
Spiritual Depth Quotes

There are 189 quotes

"We can have these awakening experiences that not even all awakenings are the same; there's depth to awakening just like there's depth to anything else."
"Understanding that there's all sorts of things in Catholicism that can help you enter into a deeper and richer spiritual life."
"The highest holiness is the deepest humility."
"Our goal with these...is not to say here's six religious groups we want to beat up on, it's rather here are six communities who we want to see go deeper into the knowledge of God."
"It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ’s atoning sacrifice shines."
"He wants to pursue an intimate relationship with him."
"It provokes the spirit at the deepest place, informs our intellect, and charges our emotions, rightly so. We're not driven by our emotions, we're driven by what is true, but it's truth in a way that gets hold of our guts."
"I want to experience the greater depths of God, I want to experience the fullness of what the Holy Spirit is offering to me."
"I want to know you deeply, Lord, to fellowship with you and to bask in your presence."
"There is a realm of Revelation that opens up through extended times of praying in tongues."
"The experience that we're talking about... I would rather call it really a deep mystical religious experience."
"You can only understand the depth of God's love if you understand the height of the sovereignty in his bigness."
"Some of the greatest people I've met in my life, they were quiet. And when I met them, I began to speak with them beyond me. I was shocked at the mystery of God that was upon their mouth."
"Your experience of grace goes to the uttermost foundation of your heart."
"God has been blessing some of us on credit, but you cannot go any further than this until you and I have some reconciliation about those hollow places that are down on the inside of you."
"We don't just want to celebrate the immediate. We want you to make us holy, strong, and deeper."
"The most valuable thing you can have in your Christian life is an intimate relationship with God."
"Aligning our requests with God's will transforms our prayers into powerful petitions."
"Having Fame doing big works cannot be compared with having a deep fellowship with Jesus Christ."
"No, you're not giving up anything by taking on another father; you're actually enhancing and deepening those previous relationships."
"Jesus's prayer is not just a quick check-in; it is full of honesty, emotion, and pain."
"They're kind of like a very deep person spiritually."
"Isn't it a wonderful thing to let God's word not visit us but abide in us?"
"That's the beauty of studying the Bible, it's a multi-leveled book."
"It's impossible to reveal the Father adequately without being filled with the Spirit."
"You've tapped into a well that will never run dry."
"Salvation is not just something that you pray the sinner's prayer and while that is a part of the salvation experience, it goes more."
"Renunciation is not that you leave your family and your dear ones, but you even renounce this anandam business of spirituality."
"I think we may spend an eternity trying to understand what it really cost Him that we might be there in fellowship with Him."
"Father we just thank You and we do pray Father that through Your Holy Spirit You would make ever more clear these extremes that You have gone to on our behalf."
"It's time for the body of Christ to come out of the shallows and into the deep waters with Jesus Christ."
"Reading the Scriptures, reading the early Fathers, reading the lives of the saints."
"The Living Lord Jesus Christ... it's about knowing Christ in the depths of your soul and being known by him."
"The Bible is a living word, it reveals truths beyond surface interpretations."
"Seeing the hearts of very sincere Believers, these are kids that are asking really deep sincere questions."
"Upgrade your prayers... pray like the one who spoke and everything came to be... is on the other end of your intercession."
"There's a level in God that you can get to where you don't just need a miracle, you can create a miracle."
"Every time you see me, I'm gonna make this statement: social distancing should lead to spiritual intimacy."
"God wants to be your friend and Jesus went through hell on this Earth for you so that he could be your friend."
"The spirituality of indigenous peoples is something that is you can't discount it."
"This movie has more spirits, soul, and heart in its opening than most of the Marvel movies have been able to achieve in the entire runtime since endgame."
"If he called me to preach, I got to go deeper, I got to go deeper, I got to go deeper."
"God has called us into a deeper, deeper place, yes."
"The cross is way more than just forgiving your sin. He forgives it and he removes it as though you never sinned."
"Being alone, being in meditation, contemplating deep spiritual wisdoms, your deep relationship with God is heartfelt."
"Real faith pushes through the doubts to even a deeper faith."
"Doubt is often an invitation to a deeper faith."
"Love with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength."
"Contemplation is a form of prayer that transcends words."
"Start with the Lord's Prayer and ponder its meaning."
"Your heart shouldn't be how much could I get it, it's literally like Lord how much can I restrict, how much can I eliminate, that's where the heart of fasting comes in."
"I think these existential spiritual issues are extremely important and that you know this goes beyond psych of therapy how one finds purpose and meaning and tries sometimes I say trying to make sense of the senseless."
"Even more superior knower of Brahman... the absorption is much deeper."
"His films have true symbolic meaning they have a spiritual seriousness - as if they're imploring the viewer to transcend to some higher plane of existence."
"I'm talking about a biblical experiential faith in your life because that's what's missing in modern-day Christianity."
"We need to pray this prayer like st. Ignatius of Loyola."
"The Quran is timeless, multi-layered, and multi-leveled."
"Diving to new depths, going deeper with the whale energy here, I feel like you're raising your vibrations."
"Let your way be led by love, whose depth will be recognized by the one judge who cannot be fooled."
"Self-transcendence is the actual core of our religious concerns."
"It does end up creating different possible insights into the mystery of Christ that scripture doesn't do exactly in the same way."
"Linger in God's presence until the unhealthy things in the heart surface."
"Hard Times May isolate you but they can also deepen your relationship with the Lord."
"Because we feel the depth of God’s love for His children, we care deeply about every child of God."
"True revival goes beyond just what we do in church; it transcends to another level where everything changes."
"Count it all joy when tested, for your roots will grow deeper."
"Sacrifice: the direct connection to igniting the fire of God."
"The healing that occurs as a result of this will be lifechanging not just in this lifetime but for many lifetimes to come."
"Listening to the Holy Spirit requires a profound understanding of his personality."
"The overwhelming, never any reckless love of God."
"Here is the love that surpasses understanding."
"We often pray for safety, but what we need are prayers that take us out of our comfort zone."
"Teresa of Ávila found at the very depth of her soul Christ dwelling in her."
"I've been asking Jesus to take me deeper into the gospel just to show me His heart for humanity."
"The lord is going to take his people deeper right now."
"The interplay between the human and the Divine allows us to get to the depth of the human condition."
"Your struggles are only at the human level, they're not at the soul level."
"A genuine fast is not just giving up... it is to make that sacrifice."
"His love knows no bounds and surpasses any Earthly measure."
"To have morals, you need a developed soul—you can't walk around wearing a mask."
"Our Lady, by going through the passion of Christ with merit and intimacy with God, that no one else would have."
"Conveying Islam is not about proving people wrong; it's about internalizing its compassion and power."
"It seems as though we're on the verge of World War III."
"The glory that rests on you comes in proportion to your Brokenness."
"Numerology is so deep, so occult, and so mystical."
"The heart of religion is worship, and the Heart of Worship Is sacrifice."
"Pray in response to the character of god... let that knowledge shape your prayers."
"He gives his whole self to me, I cannot but give my whole self to him."
"At the very least, slowing down and examining will allow you to enter more deeply into what we're all seeking."
"Casual believers don't produce power. Spending time in the presence of God is essential."
"We're going to be able to chew on deeper things, more solid spiritual things."
"The mysteries of the Divine are invitations to deepen your spiritual connection."
"My love for you transcends the boundaries of time and space."
"He's not some accessory, he's the very source of your life."
"Let your spirit receive the depth of what I'm saying to you."
"You have a deep, spiritual side that attracts others and enriches their lives."
"Don't just look within, dive deeply into the Eternal Realms of knowing."
"Father in the name of Jesus, I desire to really know you and the depth of your love for me."
"Islam's teachings on sexual ethics have a profound spiritual dimension."
"It's through surrendering and letting go of our ego, bowing and frustrating ourselves to the mystery, the beauty, the oneness of Allah, that I felt I had gone into a much deeper relationship with my God at that point."
"He lived with a great love, he carried a heavy cross."
"Gratitude is the parent of all postures. It raises things."
"God is not seeking the kind of worshippers that are satisfied with the bare minimum."
"Your spiritual strength is immense, accompanied by deep wisdom and ancient soul."
"Am I the type of parent that my children would trust their deepest spiritual experiences with?"
"I pray that you experience Jesus in a way that you can never ever doubt him."
"Full surrender brings full surrounding... full surrounding brings full anointing."
"You're an old soul, a deeply spiritual person."
"Love is the space. The more that you tap into love, the more you are tapping into space."
"The Holy Spirit prays for you with groanings, with deep desire."
"God's desire is deeper and more personal. He is seeking a relationship built on faith and love."
"To pick up the cross means to die to ourself."
"Imagine your higher self as the wise Sage dwelling within the innermost chambers of your being."
"Knowing Jesus also means knowing the fellowship of his sufferings."
"Those were the laments of Babylon: 'Where are you? Where are you?' And then this was the answer: 'You'll find me again when you search for me in a much deeper place.'"
"There's always somewhere deeper we can go with the Lord. And when we get to the point we think we know it all, we're in a really dangerous spot."
"Skinny Church won't get it done. God wants his people fat and anointed."
"He wants us fruitful in himself. The only way to bear fruit upward is to bare root downward."
"God is calling us to go deeper, to go more authentic, to experience every promise in scripture as your lived reality."
"We are developing a generation of shallow saints."
"The depth of your spiritual power directly relates to how far the rockets of your ministry will go."
"His love for you is high, higher and wider and deeper than you can wrap your mind around."
"An area rich in culture, spirituality, and tradition."
"Here's what Jesus is saying: there's a righteousness beyond anything that you've ever seen."
"Here we are now with hands raised surrendering to you and saying Lord show us your glory, take us deeper into intimate fellowship with you, transform Our Lives by your Holy Spirit."
"We live to maximize our joy in God in its depths and heights and duration."
"The deeper the forgiveness, the greater the anointing."
"Sacrificial living and sacrificial giving lead you to your depth, where you die to self."
"Salvation is something much greater than forgiveness of sins; our problem was not just our sins but ourselves."
"When you've been forgiven much, you love much."
"And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord's holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ."
"Remember the depth of God's heart for you, and receive the peace of Christ that passes all understanding."
"This is just too wonderful, deep, and incomprehensible."
"I'm not retreating. I'm going to keep going deeper until the enemy goes, 'This has to be God; we can't do this.'"
"The scriptures are so rich and profound, and that's one of the reasons that I have a testimony of them."
"Every chapter of the Bible has a beautiful illustration that has very deep significance."
"Come and see also means go deeper."
"Once you discover it, once you know it, it'll broaden and deepen your understanding of the entire Word of God."
"Your righteousness must be more than the scribes and Pharisees; it must be inward."
"The Bible has amazing depth... there are different levels to the word of God that you just get into deeper as you grow."
"Deep calls unto deep... I don't want to just respond to the voice of the shallow; I want to respond to the voice of the deep."
"To grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ."
"We don't need to give people some surfeited, some minimalist, some truncated understanding of the gospel; they need to be given the full glory of the gospel."
"Oh Lord, how great are Your works, and Your thoughts are very deep."
"Saving faith is profoundly and pervasively future-oriented."
"Only by deepening our spiritual understanding of life by immersing ourselves in its esoteric secrets can we get insight not merely into the moral doctrines but also into the moral impulses, the moral sources of life."
"I'm so deep into my spirit now, I know this life is... we are eternal."
"There was a depth to their lives, there was a depth of spirituality that sustained them in their ministry and their mission."
"These individuals are not defined by their physical prowess or intellectual achievements alone, but by their ability to transcend conventional boundaries and tap into higher realms of consciousness."
"We cannot reduce Christianity to a few simple statements which everyone can immediately understand."
"Every single time it's that I feel something deeper on the other side of it."
"God wants me to go deeper; He wants me to spend more time in His word, more time in prayer."
"Such a mind is the religious mind, and such a mind has an activity totally different, at a different dimension, which thought can never possibly reach."
"The Noble Eightfold Path is something much deeper, much more powerful than a simple ethical way of life."
"Real truth about knowing yourself on a much deeper level, on a spiritual level."
"Help us really grasp the depth and the width and the breadth of your love."
"The more I merge in the I am that I am, the deeper I see that I am beyond both the I me and the I self."
"Take me deeper, take me deeper, take me deeper."
"High theology produces high doxology."
"There's something very deep happening in the spirit here right now."
"I have peace, I have peace that passeth all understanding."
"This assurance is not just about the material needs you may seek to fulfill; it's about the deeper, more profound nourishment of your soul."
"We're way deeper in our faith than we were before."
"He enters the innermost depths of our souls without a door."
"Deep spirituality is not about how to renounce what you think you need, but how to go deep enough to find out why do I need this."
"The secret to ministry is not invitations, it's not a crowd... the secret is death, genuine continual death."
"I want the Gospel to sink deep into their hearts."
"There is no pit so deep that his love is not deeper still."
"Love of Christ so freely given, grace of God beyond degree; mercy higher than the heaven, deeper than the deepest sea."
"The Surah is meant to take us into a deeper meaning of the mercy of Allah, instead of relating to the concept of Allah's Mercy on a superficial level."
"That consciousness is priceless; our wisdom will be very deep."
"Holy Spirit, you are welcome in my life more fully, more completely than I've ever welcomed you before."
"You want to deepen your spiritual practice, you want to find the answers, you want to know at a deeper level."
"God deeply desires that we know him intimately."
"Don't only pray to ask for things; pray also to ask for more of God."
"This is going to be a very deep and very spiritual moment in time for you."