
Positioning Quotes

There are 754 quotes

"Grouping is OP. Most mid-game macro revolves around just being at the right place at the right time."
"I didn't kill him because I didn't like him; I killed him because I didn't like where he was standing."
"Strategic thinking is creating your positioning in life at work, at home."
"You have to put yourself in a position to be lucky."
"You're a good Zen player. The reason why you're in Diamond is because your positioning is really good on Zen."
"Knights on the rim are grim. Keeping your knights towards the center of the board is better than putting them on the side."
"Always feel like a winner... naturally gravitate towards people and situations that put you where you want to be."
"They're communicating great and they just seem to always be in the right place at the right time."
"It's all about strategy, how you place yourself, how you move."
"Worth mentioning because of their 12-inch deep strike."
"This is the importance of positioning and just thinking about where you need to be in mid game."
"Being in the third position is very, very powerful."
"Once he gets that starter down and gets in position, that's really where he excels."
"It's easy to argue that being the one pushing into your opponent actually makes you less susceptible to ganks if you play well."
"Avoid moving in between Carl and nearby walls."
"Keep an eye on Poco's position to prevent multi-target hits."
"Positioning is key... You always have to be adjusting, always have to be thinking about that."
"The most important thing you should focus on when you're picking up Anna first is positioning."
"He found that place in the game where he wants to be."
"She is built to receive. Have I positioned myself to be receptive to what God is about to do?"
"Positioning matters. Positioning 100 matters."
"Thoughts on this body placement... Ethan is outside of Zanna's room in that little hallway."
"Everyone else is battling at best for a distant second place."
"So if she's here, if the camera is here and she's standing here talking about and I'm on a bench here..."
"Familiar faces find themselves in prime position, ready for whatever comes their way."
"The mistake a lot of people make is they're worried more about taking shots than getting that good positioning."
"You gotta use strategic positioning to put yourself in the best possible place to win gunfights."
"Ninety nine point nine nine nine nine nine nine percent of players have a huge glaring issue and it's bad positioning."
"But where should you place your merchants upstream to direct trade? The best place for your merchants are the trade notes directly upstream for your capital."
"Donny van de Beek excelled yesterday. His best position is on the edge of the opponent's box."
"Divide would be the ideal really because that means you can pick one you want to be in a good place."
"High Ground is the thing that is talked about a lot by me when I'm doing spectating."
"Good ways to isolate yourself from angles are to stay near walls."
"Whenever you see a small gap, put your troops in a very narrow column and push them forward."
"So if they want to camp behind a wall or something I'm just going to do this."
"There's no range that your opponent is safe and there's no angle that they're safe."
"This is position static by default. Now I want these to be positioned absolute so I can move them around wherever I want within its element."
"He does not have to expose himself as much while taking precise shots into attacker spawn while using the Operator."
"Leon has this tricks that he uses with his footwork that allow him to land strikes in good positions."
"She would be uniquely well positioned to make such a documentary."
"The future is very bright and very dark at the same time... so be on the right side and position yourself carefully."
"Grapple points are actually incredible ways to get both to an exact position and a very consistent angle."
"Spider-Man isn't the one who apprehends Kingpin; he's the one who puts him in position to be apprehended."
"It's all just positioning... there's no good guys or bad guys in here."
"You can just always have an indication of where you're at in the sky."
"For the most part, you want to be actually behind that enemy."
"It's incredible though when you begin to run out of position."
"You move around position yourself perfectly for that pen shot kill to line it up and you're constantly getting impetus up so I've really started enjoying this passive here."
"The fact that he's starting third puts him in such a strong position."
"Fantastic bit of movement from Lukaku around the back, he's just staying out of the way."
"Forwards, you've got to be in the right place at the right time."
"Not another example of all it takes is for a rider to be just a teensy bit out of position and the bulls capitalize."
"Position yourself to have major opportunities come your way."
"Tesla is the most well positioned automotive company on Earth to survive the brutality."
"Yo, you are so slow, position yourself appropriately."
"This isn't one of them and that's why Terry Pendleton is playing way off the line."
"Invader Zim was set off to carve a space on the network."
"Make sure that you always have your flight to get out of sticky situations and you're landing on high grounds to set up off angles to poke people from multiple sides of the map."
"That's a much better attacking position than the right."
"We're not crawling, are we? The gas is coming in, so let's see, we got the north, the high ground here."
"Position fixed: It's going to stay at the top all the time. Top 0, left 0, and we get rid of those little spaces."
"Just put all of your infantry units in the front and your range right behind them."
"Position matters way more than it does in Hold'em because so much of the board can be represented."
"It's about where you're playing on the field."
"Rotate ahead and get to a better position than the team."
"Just like in mid lane examples, we push the wave to pin down the enemy and then pivot elsewhere."
"They caught us right in their gun sights, the kill zone..."
"Tomorrow go down... Position yourself. Stand still."
"Position yourself spiritually and physically. There is power in your positioning, in your posture."
"Positioning is important - don't stay in places that are dangerous."
"I do like this kind of positioning here on the map, he's pretty much vibed out right."
"Sometimes you gotta stand still and other players will move, and you'll end up receiving the ball."
"Be behind solid cover. Be where you can shoot him and he can't shoot you."
"Positioning in this nightfall is so very important."
"I've got Hong Shao to the left of me and Empire to the right of me."
"This game is just all about getting to power spots, holding the power spots."
"That bomb has made its way through P5 closer towards the plat than Faze would like."
"You don't need these crazy mechanics or plays, just be in the right spot."
"You need to stand where people can see you and where you can see them, where opportunities can see you and you can see them."
"Let's take the high ground, as long as we get into that yellow circle, we'll be alright."
"Knowledge of angles where enemies will predictably walk is incredibly important."
"A takedown is nothing more than a positional change. What do you do with that position?"
"Mercy is all about position, if you don't have good positioning, you're gonna suffer."
"You have to know where to be, and that is where the pure true skill comes."
"The range on the Mercy beam is enough that you still could have been behind the barrier."
"The king is in shambles and it's instructive to see how all of black's pieces are kind of stuck in no man's land."
"You place him in pretty much the backline. If it's level two, it could also play some of the frontlines to just get his ulti off a little bit quicker."
"You might do exactly what I just did if you're a G Team member. You might end up standing directly in the middle, and that's fine."
"Being in the right position at the right time, honestly."
"Positioning: stay close to your tanks but not too close, about half of the screen's distance since your healing can reach. It's a safe bet."
"It's all about strategy, isn't it? Where you have your bases, where you position yourself."
"Send him running in the opposite direction so he pops back to you."
"Annie needs to force V5s. Any sidelaning is terrible, and Annie doesn't want to be in the sidelines. Annie wants to play for the teamfight, especially once you get to realize and liandry's."
"That's how you get positioning, unless they're right there."
"General sniper awareness and positioning is key."
"He's putting himself really high near the ceiling so if Astro continues to move in, he can just fly into position."
"I used the grappler to get right behind him... depending on what your opponent's positioned, you can force them into your box."
"Effective positioning of Ash is typically on the high ground."
"It's great awareness to get into the six-yard box."
"When you've got that experience, you get yourself into the right place and you make things look simple."
"That's literally all you need to do as a striker: be in the right place at the right time."
"Both of them are right in the middle of their segments."
"It's not stats padding, it's called being in the right place at the right time."
"Martinez will slot in there and he'll cover that space aggressively."
"Pawn trades to improve your position, mobilize your own pieces."
"Reflect on your career, how can you reposition yourself for success?"
"No game is easy, we know that. But I think it's positioned itself quite nicely."
"It's better to stand either further behind or to the side of your caster creeps."
"You don't want to move up like this. You want to move over here."
"You don't have to be a 'Chad'; you have to know how to position yourself as a full stack masculine man."
"He seems to be comfortable no matter where on the pitch he is. Now, he's not... he didn't come across like a 240 player, but he looked very comfortable being at either side of the goal and using that right boot."
"Focus on your positioning first and then worry about doing damage."
"Watch as Magnus slowly methodically opens up the position for his Bishops."
"In reality, these tanks are actually not very well positioned. Did the great wall will certainly not be living all that long..."
"Apply the concept of triangulation to win this position."
"With a decent time here, he could find himself in third place."
"I'm going to line these matchlocks over here to take some flank shots."
"Where you position yourself with God is of the utmost importance."
"The goal is to land on the pocket line or just across the pocket line so we can roll forward for position on the four ball."
"Great positioning is all about defining where do you win."
"Positioning defines how your product is the best in the world at delivering something that a well-defined set of customers cares a lot about."
"You're anointed before you're positioned."
"The best one is going to be this lateral position, side-lying, and that allows the fluids, the secretions, to accumulate in the side of the mouth or the cheek area."
"Thomas Müller is not renowned for his speed or his ability to create chance after chance, but he's renowned for being in the right place at the right time."
"The car wants to line up in the center of the road most of the time."
"Having the high ground is always preferable."
"We need to position ourselves so that we can be in our divinity and create, not just build."
"Position yourself for safety, move off into a better space."
"He drops into the storeroom, and while Jim has no choice but to follow him, Brian sneaks into the back of the main lobby to get in a good position to shoot down the robbers."
"You're getting into the position that you're supposed to be in."
"As long as he's in that middle gap you should have something."
"Relative positioning moves an element relative to its normal position."
"As for correctional software and EQ, this should only be used as a last result where optimal positioning and acoustic treatment are either not practical or not possible."
"The best place to hide is smack in the middle."
"They are on the third row of the grid."
"He did exactly what he should have, was soundly positioned, allowed himself to have not only concealment but cover."
"Here's OBO at the front of the pack."
"The most important thing is to just make sure you're positioned well."
"Good positioning can take your system from having an in-room frequency response with big problematic Peaks and nulls to one that's relatively even. No treatment, no changing gear, just putting things in the right spot."
"It's a little bit in the higher position."
"It really is a privilege to end up on top of this little hexagon because if you do then you know you're basically a bullseye and if you're lower than that, well it's slightly elevated you're at 20 feet now."
"I'm gonna stand over there to see if our angle."
"Don't fight for the position that you already have instead just claim it."
"Acura is finally embracing the concept of being a premium player when it comes to its interiors."
"...the Panamera was positioned between something like a BMW 5 series and a BMW 7 Series... it was kind of in the middle of the midsize and the full executive sized sedans of the time."
"With coaxial speakers, generally aren't designed for you to be positioned right at ear level with the Tweeter."
"Daniels just knows where he is around the hoop, always knows right where the iron is."
"...and just kind of showing you that, we'll position those gears where they need to be."
"We need to actually start positioning ourselves as the value add and actually quantifying that value."
"The position Mo Salah finds himself in is perfect for a player of his stature."
"In client acquisition, an offer is the way a product or service is positioned."
"Offers succeed when they position products as vehicles or pathways to escape current situations and achieve desired ones."
"Those guys are always in the right spot."
"So, you've got to organize yourself to be close enough in two or three of these critical passing spots."
"Prime positioning for Robinson here. Nice."
"What we also need to do is position ourselves in a good spot. Like ideally, you want to be at eye level if you can, or even a little bit higher than the bird. For instance, you could be on a cliff, on a hill, because it often will allow you to have a nice distant background."
"You gotta be ready. You gotta be in position."
"You gotta will yourself into the position that you want to be in."
"That'll kind of solidify their position in the final eight."
"He positioned himself where it was unmissable."
"...there's no nobody rings a bell at the top... the turn could come at any moment so you have to be somewhat positioned ahead of time."
"You kind of can't position yourself as anti-establishment and establishment at the same time."
"Typically, you want it to be at about eye level or just below eye level."
"That's how you wanna have that positioned on your shaft."
"Ultimately, we wanted to be able to have a product offering at the high end of the market, the middle, and low."
"So, you always want your knights in the middle. A knight on the rim makes you very dim, is what they say in the chess community."
"Stereo effects such as width, height, and depth are always going to be dependent on your positioning between the speakers."
"Position yourself for advancement through strong communication."
"To position elements without disturbing the DOM, use CSS and apply 'display: inline-block'."
"Fan bites succeeded because of three things: positioning, overly promoting, and a combination of services and technology."
"Position once he should have been."
"Saturn is debilitated at the 20th degree."
"You have to put yourself in a position to end up where you belong."
"If you want to have good luck, you put yourself in the right position."
"All glory to God for positioning us with the right people."
"Hopefully, we're on the outside of them on the end."
"Strategically, this location is very well placed in relation to the border."
"You'd make a terrible battleship captain because you're positioning the boat perfectly for bombing runs you're welcome."
"You as a newcomer can position yourself right so that you can land the job that you truly want."
"Being in the right area is critical; it is so important."
"He found his niche. He's in a good spot now."
"If you're wanting bargain basement stuff, this is the wrong brand to be looking for. If you want the best on the market, that's where this positions itself."
"The quicker you can get to the top five to ten positions, the better. That is the best place to sit in a crit."
"Option C is correct because after a pyloromyotomy, it's ideal to position the infant with an elevated head and slightly tilted to the right to aid gastric emptying."
"Have the patient lay on her left side."
"In order to aid in decreasing edema, the patient should be placed in a semi-fowlers position with legs above the level of the heart."
"Putting the legs above the level of the heart helps aid the fluid in the patient's lower extremities to circulate back to the heart."
"...that means your Dresden is perfectly positioned in the center of your block."
"Positioning 24th is better than 25th, 17th is better than 18th, and it's all about creating future opportunities for teams from Africa, from Asia, from South America, the regions where the sport is still growing so that people can see it and say we can do it too."
"If people can do that, they're positioning themselves very well."
"Put your body in position to win. If I want to come out on the curl, I want to be completely facing the way that my comeback or the way that my curl is with my hips first."
"It's not just a pell-mell run for your life, boys. This is a turn around, march back, take a new position when you feel like you have enough interval from the enemy."
"After establishing the crown, we're going to go ahead and move it into place."
"Shadow always puts me in good positions."
"Sometimes it's where you're at on the field. A lot of great defense starts with proper positioning, knowing your pitchers' tendencies, hitters' tendencies, where they're going to go, and then making sure you're in the right spot."
"So she's laying down like this, and then this is his... and like, I'm like right here, laying this way."
"...players with great positioning will find it very hard to break through..."
"We've got it set exactly where we want it."
"That one middle tree is in the perfect position."
"Always position yourself in the best building with the highest view so you can see everything."