in increasing quantities."
"Money is just a tool. It doesn't make you a good person, doesn't make you a bad person, but you need to understand how money works and how money plays a part in your life."
"Starting small teaches position sizing and money management."
"You see that money is a beautiful thing. You see that you can do beautiful things with money."
"You don’t want money just to say you have money… you want it so you don’t have to worry about money problems."
"You can't be emotionally healthy without healthy money attitudes."
"Starting to give your kid money for which they can decide whether or not to be responsible with is kind of an important lesson at a certain point, right?"
"Money management is always your number one job."
"Money management is always your number one job, okay? Always protect your ankles, you protect your knees first."
"Money is a great servant and a terrible master. Let's get on the right side of that relationship. #FenSov"
"Realize there are three phases to making money: earning, saving, and investing."
"Invest your money to make your money work for you."
"Money is a valuable tool that gives you options and freedom."
"Money is not something you get once and then never. You get money back, it's a cycle, money is a system."
"Money is a good servant; you want to put money to work."
"Write down everything that you spend your money on. Put it in a few categories."
"Money is available for you; you take that money."
"Don't love the money and use the people, love the people and use the money."
"Money makes an amazing servant but a terrible master."
"No matter your income, it's important to live below your means."
"Money is a store of value and a way to represent value that you've already created."
"To stem this tide with the next generation, we have to bring them up to understand that they are living in a world where they have to make very real money decisions."
"Final thought of the day is don't waste money... Money gives you freedom and options."
"The worst thing you could do is take this gift of promotion and spend it swindling your money away."
"Keen on making money, finding new sources of income, managing money with a keen eye."
"The money's getting pretty stupid pretty fast."
"Money is almost another language. How to spend, how to save, how money works in general, how the world uses money as a tool is so important and it's basically another language."
"Interest in saving money and budgeting is trending up."
"So, those are the four things that I do after getting paid: number one, pay your bills; number two, invest; number three, save for something or pay down your debts; and number four, have a good time."
"It's like finally making a plan and seeing where your money's going and being like okay I need to like actually do something about this and like start saving."
"Money is just a tool to fuel your passions and whatever it is that you want to do in life."
"Money was actually not a topic in the household at all. If my parents were to talk about money or speak about money, it would say, 'Hey, we're having a grownup conversation, you need to leave the room.'"
"Ramit taught me that money is meant to help me live my rich life."
"Always have about 20 to 25% in cash to take advantage of dips."
"Money is a form of energy, and where you want to put that energy is really up to you."
"Understanding how to make money is difficult, you don't learn a ton about that in school."
"Respect your money, respect the dollar, respect your investment."
"You're not losing your money, you're investing it into assets."
"Essentially we have generation after generation repeating the same cycle because no one says, 'Hey, this is what you should do with your money.'"
"When it comes to matters of money, there's a transformation in where you make your money."
"You are having a money story event here. This is a change in your money story, end of story."
"April is all about the money, creating a strong sense of security in your life."
"People don't talk with enough transparency about money."
"An uneducated person with a lot of money is eventually going to be broke because educated people are going to come along and steal it."
"Respect the dollar. Now I can understand you get the money and then you're smart enough to nickel and dime off it for 10, 15, 20 years."
"Money is the vehicle for generosity and serving others."
"You need to spend your money wisely and invest them in order to grow your net worth."
"You really need to learn how to build a systematic approach to dealing with your money."
"Money can't buy happiness, but many of life's basic stresses can be alleviated with some money."
"It all comes from here, not from here and your wallet."
"Financial education is so important... you got to know how to start planning your money today."
"Money can set you free or it can [__] enslave you."
"If you're not stacking cash right now, what on Earth are you doing?"
"Your main goal should be stacking your money."
"Save your money for whatever. Just save it, okay?"
"You don't actually own your money and that's a really powerful statement."
"The best form of self-care, in my opinion, is getting money."
"It's always good to get some money from somewhere."
"Money is fundamentally emotional, and it's fundamentally about more than just the money itself."
"Gain control over how you feel about money, and you will start to gain control over how you spend it."
"It's not making more money. You just think, you know, like, no money obviously about the value of things change over life."
"Money is not there just for you to exchange it for things but money should be there for you to build wealth."
"Money's not the important thing, money's a resource to help you do other things."
"The way I look at money is it's real good. I like it a lot."
"Financial education is so important... You gotta know how to start planning your money today."
"Every penny counts, man. Every penny counts."
"Instead of chasing money, focus on embodying your core vibration."
"Bottom Line: stop letting your partner manage your money."
"Money is a tool, nothing more, nothing less."
"Money doesn't buy happiness but it can buy away unhappiness."
"You don't have to be smart to make money in finance."
"One of the things I often say is nobody really cares about your money like you. Nobody really understands and nobody really has love for your money like you."
"Your money and how you use it is a reflection of your values."
"You should never invest more than you can afford to lose."
"Don't be fearful of money, take control of it."
"Don't [ __ ] with people's money, man. Don't do it. You're asking for a world of hurt."
"Make sure you use your money to liberate yourself as opposed to enslave yourself."
"Find your higher purpose and use money as a tool for that purpose."
"Money that you hold on so tightly that you're afraid to let go will never multiply."
"Out of all the money that fans say you allegedly stealing, you did not put 500 to the side to go fix the side tooth."
"Every dollar you make, think of those dollars as employees."
"It's about money manifestation, money improving, and focus on strengthening your foundation."
"It doesn't matter how much money you have if you don't know how to use it."
"Earning money is a game you gotta practice it, and the better you get at it the easier it gets to attract more money."
"Financial education isn't really emphasized in the school system, so many people grow up not knowing how to properly manage their money."
"Understanding money and financial education is so much more important now than ever before."
"When you don't have any payments, you know what you got? Money."
"Money management and psychology is no matter what you are doing."
"Money is something that God deeply cares about."
"I make these videos to change the way you think about money."
"Money having large amounts of money it rots your brain."
"Money only has value if you spend it. If you don't use your money, then it's just dead cash sitting in a bank somewhere. It's not doing anything for you."
"It's better to be okay at managing a medium amount of money than bad at managing a large amount of money."
"When you hold the money, you hold the power."
"Money is something that supports your life, it's not something you should be worrying about, fearing about, racing after all the time. It's something that should be kept in its place."
"Just because you have the money for a down payment or the first payment, it doesn't mean you can actually afford the item."
"Stay on top of your money because nobody's going to manage your money better than you."
"Money's been telling you what to do your whole life, and now you're about to tell it what to do." - Dave Ramsey
"Always remember, there's more fake money than real money out there."
"Money is the cheapest part of me because the money don't make me."
"Life is not about the capitals of circle of money, but how you enjoy that to create memories."
"The purpose of money is to use it to flourish and have a better life."
"Any money you did not work for, you don't have the wisdom to manage it."
"Possibly speaks to somebody who saw holding on to money as a form of security."
"Don't keep too much cash on the sidelines without investing it."
"Money is now just a tool that gets you time."