
Systemization Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"Create a system that automates your finances, putting your money to work no matter what."
"Padlock is the first system designed to help you build good habits and break bad ones."
"Teach people who are a little bit below you... because it helps me look at my processes and think about how to turn them into systems."
"Productivity is not something you can just turn on."
"Suspend the belief that your business is different. The only way is to systemize."
"Trading doesn't have to be complicated if you systemize things."
"Once you've understood what it's saying, well, how do you systematize it? How do you understand all these different connections?"
"The fact that you have systemized and automated so many areas of your life, you've worked relentlessly on every single part of your business, your health, your spirituality... It all just seems so unlike, especially the stuff like with detox coach."
"The business is not dependent on the owner... The owner manages the system, not the employees."
"So one of my regrets in life about building my business is that I didn't build it to a system."
"The second brain is not one app; it's a system of applications."
"...it's just so easy to build up your own design system around it...and boom boom boom you just start adding it and yeah, it's that simple."
"Set a goal, make a plan, and find a system to achieve that goal."
"Keep your model organized by finding a system for naming your components."
"A system does that, simplifies it, makes it easier. Don't think this stuff has to be complicated. It's not. It's straightforward."
"It's going to be delegatable, it's going to be profitable, and it's going to be repeatable."
"We need to focus on bulletproofing our systems and hiring A-players."
"It's about keeping things simple, it's about having a systemized approach."
"It's simple enough to where you can grow, and if you systemize and automate it, it could be passive."
"I think habits are a lovely way to start to build a system to get things done."
"You've got to create a system around that form of leadership."
"Creative OS is designed to be adapted for any recurring creative process."
"We build a system, a second brain, that you can trust to resurface the right information and tasks to you at the right time, in the right place."
"So to make this work, you need to develop a couple of simple habits, processes, and systems."
"Let's say you're starting completely fresh with building a system like this... take the time first off to list absolutely everything that's on your mind at the moment across your life."
"It's amazing, so let's look at a typical daily workflow using this system."
"Creating a repeatable system that you can go back into old projects know what to fix and make and create new projects and already know what you're going to do as well."
"Keeping it simple is the way to go because it's just the easiest way to get people to adopt a new system."
"The growth comes from systemizing... you've got a business that's time leveraged where you're no longer trading hours for dollars."
"Everything can be stored in one of these categories: projects, areas, resources, and archive."
"I think that I have found the perfect planning system."
"The concept of a barcode was to automate and streamline that system."
"You do this by systemizing a single service and turn it into a repeatable process that you charge a monthly subscription for."
"If you find a system in your learning, that kind of helps you get to the results step by step without a lot of effort."
"It systemizes the workflow for your content creation process."
"A design system is a series of reusable elements and guidelines that allow teams to design and develop a product following predetermined standards."
"Elite performance was not one key overarching exotic secret, but it was down to the simple systemization and implementation of daily behaviors and rituals."
"An ERP system is just a model of a business."
"Every single thing in your life you want to capture and you want to offload into an external system."
"A productivity system is just a way of doing things that makes it easier to start doing the things that you want to do."
"Scale means we put a system in place for our business so that we have to work less and we leverage the system."
"The only way that happens is if you have a system where they're all interconnected, and that individual hourly tasks are not independent of the big aspirations and goals that you have assigned for yourself."
"The weekly review system that I've created in Notion is the answer."
"Kodokan judo was designed to be a consolidated system of effective martial arts techniques."
"Develop a national system, refine the system, and extend control back through the distribution chain to the producers."
"To have freedom, you have to find a business that you can streamline, systemize, and automate."
"You're never gonna feel wild and crazy and upset and frustrated if your system is super simple."
"Make sure you're not only generating leads, you're building the systems behind them."
"Lay out a strategy, lay out a plan, and just build a system behind how you're going to accomplish where you want to be."
"Setting up your very own second brain system is how to get started with doing just that."
"Marketing should not be wake up every day and think about what you do; it's a repeatable marketing system that you put in place."
"Space must take their proper place within a rigorous system of national priorities."
"Do something that is fun, do a lot of it, do it frequently, and find a system in it."
"I label every shelf; I know what's in every single drawer."
"This is why Performio introduced a design system which we've called Electric."
"Having a system that assists in running these events will make the operation run more efficiently, more effectively, and most importantly, more safely."
"A design system is a library of components that you use repeatedly in your designs."
"Set up a useful naming system and be as descriptive as you can."
"Stick with your organization system."
"Workflow management is throughout the entire system here and you have workflow templates that you can utilize."
"Planner journal piece is tricky because there are so many things that go into making a system work well for you."
"Trust me, getting a good filing system in place for your receipts and your bookkeeping and financial records is actually not that time-consuming."
"I've created a system that allows you to quickly capture your tasks, notes, and bookmarks."
"You have a clear organizational system."
"It can really help you find that system that's going to meet the way that you already work and the things you already know you need to track."
"I created my own writing system because I wanted something to flow very smoothly, to have very little prep."
"The spacing system that can be divided by eight is very convenient for the developers."
"Ultimately, all told, there were about 1,900 intelligent data attributes that were automatically captured, cataloged, and controlled by the system for us."
"Essentially, the design system is a collection of components, guidelines, and best practices for a specific project."
"It's a three-step framework that I use to kind of just turn the entire approach into a system."
"If you can break one system into 20, 30, maybe 40 subsystems, now you can be confident that each individual system is working as it should be."
"The founding principles of TRIZ is to develop a systematic, step-by-step procedure for innovation."
"You need to create a system that works for you."
"I'll show you how to create a complete appointment booking system."
"When you deep clean, organize, and create a spot and system for everything, it makes it easier to follow."
"What's important is how the system can help you to organize your life."
"You need a system to really streamline it all."
"Having a home for everything and knowing where it goes is the key to keeping things organized."