
Incrementalism Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Small things add up to one big thing. That's how League of Legends works, in my opinion."
"A 1% improvement over a year can compound to massive growth over a long enough time period."
"How small changes we take can spread and create change on a larger scale."
"Hope things get better and change happens one simple thing at a time."
"I think that just comes with time. I say go for it, add little things in at a time."
"We are really going to be looking for incremental changes."
"What they don't realize is that these small, seemingly insignificant steps completed consistently over time will create a radical difference."
"Little changes... everything doesn't have to happen all at once, but these little things start making all the difference."
"One day at a time, one little thing, one new thing at a time."
"We have to make some form of progress, regardless of how small the steps are."
"Incrementalism makes the heart hard."
"Much better to steer our software and our business towards valuable and so success in these smaller increments that are each a little have a little bit of value associated with them rather than to assume that we can achieve success in a prescient single band."
"Play incremental long ball. Don't look for the home run."
"Don't be too despising of incrementalism because that's the way a lot of things actually get improved."
"God does not work incompletely but he does work incrementally."
"But we've got to take it one step at a time."
"Small steps make a big difference."
"It's truly about tiny little baby steps."
"We're thinking about one step at a time and that's all we're doing."
"10 percent of something is always better than 100 of nothing."
"Tiny changes add up very quickly."
"It's all about baby steps and making improvements over the years."
"I believe it's about taking small steps and making incremental changes."
"Start doing something just a little bit at a time."
"The small things make a big difference over time."
"Incremental small changes still lead you to success."
"Change one thing at a time, baby, one thing at a time."
"How do you change the decoder? Small bytes at a time."
"If you're talking about problems and progress for one-sixth of humanity, you rather go for safer, incremental, sustained change than looking for a radical solution overnight."
"It's the small parts of every single day that add up to greater success, instead of one thing huge."
"It's always better to do a little rather than too much because then you can just add to it."
"All of these little things are gonna add up and it's gonna make a big difference."
"Progress is progress, every little step counts."
"Incrementalism, right? Pile up 5,000 sentences and you have a book."
"Let's begin by solving this problem in little baby steps."
"It's about the connected operations paradigm that unfolds by virtue of bringing together the ontology incrementally."
"It's never like one big giant idea that helps you; it's the little things."
"Break things down into tiny little bits... get on the bike, don't think too hard, just do things in tiny little steps."
"If we would just do a little bit instead of saying I have to do it all or nothing, we would move so much more forward."
"That is how we change the world, one tiny step at a time."
"The only way to make sustainable change is to start small."
"Start small once a day and start safe."
"Start with small things... You have to take little steps."
"It's not just about you, it's about those tiniest of increments."
"Incremental steps to ultimately achieve the goal that they're trying to do, which is to take away everybody's guns and make you a criminal."
"Incrementalism: Don't try to predict five years; be more modest, take it one year at a time."
"There's one good thing about getting in trouble, it seems like you do it in steps."
"One shelf at a time, one drawer at a time, one day at a time, small decisions make a difference."
"I don't have to move mountains in one day; I just have to do a little bit every day."
"It's always to do things incrementally; that's a good development practice."
"Just start from the smallest bit, take a small chunk of it, and you can start to break away a lot more pieces."
"It's one step at a time, one little bite, one little piece."
"It's not the big moves, it's the small moves, it's the little tweaks."
"Take it in small steps, don't scare yourself because it'll put you off."
"Start small and then build on success."
"I've completely changed my life with one percent improvements."
"Do not do big changes, just work with what you have, just go and do small steps, small improvements."