
Taxes Quotes

There are 466 quotes

"The reaction has been incredible. The public has been shocked to learn some of the details of how the wealthiest people in this country do and do not pay their taxes."
"Governments want you to be financially uneducated because when you're financially uneducated, guess what, you are an employee and you're a consumer who pays the highest taxes."
"Your taxes is one of the most important expenses you're going to have."
"Undocumented immigrants pay $12 billion of taxes every single year."
"We have an enormous responsibility to hard-working families in this country to ensure that everyone, especially the wealthy and the powerful, pay their fair share of taxes and abide by all laws."
"You can't have it all; you can't have low taxes and have these entitlement programs and have this level of spending. It's impossible."
"There are only two things that are unavoidable in this world: the first is death, and the second is, unfortunately, taxes."
"Three things in life that's certain: Life, Death, and taxes."
"Long-term capital gains are taxed lower than short-term capital gains."
"Your stimulus check is not taxable; it's an advanced payment of a tax credit, and tax credits are not income."
"For the first seven years I started making really good money, I never paid anything in taxes."
"So many of you hate talking about taxes, but I'm going to try to make it fun, energetic, entertaining, useful, helpful, all the above."
"Here's your reminder, Americans off the internet, go do your taxes. It's important."
"I like taxes, you know. There's a cultural change that I think is long term and will actually work in the long term."
"Taxes is so nebulous that it almost nobody does a perfect tax return."
"Taxes are a major headwind in financial growth, so avoiding or minimizing the impact of taxes is extremely important."
"Did you know that taxes are going to be your single biggest expense over your lifetime?"
"A wise man once said that there are only two things that are certain in this world: death and taxes."
"There's nothing certain in life except death and taxes."
"Your taxes pay me... jokes on you, I don't pay my taxes."
"I realized that capital gains and taxes...that's when I became familiar with like investing in stocks."
"In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes."
"Taxes are very important because tax is how we fund education, how we fund the highways, roads, a lot of public services are funded through taxes."
"Death and taxes: the only two certainties in life, but only one should be something you worry about."
"It wasn't those big double-digit returns that mattered most; it was how much you can save on taxes."
"Just 15 minutes here is going to save you thousands of dollars or more at tax time."
"Real estate depreciation... is one of the best ways to avoid taxes."
"Immigrants... made paid over 300 billion all in on taxes in one of the last years, 2014."
"All of the crypto people always tell me, 'I made so and so amount of money this year and I don't got to pay taxes on it.' How do you think that's going to end up?"
"Can't cheat on my taxes like I used to, which is a real bummer."
"In the United States, federal income taxes and most state income taxes are due on April 15th."
"Insurance and property tax increases are pricing people out of their homes."
"This legislation is fully paid for with its tax increase provisions in the bill raising 1.5 trillion dollars over 10 years."
"One time he saved me because... he taught me how to pay taxes or that I had to pay taxes."
"Taxes are the price we pay for our living in our society."
"Every single person should be vocal as hell about the amount of tax that we pay."
"Somebody's going to have to come up with answers after they find that I should be tax-exempt."
"Don't be a good person for views, for money, for followers, or for recognition. Be a good person because you want to be."
"President Trump has paid zero taxes for 10 of the last 15 years."
"Trump's ability to beat the taxman is just evidence that he's smart."
"He does not pay a lot of taxes, Jeff Bezos. That's a verifiable fact."
"At the end of the day, pay your taxes, you know, pay your taxes and you know go on and live a good life. Stay off that federalist [__] as our guy Pop Smoke would say."
"I paid millions of dollars in taxes... I paid 38 million dollars one year."
"I paid millions of dollars in taxes, millions of dollars."
"I'm generally happy to pay my taxes... and if I'm not willing to record my mileage to minimize taxes, I'm definitely not willing to move to a totally different place to minimize my taxes."
"The best way to teach your children about taxes is to eat 30 percent of their ice cream."
"Obviously, there's a big debate going on about taxes, and about the need to grow the economy and to create jobs."
"It wound up at almost 19 million by the time all the taxes were paid."
"Automate your taxes with WooCommerce, ensuring you pay correctly no matter where you or your customers are."
"I used to think that paying taxes was the most patriotic thing...but now I think that the most patriotic thing that you can do is not paying your taxes."
"I guess it's all perspective, right? If you have billions of dollars and you're pissed off about paying taxes..."
"It's a revenge story where you occasionally have to file your taxes."
"Let it not be diminished, and let no one tax the people in it."
"Don't mess around with your taxes. The IRS is absolutely hip to crypto, and you better be hip to doing your taxes and telling them that you have it."
"Immigrants pay taxes and contribute to the economy."
"If you raise tax rates, you're going to try to find tax deductions, aren't you?"
"In a world where we have carbon taxes, crypto's value is negative."
"It's so easy to manage your money because you don't need a money manager and you don't need a financial planner except for your taxes right."
"The IRS won't forget and neither should you."
"Time is running out for these taxpayers; just only a three-year window to claim these refunds."
"Capital gains taxes can eat away at your profits, especially with day trading."
"Money can't bring you happiness. You know what money brought me? Tax bills, blood. That's what, and it made me have to learn bear [__] blood."
"Taxes are not a fun topic but they play a critical role in distributing power and resources through our economy."
"It's your money. I mean, the $900 billion dollars, where do you think the government gets their money from? It's your labor, the taxes you've paid, and the government just basically money printer go bur, as it were."
"The average American pays half a million dollars in lifetime taxes."
"And not for nothing, but the federal gasoline tax in European countries like Germany, the UK, and France just the tax is $2.80 a gallon!"
"So, I've done a lot of good things that I feel like we've accomplished, you know, but, and I still have to sell, figure out time to sell some to pay for my taxes that are due the rest of this year, um, for this year's gain."
"Regular people are paying so much more in taxes than the richest among us."
"There are really sensible ways of doing this. It's called paying your taxes."
"That comes the flip side of that coin is that when you have a big big huge tax bill that means you had a good year."
"Taxes are something that nobody enjoys talking about... a necessary evil."
"Paying taxes allows the country to function."
"Expect higher taxes and more government control."
"If you are an entrepreneur and in the first 45 seconds of introducing yourself you talk about how little you pay in taxes, I have a feeling you might actually not be that good of an entrepreneur."
"No one fights that vigorously to keep their taxes hidden unless there's something they don't want folks to know."
"We're tired of California being a state that is so beautiful, it has everything, but we always have to pay high taxes."
"If we do have higher taxes in the future, those assets grow tax-free."
"Just because someone is illegal or undocumented does not necessarily always mean that those people don't pay taxes."
"If you outlast a government, you won't have to pay taxes to that government."
"Managing finances, especially taxes and budgeting, can be overwhelming."
"Someone who is making $29,000 a year is going to pay an additional $1,450 in taxes for a $1,000 savings in health care costs."
"I'm paying them very soon. I want to, I don't really want to throw up but I kind of want to throw up seeing how much I have to pay this year. It's sickening."
"The only thing certain are taxes and death."
"The road that I drove on, the cops that patrol the area, the lights, the sewer system, the highway, all those things are paid via tax dollars."
"There is nothing in life that's guaranteed except for death and taxes."
"Get an accountant who will do your taxes and also ideally your bookkeeping."
"File an extension, people. An extension is okay."
"The goal isn't to say how can we pay nothing in taxes this year, the goal is to say how can we minimize our lifetime tax liability."
"I'm grateful to live in a country where my taxes pay for that kind of care."
"Compute budgets, taxes, investments, payrolls, inventory ideal for home or business."
"I love saving taxes, I love making money, I love the American dream."
"If you earn a lot of money, you also pay a lot of money in taxes too."
"Taxes are evil? They pay for things like water, roads, schools, hospitals, scientific research, police departments, fire departments."
"Taxes is one of the only certain things in life and nobody knows what they are or how you pay them it's ridiculous."
"California is so expensive, the taxes are so high, I think people are gonna leave in droves."
"There is only one bad word: taxes."
"You must understand taxes, the rich don't pay taxes."
"You have the opportunity to make some affirmative decisions about how you handle your taxes. If you make the right decisions, those can compound for months, years in the future and the benefit is huge."
"You might be asking, 'When are my taxes due as a business owner?' Well, it's set up in equal quarters: Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4."
"Taxes are evidence of tyranny, and all that. That's not totally the picture we get."
"If we can save some money on our biggest cost in our lives—taxes—it's huge."
"Master Yoda: 'What are a public income taxes? Worry not about such things, younglings.'"
"Best way to reduce stress? Pay your taxes."
"The best way to save taxes on trading, buying, selling, mining cryptocurrency is to do it in a retirement account."
"Once you rip that band-aid off, you'll never pay taxes again."
"The strategy that I gave you to help you save 300,000 taxes you have that strategy for the rest of my natural life bro feel me the rest of my natural life and it ain't no joke bro."
"I don't give a damn if you're a athlete or Entertainer or a regular person a lot of people people especially in our culture aren't financially aware of the importance of taxes."
"You are under no obligation to pay more taxes than it is legally required!"
"Decent money, right? This is the biggest wedding I ever had. It'll more than cover our tax bill."
"People aren't moving to Idaho to escape cost of living, so if you move from California to Idaho, your taxes probably went up."
"haters on YouTube are like taxes they're guaranteed"
"LLCs are considered pass through entities which means that the taxes pass through the business onto the personal tax returns of the owners."
"Dear cancer culture, aim higher. Go for the IRS. I've been saying this the whole time. It's one of the themes of this channel. Taxes are dumb, taxes are theft, they really are. Go higher. Aim higher. Come on, cancel culture, please. We can all work together on this one."
"Taxes aren't something to be scared of. The tax code is literally like the mountains full of gold, you just have to go dig a little bit and then you usually find great things."
"If you start to study financial literacy, you'll start to realize that the IRS tax code is actually a rule book that teaches you how to avoid taxes legally."
"I'm a CPA that teaches entrepreneurs how to save thousands of dollars in taxes."
"We need taxes, we're going to have to carry on paying taxes."
"With just a little bit of forethought and a game plan, you can save yourself a stack of taxes."
"I love freaking saving taxes and I love American dream so we're going to kill it today."
"...a small mistake on a tax return of a billionaire could be worth millions of dollars."
"Nobody handed you anything, you paid your taxes and being told you were fired wasn't entertainment, it was a devastating nightmare to a family."
"Retirement's going to revolve a lot around taxes and what you do in regards to taxes can help maximize your income and keep more in your pocket."
"Your taxes are going to have a huge impact on your retirement."
"Taxes are for the well-being of the population living in that particular city or a country."
"Major corporations in this country make billions in profit, don't pay a nickel in taxes. Billionaires have an effective tax rate lower than that of a truck driver or a nurse."
"Taxes do not fund government spending."
"I had to tell the IRS that my dog chewed up my rebate check, which was funny."
"If anything could bankrupt you, it's property taxes and insurance."
"It's got to give us multiple account types so that we can plan out our lives easily and avoid taxes."
"A bunch of people keep asking about and paying taxes and like y'all the money comes to me I'm the one paying the taxes."
"Nothing's forever except that you're going to pay taxes and be dead in the box at the end of this thing."
"Be careful how much money you give away, considering the gift tax."
"I never thought somebody choosing to do laundry and taxes would hit me, but it did. Props to this movie. Props to this actor, man. He gets me. He's so good."
"Roth conversions can save you an enormous amount of money in taxes over the lifetime of a portfolio."
"Doing your taxes is not a task, it's a project and a gnarly one at that."
"Return of capital is the preferred method to reduce taxes, and we always aim for net after-tax return for investors."
"How many people told you about this? How many people said, by the way, if you invest in all these different things, there's a good chance that it's actually going to get you back some of your dollars that you spent in taxes?"
"Saving taxes is fun... it is so fun to save money you know it's easier to save money than make money... So please get to the tax and legal 360 Workshop."
"It's almost like how in school we was thinking about how we never learned about what was we talking about we never learned in school, was it taxes?"
"I feel good about paying my taxes. I have bought myself civilization. That's what my taxes paid for. Your road. Paid yes. I've paid for civilization."
"Remember, this entire thing was because of taxes, man, I hate taxes."
"The good old red corsairs war cry truly is 'F*ck taxes'."
"Taxes are literally your single largest expense."
"It would be nice if it felt good to be like 'Oh, I'm helping pay for schools' and somebody's, you know, if we took a sense of pride out of paying our taxes again."
"I think a lot of Americans would be a lot happier with the taxes they're paying if they actually even felt like the government had their back."
"Filing your taxes does not have to be horrible."
"Folks, the people who pay the most taxes are the ones who work regular jobs."
"I don't want our country to go through that. That's why it's so important we keep taxes low and we do all we can to grow the economy."
"Generally speaking, the best way to avoid both ubit and udfi taxes is to simply only invest in passive income assets and to avoid active income investments."
"Real estate is one of those areas full of amazing Tax Strategies."
"Hopefully you now understand how taxes work in a cash account. I tried to explain it best I could in the proper order."
"Most people end up paying much more in taxes than they need to because they don't know where to look to lower their tax bill."
"At 75 years old, he has no taxes. That's pretty awesome."
"Why do we want to pay less taxes in a time when taxes are lower than they've ever been for you in your lifetime? It doesn't make a lot of sense."
"Jefferson had won widespread popularity during his first term by lowering taxes and signing the Louisiana Purchase."
"you can withdraw everything completely tax-free"
"The more you work the more you earn that is fundamental the more you earn the more taxes you pay and the more you would earn."
"There are ways to reduce the amount of taxes you pay of course I'm not a tax accountant so if people want to consider further ways then they should consult you know a financial advisor or you know an accountant."
"Taxes - it could be the difference between taking home thousands of dollars each month or just having hundreds."
"It's every American's god-given right to pay as little taxes as possible."
"We find it quite attractive and one thing that may surprise you but uh, we almost everybody I know pays a lot more attention to not paying taxes than I think they should."
"...I don't speak an ounce of Dutch but I was able to do it because it's just tax at the end of the day."
"I work my 9 to 5, I pay my [ __ ] taxes sometimes, but I pay enough. If anything, the government owes me money."
"Dude, taxes are just a yearly subscription to the country that you live in."
"For the federal government, spending comes first and the taxes come later."
"Even if you're part of the working class, you still have to pay taxes."
"Until this comes out, IRS please don't look into my finances."
"The easiest money you're ever going to make is the money you do not spend and you don't have to pay taxes on it."
"If governments with currency sovereignty can't run out of money and don't require taxes to finance federal spending, then what is the purpose of taxes? Why do we need taxes at all?"
"That letter brought me back to Earth oh my God this part of my life is called paying taxes."
"I have to be careful because the market's going down recently, and I have to pay 22 taxes to the government at the end of the year."
"I just feel like there's better use of our tax dollars than this."
"Through the ruler, taxes collected, enemies are fought, roadways are protected, and the rights of the weak are taken from the strong till the Virtuous enjoys peace and is allowed protection from the oppression of the wicked."
"Americans would be over the moon to pay taxes and get health care covered. Don't have to think about it—just pay your taxes."
"Americans would be ecstatic... to pay taxes that we know what they're going towards—our health care."
"Americans pay their taxes because they believe their system to be legitimate."
"Tonight is about death, tonight is about taxes, tonight is about tables, but most of all, tonight is about war."
"...the number one mistake I'm seeing investors make in today's market: they're getting so focused on saving tax dollars that they are neglecting their investment returns."
"...I've paid almost nothing in taxes while getting double-digit returns in my real estate portfolio."
"In Belize we have no estate tax we have no capital gains tax property taxes are typically about one to one point five percent of the assessed value of just the land so no structure so you're going to be shocked when you get your property tax bill in a really good way."
"They're 565. Oh, but I think with taxes that counts."
"I'm interested in getting the money back for the government."
"Paying a little bit more taxes today could mean paying little or no taxes at all in the future."
"Carlton is here to give us all the free game we need when it comes to legally lowering our tax liability."
"So, tell me about filing federal taxes. Alright, now I gotta do my state."
"It's just easier because in order to report their I bond interest and pay taxes on that interest annually they would have to figure out the amount of I bond interest earned every year on their own."
"If you still want to pay your taxes on I bond interest every year this is doable."
"When you pay your taxes to the U.S treasury that money is actually destroyed they don't have a bank account a lot of people don't know this."
"Nothing is permanent apart from taxes, by the way. It's so true."
"There's always people that are like 'oh I read this thing on the internet I was doing research you don't have to pay your taxes literally the last three guys that told me that are in prison so if you're watching this, I told you so, pay your taxes.'"
"I definitely would get a big tattoo across my whole back, that said 'taxes,' if it meant I didn't have to pay another dime."
"So every time you open up MyTax, your salary or wages should already be pre-filled."
"It's just taxes but it's good on the good days."
"Your biggest bill is taxes, not your kids, not your wife, not your girl—taxes."
"Tribute and taxes, that's what it would look like. Stuff would be going in and some stuff would be coming out, and it's the same, it's the right scale."
"Here's what I want you to walk away with: You can still save a ton of money in taxes even if you're not the top one percent income earner."
"A percentage of that can count as a tax write-off."
"Retirement accounts can actually help you to save money on taxes when used correctly."
"These taxes will not affect the vast majority."
"To use your RRSP to its full potential you want to make sure that you're using it to defer your taxes to a time where your income and the taxes you'd be paying on that income is lower actually saving you money over your lifetime."