
Flaws Quotes

There are 666 quotes

"The point being is, anybody can have flaws...but no matter what you are, there's somebody that likes you completely as you are."
"Flaws make for interesting characters, and we shouldn't be so quick to scrub our heroes of blame."
"Having a good flaw is really what makes the drama come out at the table. I encourage everybody to give in to your flaws and play them up rather than to play them down."
"Any good hero worth their salt can't be perfect... there always has to be flaws."
"You intentionally designed it with a weak point? It's not a weak point; I like to think of it as a character flaw. People just aren't complete without some type of character flaw, don't you think?"
"Flaws are more interesting than the powers themselves. The story is generally going to revolve around what your characters have trouble doing, around what the magic can't do, rather than what it can."
"Even if the world seems to be perfect, there is still a lot at fault with what is happening."
"The challenge of loving myself became easier when I realized someone else could love me through my flaws."
"It's actually an excellent question because looking at this sort of thing does really help understand flaws and limitations and things like that."
"Everybody has flaws, absolutely, but this is not a pass for you to be so rigid."
"Deep down, you push me away because you don't want me to see your human flaws."
"Bill is just like the good ol' boy around here. He thinks he's got it all together, wants to be the best but keeps messing up, and he's got lots of character flaws but he's still good at heart."
"Striving to be your authentic self means figuring out exactly the shape of the flaws, the character of your little demons."
"Streaming will expose any flaws you have and blow them up massively."
"I've accepted my changes and I've accepted my flaws."
"Your flaws make you who you are, and if you change things about yourself, don't let those changes make you feel like you weren't already amazing in the first place."
"Your flaws and everything is what attracts your future person."
"May Allah rid us of any of the destructive flaws that could do away with our good deeds. May Allah guide us towards that which is pleasing to Him, that which makes us more pleasing servants to Him."
"Letting you be a screwed up person and making that be entertaining and endearing."
"If he's worthless then let him be worthless, have him actually be selfish, have him actually be insecure."
"Characters need to be flawed in order to grow, and I don't think that growth has to be linear either."
"If you properly understand why something isn't the best it can be and still love it anyway, that's a perspective worth looking into."
"Characters are more interesting when they are flawed as it leads to growth in their journeys."
"Well, the best characters are flawed characters."
"You just need to know your flaws and you need to know your strengths."
"This game captures a lot of that search for balance that doesn't make the game's flaws go away, but it does make the game have a unique and potent value."
"Fundamentally flawed because power is given to the state."
"The court system itself is flawed... people are in jail that didn't do [ __ ]."
"Because we are a homogenous people, we identified ourselves with this one individual and overlooked his faults."
"Mushu is one of the most memorable Disney sidekicks of all time, and as much as he’s charismatic and lovable, he’s also careless and selfish."
"It's flawed, we always say about the judicial system."
"Only by accepting our flaws can we strive to overcome them."
"All of us are flawed but this is a rough topic because it involves uh the raping of children and it's happening at the highest levels of government."
"Every character in this series is flawed in some way, and that's so much more interesting to watch and to play."
"It's a flawed game, but I find it so engaging that there's two such radically different games sitting on top of each other."
"The reason why we liked characters like Luke Skywalker or Han Solo was because they were flawed."
"There is a crack in everything and that is how the light gets in."
"The heroes can't be flawless, they need to overcome flaws."
"Cobweb kind of pisses me off because it is so close to being perfectly amazing but it just gets a little bit too messy along the way."
"The best characters are the ones with flaws because we're human."
"Jury nullification can be used for good or for ill, but every system has flaws."
"The degradation is very high; the overheating is still there."
"Especially my flaws, those are Mari's flaws."
"I think it's important that we show our flaws on the internet because it's just so saturated and so filled with perfection and fakeness all the time."
"Every team is flawed in some way. It's like T1 is flawed in some way, that one's flawed in some way, Gen.G. I think they're looking super good."
"Greatness isn't in absence of flaws but in how much an audience is willing to deal with the flaws and take them in stride."
"They love him despite his flaws because they believe he has their back."
"Being the best dick she ever had I guarantee you will cover for a lot of character defects you have."
"Icons - once you make someone an icon, you forget about all their flaws."
"Gon just sucks and that's what makes him such a fascinating protagonist."
"I think it's just very flawed, very luck-based."
"There's something special here, something possibly magical, but it's so damn flawed."
"It's ambitious but man is this thing just incredibly wonky."
"Her vices are played for laughs, highlighting her lack of control and inner struggles."
"In spite of its flaws, the church is the object on earth upon which he bestows his supreme regard."
"The game shows significant promise despite its flaws."
"If a character has no flaws to overcome, then they have no room to grow."
"Real connection is when your friends love you with all your flaws."
"This is not a game without flaws but god damn this game is just incredibly engaging to play."
"A game is brutally flawed; it doesn't mean it also can't be fun."
"It is not without flaws, some of those flaws are kind of more egregious than others but it is not without virtues."
"The bloodthirster has showcased so many flaws in its design and yet so many strengths at the same time."
"Accept yourself every flaw you have accepted."
"People are so goddamn unpredictable because we're so [ __ ] flawed."
"Sigmar has always been an actual character with flaws and motivations."
"He not only accepts her flaws and her vulnerabilities, he encourages them. He allows her to be who she is and shows this unconditional acceptance."
"It's beautifully flawed, it's a very, very good point and very eloquently put. I like beautifully flawed."
"The towers faults have made it one of the world's major tourist attractions."
"This is going to be oblivion as it was, warts and all."
"Griffith's greatest weakness was brought upon by his petty human nature."
"Twice was definitely a deeply flawed character, but he was also deeply human."
"I love strong characters and I love characters who are wrong. I really love characters who are wrong."
"Best artists are always the biggest fuck-ups."
"It's really important to highlight the struggles and the flaws."
"In order to show how something can be better, you have to reveal its flaws first."
"I think that's just the beauty of The Simpsons: they aren't perfect people, they're flawed, they've got their problems, and that's just what makes them so relatable."
"Humans are natural fuck-ups our biggest obstacle is ourselves."
"Sometimes people become successful because of their flaws rather than despite them."
"Atomic Heart is a mess, but it's a charming mess."
"Joplin tornado highlighted flaws in the EF scale."
"The reality is that superheroes as they existed in the boys universe were created by flawed American and compound V."
"The characters are endearing, flawed, and specific."
"Character flaws are easier to swallow when they are presented as flaws and when you can treat them as flaws."
"Despite how perfect Azula tried to make herself seem, she too had crippling flaws that led to her downfall."
"Magic carries a quarter-century of design mistakes and blunders and you know what? Some of them are super fun!"
"The mental health system often fails people; it is a human-made construct that has to work within other human-made constructs, all of which have huge flaws."
"All of the characters have like solid real flaws."
"All those flaws might be the things that make you the greatest version of yourself."
"To be human is to understand that we are innately flawed, capable of greed, tyranny, and even revenge."
"His take on Bruce Wayne and Batman has always been informed by his penchant for extremely flawed male protagonists."
"Every Lamborghini supercar always has flaws, but they all deliver a spectacular experience."
"We're painting pictures. We're flawed, these are anti-heroes."
"A compelling hero is made by the flaws they carry with them. The game tracks your experience to find what you aren't particularly good at."
"but what makes Tony Stark so interesting is that he is a deeply flawed man"
"It's okay to admit your flaws and say I don't want to become that."
"Many of the best and certainly most memorable cars in our lives are like the best people—they are in some ways deeply flawed, but they have other characteristics that make up for those flaws."
"A romantic character shouldn't be flawless; they need complexities, depth."
"Tony Stark's greatest superpower: he can make really bad decisions but we still love the guy almost unconditionally."
"Sometimes you're willing to look past their flaws when you really care about someone, but when you just meet someone, you're not going to put up with people."
"You don't want to be in a relationship with someone who isn't honest about their flaws."
"Writing a good character means writing them to be human, and to be human is to have flaws."
"Loving a movie is not just ignoring or overlooking its flaws; it means recognizing them for what they are and loving the movie anyway."
"This show ultimately is a show about heroes, even if they're flawed."
"Everything in the universe is perfect, even the flaws, even the imperfections, because the universe doesn't make mistakes."
"I was entertained in spite of flaws, kind of throughout a lot of it."
"Our capital punishment system is flawed; this is not a matter of vengeance, it's a matter of justice."
"The flaws in the experiment that Ben and other critics bring up call into question large portions of the narrative surrounding the study."
"It's not perfect, nothing is perfect."
"We are human, we are flawed, and we have biases."
"You know what you're going to get with him, warts and all."
"We all have aspects to ourselves that we feel like are unlovable, right? Self-perceived flaws, self-perceived shortcomings."
"These might look like superficial flaws, but they reflect much deeper problems."
"...the flaws here are almost a joke, wildfire druid is so powerful..."
"The 2099 experiment wasn't without its flaws and has its fair share of missed opportunities and underwhelming stories."
"His characters tend to be just self-aware enough to know that they suck."
"Someone's going to come into your life, your soul tribe, your lover, whoever, they're going to accept everything about you flaws and all."
"We are so attached to us, to the idea of us with all of our flaws."
"You have to accept yourself, flaws and all."
"I am who I am. I can't fake the funk. You know what I'm saying? Like, I got a lot of flaws, I got a lot of things I hate about myself, but it is what it is."
"So, who should buy this camera? The camera has a few flaws and incredible strengths. The Q3 truly shines in street photography."
"It's one thing to start seeing a person's flaws, it's another to notice harmful tendencies."
"This film might have its flaws, but Daniel Craig isn't one of them."
"People do things, you know? Churches are collections of people. So, people are flawed, sinful, make mistakes, etc."
"I hope that you do see the flaws... because then it gives you reason to love them even more."
"Find someone who's flaws that you're willing to accept and move on with because you love them so much."
"Ultimately, in spite of the last season's flaws, I do think it's a mostly really good conclusion for the series."
"For all its flaws, it still felt like a well-made finale to the series."
"It's so good to have a character that has a flaw because then they make mistakes, which creates more conflict, and then they do things out of fear, which allows us to understand them more deeply."
"Every bodybuilder has a flaw. Ronnie Coleman, he didn't have the best abdominals but he still won eight Olympias."
"When you have characters that are damaged to a certain point, complex, conflicted, flawed."
"I'm probably going to upset a lot of people here because Dumbledore is such a beloved character, but in a way that's exactly my point. Good characters are not perfect, and neither was Dumbledore, but he was perfectly flawed."
"Jake is an angry, disturbed individual who cheats on his wife. He beats up his brother who might be the only one in the world who tolerates him, hell, he doesn’t even like himself."
"Metallo's downfall consistently came about because of his all too human flaws."
"Despite being envisaged as the ultimate Superman killing machine, Metallo's downfall consistently came about because of his all too human flaws."
"This line is genius because it showcases that Frollo was so utterly unwilling to accept his own flaws that even as a self-professed religious Catholic person he blames the very deity that he worships rather than himself."
"Iron Man is this Billy like look at I heard my billionaire could do anything he wants makes himself into a superpower everyone loves him regardless of his failures."
"I empathize more with these characters because I see these flaws and myself then I feel like like separates me from other parts of humanity."
"The movie is just like these few flaws away from being [ __ ] awesome like it it it is like for a reboot of like an IP it's super original and it has all these really effective things"
"So then there we have it, this is a flawed but fun car that does have its weaknesses. However, when it and you are both in the mood, it'll deliver a real thrill."
"People are actually flawed, yes, they will fail you."
"Despite his flaws, he is still a truer leader than any of them."
"The prison system is flawed, you're trying to discipline people that don't respect discipline."
"You are already whole and worthy just as you are, flaws and all."
"I love my flaws, they make me me."
"She was willing to accept all of him, both the good and bad."
"Confidence is the most attractive feature and your flaws don't define your beauty."
"Heroes have issues too, not just villains."
"I like the fact that Mickey had very visible weaknesses."
"Design flaws cost a lot of good men and women their lives."
"...if you want this character to grow how flawed are you willing to make them..."
"Everybody has to have a minimum of one glaring flaw... Who wants friends that everybody thinks you're perfect? That's weird."
"I'll never be a hero. Finn, you are wrong. The mark of a Great Hero is his flaw."
"I think my theory of Love is you fall in love with people's flaws and their weirdness and their quirkiness."
"Accept the flaws of your partner. Change might never come. And lucky enough, they will accept yours."
"'I think it's two stubborn people whose big fatal flaws that they're both too stubborn.'"
"Perfection versus flaws... I think flaws aren't necessarily a bad thing or what makes us unique."
"Your characters must suffer the consequences of their flaws."
"Overall the siege of the north was wonderfully presented with a bit of clumsy writing."
"Our justice system is so flawed. The [__] monster who rendered that is still walking the streets freely."
"I felt that the flaws in his character, to my mind, instead of detracting from his greatness, actually enhanced the greatness."
"The stronger the potential, the bigger the shortcomings."
"The fact that even your gods have flaws, that's what it comes down to."
"Does this just take the flaws that are already present in the existing system and amplify those?"
"Extinction killed the pimp without giving him many good lines at all. That's kind of unforgivable."
"To really get to the true meaning of love in my opinion, it is unconditional. It has to be because we are all too flawed."
"In my opinion, love is unconditional. It has to be because we are all too flawed."
"Begin to make a conscious effort to love your flaws as strange as this might sound."
"Being flawed is essential to our humanity. Love that."
"Character flaws shouldn't go so far to make people feel uncomfortable or to be aggressively unlikable in the first place."
"Characters with no flaws are boring. That's just a fact."
"This appeals to what I want to be and you're you're insanity, loneliness, my flaws but also my idea that I could despite my flaws, I can find something that's truly beautiful in my life."
"The Indiana Jones films absolutely do have flaws, substantial ones at times, but they still offer compelling moments throughout to buy that invest and goodwill back from the viewer."
"The U.S Constitution was amazingly good for its time, but it's not perfect and the flaws might get worse as society changes."
"...your icons, your idols are brilliant people, but you've also got to understand that they are flawed human beings that maybe have made mistakes and broken hearts."
"We may be rooting for them since they are the protagonist, but they are not without their sins."
"I prefer a more flawed version of Sonic to the flat character arc version that just inspires everybody else. His quickness is as much a weakness as it is a power."
"You need a character to be fundamentally flawed because that's what's interesting to watch."
"Appearing better than others is always dangerous, but most dangerous of all is to appear to have no faults or weaknesses."
"I think the story has a lot of conveniences, a lot of lazy writing."
"No DAW is flawless; however, Reaper feels like the flaws that it has are not so impactful that it would cause me to want to jump ship and go to another DAW."
"Overall then it's not a case without its flaws which means the price is maybe a questionable one or at least you should be adding it to your short list rather than me giving you an unequivocal recommendation here today."
"Frollo represents what happens when one does not accept their own sin or flaws in their lives."
"It's realistic because it sort of depicts flaws and makes flaws funny."
"Your main character energy is the realization that main characters are flawed, they're realistic, they're raw, and they're human."
"Despite its kind of obvious flaws, I still love this movie."
"Daniel Russo is a very bizarre character because he is the person you're so often rooting for while being his own worst enemy that causes so many problems for himself... it's interesting to watch someone that has such obvious flaws but always trying to do the right thing."
"Victor is the purest example of a guy who is trying his best but always screwing up, it’s no surprise he ranks here."
"True love means when you accept your partner with all his flaws."
"Our species is very flawed, we're an amazing species but we're very flawed."
"a broader version of humanity of people flaws and all"
"Even with its flaws, Diamondback is genuinely an awesome ride."
"Life is full of flaws, mistakes, messes, and hey, I'm a mother of four children, and that's to be expected, but it is nonetheless beautiful in its own imperfect way."
"Everyone, no matter how stunning, is overly focused on their flaws."
"Despite him being a strong character, he is very flawed."
"Hachi is my favorite character in the series even with all her flaws."
"Showing a character is flawed is just as important as progressing them along their arcs."
"Something fake will always reveal itself through its flaws or its belly button."
"People can be deeply flawed, people can make mistakes, people can do bad things, and they can also be capable of greatness."
"Main characters are so much more relatable if they're flawed."
"You can't fall in love with somebody's potential and ignore the fact that their flaws make your life a living hell."