
Inaction Quotes

There are 470 quotes

"One thing I learned is they never regret what they did, they will regret what they didn't do."
"To actively do nothing is a decision as well."
"The more educated you become, the more you develop that rational faculty which enables you to find excuses why not to do anything when others are suffering."
"After getting super clear on their dreams, one of the biggest mistakes people make is not taking any action at all."
"If you don't want to be criticized, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing."
"For five years, the horror of what was happening was suspected, and yet time and time again, nothing was done."
"It almost takes more discipline to do nothing than it does to do something."
"The best thing to do might be nothing, letting the world repair itself from all the damage we've done."
"Sometimes doing nothing is literally the best thing you could do."
"There is one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing."
"The most looming regret are those of inaction... the what if I wish I would have done."
"Procrastination gets so many people where it's we'll do it later, not right now, maybe later. It's just as bad as quitting because typically quitting is a by-product of somebody that constantly procrastinates."
"What keeps us from acting? Negative emotions: fear of shame, fear of rejection, fear."
"Contemplate the price you pay for inaction. You're already in a little hell, you know perfectly well it's going to get worse."
"Isn't it amazing that we humans know what to do to save ourselves and yet we don't act on it? What's wrong with us? Have we gone mad?"
"Too many Americans are paying for the price of inaction with their lives."
"The only way to avoid criticism is to do nothing, to say nothing, and be nothing."
"I just keep thinking about CLA still being alive on that driveway and begging for her life and he could have saved her but instead he hit her again who does that?"
"If you fail to make an issue out of a million micro-catastrophes, then it's a macro-catastrophe."
"Should we do nothing? What should we do? Are we... when can this conflict be resolved?"
"All talk and no action is what the club is. Until there is action, you cannot believe in these stories."
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is a good man to do nothing." - Ralph
"Fear and the inaction that comes from it is the worst cancer you can put upon someone."
"Sometimes doing nothing is best, which is path three."
"We can't look at two decades and say, 'Oh yeah, we still did nothing about that.'"
"To do nothing is the most costly policy of all."
"Chris's inaction made the majority of people working on the case believe that he had something to do with her disappearance."
"Talk is cheap. Saying that you're gonna do something means absolutely nothing in politics these days."
"Everybody hates war, but nobody ever does anything about it."
"The only necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
"A character who doesn't take action is not only aimless there aren't even really existing in their own plot or in their own life."
"There's no greater risk than inaction, looking away, hoping for problems to resolve themselves."
"A virginia jury's decision to side with johnny depp in his defamation lawsuit is drawing both condemnation and praise."
"Why didn't I call the cops? I don't know why I didn't call the cops."
"If you guys have not picked this game up yet, I really don't know what you're doing right now."
"You have to understand that NOT making a decision is in fact, a decision to not decide."
"The best founders know no action is one of their key plays."
"Nobody does anything and then everybody is shocked."
"It's easy to do nothing, but it's hard to forgive."
"He did nothing to offer aid to the people dying around him."
"Behind every crime lay a haunting truth, a trail of grief-stricken individuals who for whatever reason chose not to take action when they could have."
"You ain't gonna do nothing sitting back and just thinking about what you wanna do."
"Both extremes, not acknowledging the problem or saying it's too late, lead to the outcome of inaction."
"They're not going to do it, are they? And then what? It's going to be chaos."
"The most radical form of rebellion may be to do nothing."
"Being paralyzed and not making a choice is the real way that you lose all of the real possibilities in your life."
"I think a lot of people, for a lot of people, like doing nothing is sort of the most authentic thing you can do."
"It's very damaging for a white person to see this stuff happening and not say anything."
"This whole interview is an excuse for inaction and saying oh anyone who's talking bad about us or criticizing us must be acting in bad faith."
"The worst thing that anybody can do is not act."
"The most looming regrets that haunt us are regrets due to inaction."
"Nobody seemed to notice... everyone pretends nothing is happening."
"Sometimes it's what you don't do that makes you who you are."
"Could have done it right then and there, but instead they just say meaningless platitudes. They've done so much, guys. So much, guys."
"One of the biggest things that I look to is him who knows to do right and doesn't. It's sin."
"This is like some Silent Hill style stuff, why is everyone just stood there?"
"The only way to avoid criticism is to say nothing or to do nothing and to be nothing."
"It's like you you can watch it happen we can see it happen you can comment on it happening saying it's wrong and then be like but it wouldn't happen to me I don't get it."
"All it takes for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing."
"Fear can paralyze you. We can be so worried about doing the wrong thing that we do nothing."
"It's the concept of being a bystander while terrible stuff is going on, and everyone else is perfectly willing to let you."
"Sit with how you feel, but don't do anything about it."
"There's a special place in Hell reserved for people who see the truth and don't act."
"They push all of these like 'we want equality, we want rights for people'... but they never actually do anything policy-wise to actually better the lives of the groups of people that they're talking about."
"This guy didn't do anything, and by the way, it sounds like what he's doing is actually rather dangerous."
"Sometimes doing nothing is the right thing to do."
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
"I think the answer is to just make some sort of beacon power... and then you just leave it unlit."
"The man who does something is sometimes wrong, but the man who does nothing is always wrong."
"We're kind of screwed. Yeah, I just haven't seen it. I think it's obvious what needs to be done and there's like no action taken to do that."
"Doing nothing sometimes is the most powerful thing you could do."
"It's not even my quote. Evil prospers while good people do nothing."
"Literally not zero. There's literally nothing done."
"It is better to do nothing than to do what is wrong. For whatever you do, you do it to yourself."
"There are no words to explain why he wouldn't take action to take out this individual."
"maybe the right thing to do right now is nothing"
"When the good men do not stand up, the world turns into chaos."
"I guess sometimes I just feel so overwhelmed that I just decide not to do anything... if that makes sense."
"Those ballistas have just been vibing the whole time."
"Actions speak louder than words, and right now that's all we've heard."
"Their lack of action or communication is a response or decision in itself. Inaction is still a decision."
"Lots of people dream, but they don't ever go after their dreams, why?"
"We know what to do. We know how to get control of this epidemic in the U.S., but we're not doing it."
"Not making a decision is in itself a decision."
"Ignorance is bliss. But is it best? Inaction is the worst decision."
"Many of us don't act because we want other people's approval. Who wants to be upset with yourself?"
"99% of people don't do anything about the free information."
"The idea of having a dream life is actually so much easier and better than actually you going to take action to become that person..."
"You need to make a decision... not making a decision is a decision in itself."
"Most of these politicians don't really do anything for us anyway."
"When you do nothing, it leads to the very best of something."
"Many of us don't act because we want other people's approval."
"He has done absolutely nothing from his seat to help the city of Baltimore or any other major city except sit there and tweet."
"You guys just let this guy burn me and hit me, and you don't do anything!"
"When the Republicans get in, what do they do? They sit on their hands."
"Just because you haven't experienced it or you don't know how to deal with it doesn't give you an excuse to do nothing."
"I think that fear of failing is so grand in people that they just don't do anything."
"This person hasn't been taking action towards you because they figured that things were over."
"It's also to do at the times that you just said nothing and you allowed something to happen that you knew was wrong but you said nothing."
"What takes courage is to do nothing. That takes courage."
"You may not have started the fire but we didn't douse the flame."
"God didn't even do anything, just standing there."
"If something is not taking action, inaction is still action."
"The government response to this is criminal inaction."
"Complaining about the same issue for five years and never doing anything to fix it."
"Sometimes the best strategy is don't do something, just stand there."
"The wisest thing if you're a school district, the smartest thing that could happen right now is you just do nothing."
"If I have to want to challenging tone and I'm sitting here what if you don't do anything about...?"
"Our backyard is burning and we're not doing anything about it."
"Sometimes what you don't do is more powerful than what you do."
"The greatest source of regret for most people is due to inaction not to something I did but something I didn't do."
"When does doing nothing actually work? Right now."
"There is only one way to assure you never get there [the mountaintop], and that is standing still."
"You're waiting for too much here that you're not acting or responding out of faith. You're acting out of what's in my control, and it is sabotaging you."
"The amount of times that everything that happened could have been avoided and it wasn't because nobody did anything about it nobody spoke up nobody said anything."
"There's nothing I want to do about it because if I do something about it I may mess it up."
"The largest circulation newspaper in the United States revealed that one of the world's most influential companies was promoting pedophilia and nobody in power did anything about it."
"Sometimes, when problems come, we just stand around looking at each other."
"When masculine energy is damaged or weakens that is what leads to this state of inaction, not moving forward, especially not moving forward on things that the masculine truly desires or even self-sabotaging."
"Sometimes doing nothing is harder than taking action."
"Evil happens when the good do nothing. When the bad do bad, what the fuck is that?"
"Taylor's best form of action is inaction."
"If you're not taking action towards the things that you say are important to you, then you're bullshitting yourself."
"For every action, there are consequences, and for every inaction, there are also consequences."
"Worry is like rocking in a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but you're not going anywhere."
"Inaction breeds fear and doubt, while action breeds courage and confidence."
"Doing nothing against bullying is almost worse than the act itself."
"The hardest thing to do is nothing."
"The consequences of your actions will obviously come, and they are of your choice, but know that doing nothing is also an action."
"Sometimes the best solution is to do nothing; nothing is a choice sometimes, and sometimes it's the best solution."
"The world will not be destroyed by evil, but by those who watch without doing anything." - Albert Einstein
"Doing nothing is often the best strategy."
"If control suspicions were correct and one of those four is the Russian mole, then Moscow has known about Source Merlin and the Witchcraft reports for at least 18 months and done nothing about it."
"This period of inaction is actually producing a change in them."
"When you have a chance to fix the harm that you've done, you chose to do nothing."
"It's the attraction of indifference. His inaction is what's really driving her nuts."
"Naruto and Sasuke had the power to make real, meaningful change, but they did nothing."
"...the only wrong action is inaction."
"Evil triumphs when good species do nothing."
"Unless it happens to one of their own, then they're not going to do anything."
"All that's necessary for evil to thrive is for good men to do nothing."
"Good people who do nothing, those are the folks that are the real threat."
"Childhood emotional neglect is not a form of child abuse because it's subtle and usually unintentional rather than a direct act. It's the absence of action. It's essentially inaction."
"The greatest danger we as human beings have is when we do not do anything at all."
"I stayed frozen, my mind was so far beyond boggled, I didn't even know what to think or do."
"Sometimes the best thing to do is nothing."
"Because he has not cared, because he's actually done things to jeopardize Americans, American lives, that there is a very, very, I'm hearing that he's going to have to pay for that. I'm hearing that his inaction will have consequences."
"But if I kept standing there, staring in shock at this screaming man, the result would be the same."
"And have you noticed they haven't sent nobody down there ain't nobody coming through the door to check to see what's going on they armed your quarterback in this thing from right where they at they ain't moving."
"...sometimes the absolute best thing you can do is absolutely nothing."
"The only way to avoid criticism is to say nothing, is to do nothing, is to be nothing."
"The only way to avoid criticism is to say nothing, do nothing, be nothing."
"It's in recognizing that sometimes the most potent action is in not acting."
"I hated the fact that I was too scared to do anything about the groundskeeper's desecration."
"I enjoyed letting Jacob die just not doing anything."
"There exists a delicate balance between action and inaction."
"Sometimes what we don't do costs us more than we can imagine."
"Nothing is more painful to the human mind than, after the feelings have been worked up by a quick succession of events, the dead calmness of inaction and certainty which follows, and deprives the soul both of hope and fear."
"To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, be nothing."
"We often understate the risk of doing nothing."
"Not acting is still making a choice, therefore violating a moral scale."
"Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to do nothing."
"There was obviously a lot of people that knew something was going on and they didn't do anything."
"The best revenge was to do nothing."
"For decades, thousands of people experienced unidentified flying objects, and nothing has been done about these instances."
"We're playing the violin while Rome burns, and it is China, frankly."
"What is the government doing about it? Not a freaking thing."
"You naturally do it. That's what non-action is."
"Every action has consequences even inaction."
"Acting perfectly usually means not acting."
"You guys did not do anything to help him out at all."
"The worst thing you can do is do nothing."
"They did something right by doing nothing."
"They want you to notice the pain, they want you to sense the aggression, but they don't go far enough for you to actually take action."
"It seems to me that sitting here doing, if you're pardon my French, squat."
"If we sit here doing nothing, what do we gain?"
"It's not about what you're doing, it's about what you're not doing."
"Wondering why they haven't shown up to do anything to stop this."
"We've known about the dangers of climate change for many decades and yet we've done virtually nothing to stop it."
"I couldn't believe they'd known something was going to happen and barely did anything."
"Man, just let it ride, bro. You ain't gotta do nothing, man."
"Listen, if you don't want any negative criticism, just do nothing, be nothing, and say nothing. That's the formula."
"When men do nothing, Satan still acts. When men say nothing, Satan still speaks."
"Sit it out babe, take no part in that drama. If he wants to be a part of your life, he will make the effort to be in it. Your inaction will cause a reaction."
"The only way for you to fail is to just not do anything."
"I enjoy peace and people become honest, I do nothing and people become rich."
"You can stop a lot of stuff and don't do nothing. But always stopping some, always got your mouth on something but you ain't doing nothing."
"It's just as important to not do as it is to do."
"This guy just, you know, he's not doing."
"Inaction creates more problems than doing a wrong thing."
"The world is a dangerous place not because of those who do evil because of those who look on and do nothing"
"Fear is not the enemy, it is the ally you need most. Inaction is the enemy, doubt is the enemy."
"The law demands but does not lift a finger to help."
"As long as you remain stood and do nothing, people might think, 'Oh well, they're weak or what's wrong or are they covering up something?'"
"Action without action... it was better to just let nature take the lead."
"I think prayer leads to inaction in a world that requires action."
"Let's not make it an excuse for why we do nothing now. We cannot afford to sit around while they give Sacramento to the migrants and the gentrifiers and wait for reparations. That is a damn trap."
"The proud and great king now felt a weakness, heedlessness, and inaction."
"The only way to avoid criticism, Aristotle said, is to do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing."
"It's the Northern District that's supposed to take the ball from there as they should have taken the ball on so many other things yet nothing has been done."