
Ancient Civilizations Quotes

There are 960 quotes

"The idea that we couldn't have built the pyramids... is propaganda; it's built by Humanity when we're in a different phase of development."
"The Nazca Lines are the most popular due to the sheer size of them and variety, and many believe they hint at alien life."
"In most cases, the lines are so precise and clear that many wonder how these ancient civilizations constructed these designs when we only discovered their existence when we learned how to fly."
"The precision with which these pyramids align to the cardinal points of the compass is just mind-boggling."
"It was the story of an ancient civilization that thrived thousands of years ago, free of poverty, where wealth was meaningless."
"We're finding out now that there may have indeed existed ancient civilizations like the lost city of Atlantis that once possessed powers that are kind of difficult for us to comprehend right now in this modern day."
"The Nasca lines...these colossal geoglyphs etched into the earth were created by the ancient Nasca people more than 2,000 years ago."
"There's a reason why ancient Egypt is considered one of the most intriguing civilizations in history."
"This pyramid is pulsating mathematics; it is emitting a message; it is asking to be deciphered."
"The discovery of this [mummification] process is amazing because we now have evidence that the Egyptians were perhaps not the first to mummify their dead."
"Creeping feathered serpent shadow: During the spring and autumn equinoxes, the sun hits the Mayan temple of Kukulkan in just the right way."
"Ancient trade: Several archaeological finds have revealed that the world of the past was surprisingly much more interconnected."
"The main mystery surrounding this pyramid is how the ancient Egyptians managed to accomplish such a feat."
"The construction of pyramids was an undertaking of massive scale and precision."
"The pyramids, especially the Great Pyramids of Giza, stand as enduring symbols of the engineering prowess of the ancient Egyptians."
"The pyramid enshrines a measure of the Earth that could be considered as accurate as those determined by modern satellite surveys."
"The cuneiform system of writing developed by the Sumerians is one of the most significant among the many cultural contributions of the Sumerians."
"The ruins of a two and a half thousand year old lost ancient civilization were recently found in the lake in Kyrgyzstan."
"Egypt has left behind the greatest legacy of sacred sites."
"Several ratios of significance have been discovered that are based on mathematical constants like pi and phi, the golden proportion."
"To ancient Egyptians, life was really just a dress rehearsal for the perfect afterlife that they were trying to reach."
"How could ancient people who lived thousands of years before the supposed invention of the airplane have acquired knowledge of advanced aeronautics?"
"The ancients were not heartless but compassionate."
"The city of Troy, perhaps being recorded in the diplomatic archive of the Hittites as Wilusa."
"Would you be amazed if you learned that Egyptians once lived in Ohio?"
"It's a universal human legacy from a lost civilization of prehistoric antiquity."
"We are persuaded that Atlantis existed, that it was a great empire where science and the arts prevailed."
"I, Thoth, the Atlantean, master of mysteries, keeper of records, mighty king, magician, living from generation to generation, being about to pass into the halls of Amenti, set down for the guidance of those that are to come after."
"To me, the obvious answer is we are dealing with the fingerprints of a lost civilization."
"Our investigations have led us to believe that a highly advanced and technologically proficient society thrived in the now frozen continent long before our modern understanding of human history."
"The blueprint for Western civilization received its first draft: philosophy and science, art and architecture, democracy itself have their roots here."
"The complex is over 150 acres of ruined pyramids, plazas, and residential buildings. It was once a thriving city at around the same time that the pyramids in Egypt were being constructed, making it one of the first advanced cities in the world."
"These ancient civilizations all over Southern Africa, and we find that history is much older and much stranger, much more exciting than most of us could ever imagine."
"Another contradiction, this time South America: why are there three distinct styles of architecture present in Peruvian ancient sites?"
"We've got a sequence of stories of beginnings that suggests not just an older human civilization but an even more ancient timeline than that of repeated resets and civilizations."
"These events seem to be shared by every single truly ancient civilization we have records for all over the world."
"I made 100 players survive in an ancient civilization to see what would happen. What they don't know is that they aren't alone on these islands."
"The ancient civilizations were split into three islands: the Egyptians, the Aztecs, and the Greeks, each with their own harsh terrains, threats, and disadvantages."
"The study of ancient Egypt and of the history of human civilization itself is full of contradictions and mysteries."
"In a shocking new study, scientists say they've made a discovery of ancient civilizations in our very own galaxy."
"Interestingly enough, this is where things start getting bizarre because, really, how did this ancient civilization know to align the pyramids to true north without a compass?"
"We know nothing about ancient civilization, nothing about our real history, who we are, where we come from, why we are here."
"There's this entire other side of human history, these secrets of ancient civilizations that were far more sophisticated than we've been told."
"Gods of Egypt are descended from the stars. If this is true, did they once inhabit every part of the Earth and are these ancient beings still here making their presence known when least expected?"
"Hancock believes that these flood memories might be a collection of catastrophic events that led to the demise of an ancient civilization."
"Hancock believes that the ancient Jews were an advanced civilization, rewriting all of the historical beliefs we have about them."
"From the great civilizations of antiquity, we will discover the amazing works of architecture and art, huge monuments erected for gods and kings."
"There is evidence that Tanis for a past that may well stretch back beyond even the dynastic Egyptians, as it is positively littered with the remnants of massive monolithic stone artifacts and megalithic constructions."
"I think that it's very likely that many of these objects and structures came from a time before the cataclysm, from a civilization of high capability that was almost entirely wiped out and is today lost to us."
"Indeed, researchers believe that this civilization, known as the Harappan or Indus Valley civilization, is around 8,000 years old, which means that it's even older than the great Sumerians."
"Is it possible that an advanced civilization existed on Earth over 10,000 years ago?"
"In a land synonymous with ancient mysteries and timeless wonder, where the treasures of antiquity reveal glimpses of a glorious past, it is here, at the crossroads of biblical history and an extraordinary civilization, that one story still captivates the human imagination as perhaps no other ever told. It is the story and the mystery of the Exodus."
"The antikythera mechanism is considered the first ancient analog computer to calculate astronomical positions."
"The idea of an ancient civilization carefully preserving such a vital resource is both fascinating and awe-inspiring."
"The ancient term Canaanite referred to anyone living in Canaan and did not necessarily refer to an ethnicity."
"The interconnected trade and diplomacy based systemic civilization of the ancient Near East is at least somewhat similar to the interconnected trade and diplomacy based systemic civilization that we live in today."
"Most scientists today would say the first humans like us, Homo sapiens sapiens, appeared less than 200,000 years ago, but the Piranhas say that humans have existed for more than 200,000 years, going back perhaps hundreds of millions of years."
"Lost to the waves and lost to history, the city of Atlantis has forever been one of the great mysteries of the ancient world."
"Brace yourselves for the jaw-dropping tale of the ancient Egyptian presence in the Grand Canyon."
"So while they no doubt had a ritual function, in a battlefield context, these would have protected the head but more importantly, terrified the enemy and inspired the warrior retinue of the chiefs wearing them."
"This could mean that earth-like planets may have existed billions of years before Earth formed, and ostensibly might have hosted life and civilizations that could be many times older than our own civilization."
"In the early 19th century, archaeologists began to find the remnants of ancient Sumer. This lost civilization contained many ancient documents and is probably the birthplace of writing."
"We believe they are surviving fragments of evidence left by a far more capable, far more advanced, and thus far older civilization."
"The ancient pyramids of Corral predate the Inca civilization by four thousand years but were flourishing a century before the pyramids of Giza."
"The Olmecs, remembered as the 'Mother Culture' of Mesoamerica, have left a legacy that challenges our understanding of ancient civilizations."
"These artifacts collectively provide a remarkable window into the ancient Maya civilization."
"Ancient Egyptians believed that cats were magical creatures capable of bringing great luck."
"The ancient Egyptians built incredible palaces, tombs, and pyramids."
"The Land of Punt: a vibrant land that even the great Egyptian civilization respected."
"Oldest mummy in Egypt: the discovery of Hikashipus covered in gold leaf."
"Ancient Egypt was one of the greatest and most powerful civilizations in the entire history of mankind. This civilization lasted for over 3,000 years."
"A cataclysmic event such as a comet impact or a massive flood nearly obliterated this civilization."
"Ancient gods of Mesopotamia were said to have wings and the ability to control all of humanity. These gods were the Anunnaki, and some believe they were eight feet tall and they're also aliens from another planet."
"It is easy to forget that the ancient people of Egypt were humans like us in many respects."
"It's no secret that the ancient Egyptians were very advanced and mysterious people."
"Some of the world's earliest known board games."
"The lost civilization emerged out of shamanism and out of the techniques of ecstasy that are used in shamanism."
"The Nazca lines have been called the largest work of art on Earth."
"Humans with advanced technology made the U-parts thousands of years ago, and in a few cases, it looks like our ancestors were even more advanced than us."
"Pyramids also acted as portals or wormholes."
"And will we have to rethink everything we thought we knew about the ancient world?"
"Could they have helped to form the very identity of the civilization that later inherited them?"
"Ancient Indians were already familiar with metal works before the Europeans."
"This is absolute proof, of how advanced ancient technology was in India, especially in the medical field."
"Nothing is what it seems when most ancient civilizations were still in their stone age."
"It's like artifacts of an ancient era, it's like if you find a lost city of the desert."
"All signs point toward the caves being carved out on purpose by some ancient civilization."
"Archaeologically we do actually have quite a bit for the tower Babel."
"Atlantis was not a single continent but the pre-deluvian world."
"Could this making of Atlas as king by Poseidon claimed by Plato be in admittance to an awareness of the Atlanteans fate?"
"Are we looking at the past existence of the Atlanteans every time we explore an as yet unexplained advanced ancient ruin?"
"The legacy of the Bronze Age civilizations echoes in the practices and traditions of the ancient Greeks."
"Archaeologists were shocked to discover hundreds of mysterious golden orbs hidden beneath the Temple of the Feathered Serpent in the ancient Aztec city of Teotihuacan in Mexico."
"The ancient Hebrew was found etched onto a curse tablet."
"Greek history is some of the oldest history in the world."
"Greek ruins take you back in time, giving you a larger context of human life on earth."
"Ancient civilizations are far more advanced than we think..."
"If you had any doubts about who the annunaki were the planet you're on is named after one of them and enki is the one who said let us make man in our image."
"The great Zimbabwe stone houses are a collection of three stone compounds that make up the ancient city of Great Zimbabwe."
"The Nazca Lines...as an unsolved mystery of human history."
"The feistos disc: a mysterious artifact with symbols yet to be deciphered."
"The dropa stones: relics of an ancient civilization or evidence of extraterrestrial contact?"
"The baigong pipes: remnants of an ancient advanced civilization or natural geological formations?"
"We know they believed in God, we know they somehow built some of the most precise and grand structures in history, but could they fly?"
"Archaeologists in Istanbul uncovered a burial while digging through heavy mud and an ancient swamp of black clay, proving the city is 6,000 years older than previously assumed."
"At 1700 years, the length of time the Gandhara existed is pretty impressive."
"While excavating near the village of Condurgay in southern Siberia recently, archaeologists uncovered a 4,000-year-old geoglyph depicting a bull."
"The evidence to suggest an intercontinental, highly advanced, technologically superior civilization once flourished here on our planet is highly compelling."
"Whoever built the most accurately aligned structure on Earth was not a simple people group using primitive methods but incredibly intelligent workers sustained by some hidden insights."
"Lost civilization in India: rock paintings in Maharashtra suggest a very old unknown civilization."
"I think that the true history of my doom and the history of most of the Old Kingdom sites is something that's still very much an unknown."
"Could the apparent evidence on the ground that a mere 20,000 people were involved be right, or was Herodotus closer to the truth when he said it took 100,000 workers laboring for 30 years?"
"We find its enigmatic shape, construction technique, and indeed seemingly identical stone characteristics linking it to the other ruins of tremendous antiquity each located thousands of miles apart highly compelling."
"Obviously these are the traces of very advanced prehistoric civilization."
"Is there proof here of an ancient civilization?"
"Recent satellite images have led to the discovery of a mysterious ancient settlement in Egypt..."
"Ancient humans knew how to harness [Earth's] energies by placing their monuments in specific locations which can then harness the Earth's energy grid."
"It's evident that we are missing a vital part of our history; the ancients were far more advanced than we think."
"Many scientists claim that the immense inland lake known as the old Black Sea was brought into contact with the then-rising world ocean around 6000 BC."
"Plato said that extended from the Gibraltar East all the way to the Turanian Sea."
"Plato also elaborates on the gold copper silver and tin mines of the Sierra Morena mountains of southern Spain which were by far the richest in the ancient world."
"Gobekli Tepe could be the real Garden of Eden ruled over by King Adam."
"The ancient Thracians had spectacular tooling skills, witnessed in their jewelry and artifacts."
"We have discovered artifacts from an ancient civilization."
"These Maps display a level of geographical detail that seems remarkably accurate especially when you consider the time they were created."
"The Maya Long Count calendar, a marvel of ancient engineering, intricately tracked a 5,125-year cycle with astonishing precision."
"Mysterious disappearances and ancient genocides: the untold stories of lost civilizations."
"It really raises question it doesn't prove anything in the typical sense of you know a scientific proof but it certainly creates a circumstantial argument that there was something greater going on in prehistory that has been lost to history."
"Pyramids were in fact complex energy machines."
"Highly intelligent cultures may have existed in the very distant past."
"What if the story is told by ancient civilizations... more literal than they first appeared?"
"When ancient man looked to the heavens for guidance from the gods, he noticed star patterns and began to document their movement across the heavens."
"The remains of a majestic female statue uncovered at an archaeological site in southeast Turkey may challenge our understanding of the public role of women in the ancient world."
"Teenager discovers lost Mayan city using Google Maps, unlocking secrets of ancient civilizations."
"Biblical archaeology continues to uncover evidence supporting stories and events mentioned in the Bible, sparking new debates and discoveries."
"Egypt and Mesopotamia: two ancient civilizations with uncanny similarities, despite their differences in governance and culture."
"Let's entertain the idea that the Egyptians appropriated their sarcophagi from a civilization that existed thousands of years before."
"Can you see a pattern emerging? What if these Heavenly gods were the same ones who helped the Inca develop a secret language?"
"Recent excavations have revealed startling evidence of one of China's most remarkable ancient societies."
"Perhaps Atlantis is just the one we've got some slight traces left of."
"The Atlantean priests encoded the frequency of our memories in our DNA."
"Did we once call Mars home if we did indeed once call Mars home there would be undoubtedly ruins on its surface rare surviving features that would still litter the landscape."
"Japan's Atlantis: a pile of ten thousand-year-old ruins lie submerged."
"Pyramids were for the Egyptians," archaeologist Rufino Mauricio says. "We don't know how they brought the columns here and we don't know how they lifted them up to build the walls."
"The Carthaginians made an enormous impact on the ancient world. They provided Rome with many of its best ideas."
"Maya cities had magnificent palaces aligned to solstices, monuments with intricate designs showing the motion of Venus, the temple pyramids showing star constellations that are still evident today."
"Within this almost invariable pattern, the Maya builders achieved a variety of pleasing compositions through the ingenious distribution of ornament and the use of stairways and masses of masonry of diverse forms."
"Whoever created Puma Punku had very advanced lost ancient high technology."
"Thoth, the Atlantean, helped build the Great Pyramids of Giza, which were erroneously credited to various pharaohs."
"The ancient lost city beneath Missouri would be at least 300 million years old."
"The construction of pyramids in Peru, Egypt, and Iraq at around the same time in human history suggests that peoples throughout the world independently developed the concept of building massive architectural structures."
"Writing was invented in Uruk in the 32nd century BC."
"The process for ending slavery actually began with the beginning of the Mesopotamian Empire."
"The Musatil structures date back as far as 5,000 years ago, making them over two thousand years older than Stonehenge."
"Plato's account: a massive destructive event, annihilated in a single day and night."
"A sunken city that has lain submerged for over 9,000 years."
"These mysterious artifacts suggest the civilization responsible was not only advanced but possibly once more advanced than modern man."
"This journey of discovery has led a dedicated team of archaeologists to uncover the secret origins of Egypt, the greatest ancient civilization ever known."
"10. The Cahokia Mounds: '...at its peak the city was home to as many as 40,000 people.'"
"Researchers are on the case to learn more about the people who created it."
"Just the concept is so compelling and fun: an ancient magical civilization lost at the bottom of the ocean!"
"The closest thing we have to a real Atlantis in terms of cool sunken civilization full of artifacts is Doggerland."
"Was it mirror ingenuity or descended knowledge left by a far more superior entirely different and far larger race of people?"
"They were known as the Chachapoya or the cloud people by the Incas who by this stage had re-inhabited the ancient pre-Incan ruins which dot Peru."
"Could places like Chaco Canyon, Puma Punku, and Teotihuacan be ancient roadmaps to the stars?"
"The Library of Ashurbanipal provided an enormous wealth of information relating to ancient civilizations of the Middle East."
"It has been suggested that the biblical Ark of the Covenant is actually a metaphor for the superconductor at the core of the Great Pyramid which powered ancient Egypt."
"Mysterious ancient ancestors who displayed such astonishing abilities of stone building we still have no logical explanation as to their methods."
"The complexity within these alignments is undeniable astonishing and undoubtedly evidence of the past existence of superior ancient knowledge."
"The mysterious desert lines are actually ancient animal traps."
"The true first telephone ever created was made by an ancient culture in Peru."
"Pyramids of Giza: an ancient wonder that defies explanation."
"The mysterious demise of the Indus civilization, a Utopia without weaponry or kings."
"The first civilization rose seventy eight thousand years ago on the giant continent known as MU or Lemuria and lasted for an astonishing 52 thousand years."
"Atlantis was also said to have an abundance of exotic fruit and vegetables which makes the case for it being in North Africa even more compelling."
"Ancient Sin City: The long-lost Roman city of Bahia used to be a partying hub."
"Some of our ancestors or entire civilizations were far more clever than academics were willing to grant them."
"Plato says that Egypt has recorded and kept eternally the wisdom of the old times, all coming from time immemorial when God's governed the earth and the dawn of civilization."
"The sphinx may be significantly older than the dynastic Egyptian civilization."
"The infrastructure of channeled blocks beneath old kingdom sites suggests functionality over mere decoration."
"The ruins of an ancient Coptic church were just found in Egypt along with a Roman fort."
"Phoenicians: creators of the alphabet, masters of trade."
"It's the oldest known submerged ancient Greek settlement and one of the oldest sites in the world."
"Ancient Egypt has been nothing short of a trove of treasure for Humanity since researchers and explorers began studying it and even today somehow we're still mystified by the way they lived all those years ago."
"Nobody can deny that these ancient civilizations connected all the nations together."
"The Great Pyramid was built as prophecy in stone."
"Thus, the Mesopotamian, Hebrew, and Greek deluge stories resolve themselves into an early legend."
"Imagine the surprise of Classical Historians in the 1870s to discover that the ancient city of Troy was real."
"Whatever it was that got them so spooked, it was so bad that Mycenae and nearby Tiryns took the extra step of fortifying the cisterns."
"No one really knows what was going on with pumapunku when it was constructed or when it was at its peak... Well, I can't say really no one because we do and you will know what went on at pumapunku as well." - Courtney Brown
"More than 4,000 years ago, the farmers of this region began to urbanize."
"My father excavated a city in the rub al-khali in Arabia which he dated to more than 4000 years before the rise of any known human civilization."
"The Phoenicians were master architects, astrologers, shipwrights, mariners, healers, and scientists... They were the arya or adepts of the highest order."
"The great ancient civilizations flourished during the Ice Age."
"Ancients were astute skywatchers and surveyors of the earth."
"We see remarkable similarities among cultures even if they're separated by oceans."
"The stunning results proved that Central America once had a civilization roughly as advanced as the ancient Greeks or Chinese during its heyday."
"It's a phenomenally sophisticated technology. It represents a very advanced civilization."
"When modern technology and ancient civilization collide."
"This city was laid out fifteen thousand years ago at least."