
Planet Earth Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"We have to understand that there is a complete timeline or stream of devolution on the planet and a timeline of genuine Evolution."
"The planet is willing to work with all people regardless of classifications such as race, Creed, sexual orientation, and gender."
"These findings remind us that our planet is a complex, interconnected system."
"A Planet with the right size and conditions and location in time and space to nurture massive biodiversity over very long times, and critters capable of genuine abstract thought in bodies and social structure very suited to benefit from it."
"Looking down and seeing the magnificent planet Earth and understanding how special it is and how fragile and how important it is to protect it, to take good care of our home planet."
"As our living planet drifted on the sea of eternity, the Atomic Age had arrived."
"The odds of such a disaster as an impact event are extremely small, and in fact, there are many more dangers that may befall the human race on our own planet."
"We've got to become more in tune with the planet itself and more respect of what the planet as a sentient being, not just a rock to build a house on."
"I often wonder if our entire planet is also a huge sacred garden of a vivarium that a bunch of aliens, God, or some other immense entity out there is caring for, and observing."
"You cannot cut a deal with mother nature. There is no plan B because there's no planet B."
"Let's do our best to treat this planet like the rare and precious jewel that it is."
"There is no planet b. There is no planet blah blah blah blah blah blah blah."
"Earth, a unique planet, restless and dynamic."
"Humans will pet anything. How wonderful then to live on a planet full of creatures that like to be petted."
"Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet."
"We're all just on this little bloody planet, connected."
"Thankfully, there are a few bright stars among us who lead by example for how we should treat planet Earth."
"Let the earth repair itself, help keep that green planet and that blue planet together."
"Why don't we realize we're on a planet that gives us everything? Food, beautiful weather, sun. Why don't we enjoy it?"
"Our planet is every bit as alive and so much more alive than any of us."
"It is a surprisingly accurate number, why is that? Because two million, five hundred and eight thousand years ago, our planet started to look almost what it looks like today."
"This is our home. This is the only planet we live on."
"They highlight just how dynamic our planet is, how it can support a wide variety of life, and how it has the potential for growth and change."
"Our planet, look at it, it's the only one we know of in any known universe with life on it."
"Our planet is not just habitable, it's better than that. It's hospitable."
"The mysteries of our planet's history and its creation have always fascinated us."
"I have come to feel a great adoration for this planet."
"What's the point of living on a planet as rich and as diverse as ours if we can't explore it?"
"Plenty of room on this planet, God ain't making no more Earth."
"Our planet is full of stunning natural features."
"We're all on the same team, we're on team planet earth."
"Every inch of planet earth is subject to some kind of law."
"I live with it because I like being alive and I really love this beautiful planet that I was fortunate enough to be born into."
"We're so disconnected from our own reality as sentient wild creatures running amok on the home of our planet Earth."
"Our planet is just the coolest and it surprises me all the time in the best way."
"It's literally one of the most amazing places on the planet."
"There's no better teacher than the planet itself."
"We're all on this planet together; we have to share this planet."
"Our planet is filled with unexplained mysteries and discoveries."
"Learning more about your own planet would be important, possibly for the future, right?"
"The clock is ticking and it has been since we landed on this terrible beautiful planet."
"We are on this tiny fragile planet hurling through space together."
"Recycling is amazing, but not as amazing as our beautiful planet that we all live on."
"We think that no matter what we share, we have a shared future on this planet."
"Look at this beautiful planet, guys. Got to get out here for yourself."
"Mother Earth is a beautiful planet; she is the most beautiful planet in the whole galaxy."
"We live on an infinitely strange and mysterious planet."
"We're all just part of this same planet, you know."
"We're talking about the past of our planet and of course we're talking about the future of our planet as well."
"And so here we sit on a planet that is an infinitesimally small by-product of the universe at large; our imaginations though are unbounded as we contemplate the strange and powerful forces that have shaped all we see."
"It is very straightforward in my view, a war to decide the future of this planet is being fought."
"This truly is our planet. This truly is our home."
"Soil is at the interface of four very important realms of the planet: the atmosphere, the lithosphere, the hydrosphere, and the biosphere."
"Nvidia has virtually recreated the entire planet down to 1.25 km of resolution."
"Earth is described as a water planet, and without a doubt, water is our most important resource."
"There is so much teeming amounts of residual spiritual energy on that one single planet that it is in essence the closest thing we'll ever get to a direct connection to the afterlife without first being dead."
"We see this small contaminated blue planet in very difficult conditions under threat of climate change for the mere existence of the human species."
"The entire planet Earth is your guardianship and your responsibility."
"We're all on this goddamn planet, and it is a spaceship."
"It was the fresh and natural surface of the planet, as it was made forever and ever."
"The Earth will abide forever, brothers and sisters. The Earth itself, this Earth, this big planet, is not going to be destroyed; it's not going nowhere."
"The planet, it's not a share. And it guarantees life for no living creature."
"The most important thing we have on this planet is nature."
"I am so grateful to live on this planet in this time when Rainbow High exists."