
Metamorphosis Quotes

There are 172 quotes

"We have to understand again that the human form fundamentally is something that has been evolving through metamorphosis."
"Inside the chrysalis, there's a war. The immune cells of the caterpillar fight to the death the cells that are responsible for turning it into a butterfly."
"Transformational process can be a little bit tricky sometimes because the chrysalis... turns into a kind of chemical mush and a soup."
"Just when the caterpillar thought that his world had come to an end, he became a butterfly."
"A caterpillar is not meant to die as a caterpillar; it has a destiny to grow wings and fly."
"We're in a big change here, like a metamorphosis."
"You are becoming a new you, the death of the old you is a metamorphosis."
"Transition period: something is shifting, a metamorphosis has taken place."
"Transformation from caterpillar to butterfly."
"It's time to transform. Maybe it was a caterpillar one time, now it's a butterfly."
"Transformation... turn into a literal dragon... one of the coolest transformations."
"A butterfly is not a faster caterpillar; it's a different life form altogether."
"Transformation: from the cocoon to the butterfly, a spiritual evolution."
"You are transforming aspects of yourself because it's time to metamorphosize."
"Like a caterpillar liquefying itself to spin an entirely new existence from the inside out, because that's what this is: a mental and spiritual metamorphosis back into the truest, highest, most limitless version of yourself."
"The process thoroughly reconstructs you from the inside out, bringing radical metamorphosis physically, emotionally, psychologically, energetically, and spiritually."
"It's rough, the butterfly eats itself... to create a new version of you."
"It takes on the new name butterfly; it takes on a new character."
"There is a beautiful transformation that's taking place."
"Important communication coming in. You are desirable. Trust yourself, don't give into fears. Trust the process of metamorphosis."
"The glowworm pupates and eventually transforms into the adult form of the fungus."
"You're going to be goo, but then you're going to come out of it like the butterfly."
"Transmogrification: the ability to morph or transform from a Celestial body to a terrestrial body."
"As mentioned at the beginning of this video, axolotls are 100% aquatic, and do not typically metamorphosize into terrestrial salamanders."
"Your inner transformation is like the tumultuous alchemical journey of the caterpillar transforming into a butterfly."
"Like the butterfly, we melt and become something more."
"That dude right there, that's going to turn into a butterfly or a moth."
"Transformation is a real thing, it's like a caterpillar to butterfly experience."
"Chrysalises, because here's the thing, they will go, those caterpillars, they'll travel really far from a foot to 20 to 30 feet away to find that perfect place to hang their little chrysalis."
"Poles grow into frogs and butterfly caterpillars grow into butterflies. Isn't that so weird?"
"What we'd like to do is to turn a cocoon into a butterfly."
"Elizabeth held metamorphosis balls where men would dress as women and women would dress as men so that each side could see the other in a new light."
"I like to be a butterfly... like a caterpillar to like a beautiful thing that can fly."
"We're always going through this interaction of little deaths and rebirths and major deaths and rebirths throughout her life which is the nature of metamorphosis."
"This story is not just about a guy who turns into a bug; it's about how alienation works."
"Transformation is metamorphous. It's caterpillar into butterfly."
"The metamorphosis of a dragonfly... it's quite amazing, it happens at night."
"Once the new queens become queens, they begin a physical metamorphosis: their venom glands recede, their ovaries grow to five times the size they were before, and their brain chemistry changes."
"There is a metamorphosis about to take place."
"Metamorphosis is a major transformation of the larval anatomy, transitioning to an adult fly."
"The astonishing change that takes place in this phase of a life cycle is known as metamorphosis."
"It's like a moment of transition, metamorphosis or something."
"He's transformed and now his body is perfectly suited to battle; his soul is pure rage."
"You don't just become a butterfly overnight. You have to go through a cocoon stage first."
"Transformation through spiritual alchemy is a profound metamorphosis that occurs in the depths of isolation."
"There are four very different stages in the life of a butterfly."
"What is the process of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly called? Metamorphosis."
"A chrysalis will form around the pupa; the caterpillar will turn into a butterfly inside the chrysalis."
"As we behold Him we are changed, metamorphosis, from glory to glory."
"It is a physical change or transformation in the shape or form of a person or animal."
"And from tiny frog roe, tadpoles hatch that will then develop into full-grown adult frogs."
"I'm really just so enamored by these species and just their whole process of metamorphosis."
"Death is part of any transformation."
"The fact that the snake sheds its skin is related to not just rebirth but a process of transformation after death."
"Caterpillars transform into butterflies through what process?"
"These leaves remind me of insect wings coming out of metamorphosis."
"Her lightness of being creates a total metamorphosis of self."
"When it comes out of that cocoon, it ain't a caterpillar anymore; it is a beautiful butterfly instead."
"The Butterfly does speak of transformation."
"Growing through change is like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly."
"Transformation is metamorphosis, metamorphosis when a caterpillar turns into a butterfly."
"She watched her cocoon religiously; I don't think she even slept until the day came that the butterfly began to emerge."
"The most common type of metamorphosis would be called complete, in which there are four different unique life stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult."
"You are transforming from the caterpillar to the butterfly."
"That means he came out of his cocoon just today, and we just got to see him take his very first arm flaps, his very first time in flight."
"Jealous shows up, turns into a monster, and eats Tattoo."
"They go through a change called metamorphosis and grow lungs and legs to breathe air and walk on land."
"The chrysalis is interesting because it's like a metamorphosis thing."
"After four weeks, the metamorphosis from tadpole to toadlet is complete, and the young adults are ready to leave the breeding pools for dry land."
"It's like the butterfly coming out of the shell."
"We have change, wow, butterfly... growth, metamorphosis, cycle."
"It's the birth of a new form of a butterfly, and that's exactly where we're heading."
"Transformation, death, and rebirth at all levels."
"I was shocked to see that the caterpillars had formed little cocoons."
"Remember, a caterpillar all them legs turn into a butterfly."
"From a young age, we're mesmerized by their colors, flight patterns, and the wonder of how they originate and emerge from a chrysalis."
"The evidence from butterfly metamorphosis clearly indicates a cause that could see where it was going."
"There's new opportunities, some of you are in a metamorphosis."
"Then something miraculous happens; they undergo the most startling transformation from a creepy crawly bug into a glorious explosion of flying color."
"This is the seed moment... the butterfly getting out of the cocoon."
"Shedding transformation, alchemy taking place."
"Inside the chrysalis, the caterpillar goes through a metamorphosis, a big change, and turns into a butterfly."
"You've heard the story of the caterpillar changing over into a beautiful butterfly; this next car exemplifies that."
"Metamorphosis, it means a change."
"It's like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly."
"Think of a caterpillar. For a caterpillar to become what it really is, the butterfly, it has to destroy itself."
"The transition from the first half of life to the second is a metamorphosis from a state in which man is only a tool of instinctive nature to another in which he is no longer a tool but himself."
"I came in a caterpillar, but what's rising is a butterfly."
"This word refers to the silky envelope a caterpillar spins around itself."
"Inside this envelope, the transformation into a butterfly occurs."
"Chronomids have a complete metamorphosis or lifecycle: egg, larva, pupa, and adult stages."
"These myths are therefore expressions of a world which was in the process of undergoing a profound metamorphosis."
"A cocoon is for a moth; a chrysalis is for a butterfly."
"What's a cocoon, Mommy? When a caterpillar makes a cocoon, it means it's turning into a butterfly."
"The Red Angel underwent a dark apotheosis to become a demon primarch of the Blood God."
"Butterflies start as caterpillars, they go through metamorphosis, and then they become beautiful butterflies."
"Metamorphosis means to change, and I'm transformed by heat and pressure from existing rocks."
"What if the song is about these two caterpillars who are in love and they don't want to let each other go but they have to make room for the miracle."
"When you come out of this, you are going to be a brand new beautiful butterfly."
"Caterpillars basically dissolve into liquid in the cocoon."
"The dragon being locked in ice and eventually reborn from it constitutes a death and rebirth transformation sequence."
"I almost feel high right now, like when a caterpillar turns into a butterfly."
"As tadpoles, they are herbivores, and as adults, they are carnivores."
"Butterflies start as caterpillars that go through metamorphosis and then they become beautiful butterflies."
"The SilkWings are cool with the whole metamorphosis concept and the fact that they can be almost any color opens up a ton of opportunities for character creation."
"You are the butterfly; you have this major transformation; you're like a monarch right now."
"The butterflies' chrysalis is actually formed by the final molt of the exoskeleton."
"Inside the metamorphosis, the transformation begins."
"The monarch butterfly goes through complete metamorphosis, which means it goes from egg, to the larva, to the pupa, into the winged adult stage that has all the features of an insect."
"They form a chrysalis; they will become part of the chrysalis and then be able to start changing."
"You're going under a transformation, you're getting your wings, something's going to take off."
"It's like the journey of a butterfly, beginning as a caterpillar and then becoming a chrysalis, and then waiting patiently and growing until it is strong enough to turn into the beautiful butterfly that is always within."
"We are in the cocoon, getting ready to spread our wings."
"The caterpillar turning into the butterfly."
"It's a bit of think of a cocoon, you know, a caterpillar breaking out of a cocoon, spreading its wings kind of a thing."
"The caterpillar into the butterfly, the phoenix rising from the ashes."
"You'll come out of it with brilliant new colors and wings, and things you can do that the caterpillar never even imagined possible."
"You're really going through a metamorphosis."
"After a few months spent living in the water, the larvae will metamorphose into young salamanders and leave the streams."
"This is Clark Kent turning into Superman; this is Princess Diana turning into Wonder Woman."
"This is definitely about transformation and rebirth."
"You've been in caterpillar soup for a long time, and now you're ready to turn into a beautiful butterfly."
"The story of the caterpillar that made the cocoon, went inside and died, turned to goo, but then the divine touches the cocoon and when it opens up, that butterfly comes out."
"You're transmuting, shape-shifting into a whole new person."
"It's like you know, Clark Kent turning into Superman, it's Princess Diana turning into Wonder Woman, it's powerful."
"Transformation, renewal, destruction, rebirth."
"It's quite amazing transformation, something referred to as metamorphosis."
"He's going to hit the caterpillar and turn into a butterfly."
"Breaking the cocoon into a butterfly."
"Transformation, you go through a transformation."
"It's time for a caterpillar to turn into a butterfly."
"Now you're emerging to be who you always meant to be, this beautiful butterfly."
"You're a butterfly now and it's time to fly up into the light."
"You're transforming into the butterfly."
"Going through a deep change is like becoming the butterfly."
"We are no longer caterpillar; we've transformed into a butterfly."
"You are transforming, going through this metamorphosis in a big way."
"Ultimately what this is all about is transforming. The caterpillar doesn't know it's going to become a butterfly necessarily."
"There's a miraculous transformation of self."
"May they transform as the butterfly that I am seeing in my vision right now, may they bust free from their cocoon and shine like a star, shine like a diamond."
"A metamorphosis is taking place within the cocoon; a miracle of nature is happening."
"Rebirth, transformation, heeding the call, renewal, destruction and creation, surrender, awakening, fundamental change, clearing."
"From a caterpillar you go into this cocoon, and then you turn into a butterfly."
"You're going to be going through a lot of transformations."
"It's a real educational learning process of like a caterpillar turned into a butterfly, and then the butterfly flies off."
"Selkie folk or seal folk are mythological beings capable of changing from seal to human form by shedding their skin."