
Data Security Quotes

There are 508 quotes

"Protecting your data security is more important than ever."
"When Apple advertises its iPhone... they focus on data security, reliability, and compatibility with other business tools."
"There's no doubt that voice assistants have opened up Pandora's Box in terms of data security and privacy."
"The data stolen has been deleted as the ransomware organization delete any stolen government data."
"If a breach can happen to Capital One, it can easily happen to an individual like you."
"A hash function... I think of it as a fingerprint for data."
"Google vows to delete data harvested during Incognito sessions." - Announcement regarding privacy concerns with Chrome's Incognito mode
"Titan security chip: a big step forward in safeguarding user data."
"American data stored on American soil by an American company overseen by American Personnel."
"No one knows who you are and what data you're transmitting or receiving."
"And we work really hard to keep our customers information safe and to provide them with transparency and control over their experiences."
"Windows 11 might damage your data—no, that's not hyperbole, that's what Microsoft says."
"Encryption turns plain text into gibberish unless you have the key."
"Before he can be arrested by the UNSC for his crimes he takes all the facility systems offline and erases all data."
"When you leave your internet connection unencrypted, you might as well be writing your passwords and credit card numbers on a giant billboard for the rest of the world to see."
"By having your settings in a separate settings file, you can actually encrypt that setting."
"To add another level of security to apps and files, you can use the Secure Folder."
"You should presume whatever you're putting on the internet it's already in the public hands."
"Your private data is your own whether you're in the bathroom or whether you're online, and this is why you need ExpressVPN."
"The purpose of VPN is to protect your data when it goes from point A to point B."
"Hosting it in a public cloud still has its own set of concerns but it does mitigate a lot of the risk of hosting it at home."
"There was a recent study that was published in the year 2020 which found that 155 million Americans likely, including you and me, have suffered some form of data breach."
"Every few months there's a massive data breach or some kind of explosive bombshell."
"We need to have a very high level of caution about entrusting really core and critical confidential national and personal data."
"In a zero trust world, that's the ultimate. Sure, the identity might be the new front door but it's the data we have to think about. All roads lead to the data."
"If you don't have a backup of your backup, you don't have a backup."
"Something that we all should care about, though, is our online privacy..."
"Privacy has become an increasingly important issue from TikTok to recent leaks about China's massive database on millions of global citizens."
"Linux respects your privacy; Windows spies on its users."
"ExpressVPN encrypts 100% of your data so anytime you're online, no one can see what you're doing, which keeps your personal info secure."
"Well, so in bitcoin they hash everything twice."
"There's no way to track it ever again. Why exactly is this allowed?"
"Whether or not to encrypt your home folder... it's very nice to have."
"Having our information collected or straight up stolen online doesn't have to be one of them."
"They're going to have information about your health records, any sickness that you may have had, your mental health, any medications you're taking."
"It's genuinely concerning the amount of our private information that is out there on the internet."
"Your data needs to be secured as much as you can because it is worth more than you."
"You can search the web with real and organic search results and do it without anyone tracking your activity or data."
"Palantir's responsible approach to AI ethics Safety and Security could make AIP one of the only large language models that huge Enterprises are actually willing to trust with their data."
"If your data is very important to you, then I suggest spending a little bit extra on the nicer drive to make sure your data is going to be intact all the time."
"A VPN is an armored car for your information."
"Privacy is power because data, whoever has the data in the digital age, will have the power."
"You may wish to enable encryption based on the criticality of that data."
"We keep everything on offshore servers in Iceland. If the data is safe, then Iceland could you just WikiLeaks that stuff. But else can you do there except reveal politically embarrassing emails?"
"Blockchain technology is changing the way we think about data storage and transactions, creating a sense of trust and transparency."
"Your personal information could be at risk as well as your browsing history—all of that could be visible to your ISP."
"Save a seven day summary of when apps access your data, like your location or microphone."
"Easy/safe to share... just because you can see it doesn't mean you can change it because it's immutable."
"Why leave your data out there for anybody else to grab?"
"Privacy zuckering: tricking users into giving away personal data without realizing."
"Sending data over an unencrypted internet connection is kind of like sending a postcard."
"Businesses do not have free license to Market and sell Americans sensitive location data."
"You don't lose your progress...your progress file is still there...you don't lose what you've built."
"My Knox is somewhat like a phone within a phone."
"The growing realization of just how much of our personal data is being stolen, bought, and sold."
"Keys aren't the only things that smartphones are slowly making obsolete."
"Given the amount of data breaches we see in the press, it's only a matter of time before someone finds a better way to keep our information safe."
"If the internet knows more about your kid's medical history than your damn doctor, you are not doing this right as a parent."
"Don't have to share any information, including your email with them."
"We live in the information age which means that the protection of our personal data and information is of the utmost importance."
"When some faceless conglomerate knows your most intimate secrets and holds more information about you than your own mother, you should be worried."
"To keep good backups, you need to spend almost as much money on your backup system as you do on your primary system."
"Your privacy and behavioral data is monetized and sold to governments, corporations, and advertising agencies."
"China's ability to collect data on global cargo flows is worrying the U.S."
"Loyalty equals royalty and I think that I'm not worried about the costs, I'm worried about the data."
"If you only have one tape of the data and it's destroyed... you have no data."
"Trusting any company blindly to keep your data safe and protect your privacy is a bad plan, period."
"They never told the parents that their children's data would even be compromised."
"Another feature you do gain access to in the premium version of Evernote is that you can also password protect a document."
"If Rasputin wanted to save a copy of himself somewhere, he'd probably want to save it someplace where it's safe."
"Weibo data breach - 538 million users' data for sale!"
"That's our information, and if I can control that being put out there, that would be, that would make me feel a lot better."
"Your information is being given away and sold to the highest bidder."
"I don't know, it kind of made me like a little bit cautious when using that because you just don't know what people can find out about you."
"Fortunately for us today NordVPN provides users with the kind of data protection that puts the Enigma machine to shame."
"Data theft is a part of everyday life. It’s unfortunate, but its reality."
"Encrypt or hash that communication together."
"Zoom may or may not have known that the Facebook log in SDK software development kit, so the software library that allows that to work, apparently says it sends a bunch of private information back to Facebook."
"533 million Facebook users' phone numbers and personal data were leaked online."
"If you don't want to have your government watching all of your data flows we're going to talk about some of the things that you could do."
"Mercedes-Benz onboard logic unit source code leaks online, revealing a potentially alarming system."
"Secure your Data. Secure your APIs. Secure your Organization. Secure your Future."
"Your personal information is up for sale to whomever wants to use it."
"Everyone has sensitive information that is potentially accessible with basically no due process."
"Now that it's saved, this is very important."
"The best backup solution is to have your data in more than one location."
"Privacy is becoming more and more important every single day."
"Protect your data privacy and crypto investments."
"In the digital age, your data is your lifeline."
"One woman accuses a smartphone app of sharing data with the Chinese regime. The software helps women plan their pregnancies."
"Privacy features include the option to delete what you just said and control over stored data."
"This terminal contains extensive data regarding the bacterial contagion identified as Kara... pandemic development, network error resulted in routine quarantine procedure failure."
"The hash value, if they match, that means that the data was not tampered with, was not modified in any way, shape, or form."
"Virtual private networks help keep your data safe as well as providing a host of other uses."
"I don't want to make my and other people's information and safety this vulnerable."
"Your code is extremely safe when you're working with git."
"Security and privacy are of significant importance."
"Any piece of data, any IoT device should be able to have an identity."
"You have two keys: a public key and a private key."
"Unlock and lock your notes with your on-device passcode or Face ID for added security."
"There's a lot of demand... security of data is going to be incredibly valuable."
"Confidential Computing seeks to bring out hardware-based solutions for handling data in use across multiple environments."
"Raid 6 allows any two drives to die without losing any data."
"Built-in redundancy to your first copy is a good idea."
"Your data is secure, once you migrate to BigQuery."
"Encrypting your files is super simple and easy."
"The promise of quantum computers: revolutionizing data encryption and beyond."
"AES is quite complicated, but all that ChaCha does is add, rotate, and XOR."
"You gotta protect your data better than that. My privacy is so secure that I don't even know my own social security number."
"For real security, you have to store your data on a server outside your app and architect your project around these constraints."
"Regardless, we cannot give you a password that we do not possess any more than we can give you the formula for Coca-Cola. We do not have it, we have no legal right to acquire it, and so we cannot give it to you."
"She's got that underdog potential that people just love."
"Concurrency control is essential, especially in distributed environments."
"When an employee opened an attached excel file with a hidden virus it penetrated the local server exposing the system to theft change and destruction."
"My personal data is as safe as possible." - ho ho hey what's up Zane the super high-tech hackery computer guy here
"Mastering permissions in FreeNAS means mastering your data security. Here's how!"
"An event source system is append-only, making it difficult to attack."
"Stop data Brokers from exposing and selling your personal information."
"They do all the work to get all that stuff removed for you. You can protect your privacy and your personal data."
"When you use ExpressVPN, your identity is anonymized by a secure VPN server so ISPs cannot see your online activity."
"The chain of custody needs to be verified for every single one of these thumb drives."
"Data integrity is super useful for any kind of hospital records or any kind of secure records that we need."
"iCloud encrypts your data to keep it secure."
"What this proves other than the fact that they are willing to take information that's accidentally sent to them says something to me."
"Everything you do in the secure folder remains stays inside secure folder."
"Everything thieves need to take over as the new owner of your home was leaked."
"Blockchain provides that decentralized immutable way of storing data, making it very difficult for hackers to manipulate or steal data."
"Always have at least three backups of important footage."
"ExpressVPN secures all of your data and keeps all of your information private."
"If your data doesn't exist in three places, it doesn't exist."
"I see no reason why there shouldn't be paper backups for any electronic system."
"Data could be secured in a way that was physically impossible for others to access, no matter what."
"Well, I can definitely back out, man, but at the end when you lose all your informations you will not be able to back out because you don't know what all kind of things that these people have done onto your account."
"I don't even think about backing up things anymore, I just rest assured Backblaze is in the background of my computer taking care of everything."
"Privacy isn't dead. It's one of those things where I think that it really is kind of too far."
"Any technology that helps secure our data and keep it private is good technology."
"Your internet data stays safe behind this like wall of next generation encryption."
"There's no excuse for not making any backups. You need backups."
"Where is the DNC server, and why didn't the FBI take possession of it?"
"The bottom line is it wasn't a hack, period. The end of that."
"Cybercriminals who rely on malware like cackbot to steal private data from innocent victims have been reminded today that they do not operate outside the bounds of the law."
"Encrypting your data at all times, both as it sits in your database and as it travels over the network, minimizes the opportunity for an attacker to access your data in plain text."
"Privacy mode is going to allow you to create a directory an area that is going to allow you to secure any of the things that are here."
"The 3-2-1 principle of data protection stipulates that you should have at least three copies of your data on at least two different storage mediums and one of them should be off-site."
"And do not forget to protect your Firebase data."
"It's terrifying to see exactly how many brokers have my data, but it's really fun to watch Incogni get them to delete that info one by one."
"Your privacy, your data, and most importantly your personal safety are at risk."
"Never screw over the people who have access to your data."
"The IRS has your private medical records right now."
"Data centers are going to be everywhere. They'll be secure, cloud-native, confidential, multi-tenant, AI-driven."
"It's around securing data, not moving money faster."
"Somebody could be taking those and sending them somewhere else."
"Tick Tock has gained a lot of attention recently due to the fact that it probably gets hold of your private and sensitive data."
"You don't want to hold these on a cloud, don't put them on a device that's attached to some sort of cloud that someone could potentially compromise."
"All this information is assured with their £10,000 data guarantee."
"Security, overall, as we get into more digitally intensive organizations, which all of us are becoming, data security, information security is going to be key-key-key for all of us."
"Shred documents, don't just fling them in the bin."
"Tokenization is interesting because it's stateless; it's stronger than encryption."
"Your data is confidential; nobody else can see your data."
"Protecting data at rest and in transit: essential for maintaining data security."
"A VPN is also a great way to keep all of your data safe."
"Row level security ensures users only see the data that's relevant to them."
"Confidentiality is often protected through encryption both at rest and in transport."
"That's how easy it is to back up and restore anything on your start 9 Embassy."
"Trust was the most important thing I needed a trusted source to secure my data and data Cloud was the differentiator and the perfect product to take that Journey with me."
"This next part of the video is probably the most important part and that is to do a proper backup of your phone."
"It was also just kind of terrifying to see exactly how many Brokers have your data and it's really fun to watch incog get them to delete that info one by one."
"Aura can identify data brokers exposing your information and submit opt-out requests on your behalf."
"Users trust that their data is safely and securely sent and stored."
"The data that is not accessible by anyone or any authorized person when they require it has no value."
"Data is becoming a national security concern all around the world."
"...If you think about the time…should say more so sensitive data…If you think about the time in which a user can get access…into sensitive data, this is pretty much gas lit."
"And once I've done that, it's in the device. This seed will remain in the device until I power it down."
"It's a literal man-in-the-middle you would connect it to the weekend data wires and you would try to read that information as it goes across the wires and then replay that information."
"That's really what hashing is in layman's terms. It's transforming sensitive data such as a password into letters, numbers, and/or symbols via a mathematical process."
"If you're someone who's trying to prevent the transfer of non-encrypted credit card numbers, the device that will be able to identify that as a credit card number and then block it or alert on that particular traffic flow is indeed a data loss prevention solution."
"PCI DSS requires that all traffic containing credit card data must be segmented away from the rest of the network."
"If you're trying to maintain integrity of anything, chain of custody is a great way to do that. You document who touches, who has access, every single person who comes into contact with this is documented and stored in a way that can't be changed."
"Chain of custody is what allows us to...confirm that the data cannot be changed and confirm that nothing in that data has been modified from the time that we collected that data."
"Your personal data is the most important thing to protect. With e-race data setting, your phone will wipe itself after 10 failed login attempts."
"Just for that extra Peace of Mind knowing that if ever my phone gets lost, my data won't be."
"Everyone wins except for the bad guys stealing your data."
"The internet is an incredible place, but it's also dangerous with your information possibly being leaked to data brokers."
"We're extending perview data security capabilities to cover your data, structured and unstructured, no matter whether it lives in the Microsoft cloud or on another cloud."
"In general, businesses should achieve a 3-2-1 backup solution if at all possible."
"Snapshots are your ransomware protection to an awesome extent."
"...if I'm accessing it from another Azure resource like a VM on a virtual network it's not going out to the internet, it stays on the Azure network."
"If you want to access this particular CSV file, you should have a credential, so that you can access it."
"God only knew what she'd been looking for in there but I had no doubt she'd found it and if she was looking to try and take down the FRB, she'd absolutely find everything she needed in the Ashfirst server room."
"With Aura, my data is now secure."
"You have every right to your privacy, websites are not entitled to know your data without even asking, many sell it and even good actors can get hacked and your data with them, exposing you to attack and fraud."
"You're going to get alerts for any potential data breaches or leaks of your personal information online."
"Just shutting down TikTok will be a tiny step and largely ineffectual in protecting U.S. data."
"Data security is the sum of all controls in place to keep your organization's data in a state of wellbeing."
"Hardware based encryption devices prevent storage mapping from drive to file system."
"How it works is when Laravel encrypts data, it will always use the master application key."
"...just because you store something in the keychain, SQL databases, cookies, SD cards, on the cloud, or really anywhere else, you can't assume that it's being encrypted."
"Removing EXIF data from images, yes, very, very important."
"You must have backups, audit trails, and segregation of duty for data security."
"We're gonna look at a lot of different examples of different ways that you can set up security in Power BI, and we're looking specifically at more data-level security."