
Continuity Quotes

There are 9140 quotes

"Infinite games are defined as known and unknown players, which means new players can join at any time, the rules are changeable, and the objective is to perpetuate the game."
"The infinite mindset is not the absence of the finite; it's the context in which the finite exists."
"Life does not just stop because you're going through a difficult season."
"I just want people to say, 'There was this guy, he's gone now. Let's pick up from where he left and see how we can continue this exploration.' The journey has no ending. The point of arrival is always now."
"The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in others the conviction and the will to carry on."
"The basic processes, the basic sort of ecological processes that are going on today, they've been going on for a very long time."
"It's here to stay, and the ponies aren't gone and they never really will be."
"The present moment is okay; the next moment is also made from the present moment. So as long as the present is okay, everything will be alright."
"Society is about continuity, and continuity is about babies."
"It's a journey and it's a continuous journey until the day I die."
"Memory is the bridge from the past to the future."
"Thank you guys for watching, and I'll see you tomorrow. Take care."
"Maybe the reason why you value continuity is because you've had problems with your life's continuity."
"A people had come back to the cradle of its birth. It has renewed its link with the mystery of its origin and continuity."
"Sparks are just as bright as they were back in 2015. You're making me believe in love."
"The best type of friends are those you can just pick up right where you left off."
"The positive momentum that we've made these past few years has to be a mainstay."
"Nothing is wasted, nothing is over, nothing is finished if God is in it."
"This has been going on for 30 years, 40 years, right? And it's just been going on over and over and over again because there's no natural end to any of this, right?"
"We have close friendships and I have friendships, like, I have friendships with guys that there's an emotional intimacy that can immediately pick up where it left off."
"I think that's a clear through line, both between the social interactions that people have and the types of commerce."
"The theme of death is present from the start to the end of the series."
"They have always been crucial and continue to remain very relevant."
"Benedict said we need continuity, hermeneutic of continuity, meaning he embraced the past and helped make the future better."
"Listen, I have been thinking for a while about how much fun we have been having and how I would never want this to end."
"What monarchies do, and really is critical, is that they provide continuity."
"Smash is for everyone...even when I don't see a friend of mine for ages, when we get together and play Smash, it's like nothing had ever changed."
"The evidence we have at least is that when a person dies...the psyche, the soul, the mind, the consciousness, whatever you want to call it, doesn't become annihilated; it continues."
"You are always you in every moment, something that has been there in every moment of your life."
"And so the courier's road came to an end, for now. In the new world of the Mojave Wasteland, fighting continued, blood was spilled, and many lived and died just as they had in the old world because war, war never changes."
"Just because a chapter closes, doesn't mean the book is over."
"Even during death, the world continues on. The universe is infinite."
"Death is not the end; it's just a change. TV shows may end, but in real life, there is no one true ending, no resolution that brings us closure."
"Yuki ends the series in tears, crying to himself over the choices that he's made. Some things never change."
"The beauty of democracy is that it transforms our individual fallibility into a collective sense that the political unit goes on."
"The project for political betterment is a centuries, millennia long one."
"He was a prophet, the son of a prophet, the son of a prophet, the son of a prophet."
"Salvation is in three dimensions: We were saved, we are being saved, we shall be saved."
"The purpose of the monarchy is to provide continuity and stability regardless of what's happening in politics."
"Keep your stick on the ice, we will catch you next time."
"It's a vicious cycle of hatred, with our future being the same as our past."
"A function is continuous if it has no holes, breaks, or asymptotes. That's pretty much it."
"The official term for these time jumps is an 'ellipsis', and they technically break continuity, but they make up for it by improving the pacing."
"If you're careful, [timeline resets] can work really well."
"We pick up where we left off, on day 901. It was time to finally finish this."
"If there's anything in the universe that doesn't stop, it's the universe itself."
"Not everything needs to go on forever and be continued over and over again."
"He knew that some traditions had to be maintained and continuity was everything, but he knew that you had to keep up with the times."
"The curtain has closed on Son Goku and the gang's long-long fight, but at the same time, the Dragon World doesn't end but continues endlessly, as long as Son Goku and his friends are there."
"You're a community of selves stretched across time."
"If a function is not continuous, it cannot be differentiable at that point."
"Differentiability is stronger than continuity."
"After the Merge, all applications running on Ethereum should run exactly as pre-merged with the state and transaction history maintained."
"The metaverse is not one thing that one moment it's not there and then suddenly it is. It's now, and it's only going to keep evolving."
"In the way that I love you now, I've always loved you and will love you, and this love is, I can't tell you how rich it is."
"Australia's racism isn't just in the past; it's pervasive, systemic, and ongoing."
"I'm very happy Premier League football is continuing, though. That is a massive plus."
"The family is made up of the dead, the living, and the yet unborn."
"Happy Easter, have a great weekend, we'll do it again next week."
"The energy that is us, our base Essence, is not dying; it's going to continue."
"But even though Chippendales went through a lot of turmoil and a lot of horrific events, the shows themselves have never stopped."
"If you replace all his parts, is it really Wall-E anymore?"
"While the earth remaineth, seed-time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night shall not cease."
"Charles Darwin would be extraordinarily happy with this result because we're showing signs of continuity in the evolution of mind."
"Lots of things go on long after they're over."
"Life has to go on, but you never know how things can change."
"The retcon expungifier removes things from continuity so it basically treats the Beyonder like he never existed."
"Our relationship didn't change over the years so much as it moved forward together through the changes."
"The papacy was instituted by Christ and was promised to last until the end of time."
"Some core of the person's self may remain. This means you may be able to continue to connect with your loved one throughout the late stage of the disease."
"The Ship of Theseus delves into the complex nature of identity and persistence."
"Standing committees are basically always there, from administration to administration."
"Thanks for watching, and I'll see you in the next video."
"We never die. We're continuous. We always have been, we always will be."
"Everything stays but it still changes ever so slightly."
"We will get through this; we always have and we always will."
"The only reason Maki wears different glasses from the ones she wore in volume zero is because ghetto smashed her original pair."
"She's the fourth Tory prime minister in six years. The face at the top may change, but the story remains the same."
"The bullying never really ends" - there's always going to be a bully in your world
"But nowadays Plaza Ice Cream Parlor still serves that 80s branded ice cream."
"It's wild to me that people have continued to support us for a whole nother year."
"It's proof that 12 seasons in there are still stories for the show to tell in this town with its already established cast of characters."
"Here's to what came before and here's to what comes next forever and always."
"Are you ready for part 3? See you next Thursday."
"But also I believe that with the right adjustments we can remain what we have been for decades now."
"The economy is going to be just continually decimated, just non-stop."
"The show must go on. So we're going to continue."
"They set up the dance in cap 1. They said, 'Oh, just not knowing who he is.'"
"History has no firm line to divide it from the present."
"Even the queen, the pieces will be picked up put back together and monarchy will continue total survivors."
"The Lord doesn't end things here. It's the beginning of something still to come."
"The practice of Catholicism will change after Corona; Catholicism, the dogma, the doctrine, the morality, it can never change."
"What's the point of continuing if you can continue?"
"We are patterns that get maintained over time because there's a lot of activity beneath the surface."
"Nothing is lost, everything will be redeemed."
"This isn't a history that ever ended and it's still alive today."
"The overwhelming feeling I think was one of continuity."
"The Joker can never die because whoever kills the Joker within replaces him."
"Treat your spouse like you did when you were dating."
"That's how God established it in the temple and that's how it is used today."
"The dead do not praise thee, but we will bless thy name forever."
"Peter tingle was fantastic and they kept it [] running and [] like that."
"The story of Greek religion is one of continuity in evolution, reflecting the dynamic nature of human culture."
"The soundtrack reminds us of what might have been and also ensures that Tomoya Otani would remain onboard as sound director for the next game."
"Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles are actually the same game."
"Shows are still happening though it's just not E3."
"We are still Bethesda, we're still working on the same games we were yesterday made by the same studios we worked with for years."
"X-Men 97: Picking up plot lines from the original X-Men animated series, potentially connecting to the MCU."
"Continuing where Halo 2's story left off, Halo 3 brings players back into the ongoing conflict."
"You've got to get to here so that nine can pick up where we need it to go."
"It began as a terrorist group, its entire existence it has been a terrorist group, it is still a terrorist group."
"Hickman continues to build on the arrogance of doom."
"We must all realize that behind-the-scenes, these strange things will continue to unfold."
"The monarchy is still going from strength to strength."
"The slow atmospheric world building found in the classic titles is also very much present in Village."
"It didn't just end, so I think it's so beautiful."
"Ellie's queerness isn't going anywhere and will only become a more prominent aspect of the ongoing story in the second season when she's with Dina."
"The imperial state religion of China continued for over 2,000 years."
"In an era of unprecedented change for the monarchy, the future for royal pets remains assured."
"Time is a fundamental concept in physics, and is often defined as the progression of events from the past, through the present, and into the future."
"Rather than scrapping that and trying to do something new, reform what we've got."
"Exo Squad may yet return one day, ready, willing, and able."
"I'm gonna predict second chances and you two continuing this."
"I guess the restaurant won't have any problems with the Next Generation then."
"The fire fades, but maybe one day we'll return to the world of Dark Souls."
"New game plus allows you to carry over all your neural mods from the previous playthrough."
"I love the way they're continuing to support that franchise."
"We're back where we have been for the last eight years." - "We're back where we have been for the last eight years."
"Getting the right level of continuity and editing before the Snyder Cut releases."
"Thank you everybody out there. You've been watching Have a Seat with Chris Hansen and we will be back next Wednesday at the same time. I'll see you soon. Thanks again."
"The fifth winner of this battle pass giveaway boys and girls late like I said I'm doing another one right after this so don't go anywhere"
"Evolution doesn't stop with mother earth, it goes into space."
"The best continuation sequels feel like they were planned all along."
"We are part of a movement and it is not just going to be a moment that comes and fades away."
"How do we reconcile that with the fact that nobody's ever really referenced him before?"
"The commitment that we have had to the people of this country to workers, to women, to the climate is going to continue on."
"Putting a project down does not mean it's gone forever."
"We've got a good thing going and we've been having way too much fun to stop."
"Covert 19 simply intensified what was already well in motion."
"I love the way they tied it into previous games."
"The reason we stand for something is when one adversary drops out. While we're waiting for a new adversary, which will show up, we have to know what we stand for."
"Games are never replaced. They're just added to."
"The story is not over, it continues in the very next video."
"I love how crime takes place after the original Metroid but before its sequel and the whole trilogy fits here and it's such a bold move that could potentially link so much more context to the entire series."
"None of this is more easy; this kind of continuous lunar presence is a natural extension of all that we've learned in low Earth orbit."
"None of the more recent events here in Pui has taken away from Lourdes or La Salette. It's added to them."
"We're going to keep doing these tournaments as long as they keep doing amazing."
"You're not trapped in this moment, it's a film strip, the story's going to continue to unfold."
"Continuity is not necessarily a hindrance to telling a good story."
"You have made it so I'm actually interested in the story WEEK over WEEK."
"Crime, you know, the pandemic doesn't seem to be stopping crime."
"Bullying never ends; it just turns into different ways of bullying."
"This expanded family hasn't ever stopped growing."
"The overall feeling of the original Dead Space, in my opinion, is still very much there."
"Thanks again for watching... we will see you guys next time."
"Learning is a lifelong pursuit. We don't have a school year. Learning won't stop, it just continues."
"Throughout Innocent Sin, we learn what makes him tick, and the fact that he’s the only character in Eternal Punishment to remember the events of Innocent Sin means that both games form one continuous story for him."
"This pup getting a legitimate moment in the fight now instead of just an intro and then disappearing Into Thin Air."
"The problems of today are no different from the problems of Debs' time. They've persisted ever since."
"The best part about this reference is the truck never changes always the same color, same Pizza Planet logo, and the worn-off stickers to spell yo on the film."
"I just want the hair to look the same because everything's going great."
"I think in order to honor Bozeman's legacy, the character goes on, the movies will go on, the MCU will go on."
"Dead Space 2 is a case study on how to keep that Horror in future titles."
"Luckily not all your progress is lost because you can still upload your memory to a cloning system and continue with your personal progress when the world refreshes."
"God's going to have to preserve the Jewish people for 2600 years from 600 BC to we're now 2613 years later and they're going to have to continuously exist."
"Something is just going to happen and it's gonna be like, 'oh thank god that's exactly what I was asking for' and then it's just gonna keep happening."
"This is not the end of anything... but those of us who chair these committees have a responsibility to continue with our oversight."
"May the name of the Lord be praised both now and forevermore."
"JoJo's is never really gonna stop being fun."
"This is just a continuation throughout this whole process."
"Absolutely, next year we're gonna keep this thing going."
"Surprises keep coming and they don't stop coming."
"A great voice has been lost but the message goes on, and that's what we will continue proclaiming."
"I love that they were able to include Tess back into it as well."
"Let's keep it up in the next one." - Professor John Malleus
"The Goth family would continue for generations."
"It makes the performance stronger too, it doesn't like cut away."
"As long as we keep doing what we're doing, it's going to influence a lot of people."
"I hope that we can just see a connection that all of these artists... it's a continuous language."
"Don't forget that you're in a pandemic... carry on with all the day-to-day measures that you've been doing with a great deal of success."
"My body is like a television set playing the Bruce show, which is a broadcast. A television when it breaks is dead. But if a television breaks and dies, did the broadcast stop? And the answer is no, the broadcast is always there."
"These things have been going on and continue to go on this very day."
"The 1936 Olympics were fascinating to me because there are a lot of things that are still going on today."
"Just because it's summer does not mean that politics stops by any means."
"Every bit of goodwill they've built... it's clearly been rumbled on for a year."
"Thankfully I've gotten to continue playing with him and continue exploring the Joker."
"The Last of Us Part Two starts five years after the events of part one and it shows Joel cleaning his guitar while explaining to Tommy what happened at the hospital."
"Little touches of continuity really do it for me in sequels like this like visiting spectacle rock and zelda 2 or Kanto and pokemon gold and silver."
"The trend continues... the current avatar almost always looks very similar to the past avatar's significant other."
"This character will go on forever and ever and ever."
"It's very important for us to not kind of take our foot off the gas, right?"
"The same team that works on and made Overwatch is also making Overwatch 2."
"The reason Darth Vader's appearance here is interesting is because it was unexpected and it served as a payoff to his appearance in Fallen order."
"Good night and we'll see you all again soon."
"Whenever we do talk, it's like we've been talking for the past year every single day."
"Thank you for watching, catch you on the next one."
"Clearly the topic of breakups is never-ending."
"I know what you're thinking wasn't Opa the last Sky bison as far as we knew and yes you're right."
"Anybody can schedule a moment on the calendar but a movement doesn't have an expiration date. This is not a moment, it's a movement."
"At the end of the day, it's still Assassin's Creed."