
Profundity Quotes

There are 461 quotes

"The proof of the profundity of our experiences is proved in our day-to-day experience."
"You can't think without a brain. That may sound obvious, but when you get into the details, it's actually quite profound."
"I wished he would have elaborated, but that was some deep stuff, y'all."
"Contemporary art is one of the most profound bodies of human thought out there."
"Nietzsche said that every profound spirit needs a mask."
"Some of the shorter surahs of the Qur'an have some of the most profound teachings."
"Sometimes the opposite of a profound truth is not a lie... it's another profound truth."
"I want to share with you the deepest insight I've ever had in my life, by far the most profound thing you will probably ever hear me say."
"We see now that the abyss of history is deep enough to hold us all."
"We're all connected in some sort of way; it's just so profound."
"Even the simplest stories, especially if they're elegantly constructed, have an unbelievably profound underlying meaning."
"This speaks to something I think that is very deeply profound."
"That was probably the most profound thing I've heard in a long time, no joke. That was good."
"They both say something deep and true in a way that's unique to themselves."
"The show is noted for its proper storytelling, depicting profound, relatable stories."
"The book of Genesis is probably the most profound and full of wisdom."
"People have their most profound lucid dreams in the morning."
"What it means to be human functions at a level much more profound than what color, gender, or sexual orientation."
"Knowing what was gonna happen the next day, it is really one of the most profound moments in a speech ever."
"That's a pretty profound thing to say really, not fairly obvious distracting insignificant. I'll go with profound."
"It's a very profound statement. We all come from something a little bit tragic."
"Dreams are most profound when they seem the most crazy."
"An entirely different way of knowing, and no less beautiful, no less profound, no less transformative, than thought."
"Love is not just some hippie notion... it's the most profound thing that there is."
"The truth of incarnation seems simple enough, but particularly profound."
"This is the most profound Old Testament prophecy."
"UFOs and all this stuff... nothing more than a teaser... something much more profound than themselves."
"Strange loops are so incredibly profound, you don't even understand how profound a strange loop is."
"Gravity's Rainbow is poignant and profound beyond belief, there are passages that simply send chills through me."
"Okay, that was a very um what is it profound."
"The understanding of that is so profound for me."
"The profoundly personal words are so devastating."
"Not a drop in the ocean, but the entire ocean in a drop."
"The best truth is actually simple yet very profound."
"Perhaps the world came to realize that the quiet moments are often the most profound."
"Your person has a very profound connection with the Divine."
"Love is the essence of every laugh ever heard, every tear that has ever cried, in every heart that has ever loved. Everything, you know, that's very profound and correct."
"Every so often a piece of art comes along that makes you feel a deep sinking feeling in your stomach."
"Everything you do every choice you make must now be considered profound."
"The energy coming through in this reading is frustrating, but it's also so beautiful because it's also so profound."
"It's just simpler and way more profound than people think it is."
"Not just this, not just this; something more, something deeper, something more fundamental."
"You always have the most to say when you're not saying anything at all."
"Acting boiled down to its essence is a pretty profound thing."
"To me, that was like, super profound."
"They're so big as they affected me and so profound. No people going to that length for me, it's just taking my breath away more than you."
"All you have is how profound, intense, and beautiful is your experience of life."
"I'm still amazed at the profoundness that can echo in silence."
"This is all about empowerment... very profound way... just very, very nice."
"Water however is already deep beneath the waves."
"These spaces are profoundly beautiful."
"He's really saying something. Like, what the hell?"
"The enemy's ashes paved the way to gun quest. That is just... that's deep. Let's deep."
"Profound insights emerge amidst technical challenges."
"Sometimes the most profound wisdom comes cloaked in the garb of foolishness."
"Silence is not merely the absence of noise; it's a profound state of being."
"I know it seems so simple, but there is so much meaning in it."
"The mystical experience produced by psilocybin is rated by people as one of the most profound of their life."
"These signs are profound indicators of a Soulful Journey intricately woven into the fabric of our existence."
"But Tony is also a writer of astonishing range and profundity."
"It's profound. It's ironically the most human show on TV."
"It's the most authentic and real thing that you could ever comprehend or imagine."
"Music as something very profound on an existential level."
"Matter is rich, matter is profound, it's nuanced, subtle. Matter is a symbol towards transcendence."
"Bartleby the Scrivener is one of the greatest books ever written. It's as modern and as profound as Kafka."
"I found his language to be absolutely profound and his music... a tool for him to deliver that profound language and performance that just cuts right through the BS."
"God's love is deeper than what some preachers say, deeper than what some Apostles and Bishops proclaim. As far as you can go loving somebody, God's love is deeper."
"The profundity of that should not be lost in its simplicity."
"I want to make you, you know, give you that laughter that you want, you know what I'm saying, but at the same time leave you with something like damn, that was a big, that was a very profound statement he made, you know what I'm saying."
"Great art doesn't explain itself. It expresses some sort of Truth."
"Think about the love that he had for him, like this is very powerful and profound, the love between the teacher and the student."
"This simple verse, it is just so profound."
"The fact that in principle quantum error correction is possible is to me much more profound and amazing than the fact that you can do quantum computation in principle with a perfect device."
"The chemistry between you is profound."
"Oh, it's so profoundly simple, isn't it?"
"For those of you who are in a relationship, this just indicates that a beautiful and profound blessing can be bestowed on your relationship."
"Sometimes you have dreams that have such a real, profound quality to them that they seem so much more than just dreams."
"It's very, very deep. Seriously deep."
"Damn deep, that was damn deep. I mean, anyone's moved to tears."
"It's profound. It's ridiculously profound."
"This is going to relate to you in a profound way."
"The universe is in us, that is a profound concept."
"The act of bending the option space, that's really profound."
"A homeless guy just said to me, 'Do you tell jokes to make people laugh or to make people think you're funny?' and that is the most profound [ __ ] I've ever experienced."
"He truly cares about this girl, and him sharing that with this youngling was so profound for me."
"...we take for granted that the sky at night is dark. It's in fact incredibly profound."
"Life can be profound and beautiful."
"There's something really deep, something really fundamental about it."
"That's profound. That's powerful."
"This is one of the most versatile and the most profound mindset that you can have in life."
"...the most mundane and the most profound and sacred experience at the same time simultaneously."
"It's a bit deep, but that's cool. Look at the sides, huh? That's funny."
"Depth is the most important thing."
"A sense sublime of something far more deeply interfused."
"Yeah, man, that's deep right there."
"...this conversation is so powerful."
"There is a continuous spectrum of experience from the simplest to the most profound."
"God can say a lot in a small package."
"His teaching’s been described as profound truth stated so simply a five year old could understand it and yet it still touches the heart of a fifty year old."
"Everything and nothing, this is actually nothing being everything, it's absolutely stunning."
"Psychedelics are a very hot topic. Several people have told me that ayahuasca was more profound for them than anything else they have ever done."
"There's something deep and meaningful here that I think we're still trying to stretch our minds around."
"That's like the most profound question you could ask me."
"The words are simple enough and direct enough, but the truths are really beyond comprehension."
"It's a profound thing and especially for professional athletes."
"It was just this profound, amazing experience."
"If you want to be very profound, say as little as possible."
"The deepest, most profound emotion that a human being ever experiences is the emotion of grief."
"It's quite straightforward mathematics, so it's kind of a gentle equation today, but one whose implications are incredibly deep, incredibly profound."
"They be saying some wise-ass [ __ ]... some real profound stuff."
"The modern science of consciousness is really converging on some deep and profound answers."
"I think it's profound, I think it's just a funny and beautiful and very melancholy story."
"We're here to turn that into something profound, we're here to turn it into something beautiful."
"The very profound lyrics in their simplicity."
"On the other side of a fact is a false statement but on the other side of a profound truth is another profound truth."
"The comparison between balancing the ecosystem and healing the body in particular is a very profound one and actually somewhat realistic."
"Chesterton believed that the deepest truths are told through jokes."
"It's important profound stuff but don't don't expect an evenings light entertainment to say that."
"The deepest part of the ocean is not empty."
"Every one of us is a window to something far more profound."
"The only ball you want to be straight in on is the last one. That's very profound."
"Life becomes paper thin and utterly meaningful."
"Scripture in my mind is profound. It is just profound. It is unsearchably rich. It is deep as to excel all ideas, all philosophies, all opinions, all insights by all human beings put together."
"One of the most profound and rich truths that we can meditate on."
"She looked at me and I just had this sense that she was about to say something profound."
"Wisdom is more moving than any motion meaning it cannot be stopped."
"Gwa wrote... if judged by the novelty and profundity of ideas it contains is perhaps the most substantial piece of writing in the whole literature of mankind."
"A phrase that could contain the whole new world within oneself."
"That's so deep that we don't even get it."
"This is very profound. It's not a light rebuke. It's not something that's just light."
"Sometimes the most profound of awakenings come wrapped in the quietest of moments."
"...Genesis is profound profound not in its understanding of the world around us not in its accuracy with the science and history but profound in the impact that it has had..."
"It is an amazing story that our Lord tells for its profundity, as is so often the case, with simple words."
"It's really fricking profound the time that we are alive."
"The comparison they draw is that Buddhist um practice of making the art with the sand, yeah, and then you to put all these thousands of grains of colored sand together and as soon as you're done you just sweep it away. That's deep."
"Wisdom concentrated into four short sentences."
"Now that's a very profound thought."
"This is so profound, it's more brutal, it's more archaic, and it's far more interesting."
"Driven by passion and united by Brew Dog. Damn, that's deep."
"God can say a massive amount in an economy of words."
"I think people will stay interested if it's profound enough."
"Why not! That is quite deep, simple; but very profound."
"Prayer is so simple a child can do it, yet so profound."
"It is a powerful, powerful chapter that has to be considered phrase by phrase if not word-by-word because of its high impact and profound truth."
"Bell's theorem is famous. What I can't tell you is whether or not it's profound. I think this is the most profound thing in the world, and on the other half of the days, I say it's just another consequence of quantum mechanics."
"There is something deep there that's saying, in effect, that this is really about the illumination of the human situation."
"That's profound, Dave. Who knew? So, we got used to covering our faces. That's what it is. That's profound."
"The elementary things of the gospel and this walk with Jesus are sometimes the most profound."
"Perhaps this small passage is great work that cannot be explained by many but can be interpreted by all."
"This is one of the craziest things I've ever read, but it's also one of the most beautiful things I've ever read."
"We should think deeply of simple things."
"That's a profound understatement."
"This moment felt extremely honest and for that reason was really profound."
"Suggestion over detailed approach, sometimes doing less just suggests enables you to achieve profundity."
"...the impact today is probably the most profound."
"I still haven't fully wrapped my head around this, and I'm sure there is more to it, but that's such a profound way of thinking about some of these incredibly deep things in physics, isn't it?"
"We need to have an important chat about something very profound."
"Yeah this is pretty socially profound"
"Books can still be good without always being profound."
"Particles are totally unlike other things we've seen in nature before, and it's more fundamentally new physics in a more profound structural way than other things we've seen in the past."
"The scientific issues at stake right now are the most difficult and profound ones our subject faces."
"But do you ever have those moments in a dream that just seem so profound?"
"I think Malcolm's ideas were profound in what he understood and what he tried to contribute to the liberation of black people."
"What is most practical in this world is in reality most profoundly spiritual."
"So that to me is very profound and has been very impactful for my life."
"The unsurpassed profound and wonderful Dharma is difficult to encounter."
"The art of API design is actually really profound."
"That's an incredible thing to think about."
"There is profound meaning, profound implication, profound significance in this event. But you can only fathom that significance if you locate this event in a context."
"Fossa's ideas and his prose are profound not because of their complexity but because of their Simplicity"
"The medium itself encouraged a certain profundity."
"I wonder if he looks different. It's genuinely one of the most profound and powerful lines of Doctor Who over the past couple of years."
"Trees are understood to be very profound manifestations of life."
"Jeremy has some profound thoughts."
"The world truly is fractal in the most profound sense."
"When you meet a billionaire, meet an investor. Hit them with something profound."
"When the conditions are right for a sexual relationship to me the things you will learn about yourself what you like the nature of sex itself is so profound that having a level of um experience and exploration I think is is truly rewarding"
"Fermat's last theorem is a deep statement in mathematics, and the fact that the electric charges of the particles in our world can't be any different is a deep statement in physics."
"That's some deep ish right there, I like that."
"You are what you seek; it's a science that is very, very simple and yet it's very, very profound."
"The dialogues of Plato are psychologically profound as well as philosophically profound."
"The purest idealism is always associated with the most profound knowledge."
"I had a profound, shatteringly beautiful encounter."
"It's profound, you know, and it's about... how profound it is to be a human actually."
"It's a depth to life that you can't even put into words."
"These experiences... might be beautiful or profound or even show them powerful things about causality."
"The art of the clown is more profound than we think."
"It's really a profound thing to think about."
"True wisdom is usually concealed in the small, obscure things."
"Loneliness is a universal human experience that can affect individuals profoundly."
"I think he's one of the most profound thinkers of the 20th century and one of the most profound Christian thinkers of all time."
"It's kind of arriving at the profound through the profane."
"Existence is most mundane and most profound."
"In awe, that silence is far more profound than expression."
"Light is perhaps the most profound truth in the universe."
"His little words of wisdom would be very short but profound."
"You experience this profound silence."
"I no longer see pain as something so dark and dire and disruptive... I see it as not only profound but as inevitable and intrinsic."
"The most profound thing you can do is maintain simplicity."
"Can you pretend I said something super profound?"