
Cultural Understanding Quotes

There are 470 quotes

"You have to educate your parents, no matter if they don't want to hear it. You have to be consistent with it, inshallah one day Allah will open their heart."
"In order to know your own country, you have to live in another one."
"You cannot teach a child you do not culturally understand."
"Decolonization doesn't specifically refer to European influence... It also doesn't refer to just any kind of influence."
"I believe that if we can understand the values behind culture, we can understand people better, accept them for who they are, and where they're coming from."
"Having that basic respect and being able to say, 'I don't understand but I'm going to follow your traditions,' because it comes at no cost to me, I think that that is a valuable quality."
"The more languages we speak, the more identities we can flow in and out of."
"You have to know how Japanese people express an idea first, not translate your English thoughts into Japanese."
"The only way to really understand a country is to visit it and, in particular, to spend time there—not just a few days, not even just a few weeks, but to spend a few years living in that country."
"Never conflate China as a national entity with its current politics, never conflate the Chinese people with the politics of right now."
"Language is crucial to understanding a culture... language tells you a lot about mannerism about assumptions."
"It's not just about learning the language; it's about understanding the culture and connecting on a deeper level."
"The joy of consuming art, like games or films or reading books, is this weird sensation of like, 'I'm understood.'"
"A society that values social cohesion and cultural understanding is stronger and more unified."
"The disdain you have for anthropology, the attitude you have towards other cultures... you are the real Barbarian."
"I try to be as humble and open to understanding all cultures and lifestyles."
"As a Korean-American, I can't preface enough how important it is to know the language to actually understand and fully appreciate the full context of the culture."
"At Black History 365, our goal is to equip our nation's inhabitants and the world at large with a more thorough, candid, and interwoven understanding of African American history and realities within the American and world historical context."
"Cultural relativism views a culture through their own lens, avoiding judgment based on one's own cultural standards."
"It is so important for the people of America and the West to begin to understand the cultures of the world."
"Once you individually know someone of a different culture, it's impossible to take that bigotry back out in the world."
"Americans need to understand who the Chinese are historically."
"Always relating it to the places and peoples that we know and love."
"The Chinese understand that Africans are human beings."
"Islam is extremely understanding and caring and empathetic much more than the West realizes."
"Humans have commonalities of experience, no matter the culture."
"People are not different from one another. Similarities between people of different cultures are far greater than the differences."
"It's misleading and ignorant to call my art anti-China or racist."
"Before making this video I only had a surface understanding of your country and the basic academic fact but when I actually visited your country it was likeo it's a whole universe of complicated Beauty."
"The sheer fact remains that the vast majority of Muslims... just want to live peacefully."
"Travel is not about hitting a number, it's about understanding the world myself and others."
"I think we can all learn a lot from people's different beliefs and how they understand the world."
"There are no savage or civilized people, there are only different cultures."
"Politics is downstream Englisher, he understood culture."
"Trying to understand other people and making connections, even in foreign films, is a thrill."
"It’s great to have a series that is about overcoming the challenges of understanding other beings and finding common ground, even when its not always convenient."
"History is much more than a collection of facts; history and our understanding of it tells us who we are as a people."
"If we are to build a culture of affirmative and enthusiastic consent, it’s critical to understanding the ethics of looking."
"You shouldn't fear the Russian soul, you should want to be friends with the Russian soul."
"We have to have multiple mythologies multiple ways of conceiving of time."
"We have to learn how to walk in China's shoes, and that doesn't mean that we're better than China. It means we have to understand China."
"Du Bois, like all great intellectuals, gave us the vocabulary to explain ourselves to ourselves."
"Let's make a distinction between Islam as a doctrine and Muslims as fellow human beings who are incredibly diverse."
"Westerners don't understand things about Japan, but that hypothesis itself is mistaken."
"Football being such a universal thing that's something we can all understand."
"Only those who understand that understand Rammstein."
"For me, I would like to see if in a school like that, for them, the thing about hiring new educators who are of color that do understand this."
"Religious studies involves both kind of hearing what people say and taking them very seriously when they explain their own religion and then also being critical."
"Travel increases your ability to understand the world."
"For someone who's a worshipper of Durga, there are far lesser cultural and conceptual barriers for them to understand the highest dharma."
"This isn't just fun and interesting; it also helps us to understand cultures around the world and gives us a little insight into what makes humans the way we are."
"Never ever judge an ancient society by modern standards."
"It's always interesting navigating the different military cultures."
"Learning a language is an opportunity to understand the culture."
"Jesus wasn't a Gentile; he wasn't a Westerner. He was a Jew."
"You just gotta hear the perspective of people from other countries."
"Culture is a lot less about race and more about where you find yourself."
"If you really want to solve a different culture, you want to go upstream from culture."
"You can have brothers who are doing crazy things at home I.E in the United States but when they when they when they go overseas they still know how to act properly they they understand what it means to be decent even if they're acting indecently."
"Black people you can touch my hair, my own people get a pass they do."
"This album is the results of that healing process, and it's like... like I'm not telling you not to interpret the album in whatever way works best for you, but I don't think you can talk about this album in its true form if you are not a black man."
"As uncomfortable as it may be to witness... it's important to remember where Hasidic Jews come from and how they came to be."
"If history were written from the perspective of enslaved Africans... our understanding of US history would be vastly different."
"Understanding cultural values and belief in democracy is crucial for resilience against disinformation and propaganda."
"Traveling is one of the best ways to learn about other cultures, and it's important to respect them too."
"One of the like effective ways is just to talk and kind of help teach them about why some of the things they believe or say or think are wrong..."
"He understood Wales better than we understand ourselves."
"If those people read books that were different from their own perspectives, this world would be a more understanding place."
"Everybody in the Muslim world has the same understanding because that's how language operates."
"Essentially the Chinese are not only power-centric nation, it's a historical-centric nation."
"Understanding others and the other nations will help you become whole." - Uncle Iroh
"The roots of the myth go deep to a time before history when stories like this were the way that people made sense of themselves and their past."
"We found our common humanity...people who don't look or sound like us or believe the same things we do."
"Speaking like a native isn't just about pronunciation. It's about understanding the culture and nuances of the language."
"MacArthur understood that the Japanese expected brutality and opted for a firm but fair stance."
"Look for accurate sources and talk to people who have actually been to the country."
"Learning a language will change your life. It will give you a better mind. It will stretch your understanding of the world."
"Hinduism isn't just a religion, it's a way of life."
"Learning even the basics of this fascinating and ancient religion gives us an insight into the worldview of over a billion people."
"Dave had a moment where it became clear to him that his white audience wasn't getting the joke."
"When you meet someone of a different culture, you begin to realize what your own beliefs really are."
"There's a huge difference between having an appreciation for a culture and having a fetish for culture."
"Understanding humor in English is a sign of fluency."
"Understanding our neighbor's history is important."
"Even uncontacted tribes... can't be held accountable by some natural disposition."
"The fear of Russia, that fear is generated from ignorance. You're afraid of that which you don't know and you don't understand."
"We cannot understand the culture of woke without understanding the context in which it was born."
"Anybody who reads an 18th-century document expecting it to reflect the views and opinions of the 21st century has to be clinically insane."
"You become rich when you travel and learn about people's culture."
"I think the Chinese are the closest to giving us an understanding of how this really works."
"Having greater understanding of language will help relations between countries a lot more."
"By drawing on the shared cultural knowledge between developers and players, games can bridge the gap of communication and allow for a more immersive experience."
"I just want more Muslims to be fair and reasonable and merciful and compassionate."
"Why is it that we assume that everyone must speak our language instead of learning to speak theirs?"
"Black folks know that there's a certain astuteness that we have."
"Understanding that culture is how you're going to understand the geopolitical conflict."
"You need to look at Soulja Boy, realize they understand something you don't."
"Celebration is not the same thing as tolerance."
"Humor doesn't have to be derogatory; it's a sign of understanding and safety."
"First conceptual category... who are Africans to other people."
"It Ain't Easy to figure out what is going on in a very different culture and in a very different political system."
"I hope to humanize the Afrikaner people and show that they're not just these statistics."
"Culture is just the result of us making sense of the world."
"Living abroad makes you more empathetic and compassionate for others."
"I get the confederacy. You know, they lost the war. I get it, whatever. But like other people, it's like, dude, people who lived... I mean, look at us. People like George Washington..."
"The dilemmas of white America is you got to put yourself in black America's shoes. You have to sympathize with them and empathize with them."
"Why can't we understand that it is Art and then respect the basic aspects of it? Don't you want to learn more about it?"
"Anglo-Saxon life wouldn't have been as bleak and horrible as the phrase 'Dark Ages' leads us to believe."
"Travel can humanize our world and give us a better understanding of the challenges that come with globalization."
"Using ancient technology as a window into the Indus culture."
"It's not about owning the Supreme t-shirt, it's about the concept of understanding the culture."
"Stop applying standards from the modern time onto the medieval period."
"Media representation is a powerful tool to shape cultural understanding."
"You have to understand the cultural moment, you have to understand the thinking at the time."
"Closing the gap: bridging cultures through love and understanding."
"Reality TV and Vlogs are great for learning slang and different accents."
"Reading Lawrence has taught me much about risks and challenges of trying to intervene in a culture that is so alien to your own."
"So, we have a hard time understanding a strong state, but the one thing that we all need is we do need China to get through this, and we do need China... It is the factory of the world."
"It'd be misleading to think of this as a single unified culture, but rather a group of related cultures..."
"I hope we find respect and resonance with the world."
"When we reject the single story, we regain a kind of paradise."
"The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete."
"There is a broader, more beautiful sound beyond the narrow bands of right-wing radio."
"Research into this ancient practice is helping us to understand the danger still haunting the world today."
"You don't have to like everything but if you attempt to empathize watching media created by people from different backgrounds can be a great way to learn about an experience that's different from your own."
"For viewers living in a different culture, their satisfying resolution would usually fit their cultural and traditional framework better."
"An artifact is a history lesson in physical form."
"Canadians and Americans have no trouble understanding each other. Very easy for me to understand Americans."
"You can't judge without understanding, that's why I love travel."
"Some things are societal norms for a reason."
"An average Yoruba that is smart enough knows what is going on."
"Stories are told again and again, and from their shape, we build our understanding of the world."
"The only scary thing is you don't know and you don't understand, but you know, get to know different people, get to find out a bit about them."
"First time catching you guys, thanks for changing my mind and giving me a more nuanced view of China."
"It's a lovely example of how languages don't just give you sounds and ways to communicate, it's a whole new way of thinking."
"It just changed my understanding of like black people."
"When we chalk everything up to, 'that's their culture,' we have removed any and all responsibility of our government and 20 years of context we, as the media, are also responsible for."
"To anybody who can, go overseas for any length of time and live somewhere and try to understand others."
"If they were trying to explain Hinduism, they failed. If they were trying to show the world is one and there are many beautiful places in the world and we should appreciate them and have mutual respect, then yes."
"You really can't piss uh the Hindu religion off they're very peaceful very kind they're very like they're one of those people who like to like listen you out first and then like you know tell you what the [__] is up."
"Love is an objective truth, recognized despite differences in language or culture."
"This story is weird, or what? I mean, we all know that sailors have to have respect for the sea, right?"
"Black women want to feel like they can be with somebody that understands their struggle."
"How do you recognize all the influences, all the references, or the historical context of a work of media if you aren't fully part of that culture?"
"The urns which date back between 800 and 1350 a.d are helping archaeologists better understand the funerary and burial customs."
"The best way to learn one's own language is to learn foreign languages."
"Important rewriting of our understanding of culture and history."
"I think that we realize... we're in a good moment right now in terms of even secular people like they can kind of understand the problem of multiplicity."
"The human story is a lot deeper, a lot richer, and a lot more complicated and complex than it previously assumed."
"Acceptance when it comes to difference, even if it's race, if it's language, if it's culture, it doesn't really matter."
"Learning a different language gives you a different way to see the world."
"Understanding another culture requires immersion."
"Talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. Talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart."
"The sagas were written to help the Vikings make sense of a bewildering new world..."
"These discoveries are helping experts better understand the everyday lives of the region's past societies."
"If people can get past that little one-inch barrier on the bottom of their screen right opened themselves up to a world of cinema correct."
"Understanding China requires grassroots level insights."
"People tend to think that someone who is not from their own tradition must have very very different values, but if you talk to them, you'll find out they actually probably believe a lot of the same things you do on most day-to-day issues."
"Mythology is not religion, however, mythology, more often than not, is constructed to explain, understand and memorize ritual behavior."
"The aim is to raise understanding, mutual understanding and respect between different traditions, moving away from the simplistic polemics that so often characterizes online discussion."
"If people traveled more and read more about history, they would realize how artificial that really is."
"The Chinese people understand the historical legacy of Western imperialism."
"We've always been a peace-loving culture... why then would we address another culture or even a nation-state as an enemy?"
"You gotta know the past, you know what we talk about in the present."
"If anyone came away from this film filled with the inside that will repression and total self-control are the only answer to individual freedom, I would be highly surprised."
"Uptown Funk became a classic the moment it was released, not because it sounded like the things that came before it, but because it understood what that sound was for."
"Understanding the origins of your culture has just helped to bring people together."
"Just because you acknowledge that races have differences, it's not contrary to Islam."
"This makes it clear just how important expanding our worldview can be when it comes to confronting our own prejudices or lack of experience."
"It is dumb to live in a country and not understand the culture."
"America is over 200 years old and it's about time that America matured enough to stop calling indigenous people in this red quarter of mother earth lousy names and to stop behaving badly to each other."
"Understanding the differences is what makes life more interesting."
"You should have learned his language by now, you idiots!"
"Who sets the standard for what is considered primitive?... Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it's weird."
"To experience the other is to unlearn in order to learn."
"Tolerance essentially says I have the truth, you are in error, but I will generously indulge you in your right to be wrong."
"We don't understand where we are and how we got there. That's why we keep losing people."
"It's important to differentiate between historical truths and modern beliefs."
"Once you start peeling back the layers of ancestral story around the world...our ancestors' stories of origins completely dovetail with their understanding of who we are as a species."
"I choose to wear the hijab so I follow the command of God. They hope to dispel what they call negative stereotypes about Muslim women. Hijab is 100 percent my choice."
"We always say the reason why we are different... is because we understand the language and watch it."
"One is Veggie filling with like stir-fry kalu, I think so you mean to tell me you took the time to get the food then do research on the culture and pronunciation and nobody corrected you, nobody at all?"
"You don't understand anything about your new girl's culture if you are not from that country."
"I like the fact that people acknowledge the differences between different cultures... we can be friends and we can be the same."
"Practical answer: get out of London get out of the Guardian headquarters get out of the universities talk to people in towns like Preston or Harrogate or Swindon or Peterborough."
"I just think it's perfectly possible to make a Humane case for demographic realism you don't need to demonize another person's culture to to to to say that it is not the same as ours."
"This exceptional discovery will help archaeologists understand the evolution of burial practices in ancient Egypt."
"I don't want to go tell someone else what they believe, I want to ask and I want to hear how they would say it."
"Living a rather people blamed women but then again we have to understand."
"Proximity cultural overlap shouldn't be a measure for the strength of kinship once the wrongs have been committed."
"If you want to understand just make an effort and look into the essentials of this country."
"You can't define a religion or a human community by just concentrating on their extremes."
"Shouldn't we understand what we celebrate, the reason why we do the things we do?"
"It's interesting how when a conversation is about Islam we focus on that five percent instead of the 95 of what Islam is about." - Jake
"You cannot be so ignorant and just dismiss how they view the world or how they see things."
"One of those things that we have to understand in the West is the meaning of mass, how important that is and the ability to keep on going no matter the attrition."
"Cultural capital makes you stand out from the crowd and socially more mobile."
"These are all tactical errors that US made but to your points are if India had gone in there i mean look we speak that language we understand you somebody can speak dhari."
"Traveling to different countries, seeing different cultures is going to give you so much respect."
"People don't fully understand the depth and breadth of everyone's American Experience."