
Human Origins Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"Be very careful with what people say about human Origins and how human beings began because when you get Humanity's origin story wrong, you can change their relationship to themselves, you change their relationship with God."
"It's the scientific discovery of the century - just what everyone's been looking for to shine a light on human origins, especially in England."
"The truth, however, is that there does exist an incredible reality regarding history, its ancient ruins, and the origins of our species."
"This evidence for ancient high technology is a vital piece of the overall argument for a revaluation of human history and our origins."
"Apparently, humans' original form was a four-legged, four-armed, double-sexed entity."
"Any sample we get back is truly magical and will help us learn more about our solar system and our origins here."
"Everyone came from Africa... there's only one race, and that's the human race."
"The truth is that we did evolve, and we can prove that."
"In my opinion, he was part human, part Anunaki."
"Perhaps the greatest question facing the human race is to discover where we came from and to find out what is our ultimate fate."
"Many researchers today are beginning to piece together a theory that we ourselves may be the product of alien intervention."
"A controversial new discovery in Mexico could change how we look at the history of human beings in the Americas..."
"The very first modern human being on this Earth was undoubtedly a person of color."
"The original human population was traced back to a single couple."
"Göbekli Tepe: a game-changer in understanding human origins."
"The human race was artificially created and with it the vegetative ecosystem capable of sustaining us."
"It's taken millennia for humans, scientists to piece together this origin story of where we came from."
"Olduvai Gorge holds the earliest evidence of our first human ancestors in the midst of evolution."
"But where in the world did blue eyes even come from? This itself is an ancient mystery that scientists have been trying to unravel with moderate success."
"Humans are a genetic creation of an extraterrestrial race."
"This book has one of the strongest scientific arguments in print for the recent origin of humanity."
"Did ancient humans ever coexist with a race of giants maybe with the Nephilim of the Old Testament or are the gods and goddesses of Roman and Greek pantheons more fact Than Fiction?"
"Humanity did not evolve from apes and is descended from much older civilizations."
"The ancient astronaut theory: humans are either descendants or creations of extraterrestrial intelligence."
"Unlocking the mysteries of our origins: exploring ancient texts, genetics, and archaeological discoveries."
"According to chapter 7 verse 24, it's where Adam and Eve were sent to."
"If it's true, then you, me, and everyone you know is an alien, a genetic immigrant from another world."
"Maybe that's what we've always been doing. What if aliens created life on Earth, basically planting the seeds of a human slave population?"
"Africa occupies an essential role in the history of our species."
"Gobekli Tepe remains a mystery yet to be solved, a secret sight so important that it could unlock the answers to understanding humanity's complex ancient origins."
"A journey into the origins of human civilization."
"Humans were created by a higher power. I believe humans were created by a higher power."
"The first human being on earth was not a man, the first human being was a black woman."
"What we know for a fact from the Quran and Sunnah is that we are descended from Adam and Eve."
"Whether one believes the radical ancient alien theory, the Anunnaki tablets exemplify the human impulse to explain our mysterious origins."
"This extreme level of genetic discontinuity raises serious issues for the evolutionary myth that humans and chimpanzees share a common ancestor."
"We are evolving apes and all of our supposedly holy scriptures are just man-made mythology."
"The human form is a temple, a holy form perfected over billions of years."
"Information about human origins remains elusive owing to the debate surrounding the interpretation of fossil Apes."
"It provided compelling evidence that Africa was the birthplace of humankind supporting the Out of Africa Theory."
"So, you think humans came from apes? Humans are Apes. We are a species of great apes."
"This archaeological site is rewriting our entire understanding of human history."
"Counter-intuitively, the Melanesians do not branch off the Africans, it's the Polynesians who deep in history did that."
"Humanity is not one single race descended from the same African ancestor, but a hybridized species."
"Once you start peeling back the layers of ancestral story around the world...our ancestors' stories of origins completely dovetail with their understanding of who we are as a species."
"Perhaps there's no greater discovery an archaeologist can make than one that challenges our understanding of the origins of our species."
"They engineered humans to mine, that's why people love gold so much."
"These civilizations were created without the influence of other civilizations and are sometimes called the cradles of humanity."
"Olduvai Gorge contains the earliest evidence of our own ancestors."
"Human civilization had first emerged from Africa long ago, and for millennia, countless generations lived and died in the bosom of our first mother."
"It challenges our idea that human life as we understand it came from one specific point in Africa and spread out across the world."
"Africans had been accumulating genetic diversity for longer than any other group and therefore that our species originated in Africa."
"Africa is the birthplace of humanity."
"It was many years after Charles Darwin had published his theory of evolution that he finally addressed the question: What about us?"
"The earliest humans arose from a population of at least several thousand people hundreds of thousands of years ago."
"One of the most fundamental and profound questions that all human societies have asked... is where did we come from? What is our relationship to Nature to the Earth and stars and animals and plants?"
"How old is our species? Where do our origins lay within this vast ancient and seemingly infinite universe?"
"But what we've learned so far has really transformed the way that we think about human origins."
"Humans did not stem from a single ancestral population in one region of Africa as is often claimed. Instead, our African ancestors were diverse in form and culture and scattered across the entire continent."
"Our science looking into human origins showing that we share this heritage and discovering how that heritage is connected to living people in our populations, that has real importance in the world."
"The human species really got its start in Africa."
"I'm here today to talk about new fossils that were found in North Africa and how it's changing the way we view modern human origins."
"...Zechariah stitchin was an author of a number of books proposing an explanation for human Origins..."
"We had found more individual hominid remains than any other site in the history of the search for human origins on the continent of Africa."
"Every single person in this room has mitochondrial DNA from our first woman ancestor and Y chromosome Adam."
"So it's a story that shows us how our ancestors arose in Africa and then colonized the entire globe during the Stone Age."
"It's interesting stuff and something that confirms that we really do come from two human beings."
"I think Australopithecus sediba might form, if not a direct ancestor, at least a good pattern."
"Welcome to the unique origins of humanity and the fossil record."
"Life sprang out of East Africa, just as the scriptures indicate."
"A big bang theory of human evolution."
"Our roots do not lie in slavery; it lies in chapters and phases of history that go back to the very beginning of man."
"Sometime between 200 and 300,000 years we see the first skeletal evidence of things that look like modern humans."
"Humanity comes out of the continent of Africa, that Africa's history in terms of humanity is extremely old."
"We follow the story of Eastern civilization from its origins and one of the great cradles of all human civilization."
"The Taung Child confirmed that Africa was the birthplace of humankind and supported the 'Out of Africa' theory."
"The oldest fossils are found in Africa, and specifically they are only found in Africa."
"The most exciting thing is that it is showing us how complex the origin of humans is, that it's not a simple narrative."
"The continent of Africa is full of ancient rock paintings; it is, after all, the cradle of human life."
"There's only one race, and we all came from a black female."
"It's so important to connect with our ancient origins to connect with that initial intention of why human beings were created in the first place."
"Historic style in a prehistoric site, the cradle of mankind."
"This is the Cradle of humankind, where the original man came from."
"Humanity has its origin in Africa."
"The discovery... destroys our existing idea that our species began in coastal environments."
"...we can turn to modern science to ask us about the question of human origins."
"Humans first evolved in East Africa about 2.5 million years ago from an earlier genus of apes called Australopithecus, which means 'southern ape.'"
"Mankind is a species with amnesia; we forgot who we were and where we came from."
"Our origins, our instincts, what makes us human, takes one step further back than we thought."
"The genetic data shows that humanity originated in Africa."
"Homo erectus is key for deciphering the origin and subsequent evolution of genus Homo."