
Appearances Quotes

There are 868 quotes

"The greatest mistake people make is they judge simply on appearances."
"Don't judge a book by its cover, yeah, that's so true."
"Faces pretend to be your friend, smiling faces show no traces of the evil that lurks within."
"When you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig."
"Appearances can be misleading. Don't be so quick to judge."
"Don't judge a book by its cover. He's coming, giving seasoning, he's got something to talk about."
"Looks aren't everything, it's what's on the inside that counts. This is what all ugly people say. Just kidding."
"You should never ever ever ever ever... You should never judge a book by its cover."
"You don't know what people's lives hold, so you can't judge somebody by the way that they look."
"Never judge someone based on how they look, or I guess if they're a raccoon."
"Just because someone appears to have it all together, doesn't mean they do. We're all going through our own journey and different challenges."
"But not all that glitters is gold, and with gloom on the horizon, the veneer was about to be tested."
"No one looks innocent sitting in a penalty box."
"He could look like a real tough guy sometimes, but underneath he was known to be a big Teddy bear."
"Do not be fooled by appearances, the annex world is no less important than the tower."
"Even if the tent is glittering, it doesn't cover the face of the truth."
"They look ferocious but they are loving inside."
"If you go in and you have no plan... it's just gonna be a bunch of photo op."
"It's like going to bed at two with a 10 and then waking up at 10 with a two."
"Corcoran advised against public appearances to regroup, but Bennett's family pushed for them."
"How does the devil come as in angel of light? He doesn't come with a trench coat any massive horns, he comes innocently."
"Just because someone has good skin does not mean they have an amazing skincare routine."
"The count's death may have been officially recorded, but that did not stop him from popping up again throughout the 19th and 20th centuries."
"It's more about EA being that super hot chick and everything working out super hot on the outside."
"That's the worst thing you can do is judge people based on their looks."
"Everything that glitters and shines isn't always gold."
"Look how cute this looks, it looks so harmless."
"Don't judge a book by its cover, even if that cover has two big swastikas painted on it."
"You look legit. I think if you walked into an eSports arena, you'd fool them for like a good 10 or 15 seconds."
"Even though the character has a skin, doesn't mean they're evil."
"We're taking a look at more big-name celebrities who made a mark with brief and unexpected appearances in movies."
"Appearances can be misleading. You shouldn't be so quick to judge."
"Never judge someone by their outer appearance."
"Of course appearances can be deceptive, not in this case admittedly, but it's a good rule of thumb."
"The left wishes for the appearance of the thing rather than the actual thing."
"Sometimes something that looks good isn't, and sometimes something that doesn't look good is."
"Don't judge a book by its cover because you never know what's gonna be deep on the inside of somebody."
"It's what's on the inside that counts, not the outside."
"All that glitters is not gold, a lot of people have a lot of issues going on."
"In a world where we're supposed to care about the contents of someone's character instead of how they look on the outside."
"I love seeing her, she looked good, she sounded positive, she sounded like herself."
"Your appearance, that don't make you hard. And by the way, it don't mean nothing to be tough anyway."
"Just because something is problematic on the surface doesn't mean it's a problem."
"Appearances can be deceiving as Fury's physique belies his tremendous skill and in-ring intelligence."
"You can't equate looks to pettiness." - Unnamed speaker
"You should never judge a book by its cover, man."
"Appearances mean nothing, hard work means everything."
"Appearance means nothing but hard work means everything."
"Looks can be deceiving. Keep looking for the truth."
"You couldn't tell... you could never judge a book by its cover."
"Not everything that looks good or sounds good is as it appears."
"The entire lesson of the film is not to judge a book by its cover."
"No one knows when they can falter; don't judge based on appearances."
"Sometimes things look really shiny and great on the outside but on the inside it's poisoned and sick."
"Don't judge a book by its cover... I've been right every time."
"You begin to see that love is not about the outward appearances."
"It may look nice on the top, but when you open the door, perception is not always reality."
"A woman dressed very sexy will catch your eye more than a woman who's dressed kind of mousy."
"Looks can get you in the door but it can you can also get the [ __ ] out of that door."
"Actions are judged by intentions, not by appearances."
"Judge not by appearances, and this is not appearance."
"It's very common for someone to present as put together completely fine, very functional, and for that person to still have a valid mental illness."
"Don't judge people, or in this case, fish, on appearance alone."
"The face of something is not necessarily what's inside."
"It's like don't judge a book by its cover because you walk in here and you see this gorgeous place."
"He looked like he couldn't possibly be a killer."
"You won't necessarily judge a book by its cover."
"Nidoqueen holographic makes an appearance once again."
"Anybody can be struggling just because they are pure, very happy, and positive and strong on the outside does not mean that they are really feeling that on the inside."
"But not all that glitters is gold apparently."
"Don't judge a book by its cover. It's like what's inside really counts."
"What you see on the outside is not always what's on the inside."
"Caught red-handed, but you cannot judge by looks."
"Never judge a book by their cover because you never know if they're just a crazy psycho."
"It's a good example of don't judge a book by its cover."
"I learned a lesson from it all, and it's a lesson that I think we all know, but sometimes, you know, you can't judge a book by its cover."
"Sometimes the most innocent-looking places hold the darkest secrets."
"Despite his menacing appearance, he was really soft-spoken."
"As colorful and innocent as it appears on the surface, things can unexpectedly spiral into very dark places."
"Ranking of kings is a classic example of the famous saying to never judge a book by its cover."
"Honestly, if you this is a prime example of not judging a book by its cover."
"They appeared to be an exemplary family from the outside, with a well-organized and thought-out daily routine."
"To all outside observers, it appeared that Dr. John Hamilton and his wife Susan had the perfect loving marriage."
"Everything and everyone may not be quite what they appear to be."
"Most people won't see the inside if the outside looks janky. We gotta be honest about attraction."
"Don't judge a book by its cover; the prettiest option isn't always the best."
"Yet, despite appearances, he did not have full control over them."
"Satan can transform himself to appear as an angel of light."
"It's a classic case of don't judge a book by its cover."
"Just goes to show you shouldn't judge a book by its cover."
"Some of these people are running churches, but they're not prophets. They look like prophets, but they're not working with divine realms."
"Even the most luxurious setting may always be a plain cover-up for something formidable."
"Have you ever gone to a car show and you walk up on what seems to be a perfectly restored muscle car, but look under the hood and there's a modern-day battery?"
"Ignorant questions can never cause as much pain as never knowing how stupid you look in your airplane."
"They deceive through peace, security, light, and goodness."
"His appearances in US media have risen since."
"Support your local businesses, support your small businesses."
"You really never can judge a book by its cover."
"Sometimes we have a tough exterior but it can be misleading."
"Don't be intimidated by people's outward appearance; you simply never know what's going on underneath the exterior veneer."
"Appearances do not determine your work ethic or performance level."
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing."
"Never confuse the appearance of success with actual success."
"Just because it look good and sound good don't mean it's the truth."
"Just goes to show that you should never judge a book by its cover."
"You should never judge a book by its cover, and I'm a prime example of that."
"Looks can be deceiving, but let's eat to make sure."
"There's much more to someone's story than can be told rather than from just their physical appearance."
"Appearances are not everything, they do not dictate what we can do for this world."
"It's not what it looks like, it's exactly what it looks like."
"There are 50 year olds looking like they're 32 because they got a full-blown facelift."
"Susan Boyle shocked the world because a person that looked like her was capable of something beautiful and moving."
"It may look cute but be careful, it can store up large amounts of electricity."
"Jigglypuff, the balloon Pokémon, don't let its common appearance fool you."
"He may look like a mere boy but don't let that fool you."
"I guess you just can't judge a robot by its cover."
"Don't judge a book by its cover, my guy might have like snails all over his body or something weird, who knows?"
"Ganta may look scary but he's actually a very kind innocent soul."
"It's a good reminder that appearances can sometimes be quite deceiving."
"It's an endless cavalcade of appearances that brings a nostalgic smile and chuckle to viewers."
"Aesthetics can be deceiving my friends, never judge a book by its cover."
"Prabhas looks like an idiot but is absolutely shrewd."
"You cannot judge people based on what you see on the outside."
"Do not judge by appearances, but judge with the right judgment."
"Keeping up appearances is tiring."
"You can't judge a book by its cover."
"Zone Fighter was a series... Canon to the Showa era of Godzilla as Godzilla himself would make guest appearances."
"You can never judge a book by its cover, especially when it comes to real estate."
"Christ does live; he appeared many times and he still appears today in his house."
"It's just like they always say, you can't judge a book by its cover."
"Herb's whole bit is that he looks like he's homeless and he looks like he's the kind of person that would be rooting through someone's garbage, but in secret, he's rich, successful, and happy."
"Don't always judge a book by its cover."
"Don’t judge characters by their appearances."
"Underneath that rough exterior beats a heart of gold."
"Not all that glitters can be trusted."
"Never judge a book by its cover, even if that cover could possibly give you some indication of what you'll find under the surface."
"Be careful who you talk to, son. Not everyone is who they seem."
"Evil doesn't always come dressed as a sinister clown or wearing a swastika; sometimes it comes with a smile and the sweet smell of buns."
"Just remember, things aren't always what they seem."
"Don't just trust people because they look innocent."
"People go broke trying to look rich."
"Don't judge a book by its cover, a man, or a shoe by its sole."
"If you saw him on the street you'd think he was a perfectly ordinary 79-year-old. But behind his front door, it's a very different story."
"Don't judge a book by its cover, don't form an opinion based on appearances."
"Sometimes not everything is as it seems, even when it comes to live TV."
"Appearances are everything, right, and you sort of have this aura about you that you create by how you let the world perceive you."
"It's supposed to look easy. It's not."
"The reality is is that Keeping Up Appearances really doesn't mean anything it is just better just to be yourself and people can accept it like it or lump it."
"Don't judge a book by its cover, you really never know."
"It just seems harm on the outside because what you see on the outside is a Sisterhood, is people serving in a community."
"Never underestimate someone because people who look weak and stupid can be the most resilient and able to survive despite having a difficult life."
"I felt like gosh, beautiful people and parties and red carpet and Po, and then these people would peel their masks off and they were whole goblins."
"Don't be fooled by appearances. What seems bad might turn out good. Make a decision with love. Look deeper."
"It's not what you have, it's what you show."
"It was just the kind of thing that outside of his mainstream stuff if you want to call it that ECW WCW WWE there was not an appearance that he made anywhere that wasn't incredibly memorable."
"Just because we look at someone but oh she's dropped the drop dead gorges and you know she would be the perfect girlfriend or whatever the situation may be anybody can get cheated on."
"Don't always judge a book by its cover because it depends on the rules in which you're competing as to who's the toughest."
"Don't judge a book by its cover. It looks like a one out of 10 but it tastes like an 11 out of 10."
"Just because someone looks healthy doesn't mean they are healthy."
"Sometimes the people who appear to have their life together and their future planned out are more dangerous than anyone else because that future is something that they will do anything to get to, no matter how bad it truly is."
"Nature is nothing but appearances, what we experience, not a thing in itself."
"The reality is you can't judge a book by its cover."
"You know the saying, 'Never judge a book by its cover.' Do you read it? Absolutely."
"Moral is, I guess you really never can judge a book by its cover."
"Appearances can be deceiving, just as deceiving as trying to get a good picture of, well, a candy apple."
"It's like a woman who wants to look her best at her wedding."
"Just because the surface looks good like, look at that it's not that bad, doesn't mean what's inside isn't trash."
"The only reason that he's not ranked worse on my list is because his appearances in Clone Wars and The Mandalorian save him."
"showing the world not to judge a book by its cover"
"Appearances can be deceiving in this case. They're showing struggles, but there's this desire for a shift as well with the death card."
"Everything that glitters ain't gold."
"All things are not as they appear. For the curse to be sure, if that ain't the truth. All things are not what they appear. That's a message about some of your friends too. They remain in your heart forever."
"From the outside looking in, it seemed that Richard was a very happy father and husband who loved God and his family."
Soundwave: "Other notable appearances by Soundwave in recent years have included 2018s Bumblebee live-action movie."
"First lesson guys: never judge a book by its cover."
"People flexing left and right but don't be deceived by what you see."
"Appearances are kind of misleading. The truth is always a bit more complicated."
"Jesus appeared to hundreds of people during the 40 days he was here on this Earth after his resurrection."
"They are mostly concerned with appearing a certain kind of way rather than actually being that way."
"I imagine it'd be easy if any white person walking through San Francisco to imagine that everything was at peace because it certainly looks that way on the surface."
"All that glitters is not always gold."
"Looks can be deceiving and even if someone appears to be in a Hall of Fame trajectory that doesn't mean that they're always gonna get in."
"It's make work for a senator to look like she has a portfolio for my party."
"Looks beautiful but looks can be deceiving in this business and that's for sure."
"A palace can become a hell, and the worst hell is that where one suffocates behind gilded windows. Titles count for nothing; a bad household is a bad household."
"Appearances mattered a lot because Victorians believed that your physical appearance was a manifestation of your moral qualities."
"Things aren't always what they seem, but sometimes we don't find that out until a lot later. But it doesn't make them any less meaningful."
"...there's things that can look the same but it could be completely different..."
"The New Testament chronicles Jesus's appearance after his resurrection to a total of 12 different individuals or groups." - Resurrection appearances
"That's the best way to surprise people by showing up in that movie rather than being evasive about him."
"Nobody's gonna see your struggles, man, they just gonna see, like, the end result of it."
"Queen might look like a nice old lady, but she comes from a long line of tyrants who all thought they were better than the rest of us."
"You can't judge a book by its cover, as they say."
"Don't judge a puzzle by what it looks like."
"All that glitters isn't always gold."
"Appearances matter to this person."
"Sometimes things are harder than they appear on the outside."
"A pretty wedding dress doesn't mean it's true love and it doesn't mean it's the right person."
"I'm more of a guest appearance on YouTube."
"Never judge the book by its cover."