
Context Quotes

There are 3314 quotes

"The infinite mindset is not the absence of the finite; it's the context in which the finite exists."
"Do you know what you generally need for map references to make sense? [__] Maps."
"Context enriches the story... and that really enriches the story a bunch for us and makes the story therefore memorable."
"One of the primary functions of prefrontal cortex is to really understand context."
"It focuses on deep dives into historical events, and puts them in context so that we can understand them better."
"Excellence is contextualized by a player's performance relative to their era."
"I wanted to take some time out to do a little background check on why that video happened and why those words came out."
"It's not unreasonable to give advice, but it has to be evaluated in the context of the situation."
"Debates about what books belong in public schools often miss the point: it's not just about content, but about context, consent, and the right to choose one's narrative."
"The US-Mexico border is a complex and multifaceted issue, and it is important to consider the full context of the situations depicted."
"Given what we find out about the experiment, this all makes sense. For now, we have a murderer to investigate."
"Regular listening exposes learners like you, English learners, to new words and phrases in context, enhancing their vocabulary."
"Every word appears in context...which means you'll learn the words more easily and you'll also know how to use them."
"I'm a pastor who cares very deeply about understanding the Bible properly, about reading it in its context and knowing what it really says because I do believe that God has inspired the Scriptures."
"The vocabulary and the grammar alone is not sufficient; you have to combine that with the actual specific context in which that language is used in order to correctly interpret that sentence."
"You can make for instance a person data type or a candidate data type in the context of elections or a person data type more generically that might have a name and a number."
"Listen to the stream while driving home from work today, audio only, so I had zero context for anything. Just keep hearing you shout about Sonic and pregnant. That is enough context that you need."
"All art is always contextual; it always carries meaning."
"Glenn Parsons’ work 'Beauty and Public Policy' claims that beauty produces a feeling of perfection in its particular context."
"Trying to take people's stats and objectively applying it to their play and their ability to play and have impact as a whole is grossly mis-evaluating them as a player because it fails to have context."
"You become better able to understand the meaning and the context behind what somebody else is telling you about."
"It's important to contextualize young success stories to acknowledge that no one has gotten to where they are in life simply by sheer willpower or work ethic."
"No one ever comes up with something out of the blue; creativity is about taking patterns out of their comfy recognizable context and moving them into a different one."
"I learned the context, the purpose, the skill behind making these pieces, and it started to make sense."
"And very often, actually completely ignores the context of the culture being represented."
"We now live in a culture of calling out, a culture of outrage. You should call people out, you should be outraged, but always remember context and never disregard intent."
"A lot of nuance... is needed to understand the conversation... just because of how much China has changed."
"The problem is not the knife; it's how and why it was used."
"It's like asking how does a shovel become a murder weapon. When it is used to murder someone, this isn't hard."
"Saying Christ is King is not innately anti-Semitic. It's all about how a thing is used."
"Perversion does not start with perversion; that's why pornography is so devastating because what pornography gives you is a prevision, a pre-vision of something God wants for you out of the context that He designed it in."
"I'm not typically one to go that far and say it was a childish tantrum, but let me give you the backstory real quick, and then I'm gonna have to say yeah, I would call it childish."
"In America, it's considered more of a silent addiction. You're not seeing a lot of these internet cafes; it's happening in your homes, in people's bedrooms."
"While individual events are significant, they have less significance than when you put them all together."
"The best thing to do is ask them what is the context. Can you explain to me the specifics that you're talking about that allow you to interpret the passage this way?"
"You see, revenge is a dish best served with a generous helping of emotional context."
"We have a lot of information but we don't have the context that is so necessary for us to process that information."
"To fully understand Russell Bran's recent profession and/or announcement of faith in Jesus, we have to get some context."
"As students of history, we must seek the historical truth through knowledge, understand the context of historical events, and recognize that people in the past were just like us, who lived in different circumstances."
"Without context, you can make numbers say whatever you want them to say."
"Interpret literally, interpret in context, interpret in view of history and culture."
"What is or is not extremism is incredibly subjective and incredibly contextual."
"It's important to place this wave of radicality in this historical context."
"We're the Adeptus Mechanicus, and we're on planet Epsilon 96B 38472, digging a big hole, and we found something... a sheet of paper that says, 'Context matters.'"
"The context does matter. Does anyone really disagree with that?"
"The costume itself can serve as the context for a character to be considered a superhero by placing them within the superhero community."
"Taking something out of context isn't honest."
"Quality is a bit more than something being good or bad; it's how well something works within its context."
"The most important piece of context that gets obscured in our media reporting is these cities, these refugee camps, are under illegal occupation."
"Kind of funny, but extremely wrong and disgusting to do it in a Senate hearing room."
"It is tricky, but grace, yes. You can't immediately put slavery and racism on a girl because she goes to that party."
"To be honest, I would only want to judge any remark on any program in the context of the program."
"It's important to understand the past. You can't understand where you are if you don't know how you got there."
"Roland immediately appeared at the hand of delre."
"There is a long history that provides context to everything that happens today."
"The score Ian monsters meat that is but for us to understand how it came to this situation we'll have to go back in time."
"The point is, it's not necessarily where it occurs, but when it occurs."
"Let's just shoot it with the bazooka and it'll get bigger. What, the pool or the whale? The pool."
"Our scholars understood that something might be the Shabo in one time or one place or one land but it is not the Shabo in another time or another place or another land."
"We understand the moment we understand where we are the circumstances but this is what you want."
"Context, context, and context. You have to read it from beginning to end."
"Shenanigans are why we're playing, but it's gotta be in the context of the tone of the campaign."
"Context can shape how you view a piece of art dramatically."
"I realized I have to provide the context every single time otherwise there will be comments saying why didn't you talk about this."
"It's believed that this person of interest had no previous knowledge of this apartment complex."
"There's a difference between 2,000... and 16,000 capacity rooms."
"Each of these characters is fighting against a system... they're all raging against the machine and that context means everything."
"Apostle to the apostles: that's using the word 'apostle' and 'apostles' in two very different senses."
"It's very hard to take something out of context."
"People don't care about context or critical thinking."
"No, it's completely irrelevant. It's got nothing to do with anything."
"This ending gives a whole new context to every single chapter in the game, making you realize just how terrible Henry's situation is."
"The reason why it's harder and we miss more is because context matters so kova 19 related information is easier for us to identify if it just uses one of the certain keywords etc."
"Though I can see why people are angry at it, in the context of the story I do think it works."
"The best way to really learn new vocabulary is one in context... in a story."
"They announced like 15 things at SDCC. Sure, and even though those two events are unrelated, I feel like once you announce a slate, the next step is to contextualize what the hell is happening."
"Just because I'm going to point out the legitimate grievances that Osama Bin Laden had in that letter does not mean that he is justified in doing what he did on 9/11."
"Insurrection can come in all shapes and sizes."
"Fanservice is neither a bad nor good thing, it all depends on how it's handled."
"So with all of that said, was Call of Duty Infinite Warfare secretly a masterpiece that was just surrounded by unfortunate circumstances?"
"It's another example as to why you need to be very, very careful about taking comparative statistics in isolation and out of larger context."
"My videos are always going to be in the context of my projects and the examples that they can provide."
"It's contextually appropriate in certain circumstances and contextually inappropriate."
"If you actually allow yourself to connect deeply to your life, you are promised grief on the other end, and then to also experience that deeply."
"If your advice requires some hidden context in order to be useful, then the advice is worthless."
"There's something called contemporary context."
"A lot of country because unless those who can fly."
"People live in the moment and forget to look at a wider context."
"Are we overrating Fred," assessing players in context is crucial.
"Honesty is kind, but always kind on the broadest expanse and in the broadest context."
"The guns have always been there, close quote."
"Of these my knife of the year is on the table."
"It's all about the context, consent, and how you portray in what way they touched your life."
"You have to change the environment that they exist within."
"Recontextualization offers us a mechanism for radically changing our understanding."
"The big picture can completely recontextualize the little picture."
"There's no general and clear answer for everyone, and to say that PHP is better or Python is better with no context behind it, it's just foolish."
"Breaking expensive things that people really want, especially in this context."
"You should absolutely care. The reasons and the context matter."
"The husband meal might be another [__] yeah husband meal is pretty good when you put it into context."
"The more context you have, the more understanding you have."
"Depending on how you use a curse word, that's what matters most."
"This is one of the only contexts where it makes sense for Superman to be on a team."
"This is a whole different conversation versus tricking."
"Change the context. What's your strength right now could become your greatest weakness if you just move to a different city or country."
"Human behavior doesn't run on objective reality. It's driven by meaning and context."
"Christ within the context of Islam is recontextualized."
"Young people had heart attacks before the covid vaccine."
"We need to understand the wider context of a person's behavior."
"The drums immediately tells us what the drums are and where they're coming from, giving us some much needed context."
"This isn't a circus right like this is actually really important."
"If someone saw a clip of your video out of context, would it be possible for them to tell you're quoting someone and where it's from?"
"Fitna for us was being forced out of our religion." - Unknown speaker
"There is something to be said about being honest. It's important to be honest in things. Not the time, not the place, not the context. None of that was right."
"Don't be afraid to ask. So what is the evaluation context?"
"There were no questions about that up until the point that we're going to cover shortly."
"It could mean much or it could mean a little."
"It's like taking a paragraph out of the middle of a long chapter book."
"Brilliantly contextualized in the ambers of time."
"It's not just one thing that does it, and speaking of which..."
"When you're looking at naval history, context is the whole story."
"You really have to tell the whole story to understand the decisions made during the war."
"Honestly, I think it's a fair quote given the circumstance."
"The celebration here is not really about the ruling."
"We cannot understand the culture of woke without understanding the context in which it was born."
"We go beyond the headline. We make sure that you know the full context of the story."
"The paper tag for the set looks perfect in the context of the set."
"Things are still looking good for me, which is more than we can say for the king of Sweden."
"Rather than a PvP free-for-all where the conflict has little meaningful context, we wanted to create a game of Thrones."
"Context matters. It's what gives us license to hate something we shouldn't or to forgive the things that we might not otherwise forgive."
"I think the world would be a better place if it was mandatory to have context when you're speaking to someone."
"Just the value of context because it seems to be an endangered concept right now."
"Being able to capture the context is what becomes really important."
"Some background for anyone who doesn't know what we're talking about."
"it just seems like it understands the assignment."
"Nothing is completely good or completely bad." - "Context matters."
"Yup, that's totally vague enough. Well, what happened to the nice old guy that we also got zero backstory on?"
"If I can give you guys a random fact that could give context, I'm gonna do it even without the context of everything else."
"The story provides context to where your powers come from."
"Once you realize that you're not looking at something in the right context with the right amount of information or investigative ability, it's going to be hard to separate yourself from that."
"A move that is bad in one position could be good in another."
"If the surgeon says if you can't do 50 push-ups you're a joke... it makes sense in that context." - Apostle Roman Assah
"It's good. I want to see it in situ. That's what really makes it for me."
"Two people can do the same things, have the same habits, have the same job, have the same goals, but one person will achieve it, one person not, based on the context of who they be."
"We remember things not only based on place, remember you forget someone's name you ask where do I know them from right what's the place because the context will give you the content."
"Stand up for yourself, but be mindful of context."
"This is an extension of that same conversation."
"It's important to put this into perspective historically."
"That's okay, it's also like 11:00 a.m., something like that."
"Regardless of political affiliation," he said.
"There's nothing about the context of scripture that suggests it's isolated to a church setting."
"Somebody has to keep them honest... I think I can count on you."
"There's context behind the entire narrative..."
"What determines a good decision is the circumstances surrounding that decision when it was taken."
"Just knowing that it's a survival section is I think conveys everything you need to know."
"It's not another wrong question just because, like, since, uh, since it's, like, the last 20 seconds anyways, like, if it's in the beginning of the game, I don't think it matters that much."
"So to say this is somehow evidence of anti-Semitism, when it's par for the course for everybody else, it's crazy."
"It's very odd, why would he do that at that moment?"
"It's nice to be kind and lovely and caring at times but this is not one of those times."
"If you use a word in its proper context, how can it be offensive?"
"Words matter and if you use a word in its proper context it should not be considered offensive."
"I'd want to situate it in a larger framework. I wouldn't want to just talk about race and racial inequality."
"They did a smart job of putting the political context in it."
"Hope you enjoyed learning a little bit more about the Oxboxtra team."
"Thank you for providing the needed context for complex issues."
"Let us know the worst advice you've ever received was and why because as you can see a lot of the quote worst advice is only the worst advice contextually."
"Look, let's stop for a second and go back to what happened that night last year..."
"Cancel culture seems to me to lack an understanding and compassion, often lacks context."
"It gives you so much context for the books... made me want to reread the series."
"To some extent, though, that's masked by two things..."
"Understanding human motivation is what puts the economy and puts your own investments in context."
"This year guys this year I um you know and that's that's pretty much the whole story leading up to the main story."
"The most misattributed Marcus Aurelius quotes often lack context and are extreme relativism, which doesn't align with his philosophy."
"Contextually, this thing really goes beyond the rating scale."
"It's not about hazel in particular, it's about a larger issue here."
"Exist, the current in-game leader of Ninjas in Pyjamas, is a player where for CS:GO fans, just for more modern-day fans, it's going to be quite difficult to actually understand the full context of his career."
"It dares you to feel something for someone who in any other context would simply be a villain deemed unworthy of empathy."
"It's a great way to provide this contextual understanding of what was the original value and what is the new value."
"It didn't seem like it was a power that was completely off the rails from what, oh, and if you go back to..."
"Despite trying to lock themselves in a similar bag in excess of 400 times."
"Luckily though, there is some good news from all of this."
"Context matters I mean let's be honest context matters and in the way you say things matters I could say the word Pig nobody's gonna be offended but if I call you a pig then it becomes offensive."
"It's more hey let's laugh at them because of the situation rather than hey let's laugh at them because they're naturally that way."
"It adds even more flavor to the story and more context to what's going on around you."
"If you're in a speedo, that's not comedy... Everything is what you do."
"It's all context, and it's all how you say it."
"It is great to have a little bit of context, especially when you consider that all of these Star Wars anthology or story films are gonna be one-offs." - Mark Meyer
"You have to protect the attempt. People will joke about things that are, on paper without context, horrible."
"In understanding when to play Thoughtseize, it's also important to consider the format that you're playing it in."
"My individuality is only expressed and understood in the context of the group."
"You can't divorce scripture from the context."
"Like all tools, the bologna detection kit can be misused, applied out of context, or even employed as a rote alternative to thinking."
"I think that it's important to put all numbers in context."
"You have to understand Jason and you know this because you were there."
"Nobody's breaking into windows and looting shops."
"First-person segment and it works within the context of the film."
"I have taken a lot of solace in reading history in the last couple of years to put our moment in time, in context."
"Sometimes Smiles can take on new meaning in the right context."
"Ground news offers us a way to step outside of our Echo Chambers and gives you the most context possible to actually understand what's behind the headlines."
"2008? Is that when the goo was started on you? Crap, she's moving."